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anticipated that the deeper understanding of the materials gained by being aUTA will entice them to enroll in more rigorous courses as they matriculate. It is possible thatthe teaching experience may influence them to pursue an academic career at either the primary,secondary or collegiate levels.5. AcknowledgementsPartnership for Retention Improvement in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science (PRIMES),National Science Foundation Project NSF-08569, $1,997,451, June 1, 2011 – May 31, 2016.Bibliography1. Otero, V., Pollock, S. & Finkelstein, N. A physics department’s role in preparing physics teachers: The Colorado learning assistant model. Am. J. Phys. 78, 1218 (2010).2. Otero, V., Finkelstein, N., McCray, R. & Pollock, S
Reality: Quantification and Western Society 1250 – 1600. Cambridge University Press, 1997. 2. Dantzig, T. and Mazur, J. Number: The Language of Science. Plume Books, January 30, 2007. 3. Donohue, S.K. and Richards, L.G. A Parent/Teacher ’s Guide to That’s How We Roll: Learning About Linear Motion and Underlying Concepts Using Engineering Design Activities, Virginia Middle School Engineering Education Initiative, University of Virginia, 2014. 4. Donohue, S.K. and Richards, L.G., “FIE 2015 Special Session – Movin’ Along: Investigating Motion and Mechanisms Using Engineering Design Activities,” Proceedings of the 2015 Frontiers in Engineering Conference. 5. Ferguson, E. S. Engineering and the Mind's Eye. MIT
Example from Strength of MaterialsStudents designing a timber ‘T’ beam for a quiz question exemplified how a model and theaccompanying mathematics is, or is not, used in engineering. The beam is constructed using twoplanks by setting one on edge (the stem of the T) and nailing the other down the middle to thetop edge. The quiz question asked students to specify s, the maximum nail spacing required tosafely fasten the two planks together for the given loading. Students learn about internal forcesin statics and then shear flow and shear stress in strength of materials courses. They typicallywork several fastener spacing problems during class and in assigned homework. The quizproblem described a situation where V(x), the internal shear force in the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.We also wish to acknowledge the assistance of the Institutional Research Officers at each campusin gathering the data used in this analysis.References [1] X. Chen and M. Soldner, STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields (Statistical Analysis Report), ser. National Center for Educational Statistics (NCSE) Statistical Analysis Reports. U.S. Department of Education, 2013. [2] J. Levin and J. H. Wyckof, “Predictors of persistence and success in an engineering program,” NACADA Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 15–21, 1995. [3] J. Middleton, S. Krause, S. Maass, K. Beeley, J. Collofello, and R. Culbertson, “Early course and grade
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, FL, 2019.[7] L. Singleton, "Tactile Trigonometry: Improving Student Success with 3D-Printed Manipulatives," MathAMATYC Educator, vol. 9, no. 3, Summer 2018.[8] M. K. Watson, S. T. Ghanat, T. A. Wood, W. J. Davis and K. C. Bower, "A Systematic Review of Models for Calculus Course Innovations," in 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, FL, 2019.[9] R. B. Kozma and J. Russel, "Multimedia and Understanding: Expert and Novice Responses to Different Representations of Chemical Phenomena," Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 949-968, 1997.[10] K. L. Daniel, C. J. Bucklin, E. A. Leone and J. Idema, "Towards a Definition of Representational
, separating themselves from the situation(s) where the virus waspresent. This may come in the form of switching majors away from science, technology,engineering, and mathematics, to changing departments, universities, or even jobs. To preventthis attrition, ingroup experts and peers inoculate one’s self-concept by creating environmentsthat foster social belonging (Tse, Logel, & Spencer, 2011). In fact, “recruitment and retention ofunderrepresented groups who are newcomers at entry level is closely dependent on the visibility”of ingroup members (Dasgupta, 2011a). A stronger and more stable sense of belonging is onlyone benefit these ‘social vaccines’ can have. Exposure to ingroup experts and peers in high-achievement environments strengthens
interpretation of the outcomes. A study to compare and contrast preparednessfor math graded events versus that of other subjects would also be useful. Asking similar-typequestions before and after graded events that are more specific to confidence and preparednesswould also provide a beneficial perspective. Finally, alternative classification schemes may beexamined to identify other patterns between confidence and academic performance.7. Acknowledgement: The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors, and do notrepresent the official policy or position of the United States Army, the Department of Defense, orthe United States Military Academy.8. References[1] S. Austin, The paradox of Socratic ignorance (how to know that you don’t know
