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Displaying all 26 results
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for the Global Workplace, Competency, and a Successful Career
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stacy S. Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University; Alanna Walker, Clemson University
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AC 2011-1072: DEFINING GLOBAL COMPETENCE FOR ENGINEER-ING STUDENTSStacy S Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University Stacy Klein-Gardner is the Director of STEM Outreach for Peabody College and the School of Engineer- ing at Vanderbilt University. She is also an associate professor of the practice of biomedical engineering, teaching & learning, and radiological sciences.Alanna Walker, Clemson University Page 22.420.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Defining Global Competence for Engineering StudentsAbstractIn this study, we collected the opinions of
Conference Session
Global Engineering Models: Curriculum Development, Improvements, and Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jian Yu, Auburn University and Tsinghua University, China; Chetan S. Sankar, Auburn University
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AC 2011-2010: IMPROVING ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN DEVEL-OPING COUNTRIES: A STUDYJian Yu, Auburn University, USA; Tsinghua University, P.R.China Researcher, Tsinghua Center for Leadership Development and Research; Postdoctor, School of Eco- nomics & Management,Tsinghua Univ, Beijing P.R.China,100084 Visiting scholar, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama US 36849 Research Areas: Resources Integration, Strategy & Planning of Regional Economy, Chinese Type Enterprise Management Science.Chetan S Sankar, Auburn University Chetan S. Sankar is a Professor of Management at Auburn University. He has received more than two million dollars from ten National Science Foundation grants to develop exceptional instructional
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for the Global Workplace, Competency, and a Successful Career
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yi Shen, Purdue University; Brent K. Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Yating Chang, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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programsmake appropriate links and project meaningful pathways for students from the advancement ofcultural orientation to the development of global competency.This study examines the extent of current engineering students’ awareness and potentialacceptance of cultural similarities and differences. We conducted survey assessment using theMiville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale short form (MGUDS-S) to measure and compareorientation toward diversity among four groups of engineering student populations, includingthose entering three different types of global engineering programs and a baseline population offirst-year engineering students. We proposed and tested a set of research hypotheses for multiplegroup comparisons of MGUDS-S results, including
Conference Session
International Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alireza Rahrooh, Daytona State College ; Robert De la Coromoto Koeneke, Daytona State College; Walter W. Buchanan, Texas A&M University
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difference between the system set point value and the systemoutput. The controller output signal is Proportional to: the error, the Integral of the error, andthe Derivative of the error. The PID has the following form3: 1 u( s) K[1 Td s] (1) Ti swhere K is the proportional gain, Ti is the integral time, and Td is the derivative time. There aretimes when the derivative portion of the PID controller is not needed for satisfactory systemcontrol. A PI controller is capable to provide satisfactory control for first order systems.However, higher order systems are controlled via PID controller. The system to be controlled inthis paper is third
Conference Session
International Experience, Effective Instruction, and Student Exchange Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Braun Riggins, Virginia Tech; Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech
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(IFDP)in 2005 to train faculty to internationalize university‟s curricula. Second author represented theCollege of Engineering on the first cohort of IFDP which included 13 faculty from variouscolleges and co-authored cohort‟s report that included various recommendations tointernationalize curricula [1]. Second author initiated various activities, beginning in 2005,targeted at internationalizing the freshman engineering program (also called General Engineering(GE)). A major grant under the Department-Level Reform (DLR) program of the NationalScience Foundation facilitated implementation of various international activities into freshmanengineering program, particularly into a first semester engineering course “EngineeringExploration EngE1024” [2
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Developments, Exchanges, and Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sowmya Narayanan, VIT University; Muniratnam Adithan, VIT University, Vellore; Robert C. Creese, West Virginia University
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itself to the21st Century Learning Skills. The Academic Staff College encourages innovation and creativityamong its faculty and supports the introduction of new pedagogical methods and new learningapproaches in delivering instruction. It has positioned itself as a forerunner to bring about theparadigm shift from “teaching to learning.” New initiatives with particular reference to WIPRO‟s Project 1, an academia industrypartnership between WIPRO, a global IT and Engineering Enterprise and VIT University hasproduced a metamorphosis in the teaching learning process at the University. Individual learninghas been replaced with collaborative and group learning; lectures have been complemented withrole play, simulation, word games and group
Conference Session
