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Displaying results 151 - 180 of 223 in total
Conference Session
Integration of Current Issues into Manufacturing
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sang Hoo Oh, Florida State University; Marcia A. Mardis, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Faye R. Jones, Florida State University
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Future DirectionsIn this brief review of literature relating to Industry 4.0’s implications for South Korea, it is clearthat Industry 4.0 has the potential to transform South Korea’s future workforce. This developingphenomenon offers several opportunities for researchers. Promising areas for explorationinclude:1. What sorts of competency skills would be required for advanced manufacturing workers tosurvive in Industry 4.0?McKinsey Global Institute [9] recommended that workers seek additional education and trainingto adapt to an automated workplace. In the context of South Korea’s two-year technical collegeprograms, researchers may wish to investigate the extent to which current curricula containsadvanced manufacturing topics and reflects
Conference Session
Teaching - Best Practices
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Merwan B Mehta, East Carolina University; Mark Angolia, Indiana State University
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implemented in a holistic fashionthroughout a company under top management leadership.We have also observed that the mindset in industry of keeping product, manufacturing,and quality initiatives separate and mutually exclusive is also reflected in academia,where manufacturing engineering and manufacturing engineering technology programs atuniversities in the U.S. teach product design ideas, manufacturing practices and qualityconcepts as independent notions. This hampers students’ ability to make the strongconnection between these concepts that is necessary if they are to lead companies whichwill use these best practices as strategic tools for their business operations to realizequantum improvements in their processes and productivity.In this paper
Conference Session
Teaching - Best Practices
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ismail Fidan Ph.D., Tennessee Technological University; Julie C Baker Ph.D., Tennessee Technological University
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while aligning lessons to both state standards and the STEMAcademy© standards of 3D Modeling. Throughout the PD activities, all steps of the designprocess are captured electronically through to create digital instructionalmaterials that secondary teachers may incorporate into their classroom lessons. Projectevaluation and analysis includes both qualitative and quantitative data elements. As aquantitative measurement teacher participants complete both a pre- and post-test addressingSTEM content knowledge and pedagogy. Qualitative methods include participant interviews,discussion boards, journals and reflections. This paper will report the scope of the project,current PD activities, and their findings from the workshops.DTF
Conference Session
Sustainable Product Development and Manufacturing
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devi K. Kalla, Metropolitan State College of Denver; Aaron Brown, Metropolitan State College of Denver
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should reflect the needs and changes of today's manufacturing industry andprepare young engineer technologists to meet the challenges of the competitive world ofmanufacturing. Page 25.776.2The need to integrate sustainability and green manufacturing subject matter into undergraduatecurriculums in either engineering or engineering technology has become increasingly importantover the last decade [3]. Given the increasing importance of sustainable green manufacturing, itis incumbent upon academia to educate future engineers and other decision makers onsustainability topics, i.e., incorporate sustainable thinking into engineering
Conference Session
Manufacturing Processes Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Slifka, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST)
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providinginformation for decision making available, why shouldn’t our students be exposed to thistechnique?A project is presented as a real work assignment. Acting as the department head, a rapidprototype part is presented to the students. The manner in which it is presented is consistent withindustry procedures [3].As the students get an opportunity to examine a rapid prototyped part, no other information isoffered to them. As they have had an opportunity to learn about product specifications and thesequence of steps required to bring a concept to fruition, they must develop the questions thatwill allow them to evaluate the processes and steps required to deliver this part on the establishedschedule.Allowing time for the students to reflect on the part and
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Priya Manohar, Robert Morris University; Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University; Peter Y Wu, Robert Morris University
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current RMU- designated benchmark for class performance is 80%).Reflection:  It can be seen from Figure 7 that the class performance in this course is above the RMU- designated benchmark (at least 80% students in the class score >= 80%) in applicable ABET outcomes 1, 3, 5, and 7.  ABET Outcome 8 was not assessed at this time.4.4 ABET Track-Specific OutcomesThe following track-specific outcomes are identified for this course:  M2: RMU Graduates have proficiency in process assembly, and product engineering and understand the design of products and the equipment, tooling and environment necessary for their manufacture.  M4: RMU Graduates have an ability to design manufacturing systems
