#N ee BE dy #S so Li ux #2
DiversityCommittee members and delegates whose hard work and dedication have truly impacted ASEEand the engineering environment. We especially thank Kristen Constant for phrasingsuggestions.References[1] C. Herring, “Does diversity pay?: Race, gender, and the business case for diversity,” American Sociological Review, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 208–224, 2009.[2] N. M. Carter and H. M. Wagner, “The bottom line: Corporate performance and women’s representation on boards (2004-2008),” Catalyst, vol. 1, 2011.[3] S. Devillard, W. Graven, E. Lawson, R. Paradise, and S. Sancier-Sultan, “Women Matter 2012. Making the Breakthrough,” McKinsey \& Company, 2012.[4] B. L. Yoder, “Engineering by the Numbers,” in American Society for Engineering Education
DiverseLearners in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),” in ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, Columbus, OH, USA, June 24-28, 2017.[5] M. Smith, “The Virtual Laboratory: Technology Enhancement For Engineering Education,”ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, June 24-27, 2001.[6] M. Angolia, “An Active Learning Approach to Core Project Management Competencies” inASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 26-28, 2016.[7] D. Roy, P. Bermel, K. A. Douglas, H. A. Diefes-Dux, M. Richey, K. Madhavan and S. Shah,“Synthesis of clustering techniques in educational data mining,” in ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 24-28, 2017.[8] J. Barbuto, “A Critique of the Myers
, Oct. 2005.[4] R. W. Lent, H. Sheu, D. Singley, J. A. Schmidt, L.C. Schmidt, and C. S. Closter, “Longitudinal relations of self-efficacy to outcome expectations, interest, and major choice goals in engineering students,” Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 328-335, Oct. 2008.[5] M. T. Wang, F. Ye, and J. L. Degol, “Who chooses STEM careers? Using a relative cognitive strength and interest model to predict careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1805-1820, Aug. 2017.
their assigned topic.Learning Modules will consist of a: Power Point presentation At least one relevant article from the literature on the topic area Discussion of assigned materials and article Discussion questions with student discussion, and Presentation of the PowerPoint presentation in the class.The students will submit all materials via the course module assignment one week prior to theclass presentation. The instructor will upload the material onto the class web site so that theother students can review the material. The student(s) will then lead the class through alecture/Q&A session during the assigned class time. They will also moderate the discussionquestions during the presentation for their module
GRE from the pre and post survey with 78% ofthe participants reporting that they agreed or strongly agreed to that they felt more prepared totake the GRE. The attendance from the two workshops was recorded by the number of surveyresponses collected, which increased from 36 to 51 (42% increase).IntroductionThe NSF S-STEM program provides student scholarship funds to encourage and enableacademically talented but financially needy students to complete STEM degrees and enter theworkforce. The Student Integrated Intern Research Experience (SIIRE) project [1] addressesNSF’s programmatic goal by integrating external (industry supported) intern or co-opexperiences for students with ongoing on-campus engineering research activities to provide aguided
were interested inhelping the campers afraid of swimming to get into the pool and enjoy without necessarilyhaving to swim. As a solution for their problem statement, they designed an underwater domewith a slide used to enter it from the top of the pool.Team 26 “sailor scouts” and team 36 “white tigers” had similar interests. Figure 3 shows theirprototypes. They brainstormed to find solutions to get from one station to another without havingto walk. Team 26 made an inflatable trampoline cart with rails that would be pulled by theirteam leader, while team 36’s cart would be driven by motors and power. Team 26 also addedrails for safety of the passengers; they also made the cart soft so it would go through narrowspaces, and made it inflatable so
Governmental Organization to pursue and proliferate ethical behavioural practices at the sprouting age of undergrad engineering students .Dr. Aravind Joshi, Business Ethics Foundation The author has worked with State Bank of India, one of the largest Public Sector Banks in India for 30 years in various capacities at different geogrphies. Post voluntary retirement in year 2000, the author has completed Master´s degree in Personnel Manage- ment and completed Doctorate in Human Resources Management. Author has been working as a facilitator and professor in reputed business schools and corportate concerns in India. The author has published various articles in Management and Soft skills in News papers, magazines and
