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Displaying results 421 - 450 of 1088 in total
Conference Session
Experiences in Teaching Energy Courses
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Riddell, Baker College Of Flint; Anca Sala, Baker College Of Flint
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
) based onthe ABET criteria for the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering6 (BSME) and since ourinstitution, under the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), is utilizing Academic QualityImprovement Program (AQIP) as part of its institutional accreditation, Understanding by Design(UbD) techniques were incorporated in the course development. Page 15.133.2Development of a class using UbD7 philosophy is very similar to the manner in which engineersapproach problems to develop viable solutions. Goal(s) are established for the class through aprocess similar in concept to identifying criteria and constraints, exterior and interior, relating tothe
Conference Session
Innovative Instructional Strategies and Curricula
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kingsley Reeves, University of South Florida; Bill Blank, University of South Florida; Victor Hernandez-Gantes, University of South Florida; Maniphone Dickerson, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
. (Note that no data areavailable for Exercise 12 or for survey item number one for Exercise 9.)Survey Statements1. This exercise was an appropriate use of class time.2. This exercise had a clear learning objective.3. This exercise was successful in meeting its associated learning objective(s).4. I recommend DISCONTINUING the use of this exercise in future semesters.*5. Please provide any additional comments you may have regarding this exercise:6. This exercise was an effective learning tool.*** “Discontinuing” was listed in all capital letters for exercises 3 through 11.** This survey item was only posed for exercises 7 through 11.Table 2: Statements for surveys administered to students following completion of each exercise.Analysis indicates
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids, and Heat Transfer-Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
B.K. Hodge, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
lighting (primarily electricity usage). Figure 1 is a visuallyeye-catching illustration to open a presentation on energy. This figure, as well as many of theillustrations in this paper, was taken from the U. S. DOE Energy Information Administration(EIA) document, Annual Energy Report 20081. Every June, the EIA issues a detailed reportcataloging the energy usage of the previous year. The yearly issue thus provides an easy way toupdate energy usage and statistics. The current and previous editions of the Annual EnergyReport (AER) are available at irrefutable fact is that the developed countries (the United States, Japan, the UnitedKingdom….) use more energy per capita than the less-developed countries (Mexico,Indonesia
Conference Session
Focus on Faculty
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Soumya Srivastava, Mississippi State University; Anurag Srivastava, Mississippi State University; Adrienne Minerick, Mississippi State University; Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
Engineering Education 6 (1): 17–23, 20024. Linda K. Lau, “Institutional Factors Affecting Student Retention” Education, Vol. 124, 20035. Foor, C., Walden, S., and Trytten, D., “I wished I belonged more in this whole engineering group:” achieving individual diversity. Journal of Engineering Education. 96(2): 103-15, 2007.6. Peterson, D.M., Briggs, P., Dreasher, L., Horner, D.D., & Nelson, T., Contributions of International Students and Programs to Campus Diversity. New Directions for Student Services 86, 77, 19997. Edward Gehringer, “Understanding and relating to your international students”, American Society for Engineering Education, 20088. Soumya Keshavamurthy, Anurag Srivastava, Adrienne Minerick, and Noel Schulz
Conference Session
Materials Lab Experiments and Demonstrations
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lori Rosario, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
. University of Mauritius. Reduit Mauritius. Elsevier Ltd. 2006.2. Casey, L. Growth forecasted for biodegradable polymer market. Packaging Digest. February, 2010.3. Bastioli, C. Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers. Chapter 1. Rapra Technology Limited. Shawbury, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 4NR, UK. 2005.4. Taggart, S. Two words: Biodegradable plastic. 25 April 2002. Accessed December, 2009. 5. Platt, D.K. Biodegradable Polymers. Rapra Market Report. 2006.6. Nolan-ITU Pty Ltd. Biodegradable plastics - Developments and environmental impacts. Report prepared for Australia Department of Environment and Water Resources. October 2002. Accessed December, 2009. .7. Narayan, R. and Pettigrew, C. ASTM standards define
Conference Session
Learning by Doing
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Morgan, Texas A&M University; Luciana Barroso, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
