of philosophy degree in biomedical engineering from Case Western Reserve University.Ms. Isabelle S. Crist, Vanderbilt University Global Education Office Isabelle Crist is the Assistant Director of Operations in the Global Education Office at Vanderbilt Univer- sity. She received her bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt in Anthropology and Fine Arts and is a fluent French speaker. She has been advising undergraduate study abroad students for over 15 years. Isabelle oversees application management and curricular integration, as well student health, safety, and security. Her interests and responsibilities also include improving access to study abroad for underrepresented students, preparing students to have a successful
watershed-based active-learning activities into community college, undergraduate, and graduate level courses within both domestic and international contexts.Mr. Daniel S. Brogan, Virginia Tech Daniel S. Brogan a postdoctoral associate working on engaged learning at the Institute for Critical Tech- nology and Applied Science at Virginia Tech. From 2011 to 2017 he was a doctoral student in engineering education at Virginia Tech, where his research involved the development and classroom implementation of the Online Watershed Learning System (OWLS), a guided, open-ended cyberlearning environment that is driven by HTML5, JavaScript and CSS (http://www.lewas.centers.vt.edu/dataviewer/) and serves as a user interface to the
collaborative multinational design Project (CMDP) with a perception of value above 70% of the maximum possible score for such construct, therefore the Null Hypotheses is: o 𝜇𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝐶𝑀𝐷𝑃 ≤ 70% The maximum scores are based on the number of statements included in the particular construct, therefore, the interest construct has a maximum total of 49 points (i.e., 7 statements with a maximum score of 7 for each), and the value construct has a maximum score of 35 points. Because of the existence of reverse statements, the actual score for each construct was calculated based on the following expressions: S 6 S11 S14 S17 8 S 22 S 26 S 29 Interest
: 1. Problem identification: ability to articulate problem/s based on information provided in the scenario 2. Information needs: ability to identify additional information needed to address the problem/s identified 3. Stakeholder awareness: ability to identify and include groups needed for decision- making 4. Goals: ability to identify short- and long-term goals towards addressing the problem/s identified 5. Unintended consequences: ability to identify possible limitations and unintended consequences of a potential solution 6. Implementation challenges: ability to identify expected barriers to their crafted response to the problem scenario 7. Alignment: degree to which the respondent
EngineeringEducation to the New Century. National Academies Press: Washington, DC.[3] American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (2008) 2028 Vision for Mechanical Engineering.http://files.asme.org/ICOMES/News/15876.pdf[4] Klein-Gardner, S. S. and Walker, A. (2011) Defining Global Competence for EngineeringStudents, Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BritishColumbia, Canada.[5] Continental AG (2006) In Search of Global Engineering Excellence: Educating the NextGeneration of Engineers for the Global Workplace. Continental AG: Hanover, Germany.[6] Downey, G. L., Lucena, J. C., Moskal, B. M., Parkhurst, R., Bigley, T., Hays, C., Jesiek, B.K., Kelly, L., Miller, J., Ruff, S., Lehr, J. L. and Nichols-Belo, A.. (2006) The
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States. Available athttp://www.onlinelearningsurvey.com/reports/changingcourse.pdfBiggs, J. 1994, Asian learners through Western eyes: an astigmatic paradox. Australian and NewZealand Journal of Vocational Educational Research, Vol. 2 Part 2, pgs. 40-63.Chan, S. 1999. The Chinese learner – a question of style. Education + Training, Vol. 41 Iss 6/7pgs. 294 – 305Ruey, S. 2010. A case study of constructivist instructional strategies for adult online learning.British Journal of Educational Technology, 41: 706–720. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.00965.xRutz, E. 2010. An On-line Course to Help Engineers (Students and Professionals) Develop InterpersonalSkills – You’re Kidding, Right? Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.Shei, Chris
; Defense 0.21 0.00 & 0.05 & 0.99 0.27 9.82 3.78 0.37 0.34 Busines 0.02 & 0.00 & s studies 0.15 0.59 0.44 7.82 0.10 0.65 0.51 0.6 0.00 & Arts 0.02 0.00 & 0.01 & 0.1 0.10 0.99 0.11 0.19 0.16 0.0 & 0.1 0.0 & 0.1 Table 5: Choices of areas based on academic performance (CGPA) Area N CGPA Mean CGPA Std Deviation Arts
. The 10-week experience has been shown to facilitate anunderstanding among participants of the influence that socio-cultural norms can have on theresearch process and international collaborations to design solutions.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant N0.1261162. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect on the views of the NationalScience Foundation.ReferencesFleming, L. N., Burrell, J. O., Patterson, W., Fredericks, A. C., & Chouikha, M. F. (2012).Impacting engineering students’ global perspectives: The research abroad experiences ofAfrican American undergraduates. Paper presented at
