Assessed Establish Indicators 1 7 that Objectives are Being Achieved 5 6 Page 12.102.4 Table 1. “Steps in Plan3”1. Identify constituents and survey needs for future graduates of the program2. Locate and review mission statements ‚ University ‚ College ‚ Department (consider revision if necessary)3. Define Objectives ‚ consistent with mission(s
Students in Problem and Project Based Education (2008): n. pag. Web. 5. R. M. Felder, “Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education,” Journal of College Science Teaching, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 286-290, 1993. 6. R. M. Felder and L. K. Silverman, “ Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education,” Engineering Education, vol. 78, no. 7, pp. 74-681, 1988. 7. S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPetro, M. C. Lovett, and M K. Norman, How Learning Works 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching, San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 8. T. A. Litzinger, L. R. Lattuca, R. G. Hadgraft, and W. C. Newstetter, “Engineering and the Development of Expertise
inventory management; material requirements planning; just intime practices; and maintenance and reliability. This course is designed to provide students witha brief introduction to these topics so that they can better choose which areas they wish to pursuein more depth later in the program.At program inception in the 1970’s, all courses were taught in traditional classroom settings. Inthe l990’s the program experimented with distance delivery through the use of VHS tapedlectures, and the Introduction to Operations Management course was the first to be delivered inthis format. Driven by improving educational technology, course content delivery moved fromVHS tapes to CDs, and eventually to fully online courses. As the distance component of the
Modernisation Project Vignette § Singapore Water Management Vignette § FAA Advanced Automation System (AAS) Vignette § Standard Korean Light Transit System Vignette References:1. Pyster, A., D. Olwell, J. Anthony, S. Enck, N. Hutchison, and A. Squires, eds.; Ferris, T. lead author (2011, December 15). Graduate reference curriculum for systems engineering (GRCSE) version
future is... beyond modular. The Technology Teacher, 56(7), 28-29.11 Virtual Machine Shop. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2011, from Smith, R. (2007). Virtual machine shop. Retrieved August 8, 2007, from Bugeja, M. (2007, September 14). Second thoughts about Second Life. Retrieved June 21, 2008, from Volk, K. S. (1993, Spring). Enrollment trends in industrial arts/technology teacher education from 1970-1990.15 Rogers, G. (1998). Concerns about technology education laboratories. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 35(3), 97-10016 Rogers, G. E. (1996). The untapped resource. Journal of
Negative SAT-V Negative Negative Negative SAT-M Negative Positive PositiveBibliography1. Takahira, S., Goodings, D., and Byrnes, B., “Retention and Performance of Male and Female Engineering Students: An Examination of Academic and Environmental Variables,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 88, 1998, pp. 297-304.2. Ohland, Matthew W., Sharon A.Frillaman, Guili Zhang, Catherine E. Brawner, and Thomas K. Miller. “The Effect of an Entrepreneurship Program on GPA and Retention.” Journal of Engineering Education, Oct. 2004, pp. 293-301.3. Lackey, L., Lackey, W., Grady, H., Davis, M
, Furterer, S., Rabelo, L., Crumpton-Young, L., Williams, K., Enhancing the Undergraduate Industrial Engineering Curriculum, Defining Desired Characteristics and Emerging IE Topics, (in press 2007), Journal of Education + Training,[2] Evans, J. and Lindsay, M. (2002). “The Management and Control of Quality.” Fifth Edition. South-Western Thomson Learning.[3] National Academy of Engineering, (2003), The Engineering of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC.[4] Seagle, E., Iverson, M. (2002). “Characteristics of the Turfgrass Industry in 2020: A Delphi Study with
his/her advisor and the undergraduate coordinator prior to completing the sequence. International Experience Options: The University of Pittsburgh provides a wide spectrum of options that may be used to satisfy the international experience. These options are sponsored directly through Pitt’s Office of Study Abroad as well as offered by Pitt affiliated institutions. All of the School of Engineering’s programs may be used as a technical elective. Specific examples include: •Term(s) abroad or exchanges including Global E3, SIP (Germany) •International co-op or internship including IAESTE internship •Integrated Field Trip Abroad (IFTA); e.g., Plus3, INNOVATE or EMPOWER •International design course/experience. •Engineers Without Borders (EWB) or
knowledge into the domain of healthsystems.A careful review of the current ISE curriculum reveals the following facts: (i) ISE knowledge isbuilt in large on manufacturing systems, (ii) the majority of examples in textbooks are based onmanufacturing systems, (iii) very few universities have health systems concentration in their ISEprograms, and (iv) there is no good textbook(s) generalizing ISE tools in health systems. Whilemany researchers and practitioners have been successfully applying ISE tools to modeling andoptimizing health systems, there is a gap between the healthcare industry needs and academiccourse settings. For examples, although lean and six-sigma have been widely adopted andimplemented in the healthcare settings to reduce wastes and
Conference & Exposition. 5. Mayes, Terry S., and John K. Bennet. “ABET Best Practices: Results from Interviews with 27 Peer Institutions.” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. 6. Petersen, Owe, Stephen Williams, and Eric Durant. “Understanding ABET Objectives and Outcomes.” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. 7. Younis, Nashwan. “Establishing and Assessing Educational Objectives for Engineering Programs.” Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