analysis and design courses.Bibliography1. Smith, K., J. Morgan, S. Ledlow, P.K. Imbrie, and J. Froyd, “Engaging Faculty in Active/CooperativeLearning,” Frontiers in Education, FIE 2003, Boulder, Colorado, November 8, 2003.2. Kenimer, A. and J. Morgan, “Active Learning Exercises Requiring Higher-Order Thinking Skills,” ASEE,Nashville, TN, June, 2003.3. Morgan, J. R., "Technology in the Classroom," 9th Annual TBEEC Conference on Enhancement of CurricularContent and Structure with Technology, Nashville, TN, November 20-21, 1997.4. Everett, L., P.K. Imbrie and J.R. Morgan, "Integrated Curricula: Purpose and Design," Journal of EngineeringEducation, v. 89, no. 2, April, 2000.5. Al-Holou, N, N. M. Bilgutay, C. Corleto, J. T. Demel, R. Felder, K. Frair
Conference Session
Robotics Curriculum
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Michalson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Fred Looft, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
. 5 General Description You will develop a robotic system that carries a student s backpack that is expected to contain a laptop computer and several textbooks and notebooks. The robot will follow the student as s/he walks on the campus. When the student reaches a classroom building s/he will either lock the robot in a university-provided locker or carry the robot to class. The robot must be able to navigate on flat and inclined paved surfaces at a reasonable walking speed (up to 4 mph). The robot must be able to have enough on-board power to operate for at least two hours without recharging. Students should be able to recharge the robot by plugging the robot into a wall power outlet. Each team must develop a
Conference Session
Industry based new Innovative and Nontraditional Curriculum in Industrial Technology and Industrial Engineering Technology
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Little-Wiles, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Stephen Hundley, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Erich Bauer, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
in regards to utilization of LMS products and studentengagement.As Kuh et al. (2001)6 discovered “ appears that the further away from campus (walkingdistance, driving distance) the less likely a student is to take advantage of the educationalresources the institution provides” (p.5). It is up to administrators, IT professionals andinstructors to engage those urban, commuter students and provide them with the sameopportunities their fellow on campus colleagues can access.Bibliography1. Carliner, S. (2004.) An overview of online learning (2nd Ed.) Amherst, MA: HRD Press.2. Harasim, L. (1989). On-Line Education: A New Domain. In Mason, R., and Kaye. A (Eds.), Mindweave: Communication, Computers and Distance Education. (pp.50-62
Conference Session
Design with External Clients
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ismail Orabi, University of New Haven
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
engineers andmanagers. The experience has been a Win-Win scenario for the students and the Industrypartner. The students have the opportunity to work on a practical design project and to interactwith outside engineers. The companies also have the ability to work directly with some of ourbrightest and most capable students, providing them an opportunity to identify potential newhires.Bibliography1. Dym, C. L., A. M. Agogino, O. Eris, D. D. Frey, and L. J. Leifer. (2005). “Engineering Design Thinking,Teaching, and Learning.” Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1): 103- 120.2. Dutson, A. J., R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby and C. D. Sorenson. (1997) “A Review of Literature on TeachingDesign through Project-Oriented Capstone Courses,” Journal of Engineering
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Hacker, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
:// Council on Competitiveness, Spin Fiber Faster to Gain a Competitive Edge for U.S. Textile Manufacturing. 2005; Available from: Council on Competitiveness, Customized Catalysts to Improve Crude Oil Yields: Getting More Bang from Each Barrel. 2005; Available from: Council on Competitiveness, Full Vehicle Design Optimization for Global Market Dominance. 2005; Available from: Baker, M. and R. Buyya, Cluster computing: the commodity supercomputer. Software-Practice and Experience, 1999. 29(6): p. 551-76.10. Graham, S., M. Snir, and C. Patterson, Getting up to speed: The future of supercomputing. 2005: Natl Academy Pr
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Assessment in ECE II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rosalind Wynne, Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
separation]. Ref: HW#4 Page 15.1219.10 problem 4.7” b. “[I] did not realize that gop [optical generation rate] and tau [recombination lifetime] were in different units. Reference: HW#4 problem: 4.7” c. “I used the value of 10-7 [u]s for tau instead of 10-1 us . Reference: Textbook: pg 143: Example 4-5 and pg. 131: Formula defined.” d. “I forgot how conductivity changed [when excess electrons and holes are created in a semiconductor]. Ref: Text: Pg. 124 and 102.” e. “I ran out of time and didn’t know how to do it [determine the quasi Fermi level]. Ref: Textbook pg 142-143” f. “For some reason I didn’t use no*po=ni2 [the
Conference Session
Issues and Solutions in Mathematics Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dianne Raubenheimer, North Carolina State University; Hatice Ozturk, North Carolina State University; Alina Duca, NCSU
Tagged Divisions
