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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 58 in total
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Riley S. Booth, University of Calgary; Peter Goldsmith P.Eng., University of Calgary
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Paper ID #17438MAKER: Fabricating a Flat-Pack Portable Display Using Laser Cutting andKerf BendingMr. Riley S. Booth, University of Calgary I’m a biomedical engineering MSc student at the university of Calgary. My research interests include haptics, rehabilitation, mobile and wearable technology, engineering education and educational software. I’m currently developing a wearable device for blind and/or deaf users to interface with a computer.Prof. Peter Goldsmith P.Eng., University of Calgary Peter Goldsmith is an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calgary. He holds a PhD in Mechanical
Conference Session
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Design Projects
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wendy S. Reffeor, Grand Valley State University; John Farris, Grand Valley State University
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Paper ID #15443Student Perceptions of Course Projects as a Learning ToolDr. Wendy S. Reffeor, Grand Valley State University Wendy Reffeor is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing at Grand Valley State University. She earned her Bachelors from GMI Engineering & Management Institute, Masters from Purdue University and Doctorate from Michigan State University. Her industrial experience includes designing quality systems for Allison Engine Company in Indianapolis. Since joining GVSU, she has focused on introducing design and build projects in traditionally
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Javaid S. Siddiqi, Lone Star College; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
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Paper ID #14543MAKER: Programmable Logic Control (PLC)-Based Automated System forWater-Level Control for Teaching Pneumatics and HydraulicsProf. Javaid S. Siddiqi, Lone Star College PROFESSOR AT LONE STAR COLLEGE. TEACHING AND RESEARCCH AT ENERGY AND MAN- UFACTURING INSTITUTE OF LONE STAR COLLEGE SYSTEMS. RESEARCH AND DEVELOP- MENT IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED TECHNOLOGY.DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTED COURSES FOR THE STUDENTS.Dr. Sheng-Jen ”Tony” Hsieh, Texas A&M University Dr. Sheng-Jen (”Tony”) Hsieh is a Professor in the Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. He holds a joint appointment with the
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Darwin; Joseph Patrick Kale, Bucknell University; Michael S. Thompson, Bucknell University; Margot A Vigeant, Bucknell University; Alan Cheville, Bucknell University
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Paper ID #15447MAKER: A Maker Space Smart Badging SystemJulie DarwinMr. Joseph Patrick Kale, Bucknell UniversityProf. Michael S. Thompson, Bucknell University Prof. Thompson is an associate professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Bucknell University, in Lewisburg, PA. While his teaching responsibilities typically include digital design, computer engineering electives, and senior design, his focus in the classroom is to ignite passion in his students for engineering and design through his own enthusiasm, open-ended student-selected projects, and connecting engineering to the world around
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Ann Marasco, University of Calgary; Stephanie Hladik, University of Calgary; Robyn Paul, University of Calgary; Riley S. Booth, University of Calgary
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, programming, and the engineering design process into K-12 education. Aside from her research, Stephanie also participates regularly in outreach programs to promote STEM topics in classrooms and beyond.Robyn Paul, University of Calgary Robyn is a Master’s student researching engineering leadership education at the University of Calgary. She graduated from Manufacturing Engineering in 2011 and worked in industry for a few years before returning to school.Mr. Riley S. Booth, University of Calgary I’m a biomedical engineering MSc student at the university of Calgary. My research interests include haptics, rehabilitation, mobile and wearable technology, engineering education and educational software. I’m currently
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bryan Levy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ricardo Jose Morocz; Craig Forest, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Wendy C. Newstetter, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University; Shaunna Fultz Smith, Texas State University, San Marcos; Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology
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MAKE Lab (, she is currently researching how recurring experiences within these design-based technologies impact self-efficacy and positive attitudes toward failure.Dr. Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is an Assistant Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas. Her research area is design cognition including systematic methods and tools for innovative design with a particular focus on concept generation and design-by-analogy. Her research seeks to understand designers’ cognitive processes with the goal
