-specific educational objectives.The shortcomings of using standardized end of semester assessments can be overcome by using aseries of multiple short assessments during a semester, in which assessments are designedspecifically for the course and the student body. This assessment-improvement feedback processflowchart is shown in Figure 1. This process substantially reduces the assessment -improvement-verification turn-around time, making it easier to determine the effectiveness of teaching orcurriculum changes on the learning experience. It also addresse s the problem of varying classdynamics since changes in course curriculum or the teaching style directly benefit those studentsparticipating in the assessment. The proposed assessment methodology
aspirationsand goals, financial goals, childcare, family support systems, work environment and a women’spersonal attitude and commitment to achieve the goal of balancing work and family. It can bedone, but these networks must be in place.IV. Working Women/Mothers in the Fields of Science and TechnologyAccording to U.S. News & World Report, Women now make up a strong 48% of collegegraduates who majored in science or engineering. Unfortunately, the percentage of womenpursuing a doctoral degree is only 33%. Percentages are even lower in physical sciences, 23%,and in engineering, percentages drop to 12% as opposed to the 40% of women who earnedM.D.’s last year. 11Why are the numbers so low in the science and engineering fields in colleges and
3 4 5 Much Lower Average Much Higher3.13 Would you recommend this employer to someone else? Why or why not?3.14 Would you recommend this summer job/internship to someone else? Why or why not?3.15 Additional Comments4. If you have done a co-op or formal internship, please comment on the differences between your co-op or internship experiences and your other summer employment experiences.References1. Anwar, S., Winsor, F., “Internship Development for a New Baccalaureate Degree Program: Student Preparation, Sponsor Development, and Internship Follow-Up,” Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference, 1999.2
Copyright © 2002, American Society of Engineering Education”8. Brown, J. S. and Duguid, P. (1991) `Organisational learning and communities of practice: towards a unified view of working, learning and organisation', Organisation Science, Vol. 2, No. 1.9. Peters T. and Waterman R. In Search of Excellence Harper Row New York10. Garvin D. Building a Learning Organisation Harvard Business Review July 199311. Spender, J. C. 1996 `Making knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm', Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 1712. Kogut, B. and Zander, U. 1996 `What do firms do? Co-ordination, identity and learning', Organisation Science, Vol. 7
; Donlevy, T. (2000) What’s up in factories?: Introducing teachers and students to the dynamic world ofmodern manufacturing. International Journal of Instructional Media 27(1). 21-4.6. Cox-Peterson, A.M. & Melber, L.M. (2001) Using technology to prepare and extend field trips. The ClearingHouse75 (1). 18 – 20.7. Cooper G. & Cooper G. (2001) New Virtual Field Trips. Englewood, CO. Libraries Unlimited.8. Stevenson, S. (2001). Discover and create your own field trips. Multimedia Schools (8) 4. 40 –5.DAPHENE CYR, Assistant Professor in Construction Technology in the Purdue School of Engineering & Technologyat IUPUI. B.S. of Building Construction Management, M.S. of Technology with an emphasis on Construction andCurriculum Development and
linguistic comparison of letters of recommendation for male and female chemistry and biochemistry job applicants,” Sex Roles, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 509-514, 2007. 15. K. Dutt, D. L. Pfaff, A. F. Bernstein, J. S. Dillard, and C. J. Block, “Gender differences in recommendation letters for postdoctoral fellowships in geoscience," Nature Geoscience, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 805-808, 2016. 16. B. Schmidt. "Gendered Language in Teaching Reviews,” February 2015. Accessed: August 13, 2021. [Online]. https://benschmidt.org/profGender/ (accessed August 13, 2021). 17. M. C. “Establishing meeting ground rules for effective communication,” 2018. Accessed: August 11, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.rit.edu/advance/sites
North Tonawanda Dept. of Youth and Recreation, City of North Tonawanda,2019. https://ntparksrec.com/info/facilities/details[2] History and Culture - Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, eriecanalway.org, 2019.https://eriecanalway.org/learn/history-culture[3] North Tonawanda Botanical Garden Organization, Facebook, NTBGO.org, 2019.https://www.facebook.com › Places › North Tonawanda, New York and conversations[4] P. Sörqvist and L. Langeborg. "Why People Harm the Environment Although They Try to Treat ItWell: An Evolutionary-Cognitive Perspective on Climate Compensation," Frontiers in Psychology, 04March 2019. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00348[5] S. Watson. 'Delta Sonic plan moves forward as Menne Nursery reopens in Wheatfield