Int. Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, and Implementations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sebastian M. Pfotenhauer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Joshua Jacobs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Julio A. Pertuze, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Daniel T. Roos P.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dava J. Newman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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. Pertuze is a PhD student at MIT’s Engineering Systems Division (ESD). Page 22.1129.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Orienting engineering education towards innovation, entrepreneurism, and industry partnerships The case of the MIT-Portugal ProgramAbstractEngineering education has always served as a close nexus between academia and industry, andas a strong determinant of a country‟s innovative and economic performance. As manydeveloped countries are struggling with the loss of low-cost manufacturing to global competitors
Conference Session
Collaborations, Accreditation and Articulation Issues for International Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Salahuddin Qazi, State University of New York, Institute of Technology; Yasin Akhtar Raja, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Center for Optoelectronics & Optical Communications; Syed Muhammad Hassan Zaidi, NUST School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Tagged Divisions
and Optical Networks with a focus n passive optical networks (PON) for broadband access. He is a senior member of IEEE, ComSoc, SPIE, OSA, FTTH Council; and he has established the series of International Symposia ”HONET-ICT” [ ] with sponsorship of NSF since 2004. Prof. Yasin Raja received his Ph.D. in 1988 from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque where he conducted a pioneering re- search in ”VCSELs” (semiconductor lasers) at the center for high technology materials (CHTM). Dr. S M. Hassan Zaidi is currently, Dean at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) at the NUST (National University of Science & Technology) Islamabad, Pakistan. Dr. Zaidi, has led a
Conference Session
Collaborations, Accreditation and Articulation Issues for International Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morteza Sadat-Hossieny, Northern Kentucky University; Elizabeth Leibach, Northern Kentucky University
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22.946.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 International Articulation Issues an Engineering Technology Education Response to Global ChallengesAs part of Northern Kentucky University‟s (NKU) strategic plan in 2007-2012, the universitystated – that increasing globalization will require the university to become more international inscope. In accordance with this policy the engineering technology division has undertakeninternational student recruitment efforts and articulation agreements with universities abroad.This paper will discuss challenges in formulating such articulation agreements while maintainingthe integrity of existing accredited programs. The paper explains what
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Developments, Exchanges, and Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl F. Zorowski, North Carolina State University
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marketplace for technological goods and services.References 1. Hirleman E., Atkinson D., Groll E., Matthews J., Xu L., Allert B., Hong W., Purdue Univ.; Albers A., Univ. Karlsruhe; Wittig L., German Aerospace Center, Koln; Lin Q., Xi L., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.; “GEARE: A Comprehensive Program for Globalizing Engineering Education”, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2004 2. Parkinson A, Brigham Young Univ., “Engineering Study Abroad programs, Formats, Challenges, Best Practices”,2007-422, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2007 3. Abubakr S., Qi D., Western Michigan Univ., “Development of Global Engineering Education in China for Western Michigan University
Conference Session
Developing International Engineering Research, Course Enhancement, Leadership of, and Online Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zsuzsa Balogh, Metropolitan State College of Denver; Richard Pozzi, Metropolitan State College of Denver; Jeno Balogh, Metropolitan State College of Denver; Peter Ivanyi, University of Pecs; Richard Matthew Gutkowski, Colorado State University
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budgets, a strategyadopted by many universities is to increase the minimum student enrolment required for aclass to be offered. While the new minimum enrolment numbers aid in reducing operatingcosts and assists with balancing the budget, they may negatively impact a student‟s educationopportunities because senior level specialized courses will be cancelled due to minimum classenrollment requirements or will only be offered sporadically. This paper describes howutilization of existing academic cooperation nationally and internationally, and the use oftechnology could allow universities to offer such courses while reducing operating expense.Many institutions have built extensive partnerships for student and faculty exchanges orresearch
Conference Session
Collaborations, Accreditation and Articulation Issues for International Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuemin Zhao, China University of Mining & Technology; You-jun Tao, China University of Mining & Technology
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recognition of engineering educationin China, and enhance the international competitiveness. Mineral processing of CUMT is thefirst one who is accepted engineering education accreditation, it‟s very significant for thepromotion of the quality of engineering education, its international competition and thedevelopment of the major through accreditation of engineering education as soon as possible.The Development and Characteristics of Mineral Processing of China University ofMining and Technology Mineral processing in CUMT begun 1952, and currently it was developed by early coalpreparation, mineral processing, it was approved for master program in 1981 and doctor in1984. It also established post-doctoral research center in 1985. And in 1988, it was
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education: Cross-cultural Awareness and Social Impacts
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Holt Zaugg, Brigham Young University; Randall Davies, Brigham Young University; Alan R. Parkinson, Brigham Young University; Spencer P. Magleby, Brigham Young University; Greg Jensen, Brigham Young University; Aaron G. Ball, Brigham Young University
