, midterm examinations, and the final examination. Final grades are thencomputed as a weighted average of the objective assessment scores.Before the introduction of SBG, the course was taught using a traditional “chalk-and-talk”lecture style. Homework discussion sessions were offered on a weekly basis. Interactivemodules for convolution and Fourier series signal and system analysis were developed [17] asadditional homework assignments. The course was graded based on homework scores, midtermexam scores, and the final exam score. Students would have only been aware of theirperformance on a course concept by identifying the concept(s) involved with a homework orexam problem and comparing their score to the standard institutional grading scale.After
collect data fordetermining the effectiveness of the approach. This paper provides an updated analysis (N = 50)combining the previously reported data from the 2017 camp and the implementation results of thesummer 2018 camp. Results indicated statistically significant gains in students’ content knowledgeand positive changes in attitudes of mainly female students towards science, technology,engineering and math.KeywordsSTEM, K-12, flight simulation, mathematics, scienceIntroductionThe U. S. K-12 education system is facing several challenges which are of grave concern especiallyin context of the U.S. technological leadership of the world. These challenges include thecontinued global non-competitive performance of U.S. middle school students in
actual input data; it onlyrelies on n. Therefore, a lookup table can be pre-computed and loaded at runtime. We first definean algorithm in Python-based pseudocode that determines where samples should reside at eachstage of the algorithm, as in Figure 2. Figure. 2 Algorithm for computing table A of sample indices at each stage From this table, we can compute another table that explicitly states the destination indexthat a sample needs to be sent to. That is, using the new table B, calculated using the algorithm inFigure 3, during stage s, sample i in the current buffer should be sent to position B[s][i]. Figure. 3 Algorithm for determining table B, which contains the destination of the current stage's samples
IPv6, the Internet’s migration to the new protocol has beenanything but smooth. Many have expressed doubts, and some still do, that IPv6 will reach fulladoption and replace IPv4 as the Internet’s dominant protocol. However, empirical data suggeststhat Internet IPv6 adoption has entered a phase of rapid acceleration [3]. A recent study by [4]found that the number of IPv6 users on the Internet has reached the early majority level ofadoption and full adoption could occur as early as December 2024. Figure 1 shows the numberof users accessing Google over IPv6 reached 26.31% in January of 2019 [5].Figure 1. The adopter distribution normal curve partitioned into adopter categories overlaid withthe S-shaped diffusion curve [6]. The number of IPv6
contained a single Attack VMand Multiple Defense VMs (Defenders 1-9). The Attack VM was the Kali Linux that preparedstudents with a variety of penetration testing tools to initiate attacks and exploit systemvulnerabilities on other students’ defense VMs. Each defender was either a Windows Server orLinux machine that was configured specifically for its corresponding attack or defense sub-lab.A Score and Message Board was designed to display the points students achieved. The studentgained positive points when s/he successfully attacked someone’s VM or configured his/her owndefense VM; on the contrary, the student got negative points when s/he did not prevent an attackfrom others or failed to configure his/her own defense VM. During the competition
uncovered several insightful findings related to first-year engineeringstudents' use of time. Future work should look at collecting data on a larger scale to determine ifany of the activity categories are significant predictors of success, such as GPA. Additionally,the development and use of a time tracking app and dashboard may allow for deeper findingsinto how students and potentially faculty can think about time spent outside the classroom.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported in part by NSF Grants#1447489 and #1444277. We would like to thankour informants for participating in the field studies reported here. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily
Grant Nos. 1762436 and1762444. The contents, opinions, and recommendations expressed are those of the authors anddo not represent the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAlexander, B. B., Foertsch, J., & Daffinrud, S. (1998). The spend a summer with a scientist program: An evaluation of program outcomes and the essential elements for success. Madison, WI: Citeseer.Chaplin, S. B., Manske, J. M., & Cruise, J. L. (1998). Introducing freshmen to investigative research--a course for biology majors at Minnesota’s University of St. Thomas: How" investigative labs" change the student from passive direction-follower to analytically critical thinker. Journal of College Science Teaching.Cleary, T. J. (2011). Emergence