, 2024).5. Helou, R. E., Sivaranjani, S., Kalathil, D., Schaper, A., Xie, L., 2022, “The impact of heavy-duty vehicle electrification on large power grids: A synthetic Texas case study,” Advances in Applied Energy, vol. 6, 100093.6. Bybee, R. W., 2018, Designing Innovative STEM Units, in STEM Education Now More Than Ever, NSTA Press, Arlington, VA, Ch. 13. Proceedings of the 2024 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX Copyright © 2024, American Society for Engineering Education 127. Zollman, A., 2012, “Learning for STEM Literacy: STEM Literacy
topics they would be interested in reviewing. They were able to selectas many as they wanted. The Mines faculty were solicited via a personal email from us. Theywere asked if they would be willing to review course content in their discipline and/or specialtopics page(s) of their choice.15 librarians from various academic institutions completed the form expressing interest inreviewing course content. They volunteered for all nine special topics and 15 of the 16disciplines. Several disciplines were sent to three librarians, including Math, Computer Science,Design Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Chemistry. Two pages were onlysent to a single librarian reviewer, Geology and Chemical and Biological Engineering.Additionally, nine
introvert, Kathy enjoys reading WWII historical fiction, listening to podcasts, spending time with her family, exploring the world of craft cocktails, enjoying Finger Lakes wineries, and making a fuss over her Boston Terrier, Gatsby. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 20241234WE@RIT was founded during the early Millennial era in the early 2000’s and itsengagement playbook worked famously right up through the end of the Millennial era(the last class of Millennials graduated in 2018).Millennials were quick to sign up and show up for one-off events and programs.Gen Z is slower to sign-up and far more likely to no-show if they do sign up.Millennials took no issue in being part of programs that addressed
students.In conclusion, the transformation of the Digital Design Lab course at Georgia SouthernUniversity stands as a testament to the potential of thoughtfully designed educationalresources to enhance student learning outcomes. The ongoing process of assessment andrefinement ensures that the course will continue to evolve, keeping pace with technologicaladvancements and educational best practices. This initiative not only benefits the students ofGeorgia Southern University but also holds the promise of influencing digital designeducation in a broader academic context.References[1] “Open Educational Resources | UNESCO.” https://www.unesco.org/en/open- educationalresources (accessed Nov. 15, 2023).[2] S. Huntsman, A. C. Edenfield, and E. L. Davis
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. Page 24.1401.8Dissemination through conference presentation and conference proceedings articles The project PI, Co-PIs, key personnel, and participating students presented conference papers related to project activities at various conferences. Following is the list of papers. Fathizadeh, M. (Accepted for Publication, 2013 ). Implementation of a New Mechatronics Engineering Technology Degree Leveraging Industry. Technology Interface International Journal. Paper No.:T13-S-14 M. Fathizadeh, G. Cabrera, M. Werthman and G. Zawislak, (2013), “Implementing Industry Leverage to Establish a New Automation Equipment Training Center.” Conference Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Mid-Atlantic Section
engineering activities (Table 4, #5). Participants then engaged inan altered version of the sail engineering activity from Day 1, which we had modified to moreclosely align with Common Core Math Standards for Grade 2 (Table 4, #6). Specificimplementation of the math standards in the activity can be found in Table 7.Participants created a line plot to analyze their data from Day 1 to evaluate the success of thesails they had designed. This activity modeled meaningful integration of math and engineeringand demonstrated s that using math to evaluate the criteria for the success of a design canenhance an engineering activity (addressing Key Component 3).To further model for teachers how we planned the lesson to integrate the CCSS with theengineering
Research & Development, Vol. 26, Issue 4, 2007, pp. 425-442.7 Fu, K., Reid, T., Terpenny, J., Thurston, D., Vance, J., Finger, S., Wiens, G., Kazerounian, K., Allen, J.,and Jacobson, K., “Broadening Participation: A Report on a Series of Workshops Aimed at Building Community and Increasing the Number of Women and Minorities in Engineering Design,” 2013 ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, June 23 - 26, 2013 Atlanta, GA. Page 24.885.108 Collins, Lynn H., Joan C. Chrisler, and Kathryn Quina, eds. Career Strategies for Women in Academia: Arming Athena. Sage, 1998.9 Klenke, K., “Cinderella Stories Of Women
