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Displaying results 511 - 540 of 1303 in total
Conference Session
Innovative Instructional Strategies and Curricula in ECE I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
MaryPat Beaufait; Duyun Chen, University of Pennsylvania; Carl B Dietrich P.E., Virginia Tech; Cecile Dietrich; Garrett Michael Vanhoy, University of Arizona
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
are involved in making major focus and study decisionsc) Participants work together as a group with facilitator(s) to promote cohesiond) All aspects of the inquiry are undertaken in ways that are understandable and meaningful toparticipantse) The ideas of all involved are valued; status and power differences between novices andexperts are minimized as much as possible.Because of this level of participation, the faculty mentor, educational researcher, and participantsdecided upon co-authorship of the paper. Similar decisions about authorship have been used inthe health sciences among other fields41,42.The students‘ faculty mentor and the educational researcher initiated preparation of the paperafter facilitating an interview/discussion of the
Conference Session
ETD Design I: Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudio Talarico, Eastern Washington University; Min-Sung Koh, Eastern Washington University; Esteban Rodriguez-Marek, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Figure 7. Exporting the voltage measurements performed on the voltage divider circuitThe goal of the second experiment is to measure the time constant of a simple RC circuit andobserve how the time constant changes when the value of the resistor in the circuit is increased.This experiment requires the use of a waveform generator, and an oscilloscope. Figure 8 showsthe circuit analyzed in the second experiment. Figure 8. RC Circuit driven by a periodic 50% duty cycle square waveformThe EE board provides a 2-channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator and a 4-channel,40MSamples/s Oscilloscope. Figure 9 illustrates the setting used for the waveform generator.,while Figure 10 illustrates the oscilloscope traces used to measure the time constant
Conference Session
Electromechanical Capstone and Design Projects in Engineering Technology
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chong Chen, Middle Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
thedesigner to modify their design for getting a better product. Magnet field analysis may also beused for finding torque, force, power losses, and induced voltage, which are the primaryparameters of electrical machine performance study.This paper presents the magnet field analysis of a cylindrical permanent magnet linear alternator.This alternator has four permanent magnet rings mounted on a plunger (shaft), which oscillateslinearly when the machine is working. The magnetic polarities (N pole or S pole) of the rings arein radial direction and the polarities alternate from one ring to the next on each side of theplunger. Two of the magnet rings are on each end of the plunger and a magnetic loop is formedby the permanent magnet rings, plunger, stator
Conference Session
Collaborations, Accreditation and Articulation Issues for International Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuemin Zhao, China University of Mining & Technology; You-jun Tao, China University of Mining & Technology
Tagged Divisions
recognition of engineering educationin China, and enhance the international competitiveness. Mineral processing of CUMT is thefirst one who is accepted engineering education accreditation, it‟s very significant for thepromotion of the quality of engineering education, its international competition and thedevelopment of the major through accreditation of engineering education as soon as possible.The Development and Characteristics of Mineral Processing of China University ofMining and Technology Mineral processing in CUMT begun 1952, and currently it was developed by early coalpreparation, mineral processing, it was approved for master program in 1981 and doctor in1984. It also established post-doctoral research center in 1985. And in 1988, it was
Conference Session
New Developments in Teaching Electromagnetics and Related Topics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taufik Taufik, California Polytechnic State University; Dale S.L. Dolan, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
technical specificationsWhen designing either a transformer or an inductor, a wire is required for the winding(s) aroundthe magnetic core. Wire selection is typically based on the window area of the core as well astolerable amount of copper losses in watts. The web-based magnetic design contains a sub-routine that automatically looks for the wire size (gauge) that most closely fits the calculatedcore material and type. However, since the program is meant to aid in basic calculations ofsimple inductor and transformer designs, the wire selection does not take into account complexconfiguration of winding such as bifiliar or more, interleaving, etc. Figure 5 illustrates the stepwhere wire size is determined including three data related to the selected
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter M. Osterberg, University of Portland; Aziz Sukru Inan, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