million dollars in external funding every year. Dr. Srihari has published over 325 technical papers in leading peer-reviewed journals and at conferences, and authored over 950 technical reports. He has directed and graduated over 175 graduate students, both at the MS and the PhD level.Sarah Lam, State University of New York, Binghamton Sarah S. Lam is an Associate Professor in the Systems Science and Industrial Engineering Department at the State University of New York at Binghamton. She is an Assistant Director of the Watson Institute for Systems Excellence at Binghamton. She received a B.A. (HONS) degree in quantitative analysis for business from the City University of Hong Kong, an M.S
other things.The down side is that students would never learn from the mistakes, in fact they would not evenrealize they made a mistake punching something on the calculator. This is an important aspect,but when calculators were first allowed (replacing slide rules and logarithmic tables), there wereperhaps such similar arguments!Bibliography1. G. Moses, B. Ingham, K. Barnicle, J. Blanchard, J. Cheetham, S. Courter, E. DeVos, M. Immendorf, M.Litzkow, G. Svarovsky and A.Wolf, “Effective Teaching with Technology”, 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in EducationConference (session T1G), 2006.2. R.E. Walpole, R.H. Myers, S.L. Myers and K. Ye, “Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists”, 7thedition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
States: Stagnation versus Change.” Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.2. Batty, J. Clair, and Mayuree Thespol. “Engineering Education in Asia – the Thailand Example.” Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.3. De Bon, S., D. Wolfe, J.-Y. Chagnon, and W.G. Paterson. “Engineering Accreditation in Canada and Its Current Challenges.” Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.4. Dorato, Peter, and Chaouki Abdallah. “A Survey of Engineering Education Outside the United States: Implications for the Ideal Engineering Program. J. of
of 1. Transportation Engineering ITennessee- catoid=1&catoid=1&navoid=104Knoxville &filter%5Bitem_type%5D=3&filt 2. Transportation Engineering II er%5Bonly_active%5D=1&filter %5B3%5D=1&filter%5Bcpage% 5D=9#acalog_template_course_fil ter Civil Engineering29.Texas A&M 1. Transportation EngineeringUniversity 10_ug_catalog/course_description s/index.htm Civil engineering
of maturity and responsibility. Students were provided withall the sufficient SAP software manual as well as one example problem that was assigned as aterm project.For Grading purposes, SAP Project constitute 10% of the overall grade, and on average casestudy analysis, exam(s), quizzes, class discussion and homework include 20%, 40%, 10%, 10%and 10% of the term grade, respectively.II. Simulation gameThe goal of the instructors in this study was to integrate lean concepts into the supply chainmanagement course and facilitate better understanding of the course material for the students. Asdescribed earlier, evaluating literature and analyzing the benefits of the other existing games,TimeWise Simulation was selected as the supplementary
1509 Historian.Research Projects:Undergraduate research can, among other things, attract students to graduate school throughincreasing their enthusiasm for research; encourage undergraduates to view education s morerelevant for their future lives; and help minority or non-traditional students to identify moreclosely with the institution. [3]While many faculty members believe that only graduate students can engage in research that ismeaningful to them, a program at Maryland for first-year chemistry students, for example,provides them the opportunity to solidify their commitment to the discipline and becomevaluable research assistants while still undergraduates. Some of these same students have
courses into areas of competency. Page 11.954.2• Reorganize elective courses (IE and non-IE) into domain areas.• Introduce elective course(s) in other application areas (e.g., service processes, financial engineering, health care management, etc.)• Introduce a focused design project in various application domains.Description of changesChanges in the non-major courses from other departments in the College of EngineeringThe old curriculum required that the students take the following non-major courses in thecollege. a) Introduction to Engineering Design (ED &G 100) 3 Credits b) Computer Programming for
. Besterfield-Sacre, M., L.J. Shuman, H. Wolfe, C. Atman, J. McGourty, R.L. Miller, B.M. Olds and G.M. Rogers, "Defining the Outcomes: A Framework for EC-2000," IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2000, pp. 100-110.5. Davis, D., M. Trevisan, S. Beyerlein, O. Harrison, and P. Thompson, "Engineering Capstone Design Course Assessments: Assessment Framework and Instruments," Transferable Integrated Design Engineering Education (TIDEE), 2007. Page 25.725.10
/DrSalimian: Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (2000). How people learn. Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington DC: National Academy Press.6. Creswell, J. W. (2005). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Pentice Hall.7. Goodlad, S. (1998) , Mentoring and Tutoring by Students, Psychology Press8. Falchikov, N. (2002) Learning Together: Peer Tutoring in Higher Education, Routledge9. Salimian, M., & Mahmud, Y. (2012.).10. Bransford et al., 200011. Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research. Journal of Engineering Education, 1.12. Bransford et al., 2000Appendix ASome Guidelines