the design of learning assistant programs in engineeringdepartments but also for faculty professional development. AcknowledgementsWe are grateful for the efforts of the learning assistants who participated in our pilot program,and we thank Jessica Swenson for her important contributions to the pedagogy seminar.References 1. Knight, J. K., Wise, S. B., Rentsch, J., & Furtak, E. M. (2015). Cues matter: learning assistants influence introductory biology student interactions during clicker-question discussions. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 14(4), ar41.2. Otero, V., Pollock, S., & Finkelstein, N. (2010). A physics department’s role in preparing physics teachers: The Colorado learning assistant model. American Journal
additional recommendation was to make thecourse available “to students specializing in math and science across all education majors” andtailoring the coding assignments “from simplistic to intricate based on age/grade levels.”The two students were asked to reflect at the end of their course on their main takeaways fromthe course. The freshman student stated: “Although we may be ending our course work withprogramming here, we have a newfound interest in the subject that we will bring with us the restof our academic careers and beyond!” and the sophomore replied: “We both concluded thatalthough we may be more focused on the S and M in STEM, we now want to incorporate ourknowledge into the classroom. By having a ‘Tech Corner’ of sorts and having
the panelhad trouble hearing, and thus had greater difficulty paying attention to the proceedings. [Figure 10] Final review room arrangement used for the event (left), and proposed room arrangement for future events (right).References[1] Mitchell, J. (2009, June), Defining Architectural Engineering Design Paper presented at 2009ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas.[2] C. Rennick, C. Hulls, A. Milne, D. Wright, E. Li, S. Bedi. (2018), Engineering Design Days:Engaging Students with Authentic Problem-Solving in an Academic Hackathon Paper presentedat 2018 ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City.[3] I. Ivkovic, T. L. Willett, M. J. Borland, M. Gorbet, “Design Days Boot Camp
diversity. We developed an instrument for measuringstudents’ latent diversity from a review of the existing literature as well as interviews withundergraduate students. A detailed description of this process can be found in [7]. This surveymeasured students’ epistemic beliefs, innovation self-efficacy beliefs, STEM role identityconstructs, motivation, personality, and background factors such as race/ethnicity, genderidentity, sexual orientation, ZIP code, and parent(s) level of education. Students responded toitems measuring their attitudes and beliefs on a 7-point anchored numeric scale. We administered3,855 paper and pencil surveys to 32 ABET accredited institutions to understand students’ latentdiversity. These schools were recruited from a list
but I think sometimes the joking around or pushing each other around can come in many forms and it’s not always just physically pushing each other around, it can kind of be like a mental push around too. Girls and guys can have different levels of experience or strength in either of those.From this analysis, the spectrum for this dimension is a little more nuanced than the previoustwo. Understanding of systems of power necessitates the identification of the individualisticframework Brett is operating from in the scenario, while examining the scenario itself from asystems framework (such as in S4’s response). Lower levels of understanding would entail anidentification of both frameworks but an inconsistency in which they use those
sought to identify what features if any were consistent throughout all thedocuments. The features identified in the summaries from the semesters of the interventionwere used to review the summaries from the previous year(s). Once the structural features ofthe summaries were identified, one of the second authors read the summaries looking for thesame structural elements to confirm the structural patterns. Then the board comments/scores were also collected for the semesters used to identifyany patterns of improvement. This strategy did not work out as planned due to a few anomaliesinvolved in the semesters included in the study. There was no clear evidence of improvementbetween the semesters studied. As a result, word counts of the
and the subgroups did not allhave statistically significant populations. Future work will attempt to gather data from a largergroup of respondents. Future work will also attempt to analyze some of the open response datausing the comparative method 31, 32 method to provide further insights into how educationalinstitutions can better collaborate with industry to prepare the necessary workforce to fullyexploit the technological capabilities of Industry 4.0. Future work will details some expliciteducational initiatives related to these goals, particularly aimed at small and medium sizedenterprises.References[1] Ito, T., & Abadi, S. M. J. (2002). Agent-based material handling and inventory planning in warehouse. Journal of intelligent