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derrick Robinson, Virginia State University; Pallant Ramsundar, Virginia State University; Chandan B Samantaray, Virginia State University
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. Unfortunately this technique is subjective, not only due to grayscale threshold Page 24.185.3setting, but also to variations in the image due to light intensity, surface reflectivity, samplepreparation and impregnation technique. In this report, the accuracy of the grayscale thresholdingapproach will be investigated using MATLAB. 7%YSZ Bond Coat NiCoCrAlY Stainless steel Figure 1. Schematic for thermal barrier coating 7%YSZ2. Image ProcessingModifying digital images has been made possible in modern technology through
Conference Session
Program Development and Pipelines for Recruitment
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaby Mohammed, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi; Ramesh Narang, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne; Jihad Albayyari, Indiana-Purdue University
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relatively easy for much of the engineering work previously done by engineers in this countryto be done by engineers in other countries, a factor that will tend to hold down employmentgrowth. Even so, the need for onsite engineers to interact with other employees and with clientswill remain.Compared with most other workers, a smaller proportion of engineers leave their jobs each year.Nevertheless, many job openings will arise from replacement needs, reflecting the large size ofthis profession. Numerous job openings will be created by engineers who transfer tomanagement, sales, or other professional occupations; additional openings will arise as engineersretire or leave the labor force for other reasons.”The Indiana Workforce Development Agency for
Conference Session
Design Education II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vedaraman Sriraman, Texas State University, San Marcos; William A. Stapleton, Texas State University
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quality, student-centered, industry-oriented engineering curriculum.• To attract students and prepare them with the knowledge, practical skills, and abilities to perform as highly competent engineers in the global marketplace and/or in graduate studies.• To produce graduates skilled in materials and manufacturing processes; process, assembly and product engineering; manufacturing competitiveness and systems design.There are several tenets expressed in the mission statement which indicate the desired directionfor the program. Texas State University has a century-long tradition as the pre-eminenteducators’ university in Texas. This tradition of student-centered education reflected in theuniversity-wide mission statement is
Conference Session
Manufacturing Process Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Denny Choate, Cannon County High School; Kenan Hatipoglu, Tennessee Technological University; Ismail Fidan, Tennessee Technological University; Mohamed Abdelrahman, Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Tagged Divisions
accordingly. Teachers then teach their module and write a reflection outlining (a)successful/unsuccessful aspects of their module and (b) students’ performance, reactions, andlearning resulting from the module.Follow-Up:Three follow-up sessions are planned, equivalent to 30 hours of participants’ time. These arerequired for the teacher participants.  Research Study CommunicationsThis function focuses on feedback from research drafts written at the end of the summer researchinstitute with mentors providing advice on the revision process. It allows continued access toresearch facilities and offers technical presentation guidelines focusing on visual aids, such asposters.  TTU Annual Research DayThe RET teachers participate in the annual TTU
Conference Session
Automation Subjects in Manufacturing Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher M. Greene, Rochester Institute of Technology; Scott J. Anson P.E. P.E., Rochester Institute of Technology
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programming languages differ. Recently, it was noticed that the laboratory itself was inneed of restructuring and the laboratory curriculum improved to reflect the updates. With therecent updates to the laboratory and the laboratory curriculum, the students, in theory, shouldperform better in the classroom and in the laboratory. This complete redesign of the classroomitself has also influenced the soundness and professionalism of the student reports. Because theassignments were clearly laid out in logical and coherent order, the students were more able toobjectify their deliverables which made grading their reports easier. Standardization throughoutthe entirety of the laboratory assignment sheets was a must.A recent (October 2010) ABET accreditation
Conference Session
Four Pillars of Manufacturing Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugh Jack P.Eng., Grand Valley State University; Robert L. Mott, University of Dayton; Mark J. Stratton, Society of Manufacturing Engineers; Phil Waldrop, Georgia Southern University; Karen Wosczyna-Birch, CT College of Technology
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fordescribing manufacturing education. The model has been embraced for updating the ABETaccreditation program criteria for Manufacturing Engineering and is expected to be reflected inthe upcoming revision of Manufacturing Engineering Technology program criteria. In additionthe model will be used to identify gaps in the current curricula content and resources so thateducators will be supported in endeavors to fill the gaps. It is expected that the model will evolveover the next few years as it expands to incorporate other types of programs with differentindustry foci. Table 1 – Four Pillars Of Manufacturing Engineering C2015 Category C2015 RecommendationsCurriculum Revision and 6