integrated circuit layouts for CHIP1 and CHIP2, respectively. Thelayouts were created using L-Edit from Tanner Research, Inc. Page 22.548.3 Fig. 2. High-level block diagrams of MOSIS CHIP1 and CHIP2Fig. 3. L-Edit layout of CHIP1 Fig. 4. L-Edit layout of CHIP2 Page 22.548.4Brief description of MOSIS CHIP1 The detailed block diagram of MOSIS CHIP1 is shown in Figure 5. To keep the initialdesign simple, the input is limited to eight four-bit signed samples in the 2's complement format.In order to avoid overflow, the final output consists of eight complex pairs of
Conference Session
TAC/ABET Related Outcome Based Assessment Methods and Models
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nripendra N. Sarker, Prairie View A&M University; Mohan Ketkar, Prairie View A&M University; Cajetan M. Akujuobi, Alabama State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, the a-k outcomes are mapped only to the3000 and 4000 level courses but not to the 1000 and 2000 courses (shaded). An outcome may not Page 22.605.3be required to map to a specific number of courses. For example, outcome ‘f’ is mapped to fivecourses while some outcomes are mapped to as low as two courses only. This is highlighted atthe bottom of the Figure 1. Figure 1. The a-k outcomes are mapped to individual coursesAn instructor is required to prepare assignments directed to measure the designated outcome(s)for the course. At the end of a semester, the same instructor is required to prepare a coursebinder which may be
Conference Session
Professional Graduate Education and Industry
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard A. Coffman, University of Arkansas; Micah Hale, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships, Graduate Studies
inthe Spring of 2010. Both graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, private consultants, andpublic servants are provided with the opportunity to learn from each other during this weeklyone-hour seminar. The establishment and overview of the seminar series are discussed along with thedevelopment of guidelines for student attendance. Involvement of faculty, students, andprofessionals was evaluated. Attendance at each seminar is a function of topic(s), presenter(s),and time commitment conflict (schedule conflicts with other classes or faculty sabbatical).Based on data from the Spring 2010 and Fall 2010 semesters, faculty attended 41 percent of theseminars, and students attended 43 percent of the seminars. When absences forclass
Conference Session
Making Students Aware of Their World: Five Perspectives
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cherrice Traver, Union College; Douglass Klein, Union College; Borjana Mikic, Smith College; Atsushi Akera, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Steven B. Shooter, Bucknell University; Ari W. Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; David Gillette, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Focus on Entry Experiences in Chemical Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne M. Kresta, University of Alberta; Inci Ayranci, University of Alberta
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Fellowship, she is teaching material and energy balances to 2nd year students under the supervision of Dr. Suzanne Kresta. Page 22.286.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Bi-modal No More: Shifting the Curve in Material and Energy Balances Courses In the early 1990’s, common wisdom stated that a bi-modal distribution in process analysisis “normal”, with a significant number of students needing to take the course twice before they“get” the material. As class sizes in second year chemical engineering at the University ofAlberta grew to over 100
Conference Session
Design Tools & Methodology II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas E. Doyle, McMaster University; Spencer Smith, McMaster University; Adrian Ieta, State University of New York, Oswego
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
distance was 10 mm, we derived an ideal target linear speed of 1/16 mm/ms(0.0625 m/s) for the read head. Page 22.331.5The class was provided with the floppy drive chassis and the restriction that they must fittheir new retrofit mechanism train into the existing space. No modifications of thechassis were permitted. Alternative gear designs and mechanisms were an option forbonus marks. Each team was specified a different input motor speed; however, all teamswere required to meet the specified output condition of the original read head speed.Assessment criteria included: preliminary research report, part and assembly modelling,system
Conference Session
DEED Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marvin C. Blackman, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Shahidul Islam; Joseph Kamel, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
LAfter the automatic adjustment, the vertical reaction force on the front and the back wheels canbe determined as 1 1 R BY  W  R B  R BY cos  (R 2 L  W S ) cos 2 2 (10) 1 1 R FY  W  R F  R FY cos  (R 2 L  W S ) cos 2 2By considering L= 30/, H1 = 5/, R = 4/, and   15.47o , the following table provides thehorizontal forward force and the reaction forces on the wheels before and after automaticadjustmentTable2: Forces in downhill direction before and after automatic adjustmentTank Condition Horizontal Back
Conference Session
Research and Assessment