invaluable feedback and guidance. References[1] J. Hunt & D. Eisenberg, “Mental health problems and help-seeking behavior among college students,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 46(1), pp. 3-10, 2010.[2] J. McFarlan, et al., “The Condition of Education 2018,” NCES 2018-144. U.S. Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, 2018.[3] J. Hefner & D. Eisenberg, “Social support and mental health among college students,” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79(4), pp. 491-499, 2009.[4] K. Hyun, B. Quinn, T. Madon, & S. Lustig, “Graduate student mental health: Needs assessment and utilization of counseling services
-controller. The use of the graphical programming language helpedstudents understand the interfacing and control logic and motivated them to learn further on thesubjects. We plan to continuously improve the course to keep it updated with the latesttechnology. A section on programmable logic controllers as an alternative controller will beintroduced in future semesters.References [1] A. Geddam, “Mechatronics for engineering education: undergraduate curriculum,” Mechatronics, vol. 1, p. 13, 2003. [2] M. Grimheden, “Mechatronics engineering education,” Ph.D. dissertation, KTH, 2006. [3] S. K. Gupta, S. Kumar, and L. Tewari, “A design-oriented undergraduate curriculum in mechatronics education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol
, Hoboken, NJ, 2008.[10] A. S. Khan, A. Karim, and J. A. McClain, “The state of the use of standards in engineering and technology education,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, 2013.[11] A. Lampousis, “On the pursuit of relevance in standards-based curriculum development: The CCNY approach,” Standards Engineering, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 1, 3–6, 2017.[12] M. Phillips and P. McPherson, “Using everyday objects to engage students in standards education,” 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Erie, PA, 2016, pp. 1–5.[13] B. S. Kunst and J. R. Goldberg, “Standards education in senior design courses,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, vol. 22, no. 4, pp
, presenting them with well-defined modules with manageable uncertainties, and focusing only on aircraft dynamics andcontrols – unlike capstone projects.Custom Designed UAS Platform For the purposes of this effort, we intend to use a custom designed fixed wing UAS – the SLUSharpshooter. The UAS is designed so that it is modular – with the exception of the fuselage andthe integrated mid-section of the wing, all other components can be switched out, including theempennage, the wing section(s) and its geometry (for instance, dihederal can be introduced orremoved through special dihedral pin inserts). The specifications and pictures of the SharpshooterUAS are listed below in in Table 2. The UAS in Figure 1 has been flown a number of times and
Engineering, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ABE/academics/advising/abe-degree-requirements.[10] Iowa State University, Agricultural and Biological System Engineering, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.abe.iastate.edu/undergraduate-students/agricultural- engineering/ae-curricula/.[11] Texas A&M University, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, n.d. [Online]. Available: https://baen.tamu.edu/academics/undergraduates/degree-programs/[12] B. Sharma, B. Steward, S. Ong, and F. Miguez, ‘'Evaluation of teaching approach and student learning in a multidisciplinary sustainable engineering course', Journal of cleaner production, vol. 142, pp. 4032-40, 2017.[13] M. Mumford, L
type of course content can be intensive. Our hope is that by presentingsome of our own work, methods, and tips, other Statics instructors are able to pave their ownpath towards contextualizing Statics in their own classrooms. While interested readers areencouraged to adopt the examples and projects we have presented here as a starting point, wehope our work will inspire others to develop their own context examples to, in turn, inspire theirown students to see Statics everywhere in the world around us.References[1] S. Moseley, “One Paragraph and a Few Simple Questions - Giving Statics Problems Human Context,” in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2017, p. 6.[2] G. L. Downey, “PDS: Engineering as Problem
can teach Silicon Valley about its gender problem. Wired. 6. Goel, S. (2007). Women in engineering in India. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review, 1(6), 1833-1882. 7. Anand, C. (2016). Number of unemployed women engineers in India is as high as 40%. The Hindu. 8. Why India needs women to work. (2018). The Economist. 9. Moss-Racusin, C. A., Dovidio, J. F., Brescoll, V. L., Graham, M. J., & Handelsman, J. (2012). Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students. Proceedings of the National Acadmey of Sciences, 109(41), 16474-16479. 10. Correll, S. J., Benard, S., & Paik, I. (2007). Getting a job: Is there a motherhood penalty? American
