Community,thinking not only about your own contribution but also how you would like to interact withothers within this Community, including your peers and your instructors.”At the end of that first seminar students were asked to write reflections responding to that initialletter, “Go back and read that letter to yourself and then write a reflection about your experiencethrough the lens of your expectations.[…] Share how this experience has affected the way youlook at yourself, others, your education, your goals, and your success. Is there anything that younow look at or approach differently due to your experience in this course?” In addition, studentswere asked to write a letter to an incoming student about the first seminar experience.At the end
retainingwomen engineering students? Do the virtual measures foster the same levels of self-efficacy inwomen engineering students as the previously offered face-to-face interactions? Do womenengineering students feel additional isolation from their peer group and perhaps question theircareer path when faced with an increased amount of online presence and the removal of criticalprograms aimed at increasing retention?While it is impossible to know the long-term impact on women engineering students due to thepandemic, it is possible to measure the immediate change in self-efficacy, sense of belonging andconfidence in program of study. This study measured changes in self-efficacy, belonging andconfidence of undergraduate women engineering students at a
of this NRT, the main goalof which is to generate an innovative model for STEM graduate student training by identifyingand implementing the most effective tools for the training of STEM professionals. In futurecontributions, we intend to showcase data from the NRT, focusing on the evaluation of itsconstituent parts.Briefly, this multi-year academy includes two required courses (one focused on research-relatedcontent and another on transferrable skills) and two elective courses, which together constitutethe basis of a graduate certification. Other features include two summer internships (one inter-departmental and one at an external institution), peer mentoring of subsequent trainee cohorts,and initiatives including collaborative research
, professional society, and annual conference activities. As a result of her efforts, in five years DOE CSGF doubled the number and overall quality of applicants, including a doubling and in some cases quadrupling the number of underrepresented minority applications. Under her directorship, the National Science Foundation STEM Talent Expansion Program at Miami Dade College witnessed development and implementation of novel programming for cross-engagement of women and under-represented minorities in STEM. She initiated a rapid start, and then engaged and retained students through online and learning communities, specialized courses, virtual and traditional seminars, peer and faculty mentoring, field trips, and other
Engineering & Design department at WWU has spent considerableeffort focused on supporting students with the goal of improving student sense of belonging andcreating inclusive and equitable learning environments. Efforts have included updating the firstyear curriculum to incorporate social justice [6], starting a peer mentor program focused onstudent engagement and belonging [7] [8] [9], integrating inclusive practices into thedepartmental makerspace [10] [11], creating a summer bridge program for engineering students[12], hosting events designed to increase belonging and engagement [8] [13], conductingresearch on impacts of curricular and co-curricular changes on belonging and identity [14] [15][16], and offering undergraduate research
suggest. Immediatelyfollowing the pitch, each student writes a short written reflection about how peer andinstructor feedback may have modified the focus or scope of their project, or helped thestudent identify additional resources.With their final paper topic fully vetted and scoped, each student writes an annotatedbibliography and 6-8 page rough draft, which is peer reviewed in class and commentedon by the instructor. Each student writes a reflection on how they will edit their draft dueto feedback they received in peer review or how they were inspired to do somethingdifferently by reading another student’s draft. The final draft is due at the end of thequarter. See selected topics for final papers in Table IV. Table IV. Select Examples of
] V. Sampson, P. Enderle, J. Grooms and S. Witte, “Writing to Learn by Learning to Write During the School Science Laboratory: Helping Middle and High School Students Develop Argumentative Writing Skills as they Learn Core Ideas,” Science Education, vol. 97, pp. 643-670, Sept., 2013. doi: 10.1002/sce.21069[31] L. Martin, “The Promise of the Maker Movement for Education,” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), vol. 5, pp. 30-39, Jan.-June, 2015.[32] S. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby and W. Sullivan, Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field, Book Highlights. Stanford, C.A.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2008
