from varying academic levels, first-year to finalyear. Students are required to complete weekly reflections which were analyzed to attain insightinto their experience. The study provides insights into how the students attempt to balance theirown learning, project implementation, and community relations and impact while developingsoftware solutions.Introduction Service-learning or community-engaged learning has seen a significant and growing interestwithin engineering and computing education as a means to meet learning outcomes, integrateprofessional preparation into the curriculum, and address human and environmental needs withinour local and global communities. While engineering and computing have been slower than otherdisciplines to adopt
willing to meet with instructors outside ofclass9. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place, but learningcan be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning activities10.In our project, students were encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned from the activitieseither in writing or in a class postmortem discussion.There is consensus among members of our department’s professional advisory board thatprofessional practice invariably requires strong verbal and written communication skills. Todevelop their oral communications skills, students need opportunities to present their work aswell as observe their peers doing the same. Some instructors believe that the project
learning helps students learn by increasing their involvement in the process7. Activelearning techniques help students to better understand the topics covered in the curriculum8.Active learning helps students to be more excited about the study of engineering than traditionalinstruction1. The group work that often accompanies active learning instruction helps studentsdevelop their soft skills and makes students more willing to meet with instructors outside ofclass9. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place, but learningcan be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning activities10.In our project, students were encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned from the
motivating objective was togive students on-the-job experience with SE principles where teams of 5 to 6 students developeda simulated project. Reichlmayr briefly describes the postmortem process where teams useprocess metrics to reflect on and improve process management.Two recent papers further report the use of Agile software development methodology for courseprojects [8,14]. In one paper, the authors describe an upper-level course where students use theiterative features of Agile that allow them to repeat cycles where they “see and use tools thatthey can explain and check. [8]”. The second paper describes a capstone course motivated by thedesire for students to learn transferable skills [14]. In both cases, projects last an entire semesterwhere
, which often reflect an iterative process of software developers coming up with a simple solution and iteratively improving it 29 . Situating learners in a real development con- text provides a unique opportunity to convey the importance of code quality and its improve- ment. It can be difficult to find simple examples that are also realistic. For code duplication, one could create several duplications but they might not be convincing when looking at the entire program. If the duplicate segments of program instructions appear artificial, it would be quite hard to convincingly select the duplicate functionality to extract and also to come up with a descriptive name for the extracted procedure
feasible. The new LMSsystem is supposedly more friendly toward this but is not scheduled to be deployed until the2020-2021 academic year.Second, in pure standards-based grading, the only measurements made are assessments ofachievement. This, however, goes against some of the practices that encourage good studentlearning and prevent procrastination, such as an early submission bonus which encouragesstudents to start assignments before they are due. [12] [13] The current rubrics still have an earlyperformance bonus because it does encourage students to start earlier and work throughassignments, and it also is quite popular with students. But it does go against pure standards-based grading. Another area is a reflection bonus which is used in a
.,ComputerEngineeringCurricula2016:CurriculumGuidelinesforUndergraduate DegreeProgramsinComputerEngineering(CE2016); 2017August30.[6] ACMetal.,ComputerEngineering2004:CurriculumGuidelinesforUndergraduateDegree ProgramsinComputerEngineering(CE2004); August30.[7] ACMetal.,InformationTechnologyCurricula2017:CurriculumGuidelinesforUndergraduate DegreeProgramsinInformationTechnology(IT2017);[8] Exter, M. E. & Turnage, N. M. Exploring experienced professionals’ reflections on computing education. Transactions on Computing Education, 12 (3), 2012.
