academic population, underrepresented and misunderstood.Early discussion at the board level in the mid 2000’s indicated a willingness for a paradigm shift.However, the representation of academics on the board and other leadership roles has beenlacking. This can be attributed to the lower numbers of this group relative to the whole, as wellas the requirements of tenure that do not support the time and dedication to such an endeavor. Asmall but influential group of members, including a former board member, and a few involved atvarious levels of the society have been working toward increasing opportunities for women inacademia (WIA). Some of the initiatives have been the societal support of the WIA committee,the addition of professional development
. It has also improved the assessmentculture in the department, a key factor for the continuous improvement of the programs offeredby the department.References:1. Snyder, T. D., & Dillow, S. A., 2013, Digest of Education Statistics 2012 (NCES 2014-015), National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington D.C.2. Obama, B., 2009, President Obama’s Address to Congress, retrieved from on Feb 20 2010, accessed on Jan 24, 2017.3. U.S. Department of Education, 2006, A test of leadership: Charting the future of American higher education (Report of the commission appointed by Secretary of Education Margaret
, “Occupational Employment and Wages – Mechanical Engineers.”United States Department of Labor, May 2016. [Available online:[2] Center for Manufacturing Research, “Ohio Manufacturing Facts.” National Association ofManufacturers, March 2017. [Available online:][3] Fink, LD. Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to DesigningCollege Courses. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2013.[4] M. Menekse, G. Stump, S. Krause, M. Chi, “Differentiated Overt Learning Activities forEffective Instruction in Engineering Classrooms.”Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 102 (3),pp
a variety of fields, and the requirements to obtain the desiredposition(s) within these fields also have significant range. Many of the requirements involvelicensing and certifications, whereas many of the higher-up administrative positions requirebachelor and master degrees. The incentive behind this research project was to investigate whyso many construction degree programs at the college and university levels are either closing, orat a minimum not meeting the demand of industry by providing sufficient graduates for thepositions available, and why most high schools in the United States are no longer offeringconstruction type courses. A survey completed by a state board of education in a western Statefound that even drafting and CAD high
. Available at[4] National Academy of Science. “Global Grand Challenges Summits” 2017. Available at[5] Sentio Network. “What is the Global Competence Certificate?” 2017. Available at[6] G. L. Downey, J.C. Lucena, B.M. Moskal, R. Parkhurst, T. Bigley, C. hays, B.K. Jesiek, L. Kelly, J. Miller, S. Ruff, J.L. Lehr, and A. Nichols-Belo. “The Globally Competent Engineer; Working Effectively with People Who Define Problems Differently.” Journal of Engineering Education. April 2006.[7] S.S. Klein-Gardner and A. Walker. “Defining Global Competence for Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the American
, Clarence Central School District Abigail Gordon obtained her B.S. and M.S.ed. from Daemen College in Amherst, NY. She is currently a special education teacher in the Clarence Central School District. Abigail works as a special education consultant teacher for second and fifth grade. Many of Abigail’s daily roles include front loading her students on lessons that they will later see in their mainstream classrooms. She has become an expert in this field and has been involved in efforts to modify the elementary age front loading technique to other age groups of learners.Dr. Brian Scott Rice, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Brian S. Rice is an assistant professor in the Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering
York. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-2317-1 5. Takashi Mochizuki. (2016, April 18). New Fanuc Technology Connects Robots to Networks. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from fanuc-technology-connects-robots-to-networks-1460958107 6. Will Knight. (2016, October 7). Japanese Robotics Giant Gives Its Arms Some Brains. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved from some-brains 7. Gary Wollenhaupt. (2014, October 30). Demand for Robotics Engineers Grows. PRODUCT LIFECYCLE REPORT. Retrieved from 8. FANUC America Corporation Handling Tool