Conference Session
Development of Manufacturing Engineering Laboratories I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bradley C. Harriger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sergey Dubikovsky, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ed Lugo; David Gonzales, El Camino College; Buford F. Pringle, Butler Community College; John Anderson, Oregon Institute of Technology
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augment existing course material for approximatelya two-hour lecture environment. The development of each module attempts to follow similarformats using the standard development sequence outlined in Table 1. The modules includepresentations in PowerPoint format and instructor notes in Word format. Both formats mayinclude links to online content that has been identified as relevant and vetted by the academicreview team. The graphics contained in each module reflect real world applications and havebeen approved for public domain. Recommended lab activities are also included as a part of theinstructor’s notes. Current and planned technical content is outlined in Table 2.Lab kits have been introduced with the newest grant and lab exercises are
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan Tyler Thomas, Western Carolina University; Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University; Hugh Jack, Western Carolina University
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unit the ability to move in a differential manner 1 . Figure 1: Kilobot AgentsThe assembly jig is a 3D printed component that assist in the Kilobot construction, making themounting of the legs and motors quick and consistent. Figure 2: Kilobot JigThe arena can consist of any smooth reflective surface but, as recommended, a dry erase surfaceshould be used. The overhead infrared programmer/controller (OHC) is a circular printed circuitboard (PCB) about 3” in diameter with a USB connection on the top center and infrared LEDsmounted on the bottom perimeter of the PCB. The OHC is designed to program or controlmultiple Kilobots at one time
Conference Session
Our Future in Manufacturing
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Danielson, Arizona State University; Trian Georgeou, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
. Page 12.1472.4Spring 2005 Manufacturing Engineering Technology Survey ResultsThe following data reflects the status of ABET-accredited manufacturing engineering technology(MET) programs in 2005. This information was generated from the 2005 survey, shown inAppendix A. The survey was returned, with varying levels of completeness, by twenty-twoprograms, a 57% participation rate (percentages have been rounded). Of the twenty-tworespondents, six institutions or 27%, replied that they were being, or had, shut down theirprogram. One of the six institutions implied that they no longer had a MET degree but that theystill offered some manufacturing classes. Another of the six institutions replied that they werephasing out both their MET and Industrial
Conference Session
Lean and Six Sigma Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Leduc, Ball State University; Gary Hadley, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis; Mark Ratzlaff, 3M
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failure. Failure, regardless ofcause, reflects negatively on the university, the program, and the collaboration process. This istrue whether the Academic Advisor established the relationship with the community partner ordelegated the responsibility of obtaining a community partner to the student. If the AcademicAdvisor does not take this role seriously and serve in a proactive role, there is a high risk forembarrassment at minimum and possible legal consequences at worst.The Academic Advisor is responsible for guiding students in preparation of a final report. Mostcommunity partners will not view a formal final report as a critical, or even necessary, elementof the experience; but, it is an important academic element and is of benefit for the
Conference Session
State of Manufacturing
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugh Jack, Grand Valley State University
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demand means that there has been little success inaddressing these needs. Given that there is little difference between the academic and practitioneropinions the problems are not based in a lack of interest, other factors must be involved. Recommendation: Apply new and innovative efforts to address Automation and Control, CAD/CAM, and Lean Manufacturing in the curriculum.Areas with a high, but decreasing demand include Advanced Processes, Basic Science andMathematics, Materials Science, and Product Design. This reflects the success of various groupsin addressing these needs. Naturally these efforts that have begun in these areas should continue. Recommendation: Continue curriculum development work in Advanced Processes
Conference Session
Progress in Manufacturing Education III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hugh Jack P.Eng., Grand Valley State University
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Education should not be focused on teaching technical skills about a list of Page 25.1276.13 processes that are, at best, obsolescent if they are already in use!• Topics taught should look to the future and reflect the skills needed to compete in a global marketplace.• Teaching methods should incorporate the latest technologies and provide opportunities for students to collaborate and mentor with industry professionals.• Graduate opportunities should be available to those interested in pursuing a degree beyond the standard 4-year program.• Teach from the ground up. One must be able to understand and apply knowledge. For