Industrial and Operations Engineering from The University of Michigan, and the A.B. degree in Engineering Science from Dartmouth College.Dr. Laura Stanley, Montana State University - BozemanProf. Nicholas Ward, Montana State University Professor Nicholas Ward (F. Erg. S) obtained his Ph.D. in Human Factors psychology from Queen’s University (Canada). He is currently a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Montana State University and a Senior Research Scientist in the Center for Health and Safety Culture at the Western Transportation Institute. Professor Ward has led interdisciplinary and international research consortia to study traffic safety research including intelligent transportation systems, driver
, 2009, pp. 819-827. 2. Caldwell, J.E., “Clickers in the Large Classroom: Current Research and Best-Practice Tips,” Life Sciences Education, 6(1), 2007, pp. 9-20. 3. Fies, C. and J. Marshall, “Classroom Response Systems: A Review of the Literature,” Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(1), 2006, pp. 101-109. 4. Patterson, B., J. Kilpatrick, and E. Woebkenberg, “Evidence for Teaching Practice: The Impact of Clickers in a Large Classroom Environment,” Nurse Education Today, 30(7), 2010, pp. 603-607. 5. Karaman, S., “Effects of Audience Response Systems on Student Achievement and Long-Term Retention,” Social Behavior and Personality, 39(10), 2011 pp. 1431-1440. 6. Black
Professors AAUP. Contingent Appointments and the Academic Profession, AAUP Policy 10th Edition, 2006, (Accessed September 2011).4. Daryl G., Smith D G., Turner C.S., Osei-Kofi N., Richards S. “Interrupting the Usual: Successful Strategies for Hiring Diverse Faculty”. The Journal of Higher Education, 75:2, March/April 2004.5. Kezar A.J., Sam C. “Understanding the New Majority of Non Tenure Track Faculty in Higher Education: Demographics, Experiences, and Plans of Action”. ASHE Higher Education Report, 36, November 2010.6. Waltman J., Hollenshead C., August L., Miller J., Bergom I. “Contingent Faculty in a Tenure Track World”. Center for the Education of Women, University of
this ‘cycle’ in other ASEE publications. Page 25.221.9APPENDIX B : Sample Spreadsheet for Collecting Data STUDENT # X T Q M RUBRIC: FLUID MECHANICS RUBRIC BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC COURTESY OF W. S. U. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WA. 99164. LIKERT SCALE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION : 5 4 3 2 1 1 Break down all barriers. √ 2 Create consistency of purpose with a plan. √ 3 Adopt the new philosophy of quality. √ 4 Establish high Standards. √ 5 Establish Targets / Goals
topics –thereby making the structure of the lecture more interesting in the process. This is exhibited inTable 3. Table 3: Causes of failures with Examples Important causes of failures Example(s) 1 Failure in communication Challenger space shuttle disaster, Airline accidents ( Tenerife airport disaster) 2 Quality related failures BP oil spill, Therac 25 (the computerized radiation therapy machine) 3 Failure in leadership Exxon Valdez Oil Spill - Joseph Hazelwood, the person selected to be the ships leader, consumed
34(435-439).6. Kephart K., Villa E., Gates A., and Roach S. (2007). The affinity research group model: Creating and maintaining dynamic, productive and inclusive research groups. Computer Science Department. The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas.7. Kirkpatrick, D.L. (1998a). Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels. Berrett- Koehler Publishers. 2nd Edition.8. Kirkpatrick, D.L. (1998b). Another Look at Evaluating Training Programs. American Society for Training & Development.9. Lopatto, D. (2003). The essential features of undergraduate research. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 24(139-142).10. Morrison, Kathryn L. and Carol Sue Marshall. (2003) “Universities and Public Schools: Are We
Department at Purdue University and the AcademicSustainability Team at Delta College. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the NSF or the partner institutions.References 1 National Academy of Engineering (NAE). “Grand Challenges for Engineering.” Washington, D.C., February 15, 2008. 2 “Brundtland Commission Report World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future, (1987)” (accessed December 22, 2008). 3 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Science, Research & Technology
Economics: • Interest rate formulas • Decision making using Net Present Value Probability and Statistics: • Random variables • Means, variances, and standard deviations • Addition and multiplication laws of probability • Random variables • Conditional probabilities • Distribution and density functions Operations Research: • Decision variables • Objective functions • Optimal solution(s) • Linear programs • Integer programs • Average wait in a queue • Average Length of a queue Production Planning and Control: • Forecasting • Economic Order Quantities and Newsboy Models
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the National Science Foundation Industry/UniversityCooperative Research Centers Program grant number IIP-0733386.References1. Needy, K., L., Ingalls, R. G., Mason, S., Hunsaker, B., Norman, B. A., Gokhan, N. M., Cornejo, M., “Design for Supply Chain – A Collaborative Research Project Between Institutions and Between Centers,” submitted to Industrial Engineering Research Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2008.2. Gökhan, N. M., “Development of a Simultaneous Design for Supply Chain Process for the Optimization of the Product Design and Supply Chain Configuration Problem,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, December 2007.3. Ingalls, R.G., B.L. Foote and A. Krishnamoorthy. “Reducing the Bullwhip Effect in