? iv. You? c. What are the downsides of this design/product? What actual and/or potential negative impacts will it have on society? d. What can be done to minimize the negative impacts? e. Should this design/product be continued? Discontinued? Explain your answer. f. Which guiding ethical principle(s) applies here? Justify your answer.To be most effective, students should be required to choose a design/product/concept (DPC)whose impact (positive and negative) has yet to fully play out. In this form, students are given a Page 25.584.4fair amount of latitude regarding the topic of their analysis
pilot course complements the College’s first-year engineering projects course thatemphasizes a hands-on design-build-test cycle, so the students start with design requirements andend with a product. For the pilot course, students were required to scope an Engineering GrandChallenge(s), to reduce it to a manageable project, then to develop design requirements.Several of the module instructors created teams using the Comprehensive Assessment for Team-Member Effectiveness (CATME) TeamMaker tool.7 As stated, teams were guided in a four-week exercise to scope a project that applies the engineering discipline to a specific GrandChallenge, including some basic calculations for feasibility, cost estimates, and preliminarydesign requirements. The team
AC 2012-5279: MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENTDr. Keith A. Schimmel, North Carolina A&T State University Keith Schimmel is an Associate Professor of chemical engineering, Chair of the Energy and Environmen- tal Systems Department, and Deputy Director of the NOAA ISET Cooperative Science Center.Dr. Muktha Jost, North Carolina A&T State University Muktha Jost is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the online graduate program in Instructional Tech- nology. She has served as a teacher educator for 14 years.Dr. Tyrette Sherlone Carter, North Carolina A&T State University Tyrette S. Carter’s research interests include how to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics
more of*; what activity should have less time allotted*. (*Asked only during summer 2009session.) These were analyzed to reflect on the objectives of the program, and to providefeedback for modifying future programs. In 2008 post-program surveys were collected from 14of the 16 girls. In 2009 surveys were collected from all 24 of the girls who participated.In the fall of 2009, graduate and undergraduate student participants were contacted to determinetheir motivation for participating in the program, and to determine the impacts of the program ontheir career goals, etc. Student were first asked about their involvement with STEP (whatyear(s), what roles) and educational program (what major(s), what year in program). Studentswere asked to rate
the first three UBI incubators:Table 2: RDA Rent SupportIncubator(s) Cumulative through 2004-2005 2005-2006 Total 2003-2004 AppropriationIBI $2,497,457 $317,940 $242,000 $3,057,397SBC – EBC $6,768,297 $408,600 $395,000 $7,571,897(Retrieved September 1, 2004 from http://www.sjredevelopment.org/ )Ruani believes the incubators benefit the university by making it more attractive to the community, and also the cityneeds to work with the university to create opportunities.The successful history of the incubators helped set the stage
such as regulatory, economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, constructability, and sustainability. (4) Provide a platform where student performance against the ABET general criteria for engineering programs 3 a-k and civil engineering program specific criteria can be assessed.The senior design experience was tailored to ensure coverage of the appropriate programmaterial – items (1) – (3) in the above list suggests this. In some ways, constructing theappropriate assessment vehicle(s) was a more considerable challenge. The open-endednature of realistic design does not always lend itself to concrete assessmentmethodologies. The rest of this paper briefly outlines the UT Tyler CE program
the world to connect with patients in the developing world using moderntechnology and communications infrastructure.10 Trained operators at Mashavu stations indeveloping communities collect essential medical information including weight, bodytemperature, lung capacity, blood pressure, photographs, stethoscope rhythms, and basic hygieneand nutrition information for each patient. We are designing ultra-inexpensive biomedicaldevices based on virtual instrumentation. Web servers aggregate this information from variousMashavu stations over a cell phone link and provide it on a web-based portal. Medicalprofessionals can view the patient’s information and respond to the patient and the nearestdoctor(s) with their recommendations. Validation efforts
the National Science Foundation under thegrant TUES 1245482. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Ma, J., and J. Nickerson. 2006. Hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories: A comparative literature review. ACM Computing Surveys, 38(3), 1-24.2. Wieman C. and K. Perkins. 2005. Transforming physics education. Physics Today,58(11), 36-41.3. Perkins, K., Adams, W., Dubson, M., Finkelstein, N., Reid, S., Wieman, C., & LeMaster, R. 2006. PhET: Interactive simulations for teaching and learning physics. The Physics Teacher, 44, 18.4. Finkelstein, N.D., W.K. Adams, C.J
performance expectations. We highlight these moments to show evidence ofthe group’s framing, with particular attention to how their reasoning and actions within stableframes reflect NGSS practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.Phase 1: Defining and delimiting the problemIn the days previous to this excerpt, Ms. M’s class had read If You Lived in Colonial Times aspart of an integrated Social Studies and English Language Arts unit. Excited by her students’interest in the historical context, Ms. M decided to do an IEL activity, posing the question to herstudents, As engineers, what could we design that would make their lives easier? Three boys inMs. M.’s class, Colin, Jonah and Brayden, immediately began designing and building a