intoundergraduate research is found in the literature [6] and some of our best practices for involvingstudents who are D/HH in research can be found in the articles [7] and [8].AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank Dr. Scott R. Smith for data related the attainment of graduatedegrees by D/HH individuals.References1. Pagano, T. "Making Education and Careers in Chemistry Accessible and Successful for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students”. In Diversity in the Scientific Community. (Nelson and Cheng- Editors) American Chemical Society: Washington, DC., 2017, pp. 125-132.2. Jones, M.T.; Barlow, A.E.; Villarejo, M. Importance of undergraduate research for minoritypersistence and achievement in biology. J. High. Educ. 2010, 81, 82–115.3. Hurtado, S
accreditation efforts. Programs were tasked to identify 1-2 dedicatedaccreditation or assessment coordinators who would then interface with program faculty,coordinate efforts at the program level and report back from the school level meetings. Facultywere chosen based on recommendation from the Chairs and/or self-selection following a call.The faculty ranged in rank from Assistant Professor to Professor. The school-level accreditationcommittee consisted of the program faculty coordinator(s) plus the department chairs, theschool-wide assessment coordinator and the Associate Dean for undergraduate studies. Twointernal evaluators also brought additional expertise from their tenure as ABET programevaluators. The following sections detail specific planning
parallel cooperation and development of theinstructors also has had positive benefit. The fact that such a model can be incorporated withminimal to no curricular change suggests potential benefit at other institutions as well.REFERENCES[1] S. McGuire, Teach Students How To Learn. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2015.[2] K. Leary and M. DeRosier, “Factors Promoting Positive Adaptation and Resilience during theTransition to College.” Psychology, vol. 3, no. 12A, pp. 1215-1222, 2012.[3] J. Himel, “The Understanding and Promotion of Resilience in College Students.” Ph.D.dissertation, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Antioch University, Keene, NH, 2012[4] R. Palmer, D. Maramba, and T. Dancy II, “A Qualitative Investigation of Factors Promotingthe
, ofstakeholder needs, of the social and environmental context, and of temporal dimensions [4] - [6],[15] - [17]. Our definition of systems thinking is represented in Figure 1, where the “component”of a problem that an individual may be working on is in the center. The expanding circlesrepresent the contexts that can and should be considered in making decisions about thesolution(s) and their appropriateness. Many times, this component is part of a larger technicalsystem, thus other pieces or components within the system both must be considered and can havean impact on the success of the solution. This technical system exists within another existingstructure, such as infrastructure of the environment or regulations in a particular field of
students 6follow throughout their four- 4year undergraduate studies. 2 0Both intellectual and Co mp ine g M tric gin ce g he g En Ph s m Ot vil ine El ter cie
disabilities in science and engineering,” NSF 15-311, Arlington, VA, 2015.[2] WVUIT Common Data Set 2017-2018. West Virginia University, 2017 [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16- Mar- 2018][3] “Science and engineering indicators 2004,” National Science Board, May 2004 [Online].Available:, last accessed May 25, 2009.[4] M. Yilmaz, J. Ren, S. Custer and J. Coleman, "Hands-On Summer Camp to Attract K–12Students to Engineering Fields," in IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 144-151,Feb. 2010.
, social responsibility of theprofession, the human elements of project management, etc. As topics are presented,students are required to discuss opposing perspectives, reflect on their own aspirations,and ultimately identify opportunities for personal growth and further learning.The course goals are communicated to students in an introductory Module 0. The coursegoal(s) are stated as follows. Students will: 1. Identify the key knowledge, skills andabilities (KSAs) required for engineering success in the 21st century, 2. Explore relevantprofessional and technical topics, 3. Evaluate their own individual strengths andweaknesses relative to qualities demanded of future engineers, and 4. Identify areas forpersonal growth and opportunities for further
computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Joyce B. Main, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Joyce B. Main is Assistant Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She holds a Ph.D. in Learning, Teaching, and Social Policy from Cornell University, and an Ed.M. in Administration, Planning, and
; Light, G. (2011). Emerging methodologies in engineering education research. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(1), 186-210.[11] Frank, C. (1999). Ethnographic Eyes: A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Observation. Portsmouth: Heinemann.[12] Chaiklin, S. (2003). The zone of proximal development in Vygotsky’s analysis of learning and instruction. Vygotsky’s educational theory in cultural context,1, 39-64.