what the right cross sectionshould look like. Consequently, Tanner’s response was coded as mental action.Guessing. Responses that used the word “guess” or explained that the student arrived at aconclusion by chance or without showing evidence of deliberate reasoning were classified asguessing. For instance, Mia responded with, “No, I just guessed on each question.” In this case,she specifically had “guess” in her response. The other students’ who responses involvedguessing also reported using other strategies. These are further discussed in the section oncombined strategies below.Guiding rule. Guiding rule implies that in the participant responses, the student(s) used astandard or criteria to judge which option is likely to be the answer for
and one requiring a written explanation). An example of a problem in thecategory of basic mathematics (numeracy) is the following (problem 1): “10% of the boys and10% of the girls at school play soccer. How many percent of all students in the school playsoccer? A) 5%, B) 10%, C) 15%, D) 20%, E) Cannot answer.” A problem from scientificmathematics (calculations with scientific notation and units) is (problem 2) “Complete thecalculation: s = vt = 3.0 ⋅ 108 m/s ⋅ 2.0 ⋅ 10-5 s = ”.The same mathematics test was used as pre- and post-test. The pre-test was administered inclass during the first week of first semester, before the physics course had started, and thepost-test was administered in the second week of second semester, which was the
al. (2004). Remote atomic force microscopy of microscopic organisms: Technological innovations for hands-on science with middle and high school students. Science Education, 88 (1), 55-71. 8. Waldron, A. (2006, May). Nanotechnology in public. Nano Today. Retrieved on June 23, 2006 from nanotoday 02 2006/Opinion-Waldron.pdf, 1(2), 56. 9. Rozeboom, W. W. (1966). Scaling theory and the nature of measurement. Synthese, 16 (2), 170- 233. 10. Person, A. C., Berenson, S. B., & Greenspon, P. J. (2004). The role of number in proportional reasoning: a prospective teacher’s understanding. In (Vol. 4, p. 17-24). Proceedings of the 28th
oftraditional textbooks, although the latter were allowed to be used. Through short tasks thatwere designed to be initiated and terminated during in-classroom sessions, mostly to beworked in peers, we cover three general moments in the designed learning experience: ashort introduction, a discussion and a closure argument with general feedback by the end ofeach assignment.Each guide has different learning objectives: 1. Guide one: a. To distinguish sets that may or may not be subspaces of 𝑅𝑅 2 or 𝑅𝑅 3 , using GeoGebra for visualization. b. To construct linear combinations in 𝑅𝑅 2 and 𝑅𝑅 3 and identify the geometrical locus they define. c. To determine which vectors belong to the span of S for
0.301 0.200 0.615 0.246 0.314 0.0186vocabulary words associated phenomena in apresented for the first hands-on fashion and aretime in your given the appropriate wordsclassroom? as neededIn most cases, how is a The students explore the new 0.491 0.113 0.692 0.121 0.201 0.0422new mathematics concept through a hands-oncontent topic activityintroduced in yourclassroom?Which of the following I basically know all the TEKS 2.81 0.882 3.19 0.642 0.385 0.115best describes how and what they require for myfamiliar you are with subject(s) as well as thethe state standards grades above and below mine.(TEKS)?Which of the
twigs and leaves. Hence, thesmaller parts of a tree appear to have the same structure as the whole. Until Benoit Mandelbrot3,Gaston Julia11 and Pierre Fatou12 discovered self-similar structures in iterative mappings, suchstructures had gone largely unnoticed. Beginning in the late 1910's and into the 1920's, Julia11and Fatou12 led the study of these self-similar structures. At that time, there were no computersto produce the images that we see today. Consequently, interest in fractals was restricted to thosevery few individuals who could in some sense understand the mathematics behind the picturesthat are drawn today.Although Mandelbrot3 invented the word fractal, many of the objects featured in The FractalGeometry of Nature had been previously
and operations on sets are fundamental in discrete mathematics; Python has apowerful built in list type and set object that can easily be used to experiment with constructionof sets as well as operations on them. A list type in Python can be a heterogeneous collectionwhich can be modified. Often in a discrete mathematics course a set builder notation is used toconstruct a set. For example, the set of the first twenty even numbers using set builder notation isdenoted by S ? {x | x ? 2n;0 ∞ n ∞ 19} . In Python this set can easily be specified by S = [2*x for x in range(19)]The syntax is very intuitive and maps well to its counterpart in mathematics. Once a set a built, itis easy to index though its elements in a simple
and meta-tasks to promote productive mathematical discourse in collaborative digital environments, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology, I. Sahin, A. Kiray, and S. Alan, Editors. 2015: Antalya, Turkey. p. 84-94.11. Powell, A.B. and M.M. Alqahtani, Tasks promoting productive mathematical discourse in collaborative digital environments, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, N. Amado and S. Carreira, Editors. 2015, University of Algarve: Faro, Portugal. p. 68-76.12. Gattegno, C., The science of education: Part 1: Theoretical considerations. 1987, New York: Educational Solutions.