required to develop conceptual and technical design reviews. Weekly activities include discussion posts on technical and communication topics related to the design project. Peer evaluations are conducted via Purdue’s CATME Peer-Evaluation tool three times during a semester and serve as a measure of teamwork. Technical writing is considered a critical piece of project documentation. Project deliverables such as oral presentations, design reviews, peer evaluations, and prototype testing are used to assess student learning objectives.III. Challenges in Teaching and Learning at the regional campusHigher Education institutions especially land grant institutions have relied upon the traditionalstudent population admitted to the central campus. With the
my academic “pulse” comes simply and solelyfrom a heart of curiosity and desire for knowledge. In terms of identity development, Iexperienced the same curriculum as my peers but may have received them differently due to mydiffering motivations. It is with this background and initial sense of self that I approached the writing of thethree narratives that follow. Within each narrative there is analysis that comes from myimmediate processing of the experience. After each narrative, I provide further analysis whichhelps to connect the narratives and place them in the larger context of personal-professionalidentity alignment. At the end of the paper, I present a final analysis of how my experiencesmight be useful in thinking more broadly
] .MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS OF TURING MACHINESAlan Turing provided a mathematical definition of computation in 1936 [41]. In the same year,Emil Post independently developed algorithm machines that have come to be known as Postmachines [29]. Turing machines and Post machines are proven to be equivalent and their theorydeveloped in 1930s and 1940s has provided the foundation of the theory of computation. Turingmachines are the most popular models for recursively enumerable sets mentioned above.Following Cohen [6], we define Turing machines as follows. A Turing machine is composed of six components: 1. An alphabet, , which is a finite non-empty set of symbols from which input isbuilt. 2. A READ/WRITE TAPE, divided into a sequence
research university in the American Southwest. Students worked in pairs onhomework assignments to support peer learning. We replaced one question from each of the sixhomework assignments with design challenge deliverables. Students worked in subteams on oneof the three algal production phases (i.e., growth, harvest, extraction). They also developedindividual accountability through jigsaw sessions in which they explained their subteam’s workto students from other production phases. They built whole-class consensus through “parley”sessions that involved decision matrices.We describe the design challenge and our study, in which we investigated how a designchallenge threaded through a sophomore course might provide students with a picture ofauthentic
also affirming the imperative for educators to recognize thediversity of Latinx communities and to develop partnerships that foreground local communityknowledges and resources. Funds of Knowledge and TranslanguagingAlthough the aforementioned previous descriptions of funds of knowledge did not addressmultilingualism, other writings by Moll foregrounded the role of bilingualism as a vital resourcein learning for many Latinx youth.16 If schools and educators embrace the ethical imperative tosustain rather than erase minoritized students’ home cultures, then sustaining home languages isvital to education in a democracy.17 Accordingly, translanguaging has gained prominence as animportant approach across academic
has also architected SFAz’s enhanced Community College STEM Pathways Guide that has received the national STEMx seal of approval for STEM tools. She integrated the STEM Pathways Guide with the KickStarter processes for improving competitive proposal writing of Community College Hispanic Serving Institutions. Throughout her career, Ms. Pickering has written robotics software, diagnostic expert systems for space station, manufacturing equipment models, and architected complex IT systems for global collaboration that included engagement analytics. She holds a US Patent # 7904323, Multi-Team Immersive Integrated Collaboration Workspace awarded 3/8/2011. She also has twenty-five peer-reviewed publications. She has
specific problem, such as writing a paper for ajournal with a high rejection rate, approaching a tight proposal deadline, dealing with anunproductive graduate student or a rebellious undergraduate class, find out which colleaguesare likely to be helpful and seek them out.Working without clear goals and plans and accepting too many commitments that don’thelp achieve long-term goals. Faculty need to make commitments wisely and develop cleargoals and specific milestones for reaching them. Periodic feedback from the department headand peers can also be helpful.Others SuggestionsFind one or more research mentors and one or more teaching mentors, and work closely withthem until you become successful. Most faculties have professors who excel at research
environments in different ways thantheir male peers altering their continued interest in computer science.Personal FactorsPersonal factors such as motivation, sense of belonging, personal fulfillment, and identity caninfluence persistence to degree. Research shows that while these personal factors are unique toeach student, educational environments can be structured or altered to influence some personalattributes in ways that positively impact retention.Motivation can impact how students face and persevere through challenging concepts and coursework. Research using project based computer game development has shown that assignmentscan be structured to facilitate student motivation and encourage them to work through difficultmaterial [13]. Motivational