intensive, immersive 3-weekinternational program, ENGR 290: Engineering in a Global and Societal Context,4 forundergraduate engineering students. As opposed to many short-term study abroad courses thatreturn to the same sites on a regular basis, ENGR 290 addresses a consistent set of course outcomesin a manner that may be adapted to a variety of course themes and locales. The program has beendelivered as shown in Table 1.Table 1: ENGR 290 course locations, subtitles/themes. Year Location(s) Subtitle/Theme 2004 United Kingdom Transportation & Environment 2006 United Kingdom Transportation & Environment 2007 Argentina Water Resources
expect that a major one would be that we learn what kind of real-life obstacles to expect in research. If I’m correct, I’d say that that goal has certainly been achieved …”References[1] Downey, G. L., Lucena, J. C., Moskal, B. M., Parkhurst, R., Bigley, T., Hays, C., Jesiek, B. K., Kelly, L., Miller, J., Ruff, S., Lehr, J. L., and Nichols-Belo, A., 2006, “The Globally Competent Engineer: Working Effectively with People Who Define Problems Differently,” J. Eng. Educ., 95(2), pp. 107–122.[2] Gerhardt, L., Blumenthal, P., and Spodek, K., 2002, “Educating the global engineer: A program to promote study abroad, international exchanges and diversity in undergraduate engineering,” Proceedings
four years (2cohort groups) from the first cohort program start. On graduation, of the first cohort, nearly 20%of the graduating students from Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, found funding to fly to the United Statesto attend their graduation ceremony with other campus-based graduating M.S. students. Toquote one of these many students “…I have learned a lot from this program. The knowledge islike a burning fire within my bones. I have to judiciously, efficiently and effectively disseminateit.”References1 Springer, M. L., Terruso, L., Speer, M., Ekeocha, Z., Byrn, S., & Clase, K. (2016). Administering a U.S. Based M.S. Degree in Kilimanjaro, Africa –A Global Benchmarking in Regulatory Science. ASEE 2016 Annual Conference Proceedings. New
-financed weeklong India visits,and acquired experience of working on bi-cultural multidisciplinary projects.The next section establishes the background of the program and the subsequent sectionelaborates the program. The paper then presents analysis of feedback of the Japanese studentsand ends with concluding remarks.BackgroundThe National Academy of Engineering (NAE)’s report on educating engineers for 2020 hasidentified the requirements of engineers working across disciplines and cultures [1].Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology of the Unites States (ABET) has alsoidentified attributes of graduate engineers that include ability to function on multi-disciplinaryteams, ability to communicate effectively and the broad education
two universities created a major strategic partnershipagreement in 2005 to jointly establish an institute called UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI) which is acollege of SJTU located on its main campus in China. The JI offers a Mechanical Engineering(ME) program and an Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) program. Upon the officialapproval by the Ministry of Education of China, the institute was publically launched in April2006 in Shanghai. Its first cohort of undergraduate students entered in September 2006. Atestablishment of the JI, it has been designated a pilot for China’s higher education reform andshouldered the task of experimenting various aspects of the US higher educational system andfinding a working model(s) that can be exploited
rewardstructure) as it affects faculty attitudes and behavior. Using incentives to encourageyoung faculty to increase their commitment to teaching may help, but continuing tohire new faculty whose primary emphasis and interests is in research, inevitably doesreinforce existing cultural norms that favor research over teaching.Facilitate and Support Faculty in Acquiring Relevant Practical Experience:Encourage faculty members, particularly the young, to get involved with the practicein their locale, and devise equitable system(s) that allow faculty to gain theengineering experience they desperately need, in order to keep up with newdevelopments in their areas of specialization. Thus asserting the view thatengineering faculty “with practical experience under
of Writing andSpeaking in the Classroom and Workplace,” Journal of STEM Education, Vol. 7, Number 1-2. The Institute forSTEM Education & Research, Auburn, AL, 2006[4] National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020, Visions of Engineering in the New Century, NationalAcademy of Engineering, The National Academy Press, Washington DC, 2004. p.55.[5] Waggenspack, W.N., Liggett, S., Hull, W.R., Bowles, D.F., Davis, P. “Development and Assessment of anInnovative Program to Integrate Communication Skills into Engineering Curricula.” Proceedings of the 2013Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education. Atlanta, GA, June, 2013.[6] Young, Art. “Writing Across and Against the Curriculum.” College Composition and