Conference Session
Latest Trends and Implementations in Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Avneet Hira, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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). at 4. Morozov, E. Making it. The New Yorker (2014). at 5. Foster, T. Welcome to the maker-industrial revolution. Popular Science (2015). at 6. Chachra, D. Why I am not a maker. The Atlantic (2015). at 7. Moldofsky, K. The maker mom. (2015). at 8. Hatch, M. The maker manifesto. McGraw Hill Education (2014). at 9. Martinez, S. & Stager, G. Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. (Constructing modern knowledge press, 2013).10. Make. Maker Pro. (2014).11. Makerspace North. Makerspace north. (2014). at 12. The British Council. Maker library network. at 13. Chaihuo Maker Space. Shenzhen Maker Faire. (2015). at 14. Seeed. First open hardware gathering in
Conference Session
Supply Chain and Logistics in Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victor Taratukhin, Stanford University; Yulia Yadgarova P.E., Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Anastasia Stelvaga, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
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: M = {X, Y, S, ta, δext , δint , λ},Where:X - set of input events;Y - set of output events;S - set of sequential states (also called the set of partial states);ta - time advance function used to determine the lifespan of a state;δext : Q × X → S - the external transition function defining how an input event changes astate of the systemδint : SS - the internal transition function describing the way how system state changesinternally ϕ ϕλ :S →Y - is the output function where Y =Y ∪{φ} and φ ∉Y is a ”silent” or an”unobserved” event.Our model consists of the several equipment units represented as atomic models. Units statesare updated dynamically starting from the physical representation of the
Conference Session
Revitalization of Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso; Aditya Akundi, University of Texas, El Paso; Richard Chiou, Drexel University
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0 0 3For calculating the TE values represented in table 2, based on TE equation, joint probabilities arecalculated for emerging node degrees observed in table 1. Table 2. Transfer Entropy values calculated based on table 1 Source Node Destination Node Transfer Entropy Transfer Entropy (S) (D) (S-D) (D-S) N1 N2 0 0.2442191 N2 N3 0 0.2073259 N3 N4 0.09370405 0 N4 N5 0.150515
Conference Session
Latest Trends and Implementations in Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael G. Mauk, Drexel University; Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Dharma Varapula, Drexel University
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microfluidic networkof channels, conduits, chambers, filters, and flow control components [9]. Relative to traditionalmacroscale systems, ‘lab on a chip’ systems yield noteworthy advantages including more precisecontrol of reactants faster reaction time, lower consumption of reagents, convenient disposal,effective containment of infectious agents or hazardous substances, portability, and compactness.Lab-on-a-chip applications such as polymerase chain reactions (PCR) to amplify nucleic acids, aswell as cell cultures, need closely regulated heating and cooling with temperature control (often ±0.5 °C) and fast thermal response times (> 5 °C/s) [4]. For such applications, infrared thermalcameras offer non-contact measurement of temperatures and two
Conference Session
Innovations in Advanced Fabrication Technologies
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen Duong; Akihiko Kumagai, California State University - Sacramento; Adewale George Ogbogho, SMAL; John Tien
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Engineeringstudents. In the future, we will make more effort on generating interdisciplinary projects bystudents and faculty from different disciplines.AcknowledgmentThe project activities were funded by the Sacramento State University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI)Campus Grant Program. The authors are grateful to Sacramento State University College ofEngineering for their support on providing the space and the facility for pursuing our projects.References1. Kuribayashi, K., 1989, “Millimeter Size Joint Actuator using Shape Memory Alloy,” Proc. IEEE An Investigation of Micro Structures, Sensors, Actuators, Machines and Robots, Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 139 – 144.2. Tanner, J., Grames, C., Jensen B. D., Magleby, S. P., and Howell, L. L., 2015, “Millimeter
Conference Session
Innovations in Manufacturing Laboratories
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Rodriguez P.E., Western Michigan University; Pavel Ikonomov, Western Michigan University; Alamgir A. Choudhury, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
