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of Defense Technolgy(NUDT) Mr. Wang Yang is an researcher of Center for National Security and Strategic Studies, National University of Defense Technology(NUDT). He received his double 2004 and 2005. In 2012, he received his M.S. in Technology Philosophy from NUDT. His current research interests focus on continuous education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Achieving Excellence in Master of Engineering Education: A Case Study of National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)'s PracticeAbstract The profound societal impacts of technological developments call for a drastic change inthe education of engineering leadership
positively contributeto the education of engineering majors who will be making critical life-cycle decisions forprojects in the near future.Acknowledgment and DisclaimerThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1504912. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. We would like to thank the regular instructor and the teaching assistant, Dr. MikeHelwig and Mr. Fikri Kucuksayacigil, respectively, for their cooperation and contributions suchas accommodation, advice, and a decision-tree based guest lecture. We also would like to thankthe Department of Industrial
in undergraduate education and helpengineering educators better prepare students for cross-disciplinary collaborations withinengineering professional practice.Qualitative ResearchThis qualitative research paper follows the American Psychological Association (APA)guidelines for reporting qualitative data in that the paper is written in first person, active voice.1While readers trained in engineering or science research may find this awkward to read at first, itis an important aspect of qualitative research because the first person (i.e. the use of “I” or “we”)acknowledges the researcher(s)’ role in the study.2 Likewise, this differs from laboratoryresearch that typically is written in passive voice. The use of active voice is intended
a new paradigm for engineering education,one based upon a contemplative pedagogy in conjunction with service learning. The nexus of thetwo paradigms seems to hold great promise in developing the skills in engineering students theNational Academy of Engineering has described. Such a paradigm has been utilized in acombined senior capstone design and engineering ethics sequence.IntroductionMy goal in the present work is to share some teaching tools and resultant impacts on students Ihave recently experienced. I offer them with complete humility in the same spirit of an openingcomment made by the Dalai Lama at a conference on the environment held at MiddleburyCollege in the 1990’s.1 His Holiness began by asserting that he was not very special
attendance at lectures: Effect on examination performance. In International Conference on Engineering Education (pp. 3-7). 4. Prince, M., & Felder, R. (2007). The many faces of inductive teaching and learning. Journal of College Science Teaching, 36(5), 14. 5. Prince, M. J., & Felder, R. M. (2006). Inductive teaching and learning methods: Definitions, comparisons, and research bases. Journal of engineering education, 95(2), 123-138. 6. Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (2003). Learning by doing. Chemical engineering education, 37(4), 282-309. 7. Kresta, S., (1998). Hands-on Demonstrations: An Alternative to Full Scale Lab Experiments, Journal of Engineering Education, 87(1), 7-9.8. Kober, N., (2015
resources into one placeand provide a brief overview of why I found each resource to be useful. Unfortunately, whatworked for me will not work for everyone. Therefore, I asked a couple of close friends whocompleted their Ph.D.’s in a similarly short period for some additional resources. However, I amhoping that current and prospective graduate students may find some of these resources helpful totheir success as well.Setting GoalsVagueness and confusion can lead to procrastination and lack of motivation. 1 One way to addclarity is to define clear long-term goals. 1 Covey’s second habit is to “begin with the end inmind.” 2 Both Tracy 1 and Covey 2 emphasize that importance in setting long-term goals to helpmake decisions on what to do in the short
MEASUREMENT # DATA TEAM # MEMBERS # TUBES LENGTH METHOD(S) POINTS REPORTED 1 4 Ruler 1 1 10.5 cm 2 4 Ruler 1 1 9 cm 7 4 Ruler 2 2 3.5 inches 10 4 Ruler 1 4 4 in 11 4 Ruler 1 2 10.2 cm 16 4
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“safety”, but these abstracts did imply that the products were to be used for protection oremergency situations. The following are quotes from abstracts in the Safety theme.Our system detects the emergency broadcast alarm that sounds from the weather radio in thesystem. -Emergency Notification in Remote Locations GroupThe words safe and skateboard are hardly used in the same breath, we hope our project canmake that possible. -S-Cubed (Smart, Safe, Skateboard) GroupHearing protection in the manufacturing industry is a safety component that is often overlooked. -Smart Hard HatThe Safety theme contained 14.8 percent of the groups. Of the groups in this theme 91.7 percentwere mostly male and no groups were mostly female. However
solution process is more important than the finalproduct.”Barrows4, doing research in the medical education field in the 1980’s, stated that problem-basedlearning can have many different meanings, depending on the skills of the teacher and theeducational learning objectives being pursued. In the medical field, existing cases taken from themedical research literature are an important part of the educational process. Barrows saw that ataxonomy was needed to help differentiate the many types of case-based learning processespossible. The taxonomy ranges from cases explained mostly via lecture, through looking at acase from beginning to end, applying lessons learned, and starting back at the beginning of thecase again, to see is a different approach to
thermal system.Bibliography[1] Blumenfeld, P., Soloway, E., Marx, R. W., Krajcik, J. S., Guzdial, M., & Palincsar, A. (1991). Motivatingproject-based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning. Educational Psychologist, 26, 369–398.[2] Krajcik, Joseph S., and Phyllis Blumenfeld. "Chapter 19: Project-Based Learning." The Cambridge Handbook ofThe Learning Sciences. Ed. Keith R. Sawyer. Cambridge: U, 2006. N. pag. Print.[3] Dewey, J. (1959). Dewey on education. New York: Teachers College Press.[4] Mcgibbon, Carolyn, and Jean-Paul Van Belle. "Integrating Environmental Sustainability Issues into theCurriculum through Problem-based and Project-based Learning: A Case Study at the University of CapeTown." Current Opinion in Environmental
