N where N is defined as the number ofpoints to be processed. FFT Performance Graph 0.0014 0.0012 0.001 320C60 Time(s) 0.0008 96002 0.0006
introductory courses offered by the department. A qualitativeinvestigation revealed that ENGE‟s faculty members not only readily adopted the tablet PC buthave also helped faculty members outside of their department learn how to effectively use theTablet. Some of the faculty members within this department are also considered to be championsof other forms of instructional technologies. The COE has been finding it challenging to getother departments to wholeheartedly accept the tablet PC like ENGE did and are using the resultsof this study to assist in identifying strategies that can assist with greater diffusion ofinstructional technology across departments.IntroductionThe College of Engineering (COE) at Virginia Tech is considered to be a forerunner
items, one might thinkonly about pirated music CD‟s and „fake‟ Rolex watches. However, a significant part of thecounterfeit industry is producing items that consumers may find indistinguishable from „the realthing‟. A serious concern is items in the industrial supply chain that are not what they arepromised to be. A common example being counterfeit cell phone batteries that may pose aperformance and safety concern. Fraud in the area of counterfeit goods ranges from simplemislabeling of product, to enterprises completely dedicated to producing exact copies of namebrand consumer products. Items counterfeited range from sneakers with an illegal designer logo,to counterfeit prescription medications and medical devices.Counterfeiting has been
skills of en- gineering graduates. Under Nagarjuna ’s leadership, Mission10X has so far reached out to over 19,000 faculty members in innovative methodologies from 1000+ engineering schools spread across India and has recently launched its second phase targeted by 2013 to reach out to 25,000 more faculty members, develop 250 academic leaders and deploy 2500 unified learning kits to bridge technology gap between industry and academia. Under Nagarjuna’s leadership Mission10X established many partnerships Most technical Universities in India have affiliated to Mission10X, International partners like Dale Carnegie, University of Cambridge, Harvard Business Publishing, Development Dimensions International. Nagarjuna holds
is important to avoid metastabilities in the sequential design. • Two 8-bit registers. One is the Input Register (INPR), and the other one is the Output Register (OUTR). These facilitate communications with external input and output devices. • A collection of 7 disjoint flip flops that collectively act as the CPU status register. The Interrupt Register (R), The Stop Register (S), The Carry Register (E), the Addressing Mode Register (I), the Interrupt Enable Register (IEN), the Flag Input Register (FGI), and the Flag Output Register (FGO). These are individually controlled as will be detailed later. 3. A simple instruction format
isbeing delivered. Navigating the course web site and/or student management tool, such asWebCT or Blackboard, prior to starting the course is paramount for students’ success. A Community of Learners:Building a sense of community during the first week of the course provides a critical andsolid foundation for the success of the course. A threaded discussion can be veryeffective in accomplishing this task. This course incorporated a “Tell Us About You”threaded discussion assignment to allow students interact and share personal informationthey were comfortable with such as hometown, major, work experience, background, andother information or photo(s) they would like to include. Also, this assignment has themstate one objective they would like to
; Medina‐Borja, A. (1999). The use of focus groups for minority engineering program assessment. Journal of Engineering Education, 88(3), 333-343. Ashford, S. N., Wilson, J. A., King, N. S., & Nyachae, T. M. (2017). STEM SISTA spaces. Emerging issues and trends in education, 3. Blosser, E. (2020). An examination of Black women's experiences in undergraduate engineering on a primarily white campus: Considering institutional strategies for change. Journal of Engineering Education, 109(1), 52–71. Brawner, C., Mobley, C., Lord, S. M., & Main, J. Fit, Faith, and Family: Counterspaces for Black Male Student Veterans in Engineering. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering.Case, A. D., & Hunter, C. D. (2012). Counterspaces: A
, concrete structures, and computational modeling of structures.Josh Wiseman, Ohio Northern University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Hands-On Activity on Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies in Statics S. M. Seyed Ardakani1 and Joshua Wiseman2 1: Kokosing Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2: Dr. Carl D. Clay and H. Jane Clay Department of Mechanical Engineering Ohio Northern University Ada, OH 45810 Email: s-seyedardakani@onu.edu; j-wiseman@onu.eduAbstractOne of the most important, yet challenging topics for engineering students in