mechanical engineering from BUET (Dhaka). His interest includes computer applications in curriculum, MCAE, mechanics, fluid power, and instrumentation & control. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio and affiliated with ASME, ASEE, SME and TAP. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Development of a 3D Printer and CNC Milling Desktop Machine for Manufacturing LabsAbstract Nowadays most users of personal machines, or even industrial applications, have specificmachine(s) for prototyping and for machining. But the steep increase in demand of machines forpersonal use, and the fact that those machines provide either one of the two
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arlynn Baker; Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University
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. This allows for the integration of modern technology with more antiquatedmechanisms still in use today. Overall, the primary author fulfilled the Honor’s Contract andgained knowledge and skills, above and beyond the normal course, in the areas of reverseengineering, 3D modeling, and prototyping.Bibliography 1. Ball, A. & Ferguson, C. (2006). Using steam engines to teach parametric modeling and prototyping. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section Annual Conference and Exposition, Tuscaloosa, Al. April 2006. 2. Yan, Y., Kaul, S, Ferguson, C., Yanik, P. (2016). Perceptions and applications of honors contracts in developing an undergraduate engineering research experience
Conference Session
Innovations in Curriculum and Course Development
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tumkor Serdar, University of Pittsburgh - Johnstown
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the teamwork efficiency. However there is moreroom for improvement in team working skills.7. AcknowledgmentsThis study is being carried out at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The support from theUPJ College Council in 2016 is gratefully acknowledged. The author would also like to thank allMET1172 CADD/CAE students.8. References[1] Berman, B. (2012). 3-D printing: The new industrial revolution. Business horizons, 55(2), 155-162.[2] Zanetti, V., Cavalieri, S., Kalchschmidt, M., & Pinto, R. (2015). The Role of Additive Manufacturing in the B2C Value Chain: Challenges, Opportunities and Models. In Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative Production Management Towards Sustainable Growth (pp. 137-145
Conference Session
Innovative Project-Based Learning Practices in Manufacturing
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
April M. Bryan, Western Washington University; John Andrew Lund, Western Washington University
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new course in manufacturing systems, served as a source foran undergraduate research projects, and has led to the establishment of an interdisciplinaryfaculty research collaboration. It is expected to yield additional benefits such as the developmentof interdisciplinary courses, additional interdisciplinary research projects, and industrialcollaborations in the areas of manufacturing systems, automations, and controls.References [1] Waldorf, D., Alptekin, S. E., & Bjurman, R. (2006). Plotting a bright future for manufacturing education:results of a brainstorming session. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 4. [2] Dessouky, M. M., Verma, S., Bailey, D. E., & Rickel, J. (2001). A methodology for developing a web
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saneela Rabbani, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Josiah David D'Arrigo, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Shouling He, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Amir Elzawawy , Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
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& Technology. He is the author of two books, Vaughn College Journal of Engineering and Technology (VCJET), numerous conference papers in the areas of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, vibration analysis, fracture mechanics and reliability analysis. He is also a principle investi- gator for the NSF S-STEM grant and the HIS-STEM grant and a student adviser for a number of technical papers in the areas of mechanics, robotics and industrial automation. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 MAKER: An Innovated Braille ClockAbstractTelling time is a fairly simple task for sighted people. However, it poses considerable constraintson the blind and
Conference Session
Additive Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pavel Ikonomov, Western Michigan University; Jorge Rodriguez P.E., Western Michigan University
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ofthe students were hired in casting related fields in industry.6. References1. Ikonomov, G. P., Ramrattan, N. S., & Choudhury, A. (2006). Casting large scale functional prototypes from various alloys [Electronic version]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 10(1).2. Selective Laser Sintering (2006). Retrieved November 2, 2006 from http://lasersintering.com3. Richard Beaudoin, et al, Creating functional cast prototypes from CAD data, this new application of rapid prototyping could open more doors for casting applications. New rapid metal-casting process "Clinkenbeard Process", Waukesha Kramer Inc