), April, 2009, San Diego, CA.[3]. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication.[4]. Deakin-Cric, R., Broadfoot, P., & Claxton, G. (2004). Developing an effective lifelong learning inventory: the ELLI project. Assessment in Education, 11(3), 247-272.[5]. Denzin N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2011). The sage handbook of qualitative research (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication.[6]. Froyd, J., Borrego, M., Cutler, S., Prince, M., & Henderson, C., (2013). Estimates of use of research-based instructional strategies in core electrical or computer engineering courses, Accepted for publication in IEEE
engineering disciplines that suffer from low W-URM participation. AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the members of the ECEDHA Diversity Committee, ECEDHAstaff, and the participants in the iREDEFINE workshop. We acknowledge the support of theNational Science Foundation (NSF) through grant 1663249. We also thank Mr. John Scafidi, ITspecialist at Rutgers University for assistance with the surveys.References [1] B. L. Yoder, “Engineering by the numbers,” American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), 2015.[2] S. M. Lord, R. A. Layton, and M. W. Ohland, “A Multi-institution study of student
, A. I. Karshmer, and S. Pazuchanics, "Cognitive Analysis of Equation Reading: Application to the Development of the Math Genie," International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons, 2004, pp. 630-637: Springer.[7] M. Bitter, "Braille in Mathematics Education," Radboud University Nijmegen, 2013.[8] Y. Pearson Weatherton, R. D. Mayes, and C. Villanueva-Perez, “Barriers to Persistence for Engineering Students with Disabilities,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, ASEE, Columbus, OH, 2017.[9] G. R. Price and D. Ansari, "Dyscalculia: Characteristics, Causes, and Treatments," Numeracy, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 2, 2013.[10] D. Zhang, Y. Ding, J. Stegall
development.References[1] S. Aguirre-Covarrubias, E. Arellano, and P. Espinoza, “‘A pesar de todo’ (DespiteEverything): The Persistence of Latina Graduate Engineering Students at a Hispanic-ServingInstitution,” New Dir. High. Educ., vol. 2015, no. 172, pp. 49–57, Dec. 2015.[2] V. Borum vborum@spelman. ed. and E. Walker, “What Makes the Difference? BlackWomen’s Undergraduate and Graduate Experiences in Mathematics,” J. Negro Educ., vol. 81,no. 4, pp. 366–378, Fall 2012.[3] S. S. Canetto, C. D. Trott, J. J. Thomas, and C. A. Wynstra, “Making Sense of theAtmospheric Science Gender Gap: Do Female and Male Graduate Students Have DifferentCareer Motives, Goals, and Challenges?,” J. Geosci. Educ., vol. 60, pp. 408–416, Nov. 2012.[4] J. Jacobson
9780824792374 • Turan Gonen, Electric Power Distribution Engineering, Third Edition, CRC Press, ISBN 9781482207002 • J. Duncan Glover, Thomas Overbye, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and Design, Sixth Edition, Cengage, ISBN 9781305636200 • Luces M. Faulkenberry, Walter Coffer, Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission, Prentice Hall, ISBN 9780132499477 • James Momoh, Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis, 1st Edition, Wiley, ISBN 978-0470889398While students were only required to purchase the Kersting textbook, material for the coursewas derived from all of the supplementary textbooks as well. However, any book assignmentsor book examples came from the required textbook.Lecture
Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 8-9, 2013.6. Yoon, S., Imbrie, P., Reed, T., “First Year Mathematics Course Credits and Graduation Status in Engineering,” 6th First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference, College Station, TX, August 7 – 8, 2014.7. Tewari, D., “Is Matric Math a Good Predictor of Student’s Performance in the First Year of University Degree? A Case Study of Faculty of Management Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa,” Int J Edu Sci, Vol 8, No. 1, pg. 233-237, 2014.8. Hamlin, B., Riehl, J., Hamlin, A., Monte, A., “Work in Progress - What are you thinking? Over Confidence in First Year Students,” 40th ASEE/FIE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, DC
commitment to this worthwhile, industry-necessary endeavor.Bibliography[1] Stone, W. L., & Chang, G. A. (2013). An Evolving Capstone Course used in ABET Assessment. Proceedings of the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.[2] Goldberg, D. E., & Somerville, M. (2014). A Whole New Engineer. Douglas, MI: ThreeJoy Associates, Inc.[3] Downing, C. G. (2011). Using Design for Six Sigma Practices to Develop a “Rose” Belt Course. Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC, June 26-29, 2011.[4] Jackson, A., Jackson, S., & Mehta, Merwan. (2009). Applying The Six Sigma