could be a huge, potential resource for the U.S.’s growing need forengineers. The number of nontraditional students is increasing in higher education but is still asmall population in engineering.3 Private, for profit institutions have been very popular and haveattracted many nontraditional students, with their enrollment of nontraditional students reaching89%.3 Nontraditional students have been studied in community colleges and urban universities,but have been rarely studied at public 4-year universities in engineering due to a lack oflongitudinal data on individual students.The research of nontraditional students used the Multiple-Institution Database for InvestigatingEngineering Longitudinal Development (MIDFIELD). MIDFIELD was large enough
containers.11. References1. Wilson, J. S. (editor), Sensor Technology Handbook, pp 1, Elsevier (UK)., 2005.2. Dhananjay, G. V., Programming and Customizing AVR Microcontroller, pp 22, McGraw-Hill (USA)., 2001.3. Kwong, J., Ramadass,Y. K., Verma, N., Chandrakasan, A. P., “A 65 nm Sub-Vt Microcontroller With Integrated SRAM and Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter”, IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits, 2009, 44, 115-126.4. Brennan, T.M., Ernst, J. M., Day, C. M., Bullock, D. M., Krogmeier, J.V., Martchouk, M., “Influence of Vertical Sensor Placement on Data Collection Efficiency from Bluetooth MAC Address Collection”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2009, 136, 1104-1109.5. Jasemian, Y., Nielsen, L. A
, & A. W. Harrist (Eds.), Authoritative parenting: Synthesizing nurturance and discipline for optimal child development (pp. 11–34). American Psychological Association.Baumrind, D. (1996). The discipline controversy revisited. Family Relations, 45(4), 405-414. Bayati, N. (2023). Exploring Parental Factors That Influence Female Students STEM Major Choice: A Phenomenological Study Exploring Female STEM Students’ Experiences. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Harvard university press. Chown, S. M. (1957). The formation of occupational choice among grammar school pupils. Thesis Ph. D., Liverpool University. Denson, C
to explain the effect of filtering in the frequency domain orwhen explaining the causes of frequency and phase distor�ons, I have no�ced that the studentslack the understanding of what are the results of the Fourier analysis and how to relate thoseresults to the amplitudes and frequencies of the harmonics cons�tu�ng the �me-domain signalanalyzed by the Fourier series/transform. As such, I have spent �me explaining these concepts,and by now, the students understand the term “frequency spectrum” or “spectrum.” However,the students s�ll do not know how to prac�cally generate the frequency spectrum of real data oruse the straigh�orward spectral analysis tools in MATLAB. 3. THE SPECTRAL ANALYSIS MODULEThis module is added a�er the ADC lecture. The
thecamp.AcknowledgmentThe research team is very thankful for the support of the Texas Education Service Center ofRegion 20, the Charlotte Independent School District, and the USS Department of Agriculture.This research was supported by the intramural research program of the USS Department ofAgriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Women and Minorities in STEMProgram, award #: 2022-38503-37903. The findings and conclusions in this preliminarypublication have not been formally disseminated by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, andshould not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.Reference[1] E. J. Haller and S. J. Virkler, "Another Look at Rural-Nonrural Differences in Students' Educational Aspirations," 1993.[2] M. S
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development of cross-disciplinary activities, and the significant reach to thousands of students highlight the transformative po-tential of integrating computing concepts into the broader curriculum. This approach not only enhanceseducators’ abilities to teach computer science but also prepares students for high-demand STEM careersby exposing them to advanced topics in a non-elitist, accessible manner.Works CitedBasu, S., A. Dickes, J. S. Kinnebrew, P. Sengupta, and G. Biswas. 2013. “CTSiM: A Computational Thinking Environment for Learning Science through Simulation and Modeling”Berland, L. K., and B. J. Reiser. 2011. “Classroom communities' adaptations of the practice of scientific argumentation”Blikstein, P. 2013. “Digital fabrication and ‘making
. Second, we were challenged by the requirement that we must focus on educationalresearch, rather than the practical concerns of improving the “student professional formationexperience,” such as, for example, improving and expanding course offerings, student successstrategies, and transfer policies. We were, however, fortunate enough to have one of the Co-PIsfrom our partner university who was trained as an engineering education researcher through anNSF Research Initiation in Engineer Formation (RIEF) grant and had experience working onresearch on an S-STEM grant. She now serves as the primary engineering education researcheron the RED project, in conjunction with expert advice on research methodology and analysisfrom one of the consultants for
intervention. By leveraging these findings, educators, policymakers, and industrystakeholders can work collaboratively to strengthen the talent pipeline and drive innovation inthe semiconductor sector.References[1] A. Deichler, “Help Wanted: Manufacturing Sector Struggles to Fill Jobs,” SHRM, Jun. 2021,accessed: 2023-7-6. [Online]. Available: https://www.shrm.org/topics-tools/news/talent-acquisition/help-wanted-manufacturing-sector-struggles-to-fill-jobs[2] S. Alam, “Addressing the talent gap,” Accenture, Feb. 2023, accessed: 2023-6-30. [Online].Available: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insightsnew/high-tech/semi-talent-shortage[3] C. Richard, K. Ramachandran, and I. Pandoy, Deloitte, “Looming Talent Gap ChallengesSemiconductor Industry,” Semi.org
