standards in the third andfourth years of study can help students align educational concepts with real-world applications.6However, this requirement is not universally applied in most colleges and universities.2 Phillips, M. and S. Huber (2017). Standards Resources for Engineering and Technology. Issues inScience and Technology Librarianship, Purdue University.3 Harding, B. and P. McPherson (2010). What do employers want in terms of employee knowledge oftechnical standards and the process of standardization? 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition.4 Solomon, D., Y.-T. T. Liao, and J. T. Chapin (2019). Maximizing the Effectiveness of One-timeStandards Instruction Sessions with Formative Assessment. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition.5 ABET
recorder role most easily,participation was either split evenly across members or left one member out, groups seemed tobond over waiting for autograder results and ended group activities with small talk, and groupsasked for help or referenced an external resource when stuck. The observation protocol isundergoing validation, and the research team hopes to further contextualize the observations byusing peer evaluations and surveys.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.#2121412 and Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the
different type of institutional agents. In order to measure the latent construct of mattering, we used six items in whichrespondents were asked about the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with statements suchas: “If I don't return to this University in the next month, my classmate(s) will miss me” (seeitems here: These survey items were developed for a prior surveyinstrument that examined the relationship between student experiences, integration variables(validation, belonging, and mattering), and educational outcomes for first-year students at threeLatin American universities (Unpublished Dissertation Manuscript). The development of the six items was preceded by the revision of theoretical
/focus-group protocols. Theconsortium started the process in spring 2020 by collecting all the interview and focus-groupprotocols used by three different partner ERCs. All questions were extracted and comparedacross the protocols. Five common categories emerged after aligning the questions. These fivecommon categories are listed in table 1. In fall 2020, the consortium conducted extensive reviews and commentaries, as well asfrequent discussions, to determine a set of initial questions that would be included in theprotocol. All prior extracted questions were listed per category in a spreadsheet. All consortiummembers were asked to rate each question with “essential (E)” or “supplemental (S)” and then torank the priority of each question
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Paper ID #36954Exploring the Influence of Students’ Perceptions of CourseAssessment on Retention and Professional Identity FormationLayla S Araiinejad I hold a Bachelor's of Industrial in Systems Engineering from Auburn University and am a future graduate student at MIT!Thomas Matthew Heaps Concurrent undergraduate senior in Mechanical Engineering and first year Master student in Engineering Education.Brooke Elizabeth CochranCassandra J McCall (Dr.) Cassandra McCall, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Education Department at Utah State University. Her research focuses on enhancing diversity
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professional 5. What is green design? responsibility 6. A context-sensitive solution in design 5. Apply the principle to a 7. Role of the engineer, ethics, and professional simple example project or responsibility homework assignment(s) 8. Development/infrastructure examples in the course 9. Information about general rating priority areas 10. Guest speakers 1. Why sustainability? 1. Why sustainability? Capstone 2. What is sustainability? 2. What
generallyfeel good about that. Reaching our intrinsic goals (discussed in Meaning) leads to large gains ina sense of well-being [1].Classroom ImplementationIn EGR 103, the students are tasked with a team-based design project. They spend a majority ofthe semester learning the skills, developing the tools, and working to complete a functioningdesign with their team. The faculty work along side the students to aid in their success incompleting the required project. Until this past year, the design presentations anddemonstrations would occur in the last day(s) of class. Because of the realization that taking thetime to celebrate the completion of the project and recognize the accomplishment of the students,the faculty have been instructed to use the last
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as a whole.PERT was developed in the mid 1950’s, about the same time as TPM. In fact, WBS is a PERTpractice. But PERT was developed specifically for projects with large knowledge gaps, scheduleuncertainty, and components that had never been tried before.In the remainder of this paper, we will look more deeply at all four of these practices, startingwith PERT, and present a proposal for combining elements of each to create a more realistic riskmanagement strategy to address the schedule risks in undergraduate capstone projects.PERTCPM and PERT were both developed for project scheduling in the late 1950’s. The Critical PathMethod (CPM) was developed by DuPont for maintenance and construction projects on chemicalplants. They had an experienced
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examining the engineering culture through the lens of exclusion and‘weeding out.’ Our intent with this Work in Progress paper is to start a conversation that leveragesframeworks from other fields to understand how engineering culture acts as exclusive and exacerbatesissues related to retention and attrition, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion.BackgroundThe exclusion of people from larger groups or communities has been studied through a variety of contextsover the years. Social exclusion in European contexts commonly refers to the exclusion of people oftenbased on class or socioeconomic status (The Social Exclusion Unit, 2001). This research becameespecially popular in the United Kingdom in the mid 1900’s as researchers and government
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-generation and/or low-income (FGLI) students encounter knowledge practices that devalueand delegitimize their own experiences, financial pressures, curriculum overload, lower familysupport that may contribute to accessing engineering internships [6], [7]. This qualitative research paper seeks to investigate the role(s) engineering industryinternships play in developing engineering professional identity for FGLI students. We ask thequestion, “How do technical engineering industry internship experiences impact FGLI students’recognition and engineering professional identities?” Interviews with ten self-identifying FGLIengineering students at a mid-size private university were conducted and analyzed through thelens of recognition, and six