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoff Wright, Brigham Young University; Tyler Lewis, Brigham Young University; Paul T Skaggs, Brigham Young University; Bryan Howell, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, ability to deferjudgment, intrinsic motivation, ability and willingness to prototype and iterate, willingness toflexibility to change roles and grow a diversity of ideas, and collaborative autonomy (ability towork both collectively and as an individual. Being able to bring individual ideas and connectthem with the ideas of others). Finally, the process can be viewed as both linear and non-linearbecause although there should be movement from divergent ideas to a convergent solution, theinnovation process steps can (and should) often be revisited to ensure the best solution(s) arebeing developed. Figure 1.3 diagrams the flow. Although the diagram is presented in linearformat, the process needs to be interpreted as being cyclical – in that idea
Conference Session
Integrating Technical Research into Professional Development and K-12 Classrooms
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Healy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joyce Palmer Allen, National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
and not nano-based lessons. These materials should beshort enough that they can fit into current teaching. In addition, it is important to clearly statenano-based concepts and provide sufficient time for learning these concepts during a workshop.References Cited 1. Stevens, S., Sutherland,L. and Krajcik, J., 2009. Big Ideas in Nanoscale Science and Engineering: A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers. NSTA Press, Arlington, VA. 207 p. 2. National Nanotechnology, Accessed at: 3. Roco, M.C., 2003, Converging science and technology at the nanoscale: opportunities for education and training, Nature Biotechnology, 21 (3) pp.1-3. 4. Principals Committee, Innovate America
Conference Session
Student Learning and Teamwork
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nina Robson, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
: • “I think that after completing this project, I have a better understanding of the entire design and manufacturing process”; • “I view a 5 as near perfect, which is the reason for more of the 4’s”; • “It was a good learning experience”. Feedback from the collaborators, regarding the teams development, experiences, as well as the industry-defined competency of the developed assistive device were also extremely important during the semester. This provided a partial summative evaluation of the project and the students’ learning. Further summative evaluation of the project, regarding the usability and quality of the products, is expected to be provided by the users of the assistive devices. Lessons Learned
Conference Session
Incorporating Innovative Technologies into the Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University; Tony Lee Kerzmann, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
studentsincluding the ones detailed below. Others are not within the reach of smaller schools such asDefense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)’s Grand and Urban Challenge3. Someothers like SAE’s Formula Series4 may require greater resources compared to the ones below. The Institute of Navigation (ION)’s Robotic Lawn Mower Competition will be held June 2-4, 2011 in Beavercreek, Ohio5. The objective of the competition is to design and operate a robotic unmanned lawnmower using navigation to rapidly and accurately mow a field of grass. NASA’s 18th Annual Great Moonbuggy Race will be held April 1 - 2, 2011 in Huntsville, Alabama, at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. Each Moonbuggy will be powered by two
Conference Session
Innovations in Power Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dale S.L. Dolan, California Polytechnic State University; Taufik Taufik, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
harmonics for continuous-conduction-mode boost power-factor correction,” Proc. IEE Electric Power Applications, Vol. 148, Issue 2, pp. 202 – 206, March 2001.3. B. Choi, S. Hong, and H. Park, ”Modeling and small-signal analysis of controlled on-time boost power-factor- correction circuit,” IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 48, Issue 1, pp. 136 – 142, Feb. 2001. Page 22.160.74. M. Orabi, T. Ninomiya, and J. Chunfeng, “Nonlinear dynamics and stability analyses of boost power-factor- correction circuit,” Proc
Conference Session
Hardware Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald J. Hayne, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
’ Figure 5. Instruction Fetch Sequence. Step RTN Control Signals T3 R(D) ← R(S) REGS_Read1 <= ‘1’ ALU_OP <= Pass_A Load_STATUS <= ‘1’ REGS_Write <= ‘1’ Clear <= ‘1’ Figure 6. Instruction Execute for MOVE Rs,Rd.VHDL ModelThe VHDL model for the instructional processor is developed in phases, with new capabilitiesadded in each phase. Phase 1 includes the components of the data path, which have beendeveloped throughout the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sydney Rogers, Alignment Nashville; Sandra Harris, Alignment Nashville and PENCIL Foundation; Ismail Fidan, Tennessee Technological University; David McNeel, Education Consultant
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