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division Technical Session Innovative Pedagogy in Manufacturing Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mustafa Shraim, Ohio University; Yuqiu You, Ohio University
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andproduct quality. To optimize the system performance, it is important to identify the key factorsthat play significant roles. This study presents a quality control application to optimize anelectrohydraulic system in the presence of extraneous variability. The performance measures ofthe system are response time of the cylinder to a target setpoint position and positioning errorsthat reflect the deviation of current cylinder position from the target position. The controllableprocess parameters (factors) in this system include fluid pressure, proportional gain of thecontroller configuration, and signal communication (local vs. remote). The ambient temperaturewill be used as the extraneous noise variable to simulate real-life manufacturing
Conference Session
Emerging Technologies in Manufacturing Education - I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Khan, DeVry University; Beverly Cronin, DeVry University; Maneesh Kumar, DeVry University; Aateef Mustafa, DeVry University; Pankti Patel, DeVry Univeristy; Joey Socorro, DeVry University
Tagged Divisions
and 4010 Microprocessors. 4. ADF7010 Transmitter from Analog Devices. 5. Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors. Software Components 1. Lunar Pages website – Provided reliable and affordable web hosting services. 2. Programming in C – A general purpose, widely used language; and assembly languages – low-level language used in the writing of computer programs. 3. Matlab – Numerical computing environment and programming language. 4. Multisim – An electronic schematic capture and simulation program. 5. MySQL – A multithreaded, multi-user SQL database management system. 6. PHP – (Hypertext Preprocessor), a reflective
Conference Session
Our Future in Manufacturing
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Danny Bee, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Bob Meyer, University of Wisconsin-Stout
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12.1130.4needs for highly technical and competent manufacturing engineers. This need continues1 and farsurpasses the ability of the remaining manufacturing engineering programs to provide competentgraduates. Table 3. Year manufacturing engineering programs started Year Manufacturing Program Started Number of Programs 1970-79 1 1980-89 5 1990-99 12 2000- 7As noted in Table 3, manufacturing engineering programs were developed across the UnitedStates in response to industrial needs. These needs directly reflected the industry needs
Conference Session
Manufacturing Education Curriculum II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Farrow, University of Tennessee-Martin
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industrial concentrationstudents to fundamental manufacturing processes, primarily involving metals. Concepts,terminology, and technology, rather than analysis, are emphasized. Video footage of vintage andmodern manufacturing processes and equipment is incorporated into essentially every lectureperiod to help illustrate, and increase students’ comprehension of, the course material.Furthermore, multiple industrial tours are scheduled and conducted to get the students out in thefield to see, hear, occasionally smell, and subsequently reflect upon and report on real-worldmanufacturing processes, equipment, and enterprises. These two pedagogical aspects of thecourse are included specifically to address the needs of students who prefer visual and/or
Conference Session
Teaching Design in Manufacturing Curriculum II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahram Asiabanpour, Texas State University; Chandrashekar Subbareddy, Texas State University
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beginning of the semesterTeams of four students are formed within the first three weeks of semester. In the first session,students learned about the available projects through descriptions and videos; a plant visitfollowed in the second week. To create healthy competition among teams and to ensure high-quality projects, teams were set up according to the characteristics of the members. Using thestudents’ academic record, teams’ average grade point average (GPA) were equal or very close.Also, an online questionnaire, developed by Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman at NorthCarolina State University, was used to evaluate students’ learning style and strategies [7]. On thisquestionnaire, a person’s learning style, such as active and reflective, sensing
Conference Session
Technology Integration in the Classroom
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
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automated systems for use as a learning tool and reference.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by a National Science Foundation grant no. 0238269. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Hsieh, S. "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, June 12-15, 2005, Portland, OR.2. Schank, R.C. and Abelson, RP. (1977). Scripts, Plans, Goal and Understanding: An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.3. Abelson, R.P. (1981). Psychological status of the script
Conference Session
Technology Integration in the Classroom
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ann Goebel, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Harry Petersen, Minnesota State University, Mankato; William Peterson, Minnesota State University, Mankato