,” in 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2016, pp. 1–7.[2] M. M. C. S. N. Lykke, “Motivating Students through Positive Learning Experiences: A Comparison of Three Learning Designs for Computer Programming Courses.,” J. Probl. Based Learn. High. Educ., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 80–108, 2015.[3] A. Bogdanovych and T. Trescak, Teaching Programming Fundamentals to Modern University Students. 2016.[4] Y. Sedelmaier and D. Landes, “Active and Inductive Learning in Software Engineering Education,” in Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 2, 2015, pp. 418–427.[5] R. Ellis, “Current Issues in the Teaching of Grammar: An SLA Perspective,” TESOL Q., vol
some use of[2-4].References[1] W. Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, The Elements of Style. [E-book] Available:[2] S. Illingworth and G. Allen, Effective Science Communication: a practical guide to surviving as a scientist. Bristol, U.K.: IoP Publishing, 2016.[3] G.D. Gopen and J.A. Swan. “The science of scientific writing,” American Scientist, vol. 78, pp. 550-558, 1990.[4] B. Mensch and K. Kording. “Ten simple rules for structuring papers”, PLoS Computational Biology, 2017
Estadístico sobre la educación de Puerto Rico 2016-2017 (Databook): Tabla 9. Tasas de graduación (IPEDS Graduation Rate) en las instituciones de educación superior en Puerto Rico (año académico 2016-17)” [Online] Available: CEPR webpage, [Accessed Mar. 21, 2018][17] Q. Jin, S. Purzer, and P.K. Imbrie, “Measuring first year engineering students' knowledge and interest in materials science and engineering”, In Proceedings of 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012[18] P.O. Garriott, L.Y. Flores, and M.P. Martens, “Predicting the math/science career goals of low-income prospective first
. Householder, "Funds of knowledge in Hispanic students’ communities and households that enhance engineering design thinking," in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, 2014, pp. 1-20.[13] J. A. Mejia and A. Wilson-Lopez, "STEM education through funds of knowledge: Creating bridges between formal and informal resources in the classroom," The Agricultural Education Magazine, vol. 87, pp. 14-16, 2015.[14] A. Wilson‐Lopez, J. A. Mejia, I. M. Hasbún, and G. S. Kasun, "Latina/o Adolescents' Funds of Knowledge Related to Engineering," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 105, pp. 278-311, 2016.
engineers of our profession.References[1] B. Jesiek, Y. Haller, and J. Thompson, “Developing Globally Competent EngineeringResearchers: Outcomes-Based Instructional and Assessment Strategies from the IREE 2010China Research Abroad Program”, Advances in Engineering Education, ASEE, Vol. 4, No. 1,2014.[2] U.S. Department of Education, “The Condition of Education 2019,” IES National Center forEducation Statistics, Report NCES 2019-144, May 2019.[3] A. Flores, M. H. Lopez, and J. M. Krogstad, “U.S. Hispanic population reached new high in2018, but growth has slowed” July 8, 2019,[Accessed February 4, 2020].[4] V. MacDonald
;.McCabe, J. T., Leslie, P. W., & DeLuca, L. (2010). Adopting Cultivation to Remain Pastoralists:The Diversification of Maasai Livelihoods in Northern Tanzania. Human Ecology, 38(3), 321–334., H., Eldridge, K. and Sours, P. (2019). Engagement in Practice: The Vocabulary ofCommunity Development as an Indicator of a Participatory Mindset. ASEE Annual ConferenceProceedings, American Society for Engineering Education. Paper No. AC 2019-26610. 7 p. (Peerreviewed)Browning, S. A. (1997). Understanding Non-Western Cultures: A Strategic IntelligencePerspective.: participation in development: nine plagues and twelve commandments,Community Development Journal