the second part of the session, the last 45 minutes, the student is asked to observe for a secondtime the software so that they can adapt it to the studied situation in class. They first studied thesystem of two tanks, but now salt is added to the incoming flow. Now what we are concernedabout is the variable Amount of Salt in the tank S(t) [The figure below is an example of 1 tankwith water mixed with salt]. dS = IS- OS;S(t = 0) = S0 dt dS
to the academic and career goals of thestudent. This began the active learning process. An example of “The Frame” is illustrated in Figure 1. The student has an interest in howdiseases spread. The student’s career goal was to go into a biomedical field. The studentresearched the process and found a set of differential equations that model the spread of diseasefor a particular and general case.5,6Figure 1. “The Frame” utilized in the context of the spreading of disease. Susceptible βI Infected g Recoveredβ = transmission rate, B = birth rate, d = death rate, R0 = reproductive rate (rate that infectedpersons cause new infected persons), g = recovery rate, S, I and R are the populations of thethree
, pp. 285-290.[6] K. J. Chew, H. Chen, B. Rieken, A. Turpin, and S. Sheppard, "Improving students’ learning in statics skills: Using homework and exam wrappers to strengthen self-regulated learning," in ASEE Conferences. doi, 2016, vol. 10, p. 25633.[7] P. G. Gezer-Templeton, E. J. Mayhew, D. S. Korte, and S. J. Schmidt, "Use of exam wrappers to enhance students’ metacognitive skills in a large introductory food science and human nutrition course," Journal of Food Science Education, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 28-36, 2017.[8] B. Stephenson, M. Craig, D. Zingaro, D. Horton, D. Heap, and E. Huynh, "Exam wrappers: Not a silver bullet," in Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science
minimize the time commitment to use such a system for his/her courses. Finally, thedesign of the system must be sufficiently flexible to be used in a wide range of courses,disciplines and institutions.Bibliography1. Polkowski, L., Tsumoto, S., Lin, T.Y., Rough Set Methods and Applications: New Developments in Knowledge Discovery in Information Systems, Physica-Verlag, New York, 2000.2. Lee, S.W., Lerschberg, L., A methodology and life cycle model for data mining and knowledge discovery in precision agriculture, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernatics, vol. 3, pp. 2882-2887, 1998.3. Ahmad, F., Zakaria, N.H., Osman,S.W.R., Transforming Information-Based Agricultural Portal to Knowledge- Based
university, including come-and-go tutoring sessions andthe more formal Supplemental Instruction program (both of which averaged 10 – 20 students perday total from all lower-level mathematics courses, including calculus).Homework/E-Mail: In the Fall of 2006 the Mathematics and Statistics Program at LouisianaTech University began piloting a web-based homework system in an effort to increase studentmastery of course content and increase individual student accountability on out-of-classassignments. They chose a program called WeBWorK14, developed in the mid-1990’s atUniversity of Rochester by Arnold Pizer and Michael Gage. Two of the primary goals of thisproject were: 1) to increase student mastery of course content, and 2) to increase individualstudent
method consider the following problems.First consider Figure 4. A reasonable problem involving only algebra could be given as follows. Ifthe smooth slider has the speed shown at point A, what is the maximum distance s that it canreach?Figure 4 - Example of a Problem in Mechanics.Solving this problem requires an understanding of kinetic and potential energy and how toaccount for it in a system.Similarly consider Figure 5 showing a tank of water connected to a nozzle. Given all thedimensions, a reasonable question might be to determine the pressure at the throat of the nozzle.Again this problem requires an understanding of how to account for energy in a system. It hasdifferent forms of energy when compared to the mechanics problem but the problem
facilitate ongoing research on retention. Ms. Bego is a registered professional mechanical engineer in New York State.Dr. Patricia A. Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She received her B.S., MEng, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Louisville. Dr. Ralston teaches undergraduate engineering mathematics and is currently involved in educational research on the effective use of technology in engineering education, the incorpo- ration of critical thinking in undergraduate engineering education, and retention of engineering students. She leads a research group whose
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actual course such asDynamics. Based on the results of the present paper, the authors concurred that continuousassessment and evaluation of engineering students on their math preparation throughout theirundergraduate study is essential. Therefore, more assessment and evaluation on higher mathtopics such as differential equations and statistics will be conducted in junior and senior levelengineering courses.Bibliography1. Fahmida, M. and Abulkhair, M., “Effect of Math Competency on Success in Engineering Science Courses,” Proceedings of 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2011, Vancouver, Canada.2. Wood, S., et al. “Integrated Engineering Math-Based Summer Bridge Program for Student Retention,” Proceedings of 2007 ASEE
Society for Engineering Education, 2021Undergraduate STEM Students’ Comprehension of Function Series and RelatedCalculus Concepts 1 Emre Tokgöz, 1Berrak S. Tekalp, 1Elif. N. Tekalp, and 2Hasan A. Tekalp 1,,, 1 Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, 06518 2 Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, 06518Action-Process-Object-Schema (APOS) is a constructivist methodology that relies on learners’ ability to constructand reconstruct certain mental structures and
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project teams.ConclusionA methodology for teaching differential equations suitable for small institutions is discussed.The course is team-taught by two instructors, one from mathematics and one from engineering.The instructors utilize the small-class size and the diverse backgrounds and interests of thestudents to enhance student learning. Students complete final projects on real-life modelingproblems with differential equations within a multidisciplinary team. Course assessment surveysand oral feedback from students and the faculty in mathematics and engineering are indicatorsthat our methodology is effective in teaching differential equations to engineering students.Bibliography1. Sazhin, S. S. (1998). Teaching Mathematics to Engineering
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