the project in each middle andhigh school club are closely monitored and, any corrective action, if needed, is takenimmediately. Future goals of this initiative include developing a sustainability model for theongoing operation of its after-school clubs and summer camps and more tightly integrating itsprograms into middle to high school transition strategies and into 9th grade curriculum and Page 22.228.6activities preparing students for their choice of academies.AcknowledgementsThis project is being funded by National Science Foundation Award Number 0833643.Bibliography1. Rogers, S. Rapid Prototyping: A Strategy to Promote Interest in STEM
2011 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Orla Smyth LoPiccolo
Cornelius, T. and Owen-DeSchryver, J. Differential Effects of Full and Partial Notes on Learning Outcomes and Attendance, Teaching of Psychology, 35: 6–12, 200814 Silberman, M. Active Learning 101 Strategies toTteach Any Subject Allyn and Bacon 1996(P 73)15 Fisher, C. S., & Berliner, C. D. (Eds.). (1985). Perspectives on instruction time. New York: Longman.16 Greenwood, C. R., Delquadri, J. D., & Hall, R. V. (1984). Opportunity to respond and student academic achievement. In W. L. Heward, T E. Heron, D. S. Hill, & J. Trap-Porter (Eds.), Focus on behavior analysis in education (pp. 58-88). Columbus, OH: Merrill. Heward, W. L. (1994). Three "low-tech" strategies17 Davis, B. Tools for Teaching 2nd Edition Jossey
2011 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Victoria Schuele; Ronald Edwards; Don Gillich; Andrew Kovanen; Brian Moretti
project sponsor at the end of the year. Additionally,cadets give a poster presentation at USMA’s annual Project’s Day held during the Springsemester each year.ConclusionThe pyroelectric crystal accelerator at West Point provides the cadets in the Department ofPhysics and Nuclear Engineering a unique opportunity for outside the classroom, discoverylearning. Cadets can apply classroom skills to real world applications while gaining valuableresearch, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. This project will help them to be moreproductive in future academic endeavors as well as in future career fields.1. Naranjo, B., Gimzewski, J.K., and Putterman, S., “Observation of Nuclear Fusion Driven by a Pyroelectric Crystal”, Letters to Nature
Conference Session
Novel Approaches to Teaching Materials
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacquelyn E. Kelly, Arizona State University; Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University; Dale R. Baker, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
, for studentslearning science or engineering, it must be made explicit that, if they are going to becomepractitioners of a discipline using its foundational knowledge, then they too must learn thelanguage associated with the courses and subjects upon which that discipline is built.AcknowledgementThe authors acknowledge the support of this work from NSF CCLI Grant #0737146 and IEECIGrant #0836041. Page 22.1166.11References 1. Corkins, J., Kelly, J., Baker, D., Robinson Kurpius, S., Tasooji, A., & Krause, S. (2009). Determining the Factor Structure of the Materials Concept Inventory. 2009 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 2
Conference Session
Innovative Methods to Teach Engineering to URMs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ram V. Mohan, North Carolina A&T State University; Ajit D. Kelkar, North Carolina A&T State University; Keith A. Schimmel, North Carolina A&T State University; Vinaya Kelkar
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
. Page 22.889.13References(Bugbee, 1999) Bugbee, B., ―Engineering plants for spaceflight environments‖, Gravitationaland Space Biology Bulletin, 12:67-74.(Corey and Wheeler, 1992) Corey, K.A. and R.M. Wheeler., ―Gas exchange in NASA's BiomassProduction Chamber - A pre-prototype closed human life support system‖, BioScience 42: 503–509, 1992.(Creswell and Clark, 2006) Creswell, J. and Clark, V., ―Designing and conducting mixedmethods research‖, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. 2006.(Galston, 1992) Galston, A.W., ―Photosynthesis as a Basis for Life Support on Earth and inSpace‖, BioScience. 42:490-493.(Hilger et al., 2007) Hilger, H., Luster-Teasley, S., Dibiase, W., De Los Reyes III, F., Holmes,L., Mandjiny, Wang, C., Steck, T., Schimmel
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Grau, University of Alabama; Guillermo Mejia, University of Alabama and Universidad Industrial de Santander
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
engineering education, where engineering students want tobase their knowledge on concrete knowledge rather than on abstract logic, and achieve theunderstanding of a topic with a learning strategy from the specific to the general concepts. Themethodology and results of this study should be considered in further research, and implementedin other colleges and universities, especially in those emergent countries, since their applicationcan result in the enhancement of an the infrastructure system of a country and the growth of itssociety and achieve better economic development indexes.References[1] Caro S., S.; “The Paradigm of Civil Engineering Education within the Colombian Context”. Internacional
Conference Session
Advanced Aerospace Student Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Horacio Andrés Trucco; Martina Y. Trucco, Hewlett-Packard Labs
Tagged Divisions