), Perspectives on the Learning Environment: Classroom Culture and Social Transactions at an HBCU Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas21. Fuller, J., & Northern, J. (2007, June), Project Based Learning For A Digital Circuits Design Sequence At Hbcus Paper presented at 2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii.22. Parrish, L., & Williams, M., & Desai, S. (2008, June), Improving Retention And Continuing Education Through Undergraduate Research Program Paper presented at 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania23. Fredericks, A. C., & Fleming, L. N., & Burrell, J. O., & Griffin, A. R. (2012, June), Perspectives on the Learning Environment
the students free rein in theirreflections, we thought it more useful to prompt them through the following questions: ● Did you, as an individual, come up with more than one design idea when working on the project? How did you decide on which idea(s) to share with your team? ● Did your original design idea(s) change after listening to your teammates' ideas? If so, in what ways did they change? ● Were there any ideas that you or your team initially deemed "bad" ideas that you ended up using? Or were there any "good" ideas that you got rid of? Explain why. ● Describe the process your team went through to narrow down ideas and arrive at a final project design. What factors did your team
., Hees F., Jeschke S.: Hands on Robotics. Concept of a Student Laboratory on the Basis of anExperience-Oriented Learning Model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and NewLearning Technologies, In: EDULEARN 2010, 5-7 July 2010, IATED, pp. 6047-6057, Barcelona, Spain.[7] Stehling, V., Schuster, K., Richert, A. & Jeschke, S. Access All Areas: Designing a hands-on roboticscourse for visually impaired high school students, in Proceedings of the International Conference on HumanComputer Interaction (HCI 2015); 1-8 August, Los Angeles, USA.[8] Mubin, O., Stevens, C.J., Shahid, S., Mahmud, A.A., and Jian-Jie, D. A Review of the Applicability ofRobots in Education (2013). Online: http://roila.org/wp-content/uploads/2013
graph for path testing testingb. TachoTestThis test has been done to test the consistency between the expected moving distance and theactual moving using the EV3’s default odometer data. This test purposed to find the drift in theEV3 servo motors. The code snippet is depicted in the following figure. Fig 10: Tacho Test for Robot Control System © American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 2016 ASEE Southeast Section ConferenceAll the test tests cases are written using Robotium and JUnit. The main class of Robotium Solo is used for testing which offers
their hands dirty Trained to work as individuals. No experience working in teams Do not have the desire and/or the skills to do their own search or learn on their ownTable 2. An Industry Perception of Weaknesses in New Graduates of Gulf Region’s Eng.CollegesTo try to understand today’s state of engineering education in the Region, it is important to cometo grip with the challenge that the Region’s pre-university educational systems are facing today.Pre-University Education in the Gulf Region: The most significant change in the pre-universitysystems occurred in the decades of the 70’s and 80’s, as a direct result of the substantial wealthderived from oil revenues, which have found its way to the Region. Public schools, in
), 535-556.3. Byrne. D. B. & Fraser, B. J. (1986). Student Perceptions of Preferred Classroom Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Research, 80 (1), 10-18.4. Church, M. A., Elliott, A. J., & Gable, S. L. (2001). Perceptions of Classroom Environment, Achievement Goals, and Achievement Outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (1), 43-545. Cole, D. G., Sugioka, H. L., & Yamagata-Lynch, L. C. (1999). Supportive Classroom Environments for Creativity in Higher Education. Journal of Creative Behavior, 33 (4), 277-293.6. Findley, B. & Varble, D. (2006). Creating a Conducive Classroom Environment: Classroom Management is the Key. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal, 2 (3), 1-5.7. Holley
, “Feeding Our Profession”, IEEE Power & Energy Vol. 1(1), 2003.4. U.S Energy Information Administration, Renewable Energy Annual 2002.5. L. B. V. D. C. Haba, "e-Learning System for temperature and Humidity Sensors and Distributed Measurement," Iasi, Romania , 2007.6. F. L. R. D. L. W. E. H. C. Arlett, "Meeting the needs of industry: the drivers for change in engineering education," vol. 5, no. 2, 2010.7. F. R. Brushett, R. S. Jayashree, W.-P. Zhou and P. J. Kenis, "Investigation of fuel and media flexible laminar flow-based fuel cells," Electrochimica Acta, vol. 54, p. 7, May 2009. Page 26.803.148. E. Kjeang