curriculum. Paper presented at the ASEE Conference, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2006.4. Boardbridge, P. & Henderson, S. (2008). Mathematics education for 21st century engineering students: Final report. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.5. Green, .R., Harrison, A. S., Podcock, D. & Ward, J.P. (2004) The role of CAA in helping engineering undergraduates learn mathematics. Maths CAA Series: Nov 2004. Downloaded from Cetty, M. (2000). A scheme for online Web-based assessment. Engineering science and education journal, 9(1), 27-32.7. Nahi, H.B., Charturvedi, S., Akan, A.O. & Pickering, J.W. (2007
Conference Session
Distance and Web-Based Learning in ET: Part I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sohail Anwar, Pennsylvania State University-Altoona College; Jane LeClair, Excelsior College; Arnie Peskin, Excelsior College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
fields of endeavor. Taken together, theseadvantages are propelling the college to make nanotechnology and power well-establishedofferings for engineering technologists.Bibliography1. Anwas, S. and H. Dhillon. “Development of an On-line Introduction to Nanotechnology Course: Issues and Challenges”. Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference.2. Meyyappan, M. “Nanotechnology Education and Training”. Journal of Materials Education Vol. 26 (3-4), 2004.3. Anwar, S., J. A. Rolle, and A. A. Memon. “Development and Delivery of On-line Upper Division Engineering Technology Courses”. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference.4. Sridhara, B. “WebCT – A Powerful Web-Enhanced Instruction Tool for Engineering Technology Courses”. Proceedings of
Conference Session
Design Education I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Priya Manohar, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
scheduling of the laboratory facilities andallowing students to customize their products.References 1. D. C. Davis, K. L. Gentili, M. S. Trevisa, and D. E. Calkins: Engineering design assessment, processes and scoring scales for program improvement and accountability, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 91 (No. 2), pp. 211-221, 2002. 2. E. Koehn: Preparing students for engineering design and practice, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 88 (No. 2), pp. 163-167, 1999. 3. S. Howe and J. Wilbarger: 2005 National survey of engineering capstone design courses, ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2006. 4. Sheppard S. D. (1999): Design as Cornerstone and Capstone, Mechanical Engineering Design
Conference Session
Research in Graphics Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Wiebe; Theodore Branoff; Mark Shreve
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
reported 19 different strategies for completing the materialrelated to the textbook. The top 3 strategies were: 1) watched the voiced-over PowerPoint, readand reviewed the chapter(s), and then completed the online assessment (30%); 2) read andreviewed the chapter(s) and then completed the online assessment (11%); and 3) read thechapter(s), watched the voiced-over PowerPoints, and then completed the online assessment(7%). Approximately 13% of students did not use a study strategy that involved viewing thevoiced-over PowerPoints5.This study was repeated during the fall 2008 semester with 3 sections of GC120 (74 students).The same streaming media presentations of the textbook material were available to studentsonline. The post course survey revealed
Conference Session
Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Silvia Carreño, Universidad de las Americas Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla; Aurelio López-Malo, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Studies, 1: 3-18.5. Ganesh, T., Thieken, J., Elser, M., Baker, D., Krause, S., Roberts, C., Kurpius-Robinson, S., Middleton, J. and Golden, J. 2009. Eliciting underserved middle-school youths’ notions of engineers: draw an engineer, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Austin, Texas, June 14 - 17.6. Karatas, F., Micklos. M. and Bodner, G. 2008. Sixth grade students’ images of engineering: what do engineers do? Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 22 - 25.7. Knight, M. and Cunningham, C.M. 2004. Draw an engineer test (DAET): Development of a tool to investigate students’ ideas about engineers and engineering. Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE
Conference Session
Computer Education Innovations I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Fry, Baylor University; Donald Gaitros, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
University was designed for intellectuallygifted, highly motivated students entering the School of Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)with a wide range of interests, who desire a more diverse experience across the disciplines. Theprogram seeks to broaden Computer Science Fellows’ backgrounds in their chosen area(s) ofdiversification while preparing them for a graduate studies or for successful careers. TheComputer Science Fellows is a major within the School of Engineering & Computer Sciencewhere fellows are free to create an individualized course of study with the advice of a programdirector who mentors them throughout the entire undergraduate experience. The program hascourse requirements in computer science as well as other core courses