students.BackgroundIt is well established that teaching undergraduate students, particularly engineering students, howto work in teams is important [7], [8], difficult [9], and worth doing because students canimprove [10]. Teamwork assessment tools like CATME (a web-based peer evaluation tool foundat can help instructors identify teaming problems amongst students [11], [12].Challenges remain, however, for instructors of large courses who want to address such problemsin getting enough of the right kind of information to effectively intervene to help studentsimprove their teamwork skills, and then knowing how best to coach teams exhibiting evidence ofdysfunction.Researchers have established the outsized burden that minoritized teammates carry
using the Fink Model of Backwards Design10 we focused on helping faculty tothink differently about course design and instruction by going to the end of instruction, settingoutcomes, and working backwards to design the course. This faculty development workshop alsoincluded the component of social aspect of learning with other faculty in a learning community,21where they learned new content and strategies, observed demonstrations of new strategies andthen integrated what they learned, and taught a brief excerpt of a lesson to their peers andreceived feedback from the community of learners. Also used as an assessment tool for thisworkshop is an instrument called the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM),22,23 to measurehow workshop participants
engineering ethics, peer-to-peer learning in the design process has helped her identify the effective approaches to educate engineering students, in order to meet the demands of their profession. She will be starting her PhD in the fall of 2015 at The University of Oklahoma.Dr. Diana Bairaktarova, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK Dr. Diana Bairaktarova is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Practice in the College of Engineering at University of Oklahoma. Through real-world engineering applications, Dr. Bairaktarova’s experiential learning research spans from engineering to psychology to learning sciences, as she uncovers how indi- vidual performance is influenced by aptitudes, spatial skills, personal interests and
. He has published 16 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 28 papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and given 12 technical presentations on various topics including: additive manufacturing, mechatronics, biomechanics, and engineering education. He currently teaches the Engineered Systems In Society, Mechanical Engineering Professional Practice, and Capstone Design I and II courses. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Exploring the Impact of Study Sheets on Students' Performance in an Engineered Systems in Society CourseAbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of study sheets on second-year engineeringstudents' performance in an
variants of learning modules thatfacilitate STEM ethics learning for the diverse students in the classroom. This research drawsupon 264 surveys and student-writing samples from students across four institutions, specificallyNotre Dame, St. Mary’s College, Xavier University-Louisiana, and University of Virginia. Theaim of this initial research is to explore the heterogeneity of students in STEM classrooms, whiledemonstrating that STEM students can be described more holistically when personality and othernon-demographic characteristics are recognized as important attributes in a learner-centeredenvironment. This paper supports the notion that, prior to the start of instruction, the mosteffective instructors will critically review and consider a
is insufficient to address Latinx student needs, especially atHSIs[10], [11], [12]. A 2017 paper [13] outlines a literature review of innovations and interventionsthat intend to improve the outcomes for areas of study based in mathematics. The pedagogicalapproaches discussed in the reviewed literature included active learning, hands-on projects,mentoring programs, use of technology, one-to-one help, and peer study groups. The paper notedthat there is relatively little literature on rigorous evaluations of the interventions. There is a need todevise innovative math remediation methods that are more engaging, effective, and less costly tostudents. In this National Science Foundation funded project, engineering and math faculty from thelarge R1
, 2016). Peer debriefing will include fellowstudent researchers, faculty advisors, and peer-faculty group meetings. Peer debriefing works torelate one’s research conclusion to a peer more distant from the data to explore alternativeconclusions that may have been overlooked. Built-in probing interview questions and/orrespondent validation, in which the participant is asked to elaborate or confirm their position, isanother way to mitigate misconnections (Maxwell, 2013). In unforeseen situations wheretraditional knowledge may conflict with the research, community, traditional, and culturalsensitivities will be respected and supported.Memo writing is serving to track the analysis process which would support repeatability andprovide additional