quality of partnerships weenter into. Our goal is to develop more sustained encounters. We also plan to focus on measuringthe effectiveness of the partnerships we enter into by collecting feedback from the educators andstudents who we work with and by assessing how eductors’ attitudes, beliefs, and knowledgechange in response to partnership. Our goal is to improve our methods for supporting educatorsand to share our results with a wider audience. Finally, we plan to create opportunities forundergraduate engineering students to join the project. Our goal is to form a dedicated group ofstudent workers and volunteers to design maker activities and operate the MakerTruck.References1. K. Peppler, and S. Bender, “Maker movement spreads innovation one
. Schmucker, "Models, Models, Models: The Use Of Physical Models To Enhance The Structural Engineering Experience," Seattle, Washington, 1998/06/28. [Online]. Available:[4] K. F. Meyer, S. J. Ressler, and T. Lenox, "Visualizing Structural Behavior: Using Physical Models In Structural Engineering Education," Washington, District of Columbia, 1996/06/23. [Online]. Available:[5] R. A. DeVries and D. C. Stahl, "Structural Engineering Workshop: A Curriculum Of Real And Virtual Experiments," St. Louis, Missouri, 2000/06/18. [Online]. Available:[6] A. Estes, D. Sibert, and C. Conley, "Using A Realistic Hands On Laboratory
: “Increasingly the United States is seen globally as an important leader rather than the uncontested leader.”and “. . . the United States is playing a less dominant role in many areas of S&E activity.”Our future rests with today’s undergraduate engineers, who are initiated to the professionthrough coursework in science, mathematics and engineering fundamentals. In the not toodistant past, the fundamentals included a fair amount of engineering technology. Many oftoday’s four year engineering programs disdain the technical side of engineering, openly criticalthat their curricula are assuredly not a technology program; favoring instead a more extensivefocus on derivation and theoretical work with expected continuity into graduate level
. Moazed, “Design a New Set of Strength Labs for the Course, Mechanics ofMaterials”, ASEE 2016 Annual Conference, June 26-29, New Orleans, Louisiana.[6] A. Xiao, K. Bryden, D. Brigham, “Virtual Reality Tools for Enhancing Interactive Learning”,ASEE 2004 Annual Conference, June 20-23, Salt Lake City, Utah.[7] A. Sampaio & P. Henriques, “The Use of Virtual Reality Models in Civil Engineering Training”,International Journal of Simulation Modelling, vol. 6, pp. 124-134, June 2007.[8] M. Capra, M. Aquino, A. Dodson, S. Benford, “A Visualisation Tool for Civil EngineeringVirtual Reality”, 1st FIG International Symposium on Engineering Surveys for Construction Worksand Structural Engineering, June 28-July 1, Nottingham, United Kingdom.[9] E. Biglari
2 1.8 Parent(s) Counselor Teacher Friend Sibling Famous Mentor Grandparent person Influencing Individuals Figure 8: Average Score of Individual Impacting Students’ PerceptionIn the last section, participants were asked to rate likelihood of attending the camp again. Table 2 showsthe percentage of each level. Table 2: Percentage of Each Likelihood Level
- Engineering Technology program Zhou, Z. (2014, January). Managing engineering capstone design teams: A review of critical issues andsuccess factors. In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings (p. 3006). Institute of Industrial Engineers-Publisher.4. Tee P.L.K., Goh S.K., Cheah K.S.J. (2015) Cross-Cultural Challenges and Synergies Working in anInternational Collaboration Project. In: Tang S., Logonnathan L. (eds) Taylor’s 7th Teaching and LearningConference 2014 Proceedings. Springer, Singapore5. Carew, A. L., Wickson, F. & Radcliffe, D. (2006). Lessons from transdisciplinary studies in the design andevaluation of engineering education research. AAEE
is also an Exten- sion Services Consultant for the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc Rebecca Brent is President of Education Designs, Inc., a consulting firm located in Chapel Hill, N.C. She is a