Conference Session
Industry Sponsored Research and Project Initiatives in Industrial Technology & Industrial Engineering Technology
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Rodriguez, Western Michigan University; Alamgir Choudhury, Western Michigan University; Luis Rodriguez, University of Wisconsin - Waukesha
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Page 15.186.2process.At Western Michigan University (WMU) there is the requirement that all CEAS’s undergraduategraduating students must complete a Senior Design Project in a two-semester sequence. Projectsare presented by faculty members in the College, and students indicate their preferences.Subsequently, teams are formed, with the number of students in each team being decided by thetechnical advisor(s), the course coordinator, and any sponsor(s) in function of the expectationsfor the project. Most of the teams have three students, and students’ preferences have shifted inthe past years from having more interest on internal projects (i.e., no industry involvement) tohaving projects where an industry sponsor is involved. Among the many
Conference Session
Research on the First Year I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University; Jing Chen, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
. Categories Represented in the ASEE Proceedings Page 15.1170.6Page 15.1170.75. Gitlin, Andrew. (2001) Bounding teacher decision making: The threat of intensification. Educational Policy. Vol. 15 Issue 2, p227.6. Kalenscher, Tobias (2009). Decision-making and Neuroeconomics. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.7. Li, Simon Y. W, Rakow, Tim, Newell, Ben R. (2009). Personal experience in doctor and patient decision making: from psychology to medicine. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. Vol. 15 Issue 6, p993-995.8. Pugh, S
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Rockaway, University of Louisville; D. Joseph Hagerty, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
improvement in undergraduate instruction. SACS is the recognized regionalaccrediting body in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, NorthCarolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia for those institutions of highereducation that award associate, baccalaureate, master's or doctoral degrees. “An effective QEPshould be carefully designed and present a focused course of action that addresses a well-definedtopic or issue(s) related to enhancing student learning.”[1]In January 2005, a QEP Team of faculty, staff and students were charged with developing such aplan for the University of Louisville. A university-wide survey was conducted to identify areasof instruction that needed improvement, and solicit suggestions on ways
Conference Session
Electrical & Computer Engineering Division Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Ieta, State University of New York, Oswego; Rachid Manseur, SUNY-Oswego; Thomas Doyle, McMaster University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
ts s e le ne en ri e uip ab nd ct w ts pe ng a n la ex Cha me le nt d b a Implement changes ELECTRONICS LABORATORIES NO
Conference Session
Alternate Energy
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Luces Faulkenberry, University of Houston; Wajiha Shireen, University of Houston
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
finals, coupled with various business and Christmasactivities of employees of CenterPoint Energy, and business travel by the PHEV representativemade it impossible to gather a group of CenterPoint Energy employees for the studentpresentations. Thus, only the CenterPoint Energy PHEV representative and the project professorwere gathered to hear the student presentations. A rating form was prepared for the CenterPointEnergy representative and the professor to rate the presentations. It is illustrated in Figure 1below. The students did not rate one another’s presentations because of the difficulty ofproviding anonymity. PHEV PROJECT CLASS PRESENTATION RATING SHEETPRESENTER(S) _______________names pre-typed by professor____PRESENTATION
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hui-Ying Wu, Ching Yun University; HsinPiao Hsu, Kainan University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
, S. (2001). Challenge and promise: Technology in the classroom. Retrieved March 18, 2002, from Evans, C. (2008). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education. Computers & Education, 50(2), 491-498.5. Flanagan, B. & Calandra, B. (2005). Podcasting for the K12 classroom. Learning and Leading with Technology, 33(3), 20-25.6. Gable, R., & Wolf, M. (Eds.). (1993). Instrument development in the affective domain. Boston: Kluwer Academic.7. Harris, H. Park, S. (2008). Educational usages of podcasting. British Journal of Educational Technology 39(3) 548-551.8. Hsu, H. (2003). Integrating technology
Conference Session
IE and the Classroom
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State University; Laura Ruff, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