experiences and outcomes of undergraduate STEM students. She has been the lead external evaluator for a number of STEM and NSF- funded projects, including an NSF TUES III, a WIDER project, an NSF EEC project through WGBH Boston, an NSF RET project, an S-STEM project, a CPATH project, and a CCLI Phase II project. She also currently serves as the internal evaluator for WMU’s Woodrow Wilson Fellows project and the institution’s Howard Hughes Medical project, and has contributed to other current and completed evaluations of NSF- funded projects carried out at SAMPI. Page 24.565.2 c
mini-map in Figure 4. As dis-cussed later, the view was changed to a first-person point of view and enabled the player to shootenemy turrets along the path. The view also contained several visual elements to indicate thestatus (e.g. health, shields, etc.) of each ship in the convoy. Figure 4. MT-18’s first-person view and overhead mini-mapIn trying to satisfy the constraints of both architecture and gaming, students needed to be clever.Architecture students expressed interest in seeing their models not only from a specific view-point (~ 5 to 6 feet above the ground), but were also interested in visualizing the models in theirentirety. All groups used different approaches for this constraint, but were able to integrate these
includes four categories of how anindividual processes and evaluates information29. The first category describes how a personinteracts with his or her environment. People who take initiative and gain energy frominteractions are known as Extroverts (E). Introverts (I), on the other hand prefer more of arelatively passive role and gain energy internally. The second category describes how a personprocesses information. A person who process data with their senses is referred to as a Sensors(S) and a person who sees where data is going in the future is called an iNtuitor (N). The Sensorversus iNtuitor category is an interesting area of study when it comes to engineering education,because professors are historically intuitors while most engineering
, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foun-dation.Bibliography1. National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century, NationalAcademies Press, 2004.2. National Science Board, Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education, National Science Foundation Re-port NSB-07-122, 2007.3. Bill Seil, “Design anywhere, build anywhere, work anywhere”, Boeing Frontiers, June 2005. Online at: (Re-trieved March 30th 2014: http://www.boeing.com/news/frontiers/archive/2005/june/ts_sf08.html)4. Bart H. M. Gerritsen, “How to Adapt Information Technology Innovations to Industrial Design and Manufactur
.). How are fatigue related tests used to develop S-NFatigue curves with endurance limits that depend on N # of cycles? Does the “knee” exist in theS-N Fatigue curve for the material of the selected mechanical component? Describe the relevantfatigue tests, failure criteria and fatigue failure mechanisms for the mechanical component.Discuss various failure theories (e.g., Ch. 6 of textbook6) including maximum-distortion-energytheory (i.e., von Mises), maximum shear stress theory, and “Mohr and Modified Mohr” theories.Discuss bi-axial failure criteria for biaxial loadings. Discuss failure as it relates to tri-axialloadings. Discuss failure due to ductile vs. brittle materials. Discuss the role that the generalform of the von Mises stress equation
delivery reflect a slightly higher mean, the difference isstatistically insignificant. After some discussion, we arrived at some possible reasons why thisoccurred.Design presentations have been in place in ECE since 1978, when it was first implemented insenior design. In the mid 1990’s the practice was integrated into sophomore and senior design.Because the practice has been in place in all three courses for almost 20 years, it has becomeinstitutionalized as a disciplinary genre in oral communication. Student familiarity with theexpectations of the presentation—the team approach and the prescribed time limit of 20minutes—may explain the minimal difference between project and control students’performances. In addition, when we examine all of the
Page 24.777.16renowned brands. As is well-known, the enormous success of the German economy is duepredominantly to the success of the numerous small and medium size high tech andmanufacturing companies, which may not be as well known as a Bayer, BMW or Siemens, butwho are leaders in certain niche markets. They have proven to be excellent hosts for ourundergraduates since they have a strong interest interacting with them and integrating them intotheir company life and culture especially if they have an employee championing the internshipprogram because s/he is an alum of the IEP. Examples for mid-sized companies in which alumsplay a major role in placing our students are the automotive supplier IAV, Beinbauer Automotive,Hilti, a world leader in
Priority s turers Priority Priority Priority Priority Top Top Priority Priority Advanced processes 16 12 11 4 25 18 23 18 Advanced theoretical methods 1 4 0 1 5 6 1 3 Automation and controls 33 19 16 17 36 19 36 22 Basic science and mathematics 11 3 3 8 16 6 18 8 Basic processes 11 6 5 5 5
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Ancient HistorySourcebook, the Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and the Internet Modern History Sourcebook11. Gans, P. J. (1999). The Medieval Technology Pages. New York: New York University. Available:http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/technology.html [2002, July 2].12. ORB, Online Resource Book for Medieval Studies (1999). Available: http://orb.rhodes.edu/ [2002, July 2]13. Needham, J. (1993). Poverties and triumphs of the Chinese scientific tradition. In S. Harding (Ed.), The "racialeconomy" of science (pp. 30-46).Bloomington: Indiana University Press.14. Maddux, C. D., Johnson, D. L., & Willis, J. W. (1997). Educational computing: Learning with tomorrow’stechnologies (2nd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.15. Shneiderman, B. (1997
Session # 1661 Middle School Science Using Robotics For LEP and ESL Students Mike Robinson/M. S. Fadali/ Eric Wang/Ann-Marie Vollstedt Curriculum & Instruction/ Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering University of Nevada Reno Reno NV 89557 fadali@ieee.org Abstract There is a need for more effective science teaching strategies for science teachers with large numbers of Limited English