, subject to areview of academic progress and financial eligibility. Some students were offered less than twoyears of support due to limited availability of project funds near the end of a grant period, and asmall number of students left the program.Activities. All S-STEM program activities were run or coordinated through the CoE’s EventsOffice with assistance from the Diversity Programs Office (DPO). The mission of the DPO is toprovide academic and non-academic support to increase enrollment, retention, and graduationamong under-represented minorities and women, but DPO services are available to all CoEstudents. The DPO collaborates with the university’s Learning Resource Center (LRC) toprovide academic support services and essay writing support
improvegender-based performance. However, this could also be due to the sampling bias.The analysis from the second class showed similar trends; hence, we do not elaborate on theresults from the second class here.Summary: We draw two conclusions from our evaluation. First, we observe that anonymousgrading can lead to better grades for certain ethnicities (Ethnicity 2). Secondly, we observe thatanonymous grading does not lead to better grades when considering gender. Figure 7: Grade differences between two genders considered for the two groups.Potential PitfallsWe have found three main limitations of our study. 1) Writing style: The assessments we are considering are handwritten in-person submissions. Some identifiers, like handwriting or
introducestudents to research work through rhetorical analysis of scholarly work. These first-timeundergraduate researchers are recruited from various universities and bring with them diverseexperiences based on their backgrounds. The REU program is designed to prepare students forgraduate studies by immersing participants in a authentic research conducted within a tier oneresearch facility alongside graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research staff, and faculty.The program also provides career development workshops on applying to graduate school,writing personal statements, developing a professional network, working in academia andindustry as well as creating graduate level research products (i.e., posters, presentations, andpapers).The Natural
and non-uniform across graduate students. The result ispotentially leaving many newcomers with gaps in their knowledge regarding the processes of graduateschool. A panel of peers who can make explicit some of the implicit knowledge can help students moreconfidently navigate their environment.The literature on successful transition programs indicates that students should know what services andresources are available to them 5, 15. During these sessions, participants had the opportunity to meetwith personnel from different support departments on campus, including the university librarian who isdesignated to work with the College of Engineering, representatives from the Writing Center, and stafffrom the Graduate School who oversee diversity
disabilities. Design is an integral part of engineering education at Olin College of Engineering. In Olin College’s largely project-based curriculum, students spend much of their time in design teams. These courses can present barriers for students with disabilities who are entitled to the same access to learning resources, including classroom culture, as their peers. Project-based courses present a wide range of challenges for students with disabilities, including, but not limited to, the ability to fully participate in hands-on learning and as a contributing team member. As larger numbers of students with identified non-visible disabilities enter engineering schools, and engineering schools increasingly adopt project-based design courses, the
Paper ID #11658Graduate Women ”Lean In”: Building Community and Broadening Under-standingJulie RojewskiDr. Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University Katy Luchini-Colbry is the Director for Graduate Initiatives at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational technology and enhancing undergraduate
piece of information onthe bottom of the card as shown in Figure 1.They then had to use solely oralcommunication – no drawing or writing – toexplain the symbols on their card and gatherfeedback on what their card was meant torepresent. This meant that they had to listenclosely to their peers to ensure that they weregetting the description of a symbol theyneeded. They also had to be careful in how Figure 1. Sample ROYGBIV game cardthey described their symbol so that it wouldnot be misinterpreted. To get the necessary information to solve their code, students needed tospeak to a lot of different students in the class, not just their peer group as each student was onlyprovided with the one piece of information at the bottom of their card
, and the Journal of Applied Research in theCommunity College. For this review, the team bound the study and selection criteria to ensure that thescholarship included was relevant to the topical area rather than simply relying on theresearchers’ familiarity or agreement with the available scholarship. Exclusion criteria wereidentified to outline how researchers eliminated studies from consideration and defined thepurpose of the study (DePoy & Gitlin, 1994). For this study, inclusion and exclusion criteriaincluded: 1 1. The study was published between 2013 and 2023. 2. The study was peer-reviewed articles, book chapters