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bart Taylor M.Ed., A&M Consolidated High School; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University; Dezhen Song
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recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. 3D for Everyone. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dezhen Song. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dougherty, D. (2012). The maker movement. Innovations, 7(3), 11-14.4. Hartley, R., & Zisserman, A. (2003). Multiple view geometry in computer vision. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.5. Learn how to use 123d Catch. (n.d.). Retrieved from Peppler, K., Maltese, A., Keune, A., Chang, S., Regalla, L., & Initiative, M. E. (2015). Survey of Makerspaces, Part II. Open Portfolios Maker Education
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William H. Heeter, Porter High School Engineering Dept.; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University; Jun Zou, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
tested them. An evaluation of the module indicated that a high level of learning wasachieved. In addition, the students all enjoyed the hands on experience.AcknowledgementsWe like to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Craig Maddux in making this module possible.This material is based upon work supported by the Research Experiences for Teachers Programunder National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1300779. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Piezoelectricity. (2014, June 19). Wikipedia. Retrieved July 2, 2014, from Research: New
Conference Session
Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaby Mohammed, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi; Saed Talib Amer, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi
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: Survey results for ENGR 101 Subscale Range Mean SD Simple Knowledge 3.25-4.08 3.78 0.26 Certain Knowledge 2.75-4.17 3.40 0.54 Omniscient authority 2.25-4.25 3.65 0.74 How quickly knowledge is obtained 2.33-3.75 2.85 0.58 Innate ability to gain knowledge 2.08-3.83 3.03 0.57The sub scale s simplee knowledge focuses on whether w knoowledge consists of discrrete
Conference Session
Innovations in Curriculum and Course Development
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mauricio Torres, Northern Kentucky University; Morteza Sadat-Hossieny, Northern Kentucky University
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(s) [13].We expect to have an increase on students enrolled in the EGT programs as the new MET programis in place; we also expect some migration of students from the current programs (EET, MMET)to the MET program. An additional pressure on our faculty body can be anticipated, as we will berequired to meet to the demand from our constituents, as suggested by the survey results. Thesefacts fully support the creation of a new faculty line to be fulfilled by a new faculty member.Faculty Professional DevelopmentCurrency maintenance involves continuing scholarly activities and/or professional interactionsthat strengthen the faculty member's knowledge of his/her field and its interdisciplinaryadvancements, best business practices, newest technology
Conference Session
Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso; Aditya Akundi, University of Texas, El Paso; Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Arturo Olivarez Jr., University of Texas, El Paso; Eric D. Smith, University of Texas, El Paso
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Conference Session
Additive Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mathew Schaefer, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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the inside border.Figure 12 Replica of an oversized penny. Fine details in the surface of the part turned outsurprisingly well.Casting the Parts in MSOE’s FoundryFigure 13 Casting the finished parts in MSOE’s foundry.ConclusionsIn past years MSOE students did sand molding in lab but did not use the SolidCast™ simulation.The approach used was very simple and based on an accepted “rule of thumb” that thesolidification time for a riser should be at least 1.25 times the solidification time of the parts.Solidification time of each can be calculated based on Chvorinov’s rule. Solidification time t(s) = B (V/A)^2 Where V = volume of the part or riser, A = surface area of the part or riser, B = anempirical mold constant. Then, according
Conference Session
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Design Projects
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Y. Chiou, Drexel University; Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University; Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas - El Paso
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University [Said, et al,2015]. A critical component of a national “green industries/green/energy jobs” effort is to motivatestudent communities and workforce to become proficient in STEM and associated manufacturingfields and trades, thus ensuring a 21st-century workforce. This senior design project engagesstudents in the implementation of an innovative method for improving design and measuringenergy efficiency using statistical process control. Through this project, students learn how toprovide a design method for evaluating the characteristics of green energy manufacturing. Thisstudent senior design project was in collaboration with Higginbothom Farm in New Jersey, whichis s  a commercial farm that supplies restaurants, farmer’s markets, and grain