reprints for government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon.Finally, the authors would like to thank the students from the Introduction to MechanicalEngineering course at SDSM&T that answered the STTS in the fall 2018 semester.Bibliography[1] The Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC), 2017, "General Criteria forBaccalaureate Programs," http://www.abet.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/E001-18-19-EAC-Criteria-11-29-17-FINAL_updated1218.pdf[2] American Association of Engineering Societies, and United States Department of Labor,2015, "Engineering Competency Model," Employment and Training Administration, ed., UnitedStates Department of Labor.[3] Crawley, E. F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D. R., and Edström, K., 2014
and resources.AcknowledgmentsThis project has been funded by Engineering Education Transformation Institute (EETI) with theCollege of Engineering at the University of Georgia.References[1] J. R. Hills, "Transfer shock: The academic performance of the junior college transfer," The Journal of Experimental Education, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 201-215, 1965.[2] F. S. Laanan, D. Jackson, and M. Darrow, "Experiences of engineering transfer students: From community college to university," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2010: American Society for Engineering Education.[3] J. Laier, S. Steadman, and G. Jefferson, "Improving transfer student success," in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis
supported by the National ScienceFoundation under DUE/IUSE Grant No. 1610164 and IUSE/PFE 1623053. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References 1. K. Jahan, R. Breen, P. L. Hurley, E. Pepe, J. Shen (2018) Teaching Sustainable Development Using Algae, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD) 3-6 June 2018, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, USA. 2. K. Jahan, R. Breen, P. L. Hurley, E. Pepe, J. Shen (2018) Integrating Humanities with Engineering Fundamentals, Proceedings of the 2018 Annual ASEE Conference, Salt lake City
failures [13]. Of the 21 causes, we consider in this work the 10 that apply to studentprojects, as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Common causes of systems engineering failures. Adapted from [13]. Systems engineering failure causesFailed to consider Actor(s) in the organization failed to consider an aspect in the system design. In many cases,design aspect this causal action describes a design flaw, such as a single-point failure or component compatibility.Used inadequate Actor(s) in the organization used inadequate justification for a decision.justificationFailed to form a Actor(s) in the organization failed to form a contingency plan to implement if an
Department of Mining Engineering. He served as the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering from 1998 to 2006. He was appointed Dean of the School of Engineering at SIU Edwardsville in August 2006. He retired in 2016. Until 2000, most of Dr. Sevim’s publications were in mine systems optimization and open pit mine production planning. After 2000, in parallel with his administrative appointments, he mostly published in the area of engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Avoiding the Pitfalls in International Collaborations – A case study Hasan Sevim and S. Cem Karacal hsevim@siue.edu and skaraca@siue.edu
coursecontent occurs within the 14 days following the official state date. The left edge of the graphcorresponds with the official start date of each course. The official end date of each course isshown with a black dotted line. Each seven days until the end date is shown with a dashedvertical white line (with every fourth week shown as a solid line).Cluster C1—the top layer in nano540x’s timeline, seen in Figure 4—shows a group of learnerswho stopped interacting with the course almost precisely when the course ended. This behavioris in contrast with nano540x's C3 and C4 which each also began with about 100 learners.Although more of C3 and C4’s learners departed early in the course than did C1’s, many more ofC3 and C4's learners continued to access the
evaluating teamwork models, statewide pre-college math initiatives, teacher and faculty professional development programs, and S-STEM programs.Dr. Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University Marisa K. Orr is an Assistant Professor in Engineering and Science Education with a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University. Her research interests include student persistence and pathways in engineering, gender equity, diversity, and academic policy. Dr. Orr is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award for her research entitled, ”Empowering Students to be Adaptive Decision-Makers.”Dr. Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc Rebecca Brent is President of Education Designs, Inc., a consulting firm located in
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