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Displaying all 9 results
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for the Global Workplace
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech; Nicole P. Sanderlin, Virginia Tech; Elizabeth M. Tront, Virginia Tech; Joseph G. Tront, Virginia Tech
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acknowledged these items, lack of detailmight also be attributed to the students’ developmental level in that they are first year students.More explicit detail and examples could be added as students mature and make their waythrough their course work. RSAP provides a lab experience for the students in relation to the topics covered duringthe class. Students were applying skills, terms, and ideas they learned during the class when theytalked about what they gained from the RSAP experience and also demonstrated growth in theseareas in the writing assignment. However, students did not make the connection back to the classtopics or the time they spent developing relationships during the class with their peers. In manycases they identified the trip
Conference Session
Engineering Education Ties and Engineering Programs in the Middle East and Latin America
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaby Mohammed, Petroleum Institute
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directly on their willingness to participate and your preparedness for the class throughreading the required material and research.Traditional to hybridThere are various skills that are developed throughout the course. Project management skills, useof technology skills, communication skills are some of the skills that are developed throughoutthe course. The freshmen design course is a course that is done in a team and often instructorsfind it difficult to identify students who are hidden within the team with out doing any worksince often times peer assessment doesn’t work as efficiently as it should. In order to solve thismany of the topics are monitored through blackboard. As discussed earlier the courses focus onproblem solving, report writing
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wilhelm Alex Friess, Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubai; Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine; Dylan Connole
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Page 25.568.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Enhancing cross-cultural interaction in courses with a large component of visiting study-abroad studentsAbstractInternational student mobility programs enhance the global exposure of students, andrepresent a vital and increasing component in the offering of many universities worldwide.These programs often involve the travel of a group of students to an overseas location, wherethey, in addition to a variety of cultural activities, also register for a series of courses towardstheir degree completion. These courses are taken jointly with their local peers. Whilecollaborative exchange programs among different universities often
Conference Session
Impacts on Engineering Education Through Collaborative Learning, Project-based, and Service-learning
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fanyu F. Zeng, Indiana Wesleyan University
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research for this Chinese Information Technology Bachelor’s program believes that one ofsolutions to achieve all the educational objectives and sustain student knowledge for a long termis to develop learning experiences to meet student's educational and professional needs byencouraging student intentionality, discussion and involvement through lab demonstration,discussion, presentation, document co-creation, micro-sharing, peer critique, and evaluation.This belief helps determine the goal of this research is to identify and test new teaching andlearning methods to effectively improve and sustain student learning outcomes. The fundamentalchange in this research is to shift students from passive learners to be their own masters in labdesign
Conference Session
Engineering Education and Comparative Studies at Universities throughout Asia, Far East
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafiqul Islam, Northwestern State University
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Score5. Final selection for admission will be based on the total scores obtained out of 100 weightage as follows:(a) Admission Test Score(50%), (b) Results of SSC/'O' level (20%)and (c) Results of HSC/'A' level/Equivalent exams(30%)For admission test waiver the candidates seeking admission in the Faculty of Sciences andEngineering must have minimum CGPA 3.5 in Math and Physics separately in HSC/A levelexaminations in addition to a minimum total score of 1500 in SAT (considering Critical Reading,Math and Writing). Admission test will also be waived for the GPA 5.00 without 4th subjectmarks in the latest SSC & HSC exams or 7'As' in 'O' level (at one sitting) and 3 'As' in 'A' level.Students who have completed a two-year Bachelor's degree
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose del Carmen Chin Vera; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla
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States. UDLAP’s School of Engineering offers since 1970a bachelor (licenciatura) program in food engineering, with the following goal: “To educate wellinformed, critical, creative and innovative professionals that are highly skilled in food science,engineering, and technology, but above all, aware of their great social responsibility to ensure afair distribution of the benefits of globalization”. Our Food Engineering program is approvedinternationally by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and accredited by the Consejo deAcreditación de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería (CACEI), which is the peer-accrediting agency ofABET in Mexico.Course descriptionsThe studied courses, Food Analysis and Laboratory of Food Analysis are a junior level 3
Conference Session
International Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, Implementations, and Pedagogical Challenges in Engineering Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute, Austria; Arthur Walter Edwards, University of Colima
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related to the integration oflearning and work. 5Data from Australian and Portuguese surveys show that engineers tend to spend the majority oftheir working week (around 60%) engaged in activities which involve interaction with others(meetings, supervision, writing reports, etc.) and only around 40% is devoted to technicalengineering activity. • There are also new organizational aspects in engineering education6:On the one hand, engineering issues, either in industrial products or in engineering projects, arequickly becoming increasingly complicated and most of these issues cross disciplinary lines.On the other hand, the working environment is becoming more and more internationalized dueto the globalization of the world economy. Products are
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Developments, Exchanges, and Best Practices
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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opportunities to assist theirdevelopment when these arise. A caring faculty can assist in bringing students closertogether through formation of learning partnerships, peer teaching, and sharing data andinformation with one another. It has been astonishing to see how working in collaborativedissertation groups has affected students. Long after their graduation, students recall themost significant aspect of their graduate program being the interpersonal learning and thedevelopment of collaborative sensitivity and mutual understanding among groupmembers. Learning how to acknowledge differences, arrive at consensus, set limits, andadminister fair sanctions to non-cooperative members are remembered and spoken of asmore memorable than either the formal focus
Conference Session
Engineering Education Ties and Engineering Programs in the Middle East and Latin America
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lourdes Gazca, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla
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Mexican private institution of higher learning committed to first-class teaching,public service, research and learning in a wide range of academic disciplines including businessadministration, the physical and social sciences, engineering, humanities, and the arts. Since1959, the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)has accredited UDLAP in the United States. Most of the undergraduate engineering programsfrom UDLAP are accredited by the Consejo de Acreditación de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería(CACEI), which is the peer-accrediting agency of the US Accreditation Board for Engineeringand Technology (ABET) in Mexico.UDLAP lives in a spirit of continuous improvement in the quality of academic programs