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, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle Page 22.398.9 River, 2006.[2] J.M. Grandin, “Preparing Engineers for the Global Workplace,” Engineering Education, vol. 1, 2006.[3] M. Grudzinski-Hall, H.W. Stewart-Gambino, K.L. Jellison, and R.N. Weisman, “Engineering Students in a Global World: Lehigh University’s Global Citizenship Program,” Online Journal for Global Engineering Education, vol. 2, 2007, pp. 1-8.[4] A. Parkinson, J. Harb, and S. Magleby, “Developing Global Competence in Engineers: What does it mean? What is most important?,” Proceedings ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, vol. 023, 2009, pp. 1-13.[5
Conference Session
A Global Engineer: International and Domestic Engineer
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudio da Rocha Brito, Science and Education Research Council; Melany M. Ciampi, Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization
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OrganizationAbstractThe discussions after the Bologna Process in Europe is about to graduate a global engineer, i.e.,an engineer who thinks globally and acts locally. The engineer's training is long; it is not easy toface the demand for Institutions well-equipped labs, etc. The number of students who chooseengineering as a career decreases every year, and it is a phenomenon that occurs in the westernworld. So, add to the table the need to motivate students who will leave the K12 to pursuecareers in technology has been a huge challenge. Another aspect that must be discussed is aboutthe engineering professor who has to deal with very different students than s/he was. About thatthere is already an organization that for 39 years has been preparing, certifying
Conference Session
Global Engineering Models: Curriculum Development, Improvements, and Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafiqul Islam, Northwestern State University
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production of heat, and electricity production. Biomass Energy Systems: Introduction of biomass fuels, such as wood, corps, manure and some garbage, biomass-powered microplants, application of biomass in the U. S. and the developing world. Transportation Energy Technologies: Biofuels. Machines: Microturbines and induction generators. Energy Storage: Lead-acid batteries, ultracapacitors, flywheels, superconducting magnetic storage systems, pumped hydroelectric energy storage, and energy storage as an economic resource. Comparative Studies: Alternate energies of the United States with respect to the developing world.Teaching ScheduleThe teaching schedule for the 15 weeks delivery is as
Conference Session
International Experience, Effective Instruction, and Student Exchange Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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instructor, would be gearedtowards relevant technical and nontechnical issues that had a bearing on the case. In this secondsession, all seven groups that made up the class contributed to the discussion. In the thirdsession, an invited speaker, a practitioner, would address the class, focusing on real issues andconcerns that only practitioners could address. During the final fifteen minutes of the thirdsession, the instructor would summarize the case pointing in the direction of: lesson(s) learned,discrepancies, if any, and how the presented case would relate to and/ or supplement theknowledge students have been exposed to in previous courses.Getting off to a good start is vital, so the first class session was an ideal opportunity to be clearabout
Conference Session
International Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fakhteh Nakhavali, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
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; less familiar metaphors. Language & Communication, 9, 49-68.Dehkhoda, A. A.. 1982, The selected proverbs. Tehran: Tirazhe Publication. (in Persian)Eghbal, Farshid, 2006. English-Persian famous proverbs. Tehran: Sabok Baran Publication. (in Persian)Fraser, B.. 1981. Insulting problems in a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 15, 435-441.Hsieh, S. C.. 2006. A corpus–based study on animal expressions in Mondarin Chinese and German. Journal of Pragmatics, 38, 2206-2222.Nadim, M.. 2000. The role of animals in shirazi proverbs with sociolinguistic approach. Tehran: First volume, Daneshgah publication. (in Persian)Newmark, P.. 1988. Approaches to translation. London: Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead.Qhanbari, A.. 1999. English-Persian
Conference Session
Collaborative Learning, Project-Based, Service Learning, and Impacts on Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Russell Korte, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Bruce Elliott-Litchfield, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Laura D. Hahn, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Aaron Daniel Lewicki, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Valeri Werpetinski, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Seung Won Hong, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven L. Shumway, Brigham Young University; SClaudina Vargas, Complex Systems Optimization Lab; Geoff Wright, Brigham Young University; Ron Terry, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
about pursuing studies and careers in these fields. Forthese students, “engineering” is much more than a field of study. Most (69%) view it as a sciencededicated to solving problems, creating, and building things to satisfy needs. Only 19%considered engineering specifically as a career or field of study. While we cannot infer that theirviews are driving their interest, it is interesting to notice that 81% of these students indicated thatthey like engineering and will consider studying it. Overwhelmingly, these students associatedthings or jobs done by engineers with creativity, design, planning, and problem solving toimprove human life—An engineer designs, created, plans, and improves; s/he solved problemswith computers, robots, machines; an
Conference Session
Qualitative Research Programs & International Research Experience from Around the World
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yating Chang, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Joe J.J. Lin, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Juila D. Thompson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Yi Shen, Purdue University; Brent K. Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Eckhard A. Groll, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Edwin Daniel Hirleman, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