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas G. Hart, Tarrant County College; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
material is based upon work supported by the Research Experiences for Teachers Programunder National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1300779. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Conference Session
Innovative Project-Based Learning Practices in Manufacturing
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
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. 28, Issue 4 (Summer 2008), pp. 43-50.[5] Laursen, S., et al. Undergraduate Research in the Sciences: Engaging Students in Real Science. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010[6] Lopatto, D. Science in Solution: The Impact of Undergraduate Research on Student Learning. Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation for Science Advancement, 2009.[7] Taraban, R., and Blanton, R.L., Eds. Creating Effective Undergraduate Research Programs in Science: The Transformation from Student to Scientist. New York: Teachers College Press, 2008.[8] Russell, S.H., Hancock, M.P. and McCullough, J. "Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences" Science, Vol. 316, No. 5824 (27 April 2007), pp. 548-549.[9] Zydney, A.L., Bennett, J.S., Shahid, A. and Bauer, K.W
Conference Session
Innovations in Manufacturing Laboratories
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanqing Gao, Oregon Institute of Technology; Fei-Yue Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Wangping Sun, Oregon Institute of Technology; Xisong Dong, Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries; Xiwei Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries; ShuangShuang Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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problems, and but also achieve personalized,real-time, economic production utilizing additive manufacturing technology, in particular, 3Dprinting technology, and ultimately to produce the real products which can actually be soldand used. The lab is a typical cyber-physical-social system (CPSS) that enables students tohand on and experience the entire social manufacturing process.Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.61533019 and 71232006).References[1] E. F. Crawley. Creating the CDIO syllabus, a universal template for engineering education, Frontiers in Education Conference, 2002, 2:8-12.[2] E. F. Crawley, J. Malmqvist, S. Östlund, D. R. Brodeur. Rethinking
Conference Session
Practical Teaching in Manufacturing
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Wettergreen, Rice University; Timothy J. Hinds, Michigan State University
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challenges requires iteration and planning, skills that are germaneto the engineering design process but difficult to teach. These rapidly deployable prototypingactivities embrace active learning while also providing valuable hands-on experience with theengineering design process.Bibliography[1] ABET, "ABET Accredition Requirements," [Online]. Available: 2017/. [Accessed 26 1 2016].[2] J. S. e. a. Lamancusa, "2006 Bernard M. Gordon Prize Lecture*: The Learning Factory: Industry‐Partnered Active Learning.," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 5-11, 2008.[3] D. Knight, L. Carlson and J. Sullivan, "Staying in
Conference Session
Innovations in Advanced Fabrication Technologies
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jafar F. Al-Sharab, Northwestern State University; Mohammed Benalla, Northwestern State University
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*  Corresponding  author,   1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, data received from the OPTN/SRTR Annual Report, 2009. 2. Lysaght, M. J., Jaklenec A., Deweerd E. (2008 Febrary) “Great Expectations: private sector activity in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and stem cell therapeutics,” Tissue Eng Part A, (2); 305-15 3. Kumareswaran, K., Evans, M. L., & Hovorka, R. (2009) “Artificial pancreas: An emerging approach to treat type 1 diabetes” .Expert Review of Medical Devices, 6(4), 401-10. 4. Engler, J. A., Sen, S., Sweeney, H. L., Discher E. D., (2006) “Matrix Elasticity Directs Stem Cell Lineage Specification”, Cell Volume 126, Issue 4, 25, Pages 677-689
Conference Session
Make It!
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo
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the technology and materials used. Table 2. Comparison of three inexpensive 3D printing technologies Name Technology Price Material Price/Mat Resolution Speed MakerBot FDM $2500 ABS, PLA $50/kg 100 µm varies Replicator 2X Pegasus SLA DLP $3000 FSL3D $138/kg 50 µm 1s/layer Touch resin Mini Metal FDM $2300 Metal Clay $200/kg 100 µm varies MakerExample 2. Figure 4 shows MakerbBot Replicator 2X 3D printer improvements by adding extrafan(s). Figure 4-a shows the 3D printer extruders as purchased, Figure 4-b depicts a