-disciplinarycollaboration which is new in China but necessary in order to allow students combine theirprofessional knowledge with the writing skill they obtained. This paper represents as an initial investigation to improve Technical Writing in China. Itcalls for changes in policy and infrastructure to implement Technical Writing-related courses inEnglish and Chinese. An assessment program will be developed shortly afterward to evaluate theoutcome of the proposed changes.References:1. Alred, Gerald J. (2015). The Handbook of Technical Writing, 11th Edition, by Bedford/St.Martin's.2. Purdue OWL (2013). “Higher Order Concerns (HOCs) and Lower Order Concerns (LOCs)”,Purdue Online Writing Lab. (https;//owl.english.purdue.edu/)3. Krauss, R. and McGee, S. J
city. They meet early, before the city develops its full daily rhythm, andthen walk and explore the entirety of the city from morning until late into the evening. Thefaculty meet with the students at various points during the day and at night’s end for debriefing.While exhausting, this experience provides an opportunity for students to learn the city quicklyand for faculty to begin assessing students’ skills and coming needs in researching the Florencesite. Figure 1: Florence, Baptistery of S. Giovanni: The program begins with an all-day site exploration.After the “deep dive” city exploration and an additional four days of directed site investigationand orientation, each group is assigned one
the faculty and the impression(s) arrived at by the author, leads oneto believe that it is highly unlikely that new more effective teaching-learning strategieswould be deployed any time soon, unless drastic measures are undertaken. The author ismore convinced now than ever, that classroom reformation, including deployment of activelearning strategies, would happen only if the institution mandates it!The Pros and Cons of the Lecture FormatWhen asked why he/she lectures, one faculty responded: “It is a tradition. It was part of mytraining, and seems to dwell in me and seems like what I should be doing. I feel guilty when Iam not lecturing” (13). This candid statement suggests one of the great dilemmas faced by allwho teach at the postsecondary
, M. J., & McClellan, G. S. (2011). Budgets and financial management in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Cadiz, M. (2016, July 15). Personal interview.Cadiz, M., Haseley, A. & Wright, A. (2016, July 22). Personal interview.Sacco, A. (2016, April 8). Personal interview.Wilson, B. (2016, April 20). Personal interview The WCOE International Initiative: A bold requirement for engineering undergraduates. Appendix 1 WCOE International Programs Office Budget 2015-16WCOE International Programs Budget 2015-16Total Annual Expenditures
education and accreditation 3. A shift to emphasizing engineering design 4. A shift to applying education, learning and social-behavioral sciences research 5. A shift to integrating information, computational, and communications technology in educationIn the 50’s, industry demands for engineers required a change in the process of training andeducation of engineers. Engineering curricula and other phases of college programs were modifiedto provide an alignment between colleges and industry [4]. This evolution of the discipline movedacademic institutions to have a more dynamic and adaptive curriculum. During the last twodecades, technology has been one of the most important supports for engineering development,requiring engineers from many
. Felder, R.M., R. Brent, and M.J. Prince, Engineering instructional development: Programs, best practices, and recommendations. Journal of Engineering Education, 2011. 100(1): p. 89.4. Fink, L.D., S. Ambrose, and D. Wheeler, Becoming a professional engineering educator: A new role for a new era. Journal of Engineering Education, 2005. 94(1): p. 185.5. Brent, R., S.A. Rajala, and R.M. Felder, Preparing new faculty members to be successful: A no-brainer and yet a radical concept. 2006.6. Camblin, L.D. and J.A. Steger, Rethinking faculty development. Higher Education, 2000. 39(1): p. 1-18.7. Hubbard, G.T. and S.S. Atkins, The professor as a person: The role of faculty well-being in faculty development
Paper ID #19077Engineering Pathways Fellows: Four Years of Successful Retention Initia-tives, Including International CollaborationDr. Amy L. Freeman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Dr. Amy L. Freeman holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering and a Ph.D. in Workforce Edu- cation. She has a been a practitioner of retention programming for over two decades and is a member of several organizations and networks that support her research interest: access and inclusion to STEM education. She is the primary PI for the NSF sponsored S-STEM award, ”Engineering Pathways: An Undergraduate Scholars Program.” Dr
Strategies for Engineering Education and Practice,” Proceedings of the 1st World Engineering Education Flash Week, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.205-212, 2011.24 John Heywood, “Engineering Education Research and Development in Curriculum and Instruction,” Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience: IEEE Press, pp.402-415, 2005.25 Larry J. McKenzie, Michael S. Trevisan, Denny C. Davis, & Steven W. Beyerlein, “Capstone Design Courses and Assessment of ABET EC 2000: A National Survey,” Proceedings of 2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition: Engineering Education Reaches New Heights, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, pp.20-23, June 2004.26 Leah H. Jamieson, William C. Oakes, & Edward J. Coyle, “EPICS: Documenting Service-Learning to