for careers as industrial engineers.The project work presented in this paper is ongoing. Future work includes expanded analysesthat will focus on assessing the impact of various factors on individual efficacy and satisfactionquestions, rather than average scores. The data will also be used to develop a predictive modelof career efficacy. Finally, the project will be expanded beyond industrial engineering, todetermine if similar conclusions can be drawn in other disciplines.Bibliography1. Hoitm, M. and M. Ohland, The impact of a discipline-based introduction to engineering course on improving retention, J. Eng. Edu., pp. 79-85, Jan. 1998.2. Courter, S., S. Millar and L. Lyons. From the students’ point of view: experiences in a freshman
Conference Session
Spatial Ability and Visualization in Graphics Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick Connolly, Purdue University; James Beeler, Purdue University; Pat Connaughton, Purdue University; Jared Price, Purdue University; Ben Trefz, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
educational and social significance. San Diego, CA: Robert R. Knapp.7. Sorby, S. A. (2000). Spatial abilities and their relationship to effective learning of 3-D solid modeling software. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 64(3), 30-35.8. Contero, M., Company, P., Saorin, J. L., & Naya, F. (2006). Learning support tools for developing spatial abilities in engineering design. International Journal of Engineering Education, 22(3), 470-477.9. Billinghurst, M. (2002). Augmented Reality in Education. Retrieved September 18, 2009, from Kaufmann, H. (2003). Collaborative augmented reality in education. Paper for keynote speech at Imagina 2003 conference
Conference Session
Signal Processing Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hanjun Xian, Purdue University; Krishna Madhavan, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
, S., et al., Modern Sensing and Computerized Data Acquisition Technology in High School Physics Labs. 2007. 23: p. 902-909.4. Kashlan, A.E.l. and S.E.l. Kashlan, Instrumentation and measurement course for non-electrical engineering students. 2006. 43: p. 173-184.5. Mishra, S., Y. Pan, and T. Oh. Undergraduate Research in Wireless Sensor Security Course. in Proceedings of the 13th Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education. 2009. Seattle, WA.6. Meshkova, E., J. Riihijarvi, and P. Mahonen. Teaching embedded systems with active learning: The SMEAGOL approach. in Frontiers in Education Conference, 2008. FIE 2008. 38th Annual. 2008.7. Li, S. and A.A. Khan, Applying IT Tools to a Laboratory Course
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Chung-Suk Cho, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Na Lu, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Robert Swan, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
AC 2010-1890: INNOVATIVE COLLABORATION TO PROVIDE HANDS-ONEDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS:INTEGRATING "HABITAT FOR HUMANITY" INTO A FIRST YEARCONSTRUCTION MATERIALS COURSEDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Commonwealth
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Physics or Engineering Physics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jian Peng, Southeast Missouri State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
department to engineering physics students fora long time. Previously, our microcontroller course centered on Intel 8086 chips and the ISAbuses. Students learned 8086 assembly language and how to interface a PC with the externalworld via the ISA buses through various peripheral devices, including timers, RS232 serial ports,and interrupt subroutines. Software coding and debugging were performed under DOSenvironment using command-line instructions. Obviously the content of this course had stayedin the 1980’s and had not evolved with new generations of hardware and software. During ourdepartment’s internal curriculum review process for our 2006 ABET accreditation visit, wereached consensus that this course needed major revision to reflect the current
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs & Issues
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Emily Medders, Southern Wesleyan University; Cheryl Cass, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
mentors The ability to  Cannot develop  Can create new  Can develop new create new new concepts concepts with concepts concepts External help Dependence /  Dependent  Dependent/  Independent independence Independent Program  Euphoric  Realize the expectations entrance into inadequacies of the experience their expectationsRole(s) of mentors were identified within coded data by tallying how many times the
Conference Session
Special Session: Impacts of Service in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Paterson, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
that does not require the effort in the first place.Yet, thoughtfully planned and executed, assessment evidence can powerfully affect manypersistent institutional challenges including resource allocation, curricular design, value creation,institutional reputation, and student enrollment, among others.6. Bibliography[1] Lawson, S. and R. Dragusanu. 2008. Buiding the World: Mapping Infrastructure Demand. Goldman SachsGlobal Economics Paper No: 166. 20 pp.[2] AAEE. 2008. Environmental Engineering Body of Knowledge Summary Report, Environmental Engineer:Applied Research and Practice, Summer 2008, 21-33.[3] ASCE. 2008. Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century: Preparing the Civil Engineer for theFuture. Second Edition. American