combination of BayesianKnowledge Tracking and Performance Factor Analyses approaches, are also briefly described.IntroductionGames can be effective learning tools in classroom settings. This fact has been demonstrated ina wide variety of disciplines, across a large range of ages, and over a long period of time. Indeed,successful examples of ‘computerized’ games used in university settings may be identified as farback as the 1960’s when computers were still in their infant stages. For example, Raia1 describesthe effective utilization of a computerized game to teach business management skills at theUniversity of Maryland in 1966.A consistent plea from industries over decades has been the need for universities to train studentsto handle the complexities
you tell me how you got interested in engineering?3. How did you decide on GT?4. Describe your transition to GT from high school.5. Can you tell me about how you decided on your major?6. Has that major turned out to be a good choice for you?7. Have you ever changed your major or thought about changing your major?8. What is the climate like for women in your major?9. What is the ratio of men to women in your major and can you share your thoughts on why you have this ratio?10. As a woman/African American engineering student, do you face any challenges in your major? What are the unique challenges to being a minority student in engineering?11. If s/he identifies as an African American or Hispanic/Latina woman: do you face any challenges
to support a diverse group of engineers who are better prepared as professionals todesign products that are accessible and usable to a broad range of individuals.1 Lent, R. W., Sheu, H., Singley, D., Schmidt, J. A., Schmidt, L. C., & Gloster, C. S. (2008). Longitudinal relationsof self-efficacy to outcome expectations, interests, and major choice goals in engineering students. Journal ofVocational Behavior, 73(2), 328 – 335. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2008.07.0052 Porter, S. R., & Umbach, P.D. (2006). College major choice: An analysis of person-environment fit. Research inHigher Education, 47(4). 429 – 449. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11162-005-9002-33 Grandy, J. (1994) Gender and ethnic differences among science and
also planned to develop in-class laboratorydemonstration activities for further understanding and analysis of the subject matter.Bibliography1. Barbara Mean, Yukie Toyama, Robert Murphy, Marianne Bakia and Karla Jones "Evaluation of Evidence-BasedPractices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies," U.S. Department ofEducation Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service. RevisedSeptember 2010.2. U.S. NRC, “Combined License Applications for New Reactors,” Sep 22, 2010, available online athttp://www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-reactors.html.3. U. S. Energy Information Administration, “Electric Power Annual 2010 Data Tables,” Nov 09, 2011, availableonline at http
Page 26.508.5published within engineering education scholarly literature. We borrowed and adapted itemsfrom a number of existing measures, which included the following (for an item-by-itemdescription, see Appendix A): Zhai and Scheer’s (2004) Global Perspective Scale12 Downey et al.’s (2006) global competency questions13 Braskamp, Braskamp, & Merrill’s (2008) Global Perspective Inventory, and in particular their Interpersonal Social Responsibility Scale14 Hilpert, Stump, Husman, and Kim’s (2008) Engineering Attitudes Survey15Throughout the survey development process, the authors were in dialogue with one another,providing feedback for item clarity, framing, and refinement. Along with evaluating the fitbetween
) Benchmark: Sentence(s) Answer Sankey Diagram 2 Final Exam: Multiple Choice & Sentences Answer 3 Policy Goals and Impacts Sentence(s) Answer (Sustainability Analysis) Earth-Sun Interaction Sentence(s) Answer 33.2. Final exams: energy-sun interactionAnother method used to assess the learning outcomes of the Energy Systems & Sustainabilitycourse and to help determine student
, VOP.Introduction“Customer experience is critically important; it is broken, and fixing it can be veryprofitable. Corporations removed major quality defects in the 80’s, re-engineered businessprocesses in the 90’s, and now it’s time to take on the next big challenge for corporateAmerica: Customer Experience”1.Six sigma has garnered recognition in the manufacturing sector, its applications in theservice industry are not yet well documented2, the nature of services and the wayscustomers tend to evaluate service quality face important challenges for six sigma3, due toservice quality is a function4 of differing customer perceptions over time5.Service Quality can be defined from two perspectives: operational is the operation’sassessment of how well the service