place on 9 November1961 with the SUMPA (Southampton University´s Man Powered Aircraft). Perhaps the best-known achievements of human-powered flights were crossing the English Channel (35.8 km) byBryan Allen pedaling the Gossamer Albatross on June 12, 1979, and later on April 23, 1988Kanellos Kanellopoulos established a distance record pedaling the Daedalus 88 from Crete toSantorini (119 km). Implementation of the herein suggested inflatable structure would reducethe weight of these competition aircrafts. The Gossamer Albatross weighed 32 kilograms and theDaedalus 88 weighed 31 kilograms.Currently the UK Royal Aeronautical Society organizes two human-powered flight competitionswith prizes of £50,000 and £100,000, see reference [12]. The first
Conference Session
Aerospace Curriculum and Collaborations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Valana L. Wells, Arizona State University; Jenefer Husman, Arizona State University; Praveen Shankar, Arizona State University; Wen-Ting Chung, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
, 2007.[11] Bandura, A., “Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales,” in F. Pajares and T. Urdan (ed.), Adolescence andeducation, Vol. 5, pp. 307-337. Greenwich, CT: Information Age.[12] Pintrich, P. R., Smith, D., Garcia, T. and Mckeachie, W., “Reliability and Predictive Validity of the MotivatedStrategies for Learning Questionnaire (Mslq)”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1993.[13] Yasar, S., Discourse in freshman engineering teams: The relationship between verbal persuasions, self-efficacyand achievement. (Ph.D. dissertation), 2008.[14] Yasar, S., Robinson-Kurpius, S., Baker, D., Roberts, C. and Krause, S., “An intervention to address genderissues in a course on design, engineering and technology for science
Conference Session
Aerospace Curriculum and Collaborations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sanjay Jayaram, Saint Louis University, Parks College of Engineering, Aviation, and Technology; Michael Swartwout, Saint Louis University
Tagged Divisions
CubeSats to be morethan limited-functioning “ BeepSats” . In addition to NSF CubeSat missions, the other eightwill ride on ESA ’s first V ega flight; their results will be very indicative of the potentialscientific benefits of university-class CubeSats, and CubeSats in general.References1 Gruntman, M, Brodsky. R, Erwin. D, Kunc. J, “Workforce Development for Space Industry”, AIAA Space 2003Conference and Exposition, AIAA-2003-6309, Sep. 23-25, 2003.2 Gruntman. M, “The Time for Academic Departments in Astronautical Engineering”, AIAA SPACE 2007Conference & Exposition, AIAA 2007-6042, 18 - 20 September 2007.3 Guerra L.A., Fowler. W, “Space Systems Engineering for Aerospace Undergraduates”, 46th AIAA AerospaceSciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA
Conference Session
Active and Inquiry-Based Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University; Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University; Katharyn E. K. Nottis, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
novices’ knowledge. In K.A. Ericsson, N. Charness, R. R. Hoffman, & P. J. Feltovich (Eds.), The Cambridge handbookof expertise and expert performance (pp. 167-184). Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress.Chi, M. T. H. 2008 Three types of Conceptual Change: Belief Revision, Mental Model Transformation,and Categorical Shift. In Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change, S. Vosniadou, Ed, New York:Routledge.Cronk, B. C. (2010), How to use PASW Statistics: A step-by-step guide to analysis and interpretation (6th ed), (Glendale, CA: Pyrczak).Evans, D., Gray, Gary, Krause, Stephen, Martin, J., Midkiff, C., Notaros, B., Pavelich, M., Rancour, D.,Reed-Rhoads, T., Steif, P., Streveler, R., and Wage, K. 2003. Progress on Concept Inventory
Conference Session
ETD Design III: Materials and Metallurgy
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason K. Durfee, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, pages 70.5. Car and Driver magazine, December 2008, page 55.6. CarDataVideo,, also, see Ford F-150 vs Toyota Tundra – Frame Strength on See, for example, Huebner, S. Students and Their Schooling: Does Happiness Matter?, National Association of School Psychologists Communiqué, Vol 39, #2, Page 22.1604.11 Appendix I Assignment Handout used for “The Truth About Trucks”“THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUCKS” WORKSHEET (Spring 2010): 1. This Worksheet has a series of questions for you to answer as you view the program
Conference Session
Recruiting, Retention, and Diversity in Engineering Technology
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald C. Richter, Eastern Washington University; William R. Loendorf, Eastern Washington University; Romel W. Mackelprang, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
can be sustained and enriched in the years following the project’scompletion as well as provide a foundation for a future NSF Alliance building project that willreach a broader audience.Bibliography1. Altshuler, S. A., Mackeiprang, R. W., & Baker, R. L. (2008). Youth with disabilities: A standardized portrait of how they are faring. Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, 7 (1), 20-42.2. Burgstahler, S. E., & Cory, R. C. (Eds.). (2008). Universal Design in Higher Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.3. Burgstahler, S. (1994). Increasing the Representation of People with Disabilities in Science, Engineering and Mathmatics. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from