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. ( ) (12)Fn=mc×g where g is equal to 9.8 m/s^2 (3)Fk=Fn×μ (4) In order to calculate the distance travelled, break up the calculations into the two distinct parts of the movement. In theThe next thing to figure out is the spring constant of the spring first part for the full travel of the mousetrap lever arm, thein the mouse traps. To do this use a spring scale on the lever kinematics equations can be used. Since the awh, vo and tavg arearm that is attached to both mouse traps and a protractor to known, the distance for the first part can be calculated usingmeasure the angle that
functions, which are believed to bedescriptive for information security professionals. 4 We further developed the two ciphers to improve their security and proposed methods toapply them for information security. Specifically, we proposed to use DNA, RNA and proteinalphabets to represent information, to use pseudo random sequence to intronize plaintext, and touse modified genetic code for information translation. Future research will be on designing an encryption scheme in which a single ciphertext canbe decrypted into different plaintexts based on key(s).References[1] Landau, S. (2006). Find Me a Hash. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 53(3): 330-332.[2] Pappu, R., Recht, B., Taylor
camaraderie). 1Lastly, the race car outing generated immense publicity and Mechanical Engineering Technology studentsin particular have become engaged in the program. Both MET students and their faculty have sincejoined the Mechanical Engineering race teams and participate strongly. The Mechanical Engineeringclass prerequisites for “Motorsports Instrumentation” will be modified to accept the best of the METseniors for the upcoming fall semester class.What is in the motorsports program for the student‟s future?To get a feel for the immensity of the engineering need in this industry, consider that Nascar racingsupports 154 Sprint cup, Nationwide series, and Craftsman truck teams, in addition to a
to cope with stress.References[1] K. Levecque, F. Anseel, A. de Beuckelaer, J. van der Heyden, and L. Gisle, "Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students," Research Policy, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 868– 879, 2017.[2] T. M. Evans, L. Bira, J. B. Gastelum, L. T. Weiss, and N. L. Vanderford, "Evidence for a mental health crisis in graduate education," Nature Biotechnology, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 282– 284, 2018.[3] M. Schmidt and E. Hansson, “Doctoral students’ well-being: a literature review,” International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol. 13, no. 1, 2018.[4] J. Hyun, B. Quinn, T. Madon, and S. Lustig, "Mental health need, awareness, and use of
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noted as one persistent attribute that students exhibit during theseexperiences. For instance, one aspect of Behroozi et al.’s work [7] compared anxiety levels thattheir participants exhibited while conducting mock technical interviews either in a public settingor in a private setting. It was determined that participants who conducted technical interviews ina public setting exhibited higher levels of anxiety than their counterparts who were in a privatesetting. Similarly, Hall and Gosha [23] conducted a study that measured the correlation ofanxiety and preparation in a technical interview that targeted junior and senior CS majors at aSoutheastern Historically Black College/University (HBCU) in the United States. Keyinformation collected during
sustainable energy through salinitygradient [2]. Prospects for the various energy sources were assessed after the 1973 oil crisis, andSidney Loeb [3] introduced the idea of PRO in the 1970’s. However, research slowed down in the80s and 90s due to the expensive cost of the available membranes, which would make osmoticpower generation financially unviable. More recently interest in searching new clean and non-periodic energy sources resulted in the construction of several large or small-scale pilot SGP powerplants [4, 5]. Salinity gradient can provide us with a very large source of clean energy. Riversaround the world with an average flow of 1.2×10 m3/s have the potential to produce up to 2.5 TWof energy. This is about 13 percent of the current world's
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students care? How to… Example(s) Common mistakes by students Tools: templates, presentations, spreadsheets, and other resourcesBased on the report writing outcomes and investigations of student report writing performance atthe three participating institutions [19-21], the authors prepared scaffolded learning modulesorganized around (1) fundamental concepts needed to submit a successful first report, (2)intermediate concepts intended to support more rigorous consideration of data sources, methodsof analysis, and conclusions, and (3) advanced concepts in error and logical appeals. A prefacewas developed to orient users and support instructors with guidance around assessment designand the use of effective rubrics. The
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