Source Day did notfulfill the participants’ expectations. Or the convergence of the post-experience survey maysimply reflect that the women had a better understanding of HFOSS by the end of the day and soresponse became more similar across ethnicities.Opinion results breakdown by age - The opinion responses were also analyzed by agecategories. Significant positive change was found in age categories “20-21” and “over 24” onH3, “consider taking more courses”. This mirrors the significant change for the total set ofrespondents. Sample sizes in the other age categories were much smaller and no significantdifferences were detected. White Hispanic Asia/Pacific Item Pre Post P Pre
categories,namely: ten learning journal entries to include reflections on the content learned in the lectures,ten lab journal entries to include reflections on the practical activities, three quizzes with multiplechoice/true-false questions, and two assignments to be completed in groups of up to three students.Evaluation was conducted on teaching components according to student participation and theirquantitative and qualitative feedback. The result of the study shows that students were appreciativeof the HyFlex mode delivered [6]. In another study conducted by Sowell et al., implemented HyFlex in a general electivenutritional course consisting of over 500 hundred students. The nutritional course provides abreadth of knowledge inScience &
experience. Thoughit was not a requirement that they have graduated, the results of the sampling led to onlygraduated students being available for interviews. The use of graduated students provided theopportunity to have the participants reflect on their past experiences having completed theircapstones and hackathons. As a result of the selection criteria, some of the participants sharedeither a capstone experience or a hackathon experience with at most one other participant.Demographic data for these participants were not collected.Data CollectionParticipants were asked to bring two artifacts, their capstone project and a recent hackathonproject, and then participate in artifact elicitation interviews (Douglas et al., 2015). Artifactelicitation
activities each by 6%, 5%, 17% and 1% (respec-tively) can show an improvement in student learning as reflected in the midterm exam grades.Although the improvement in this study was not statistically significant, a follow up study do showstatistical significance.3 LES Integration Model (LESIM)Figure 1 shows the Learning and Engagement Strategy Integration Model (LESIM) described in[8]. The top of the figure shows the different pedagogical approaches including the LESs - col-laborative learning (CL) gamification (GA), problem-based learning (PBL) and social interaction(SI); and the traditional approach - lecture style (LS). These approaches are used in the context ofF2F and online learning environments with access to both F2F and online learning
decisions. • Students will increase their ability to identify and evaluate sources of information. • Students will learn and apply the software development lifecycle. • Students will learn real world development technologies. • Students will use Agile development practices. • Students will reflect on professionalism in software development. • Students will increase their ability to work in teams and communicate technical information.Course DesignScrum Roles: The biggest modification of Scrum in the classroom is the application of the threeroles: product owner, Scrum master, and development team. Naturally, the student teamscomprise the development team, however there are many methods to assign product
working software, each team was required to submit their ranked risk items aspart of their agile reflections at each of the 4 project milestones. The risk items were the mainsources for our data analysis and reporting.Our contributions lie in the analysis of students’ own perceptions of risks and their use of risks inmanaging the agile software development. The risks perceived by our students differed fromthose reported in prior studies9,10,11,12. Furthermore, our classification of the results of the firstoffering of the course suggested collaborative ways of identifying and mitigating the risks. Basedon the collaborative risk management, we designed several instructor interventions in our secondcourse offering and showed the effectiveness of
improved commitment to theirstudies [14]. Students taught using active learning gain confidence in their abilities and performbetter on hands on tasks than students taught using lecture only and this learning is reflected inpre-test to post-test performance gains [15]. Active learning can increase student performance inscience, engineering, and mathematics [16]. Active leaning is critical in developing the cognitiveproblem-solving skills used in synthesizing solutions to engineering problems [17]. Project-basedlearning increases student motivation in upper level courses [18].Sousa reports that students experiencing lecture only content delivery retain 5% of the material,when discussions are added to lecture presentations students retain 50% of the
three applications. Studentresponses to the three questions were analyzed based on a four-point rubric. Responses andrubric entries are shown in Table 1. Figure 3: Sample JMeter outputVirtually all students performed acceptably on this aspect of the assignment. Few students had aperfect analysis, but most students could answer this set of simple graph interpretation questionscorrectly. This activity, however, reflects a very low-level activity on Bloom’s Taxonomy,simply applying graph interpretation skills to performance testing.Table 1: Analysis of the first three questions. - Which application is faster? - Which application delivers more throughput? - Discuss the performance differences between the three
achieve an effective collaborativework, self-regulation, and proactivity [11]. Findings on HCI-SE show how reflection tasksimpact on self-regulation (e.g. in [12]); and how a project teaches about iterative and user-centered design [13]. Instruments for data collecting are focused on student feedbackmonitoring, success in the learning perception by students, and how much the students areself-aware of their learning process [14]. Some results show that learners perceive softwaredevelopment activities as useful and relevant elements for their own learning when HCIfoundations are taught through real-world projects [15].3. Innovation ProposalFigure 1 illustrates the key elements of the innovation proposal. As observed, the advancedSE course has been
that led the educator to seek out professional assistance was the concern that thedesign of the Affable Bean Project (the web site that was developed by following the NetBeansE-Commerce Tutorial) may not reflect industry best practice. The tutorial is very well writtenand covers the major objectives of the course, but it is somewhat dated (it was written in 2009),and a portion of it emphasizes EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) technology, which is not as prevalentin industry as some other technologies. When the educator and professional were discussingways to modify the Affable Bean Project to bring it more in line with industry best practice, theprofessional suggested employing a version of the DAO (Direct Access Object) Pattern usingJava instead of