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. Comparison to previous face-to-face course offering in the same content areas indicated no significant grade inflation and in some cases a slight deflation. Application success after 1 to 2 years post graduation: Students in the Senior Design Page 14.926.7 capstone projects reflected excellent ability to use the concepts for industry applications, and recent graduates were anecdotally polled for capability to use curricular content from the online courses in the field with positive results. Student Learning Outcomes Survey: in the same manner as the other program face-to-face courses for departmental discussion and continuous
Conference Session
Strategies for Effective Education in Manufacturing
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Faisal Aqlan, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College; Omar Ashour, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College; Keegan O'Bannon, Urick Ductile Solutions
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reflects the student’s attendance and performance inthe quizzes, lab assignments, industry project, and exams. Upon satisfactory completion of IE470course, students should be able to: o Understand the key performance measures of manufacturing systems. o Understand the different techniques and tools for manufacturing systems design and analysis. o Understand key techniques to improve manufacturing systems productivity and efficiency. o Be able to use process improvement methods in real manufacturing or service environments.The course includes the following topics: o Introduction to modern manufacturing o Basics of manufacturing systems o Manufacturing strategies o Demand planning and forecasting o Material
Conference Session
Integrated Activities for Green Energy and Manufacturing Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aditya Akundi, University of Texas, El Paso; Eric D. Smith, University of Texas, El Paso; Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso
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Design for X (DfX), a concept widely used in manufacturing industriesfor product design and development. We discuss on our experience of the course, where in toenhance student understanding of DfX, additive manufacturing technology was used to analyzehow the theoretical concepts learnt by students in class were reflected upon their product designand development in real time. Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Design for Environment; Green energy; Green Manufacturing; Concept Based LearningIntroduction To shape and influence the trends of technological emergence in United States, there is asignificant push observed in steering the current emerging workforce towards Science,Technology, Engineering and
Conference Session
Integrated Activities for Green Energy and Manufacturing Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.); Richard Chiou, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.)
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involving industry-like scenarios werelengthy and costly, and eventually were stopped or replaced with traditional lectures.Nonetheless, these studies and attempts had a significant contribution in underlying theimportance of practical approaches in conveying knowledge to students in heat transfer andthermodynamics courses, which traditionally are dry-lecture based. Moreover, the contributionof thermal-fluids energy systems performance in global sustainable development is substantialbut was not emphasized until recently. Therefore it may not be reflected in the already developedlearning modules for these traditional courses [1].In this paper we aim to present our efforts in re-developing our thermal-fluid related courses inDrexel University’s
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahaa Ansaf, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo
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-aided design (CAD) package to engage inadvanced design-manufacturing analysis which is valued in industry.Introduction and Background Instructors are always trying to find a passionate way to teach their courses to supportstudent’s success efficiently and effectively. Also, the continuous increase in the needs for newtechnical and nontechnical skills in the modern work environment represents another pressurefactor on the universities to update student's learning outcomes to meet the demand of thecontemporary industry and business to up-to-date qualified workers. Thus, teaching style needs tobe updated continuously to reflect the direct and indirect changes in the learning and workenvironment. In general, during the past decades, education
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hamid Eisazadeh, Old Dominion University; Milan Rakita, Purdue University; Mona Torabizadeh, Old Dominion University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University
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arc termination.The assessment in Welding Technology for Manufacturing and Agriculture/Welding Engineeringconsists of five homework assignments, two exams, and one seminar work. Results fromexperimental work in the laboratory are included as part of homework assignments and comparedwith theoretical calculations with reflection on trends observed. It should be noted that theagreement between experiments and theory is not required, but what matters is insight inexplaining the differences. Exams are problem-based, open-ended, and students are given 24 hoursto complete it. Seminar work includes an in-depth analysis of a topic of their choice, whichconcludes with the written report and informal presentation with open discussion during the