thiseducational effort can be expanded outside the classroom to involve the entire student body, inthe hopes of motivating students to enroll in elective courses in the future. The classroomstudents can then analyze the data obtained from this school wide challenge to determine ifmathematical models can be used to help understand human intuition. Ultimately, this week longexperience helps students realize the practical applications of mathematics, and demonstrates thata systematic analysis in lieu of intuition can give your bracket the statistical edge.References 1. Jacobson, S. H., Nikolaev, A. G., King, D.M., Lee, A. J., 2011, “Seed distributions for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament”, OMEGA, 39(6):719-724. 2. Lunardi, J
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overall sitehits and time spent on the site with the final grade. Results are shown in Figures 8 and 9. Figure8 relates total site time in hours to final grade and showed a positive relationship (R2 = 0.1717) infigure 8 similar to Figure 6 (R2 = 0.182), final grade and number of chapter s with videosaccessed. Figure 9 relates final grade and the overall number of site log-ins and provided thebest relationship we found (R2 = 0.3123). In general, this may indicate that the level of overalluse of the various tools of the Blackboard site as represented by the total hits or log-ins docontribute to the final grade. The learning tools the course provided were sufficient to learn the materials (videos, respondus
program.References1.) Hirsch, P., and McKenna, A. “Using Reflection to Promote Teamwork in Engineering Design Education.” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 24, 2008, 377-385.2.) Hirsch, P., Shwom, B., and McKenna, A. “Teaching and Assessing Teamwork: Implementing Continuous Quality Improvement.” Proceedings, Association for Business Communication, October 2003.3.) Carr, S., McKenna, A., Colgate, J.E., and Olson, G.B. “IDEA: Formalizing the Foundation for Engineering Design Education.” International Journal of Engineering Education. 22 (671-678), 2006.4.) Lencioni, P. “Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators.” Jossey-Bass. San Francisco, CA. 2005.5
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recognized "core"of material that has been relatively stable for at least ten years. It has evolved in the field withoutany agency or body attempting to specify such a core. Unfortunately, it is difficult to look backto the early 70’s when the first programs were created to see the evolution to this point.However, the data presented here will provide a point of reference for studying the evolution ofthe undergraduate bioengineering curriculum in the future. Our analyses have emphasized commonalities across BME, but there is clearly alsoconsiderable diversity in BME undergraduate curricula. If we were to investigate certain otherbranches of engineering, at least five or six topics would be expected to be nearly 100%consistent across programs
Engineering Education. (2013). Transforming Undergraduate Education in Engineering (TUEE): Phase I: Synthesizing and Integrating Industry Perspectives. Arlington, VA3. National Academies Press, (2005). Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century: The National Academies Press.4. Dym, C. L., Agogino, A. M., Eris, O., Frey, D. D., & Leifer, L. J. (2005). Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 103-120.5. Felder, R. M., Sheppard, S. D., & Smith, K. A. (2005). A new journal for a field in transition. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 7-10.6. Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the REsearch
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% Page 24.1170.9 Teams are asked to give a 10 minute presentation on their project during exam week. The following slides are suggested, but each team is free to vary this as they feel appropriate: Problem Description Alternatives Considered Final Design (CAD Model and S/W Flowchart) Video of Working Prototype (Approx. 2 Min) Results Problems Encountered/Overcome Lessons Learned Teams are asked to dress in business attire, as they would for an interview, and to make their slides on a CAD system or on PowerPoint. The rubric used for the presentation is shown in Table 4 below with typical results. Table 4: Presentation Rubric
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-assessment/ResearchPaperRubric.pdf, accessed March 2014.20. http://www.cornellcollege.edu/LIBRARY/faculty/focusing-on-assignments/tools-for-assessment/poster-presentation-rubric.pdf, accessed March 2014.21. Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., and Maisa, B. B., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification ofEducational Goals, Handbook II, Affective Domain, David McKay Co. Inc, New York, 1964.22. Verzuh, E., The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999. Page 24.1323.12