and the Minority Teacher Shortage. CPRE Research Report # RR-69. Consortium for Policy Research in Education.2. Heaton, R/ M., & Smith, W. M. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teachers through National Science Foundation Funded Math and Science Partnership Program Grants. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 10(3), pp. 509-518.3. Gningue, S. M., Peach, R., & Schroder, B. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teaching: Assessing Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Student-Centered Teaching, and Student Engagement. The Mathematic Enthusiast, 10(3), pp. 621-646.4. Heaton, R/ M., & Smith, W. M. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teachers through National Science Foundation Funded Math and Science Partnership
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program, Leading Oneself. In defining“leader”, student responses shifted from simplistic definitions that viewed leaders asauthoritarian figures with the responsibility for command and controlling others to morecomplex definitions that view leaders as those who have a positive and authentic relationshipwith and responsibility to those s/he is leading. There is a shift from a focus on the leader to afocus on the relationship the leader has with others. In defining “leadership”, once again thestudent responses shift from simple to more complex definitions. They started with a focus onthe leader him or herself, and moved to an understanding of leadership as a process that must bemarked by positive interactions and relationships with others. These
introductorylevel design classes, including 2.007’s main curriculum. Outside of a very limited set of provided raw materials, students had to source all of their own parts, with the instructors acting only as advisors. Example purchased parts included wheels, the main drive motor, motor control unit, throttle and brake pedals, power transmission parts, and power switches. In this manner, the lab section introduced them to the complexities of choosing parts, reading specification sheets, and making design choices that related to how easy or hard it was to acquire specific sized parts. The “makeorbuy” tradeoff also focused the students on deciding which parts were critical to their design and
using online and blended course delivery”. Sue C. Evans and Ihab Habib, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee Academy of Science presentation 2012 ”THE EFECT OF ADVANCED APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECT c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Paper ID #11286MANAGEMENT” Ihab S Habib, Abu Sarwar, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. TennesseeAcademy of Science presentation 2011 Page 26.28.2 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015
:// 12-01/hpc_going_embedded.html4. P. Decher, “Embedding HPC: A rocket in your pocket”, Embedded, Nov. 29, 2011. ICAF Industries Studies 2006 Report, National Defense University.6. ICAF Industries Studies 2001 Report, National Defense University.7. S. Cui, Y. Wang, S. Koay, and Y. Yang, “Revamp Computer Education with Multimedia and Game Technologies,” Proceedings of ASEE 117th Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky, June 20- 23, 2010.8. S. Cui, Y. Wang, F. M. Nave, and K. T. Harris, “Teach Computer Techniques through Multimedia,” Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Northeast Section
jurisdictions and certainly unethical to attemptto circumvent physical lock security without documented permission of the owner(s) andresponsible parties.3D Printing Techniques3D printing, a form of rapid manufacturing, is a broad field with various methods of producingproducts in a variety of materials. Each of these techniques has pros and cons for the penetration Page 26.1113.2of physical security systems. Notable techniques include fused filament modeling, stereolithography, and direct metal laser sintering.Fused Filament FabricationFused filament fabrication (FFF)3 is one of the commonest and cheapest 3D printing techniques.Relatively high
differentiation, a rating of product’suniqueness and consistency with the product’s corporate identity.2.1 TheoryBezier curves are named after their inventor, Dr. Pierre Bezier. He was an engineer with theRenault car company and set out in the early 1960’s to develop a curve formulation, whichwould lend itself to shape design [1]. The motivations and the passage of the invention isgiven in a letter written by Dr Bezier to Christophe Rabut which has been published by Rabut[2]. Text books [3 4] describe the theory in detail. A summary of the relevant parts is givenhere.A third order Bezier curve is the point-bounded collection of points, which are the weightedsum of four special points called the Control Points. If the control points are marked by
Paper ID #12965Maker: Twisted Sister RoverDr. Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology Dr. Andy S. Zhang received his PH.D. from the City University of New York in 1995. He is currently the program director of a Mechatronics Project in the New York City College of Technology/CUNY. For the past 10 years, Dr. Zhang has been working on bringing mechatronics technology to the undergraduate en- gineering technology curricula and on helping high school students to learn mechatronics through FIRST Robotic Competition events.angran xiao, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York Angran Xiao is
. He is a graduate of the Milton S. Hershey Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. He completed his undergraduate studies in Biology from the University of Utah. His research interests are varied and involve pediatric hematology and oncology as well as higher education curricula, both with universities and medical schools.Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy is currently a medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He completed his undergraduate studies in Biology from the University of Pennsylvania in May 2012. Currently, his research interests consist of higher education curricula, both with universities and medical schools.Dr. Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University
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byan unaffiliated engineer and an unaffiliated K-12 educator for accuracy of engineering, scienceand mathematical content, pedagogy, grade-level appropriateness and accessibility to teachers.The K-12 educator also reviews the author-provided standards alignments. More specifically,teacher reviewers assess whether 1) the educational standards are at the appropriatecomprehension or knowledge level for the targeted grade range, 2) student actions are clear andlikely to yield the standard’s objective, and 3) the provided assessment tools serve to adequatelyassess the standard(s). If accepted-for-publication lessons and activities are found lacking inNGSS and/or CCMS alignments, a TeachEngineering editor makes appropriate alignmentsbefore
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