, project work, and a final exam.Weekly quizzes keep students aligned with course lecture topics. The project work is assessedthrough establishment of expectations for a certain amount of effort (hours and LOC) put forthtoward the project. Students are expected to put effort toward every phase (requirements, design,implementation, testing, and maintenance), and they are required to document their effort in adigital journal. Students also are required to write a final reflection that describes theircontributions to the project and learning outcomes. The journal and reflection information isrequired to be aligned with information posted on Slack, Trello, and the code repository.4. Project DescriptionMobile applications are an excellent project
. It looks like when a student finds the post helpful they do notprovide an alternative solution and when they find the post less helpful they instead suggest analternative. The two characteristics together consistently make up about 70% of the replies.It is important to realize that although each module was similar in the amount of contentpresented and that the amount of time students had to complete each module was identical, somemodule concepts were more challenging for students to grasp and implement then others.Anecdotally, we observed students struggle more with modules 1, 2, 6 and 7 then they did withmodules 3,4 and 5. We see several of the trend lines reflecting this pattern.To compare performance on the exam programming questions we
Final Exam Review In-Class team meeting minutes, performance evaluations of team members, course reflection paper Table 2: Software Project Management Course Comparison during Fall 2020Students are then randomly assigned to teams of 4-5 members and propose software developmentprojects to work on, subject to the instructor’s approval. The next eight weeks are spent workingon these projects, divided into four two-week sprints, giving demonstrations and submittingreports at the end of each sprint. Projects are required to use revision control and include a robusttesting plan. During the final week, each team gives a 30-minute demonstration and presentationof their project and the course of its development for the
practices used in real-world web development, theprofessor invited the professional web developer to join the course as an instructor in the nextsemester. The project underwent a major revision to bring it more in line with current industrypractice. Two years later, the project went through another major revision, again in the interest ofreflecting common practices in industry.We learned a lot from doing two major project rewrites in less than three years, but perhaps themost important “lesson” is that these revisions will continue. And if we want to keep up with thechanging software landscape in industry – especially in the fast-moving world of web-development – the project must continually evolve to reflect those changes. This does not meanthat
previous section, focusing onenvironmental, economic and societal dimensions. Moreover, indirect and systemic effects arenot explicitly addressed in the rubrics.Conducted experienceSustainability postureThe conducted experience reflects a posture around both sustainability and the engineeringdesign fostering it. It is defined as follows. ● There is not a unique or general set of features allowing to declare as sustainable a software product in all scenarios and circumstances. Consequently, during an iterative decision-making process, the goal is analyzing, comparing and choosing by stakeholders, among the different alternatives based on the inherent sustainability trade-offs associated with each engineering solution ● A
recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.8. References:[1] J. Hamari, J. Koivisto, and H. Sarsa, “Does Gamification Work?–A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification” in System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on, 2014, pp. 3025–3034.[2] I, M.B., A.Di-Serio, C. Delgado Kloos.: “Gamification for engaging computer science students in learning activities: a case study”. IEEE Trans. Technol. 7(3), 291 301(2014).[3] T. Auvinen, L. Hakulinen and L. Malmi (2015). Increasing Students' Awareness of Their Behavior in Online Learning Environments with Visualizations and Achievement Badges
course ends (e.g., as peer tutors or project mentors), • help improve the course (e.g., by creating new active-learning exercises over the material, or scoping out new technological developments that could be incorporated into the course), and • keep you in contact with current industrial practice (e.g., by serving as a scrum master or training others in the practice).This way of looking at a course reflects a subtle, but important, difference in devising courseprojects. The question is not, How can I specify projects that will familarize students with thecourse content? but rather, How can I design projects that will help students find their role inpromoting their own learning and that of their classmates? This
adedicated private channel. The workspace for each CS course has similar message report. Tosave space, they are not included in this paper.It can be seen in Figure 6(a) that daily active members fluctuate through time, and moremembers are active viewing messages than posting messages. Figure 6(b) shows the portions ofmessages sent through public channels, private channels, and direct messages. Please note thatthe value in private channels reflect the aggregated number of messages sent in all coursechannels. Over all time, messages sent in private channels compose 78% of all messages.However, there are certain periods of time when direct messages dominate the workspacecommunication. (a) Data analytics of the number of active
course evaluation comments. These comments came at the end of thefall semester of 2019.Most negative comments reflect the students’ desire to spend less time in lecture in general andmore time on their projects, as exemplified by the following two comments copied from thecourse evaluation. I extremely disliked the lectures and the other assignments and readings for this class. They were pointless and a waste of my time. I just wanted to work on my senior design project and the other assignments and readings for this course took up time I could have spent on my project. I thought the first portion of book club was helpful, but the latter seemed a little unnecessary. Rather than having a bunch of presentations, I
STEM Education (IUSE) program under Award Numbers DUE-1562773 and DUE-1525112. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authorswould like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful and encouraging feedback on improving thepaper.References [1] C. Ebert and S. Counsell, “Toward software technology 2050,” IEEE Software, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 82–88, 2017. [2] H. Krasner, “The cost of poor quality software in the us: A 2018 report,” Consortium for IT Software Quality (CISQ), September 2018, (retrieved August, 2020). [3] R. Florea and V. Stray, “A global view on the hard skills
Python on top of the Django framework. The low level of design skills wasnoted by faculty teaching the following design course, SWEN-262 Engineering of SoftwareSubsystems, which emphasizes design abstraction and design patterns. Students were talkingabout design information learned in their first-year CS course and not the Introduction toSoftware Engineering course. The department's Industrial Advisory Board also identified this asa problem after having discussions during our annual meeting with students at all year levels.Learning Goals for the CourseIn considering yet another redesign of our Introduction to Software Engineering course, we gavesome reflection on why we had so much trouble getting this course "right". We were