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government agencies and non-profit organizations. Tull holds the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.Ms. Shawnisha Hester, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Shawnisha S. Hester is an Evaluation and Assessment Coordinator. She earned both her BA in Psychol- ogy and MA in Applied Sociology from University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She went on to complete her MSW from University of Maryland School of Social Work. Her research interests focus on using qualitative research methods that measure various phenomena and making connections via an interdisciplinary approach
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deliverable schedule, therefore we did not want to interrupt their activities on other projects with continuous interruption of the interns for every little obstacle. In addition to project personnel discussed above, there were number of products and other resources that was available to the students to complete their project. The following are some of resources that was used for the project. • LulzBot TAZ 5 3D printer, and SOLIDWORKS D CAD software • Two RC vehicle chassis, including wheels and Lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries and charger • Three Raspberry Pi B+'s • A Ubiquiti Rocket M2 • LS20031 GPS Receiver • Electronics (PCB boards, wire of various gauges, a soldering iron, and miscellaneous electrical
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program called2NAU, which allows a student to be admitted to NAU while completing an associate's degree ata partner community college. Transfer students are starting to be recognized by NAU as one withspecialized needs. To meet these needs, NAU implemented Transfer and CommuterConnections, a program committed to providing support and services for students who commuteto campus and transfer students that have switched to the Flagstaff campus, in 2014.Transfer GEMSIn 2013 NAU was awarded a National Science Foundation Scholars to Graduates in Science,Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (S-STEM) grant #1260138 to develop Transfers toGraduates in Engineering, Mathematics and Science (Transfer-GEMS), a program for incomingtransfer students with
feedback from the courseinstructors. The activities are arranged roughly in the chronological order in which they werepresented to the classes.Student Trading Cards. The work of Barker, O’Neill, & Kazim1 inspired this activity. Theinstructor has a set of cards with each student’s name on a card and when the instructor posesquestions to the class, s/he uses cards to select the student to answer. Using the cards allowsinstructors to more consistently call on all members of the class. We selected this activitybecause when the instructor looks for a response from any student it can help convey themessage that each individual possesses knowledge and personal experiences that might berelevant to an engineering problem. This activity is meant to
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, but individually, neither of them meet the objectives ofthe course. There are more expensive choices (such as figure 8), but the cost of it exceeds the $100target range. Page 26.971.6 Figure 6. Pic Development Board $30 (1) Lacks enough peripheral components to be used for the course Figure 7. Raspberry PI $40 (2) Accessing the peripherals via the Linux O/S is not one of the objectives for the course (3) Figure 8. Embeded SBC with touch display $250The board that was developed for the course costs less than $45 and has everything that is needed
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officers—on how to go about seeking research funding. It does notdiscuss individual programs, though it does offer some suggestions for finding them.Rather, it concentrates on finding out about funding opportunities and building a personalnetwork to enable oneself to compete effectively for them.The first step in getting funded is to come up with an idea. The next step is to find anagency that is interested in the area. Then the researcher must make a credible case that(s)he can make a contribution in the area. Sometimes this is through a single-investigatorproposal, but more and more frequently, it is as a member of a team. In the latter case,networking is crucial.2. The ideaA good research topic must have many qualities. It must be inventive. An
. Page 26.1670.8Appendix A: K-12 Outreach instructionsOutreach Activity: Robotics andControl using LEGO MINDSTORMSNXT Activity 1:Objective: Build and program a robot (wheeled car) to drive into a space and exit asquickly as possible without touching the wall.1. Build the basic configuration. (see attached instructions). Connect the motors of the wheels through a cable to the motor ports (A, B, or C)2. Decide which sensor(s) your robot will need to complete the task. A description of each sensor and its function is attached. Connect the sensor through a cable to the sensor ports (1, 2, 3, or 4).3. Get into the “NXT program” on the panel. a. Turn on the panel by pressing the orange button b. Scroll right until you get to