literature review ofgender in engineering education research papers and found the most often researched topicfocuses on recruitment and retention of female engineers. Perrucii pointed out the career pathsof women in engineering tends to be heavily influenced by life events, such as marriage andchild-bearing.4 Huang et al.’s National Center for Education Statistics report5 supports an overallnotion that much of the racial/ethnic and gender differences in the entry to science andengineering programs in postsecondary education can be explained by examining familyenvironment, family support, student behavior, and school factors across race/ethnicity andgender.Much of this literature focuses on underrepresentation in engineering and how it impacts
Conference Session
Developing International Engineering Research, Course Enhancement, Leadership of, and Online Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahawodin Baha, University of Brighton; Ogai Ahmadi, Kabul University, Afghanistan
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othercontracts of AED were suspended by the USAID recently [1].The Afghan government does not have access to huge amounts of funding, which would be ableto revitalize the higher education and other sectors in Afghanistan.7. ConclusionsThe education system was heavily misused between late 1980’s until 2003. As educationalvalues evaporated from the institutions, most of the appointments of the chancellors and deansand the promotions of academics from lower to higher ranks were based on political affiliationrather than academic excellence. Therefore, the quality of education has gradually degraded, andconsequently, the knowledge and skills of university graduates have deteriorated significantly,affecting all sectors in the country.To establish a viable
Conference Session
International Experience, Effective Instruction, and Student Exchange Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fanyu F. Zeng, Indiana Wesleyan University
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. Prins, R., “A Team-Based Design Competition For Freshman Engineering Students That Emphasizes Sustainable Design”, AC 2009-445, in Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009. 11. Ochs, J., Getzler-Linn, L., Huyck, M., Schaffer, S., Raber, M., “Assessing Team Work And Ethical Awareness In Interpersonal Undergraduate Teams and Entrepreneurial Student Start-Ups: report #1”, AC 2009-1735, in Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009. 12. Larkin, T., “Peer Review From A Student Perspective”, AC 2009-1689, in Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009. 13. Morse, A., “Application of The Exceed Teaching Model To
Conference Session
Global Engineering Models: Curriculum Development, Improvements, and Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey J. Evans, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Glenn R. Blackwell, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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standard grading scale: • A: best 10% of students • B: next 25% • C: next 30% • D: next 25% • E: next 10% • FX and F: failIn this scheme FX means “fail-some more work required to pass” and F means “fail-considerablefurther work required”.To compare the 1500-1800 hours “of study” expected for the 60 credits in one year, consider anapproximate comparison with a two-semester year at a U.S. institution (your mileage may vary).If a U.S. student in a technical discipline registers for 16 credit hours each semester, s/he mayhave a semester load similar to this:• One 4-credit course with 3 lecture hours and 2 lab hours/week• Two 3-credit courses with 2 lecture hours and 2 lab hours/week• Two 3-credit courses with 3 lecture hours/week
Conference Session
Qualitative Research Programs & International Research Experience from Around the World
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xia Wang, Oakland University; Laila Guessous, Oakland University; Gary Barber, Oakland University; Qian Zou, Oakland University; Michael A. Latcha, Oakland University; Li Jia, Beijing Jiaotong University; Zhuqian Zhang, Beijing Jiaotong University
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Page 22.951.912. Peitzmeier J., Kapturoswski S. and Wang, X., “Optimizing Bio-inspired Flow Channel Design on Bipolar Plates of PEM Fuel Cells, ” 2011 Comsol User Conference, Boston, MA. Page 22.951.10
Conference Session
Developing International Engineering Research, Course Enhancement, Leadership of, and Online Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Mehrabian, Daytona State College; Walter W. Buchanan, Texas A&M University; Alireza Rahrooh, Daytona State College
Tagged Divisions
educational providers, and the interested end users to the world of “free” andaccessible Open Source Technology (OST). In this article, we adopt the definition of “Open Source” as,“of or relating to or being computer software for which the source code is freely available.” (from All presented software here can bedownloaded free of charge over the internet or requested from the developers free of charge. In somecase, there maybe a nominal fees associated with the setup and logistics. The costs of the servers andworkstations are not included in these fees, and they should be considered appropriately. Only a shortlist is provided here where it is not an all inclusive list. We only provide some
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for the Global Workplace, Competency, and a Successful Career
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Melany M. Ciampi, Safety, Health and Environment Research Organization; Claudio da Rocha Brito, Science and Education Research Council
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. In: IEEE EDUCON Annual Conference, 01, Madrid, 2010. The Future of Global Learning in Engineering Education. Madrid: IEEE, 2010.[04][05] Ciampi, M. M.; Brito, C. da R. Engineering and Technology Education Innovating for Growth. In: International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, 11, Ilhéus, 2010. Engineering and Technology Education Innovating for Growth. Ilhéus: INTERTECH 2010.[06] Longo, W. P. e; Telles, M. H. C. Programa de desenvolvimento das Engenharias: Situação Atual. Revista de Ensino de Engenharia, 18. Rio de Janeiro: ABENGE, 1998, p.74-82.[07] Naisbitt, J.A. Megatrends 2000: Ten New Directions for the 1990’s. New York: AvonBooks, 1999. 416p.[08] JC e-mail 2426, de