practical projects.Since the publication of those documents, very little has happened in terms of concrete solutions,mainly due to the large number of bureaucratic hurdles and the amount of effort required toimplement the proposed changes. Meanwhile the economy is still increasingly demanding morequalified engineers both for industry and nowadays for so called technological entrepreneurship,which happens when a technological idea is combined with a business opportunity, a way tomarket it and escalate its growth. To support this process, resources in the form of capital andtalent are paramount. Among the talents necessary is engineering, which has been one of its mostimportant driver3.Implementing a new curriculum to develop the student´s abilities
others,10,37 so that they can learn beyond lectures and homework assignments.38 It isonly paramount that we investigate what we can do to improve these web-based scaffolds sostudents would be able to maximize collective outcomes while promoting individual learning.References1. Weber, M. S., & Kim, H. (2015). Virtuality, technology use, and engagement within organizations. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 43(4), 385-407. doi:10.1080/00909882.2015.10836042. Passow, H.J. (2012). Which ABET competencies do engineering graduates find most important in their work? Journal of Engineering Education, 101(1), 95-118.3. Prados, J.W., G.D. Peterson, And L.R. Lattuca. (2005). Quality assurance of engineering education through
hisor her research abilities. For example, while a student in Category 1’s reliance on authority andconcrete rules might be less sophisticated than a more self-directed, self-assured approachevident in Category 3, learning from experts in the field and developing a familiarity withfoundational knowledge and skills in engineering is a key step in being able to progress as anindependent engineering researcher. Though students’ responses at a particular point in time maybe best represented by one category, it is possible and likely that students’ level of researchprocess sophistication will change over time as a result of their experiences.Though our process for classifying graduate engineering students’ research processsophistication was an
profession skills in engineering students tobetter prepare them to be effective leaders in workplace.Leadership training for engineering students is delivered in a variety of ways: in a lecture serieswith guest speakers; in a leadership course(s); Bernard M. Gordon Leadership Programs4, 5 and inan Engineering Leadership Minor6,7,8. Universities with a Minor utilize a variety of institutionalresources, including courses within the engineering program and in other departments oncampus, which facilitates a focused interdisciplinary program structure across the university.Often students must go through a rigorous application process, and be selected and accepted intothe leadership program. With regard to the candidature of engineering students for
curves.28This problem can be made more effectual by converting it to a PBL assignment. The followingPBL assignment has been used at Lawrence Technological University in Michigan: You purchased a primitive cabin “up north” situated in the forest near a lake. It has no plumbing and you’d like to upgrade the cabin and turn it into a quaint vacation retreat. Referring to Figure 3, design the water supply system for the cabin meeting the following expectations: Two story cabin approximately 30 ft above the lake. Meet basic water needs for comfortable living (i.e., at least shower, faucet(s), etc.) Each water consumption unit can be controlled independently, and also
for the students to apply and reflect on their developing leadership abilities.Experts in the engineering leadership programs however expressed concern about the ability ofcurrent engineering faculty to deliver effective leadership programs and the difficulties ofidentifying external and suitably qualified staff.Graham et al.’s study also identifies strong themes in engineering leadership education. Theglobal theme was found to be particularly strong within U.S. programs: the ability to workeffectively across cultures in an international sphere was seen by many as an increasingly vitalattribute of an engineer-leader, and is reflected in many of the programs. Another strong themewas student empowerment in their own leadership
benefit for all; ensuring students are ready for industry; accomplishment withExpectations 20 high stakes evaluation (time and/or process); teaching evaluations; ABET assessment andEvaluation 17 requirements mentoring many different disciplines; need for diverse set of projects given student interests; keeping current in the field(s); variety from year to year; Variety/ translating design terminology and language across disciplines; incorporating Breadth 17 entrepreneurship; Course overall coordination with other departments, schools, institutions; Logistics 16 continuous improvement
information and other information for students. They are not content specific.”Program Planning & 53 (30.1) “The STEM advisors stick with our s STEMExecution Support Academy students from the day they arrive until they transfer. They have rapport and relationships with the students. It really helps.”College & Program 51 (29) “We have a host of developmental courses. ThePerformance Support kids need them but they complain about not getting credit for them. Especially when they have to pay
question also asked to what degree ethical issues factored into their decision to leavetheir job. There were also 12 items to assess attitudes toward professional social responsibility,selected from among the fifty Likert-items on the Engineering Professional ResponsibilityAssessment (EPRA) survey.28 The selected items focused in the professional connectedness (6items), costs/benefits (3 items), and analyze dimensions (3 items) of the Professional SocialResponsibility Development Model (PSRDM).29 The survey ended with demographic itemsincluding discipline(s) of their undergraduate and graduate degrees, and gender. The precisesurvey questions relevant to the current study are provided in the Appendix.An email invitation to participate in the survey
):113-125.13. Lens W, Simons J, Dewitte S. Student Motivation and Self-Regulation as a Function of Future Time Perspective and Perceived Instrumentality. In: Volet S, Jarvela S, eds. Motivation in Learning Contexts: Theoretical Advances and Methodological Implications. Pergamon; 2001:233-248.14. Lens W, Simons J, Dewitte S. From Duty to Desire: The Role of Students’ Future Time Perspective and Instrumentality Perceptions for Study Motivation and Self-Regulation. In: Pajares F, Urdan T, eds. Academic Motivation of Adolescents. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing; 2002:221-241.15. Kirn AN. The Influences of Engineering Student Motivation on Short-Term Tasks and Long-Term Goals. 2014;(May).16. Benson L, Kirn
directlyexplained in the sign. In that sense, analyzing the meaning(s) of images (e.g., cartoon drawings)is comparable to analyzing texts (e.g., a peer-reviewed academic article). Both require the viewerto understand the exact words or depictions (signifiers) while also “reading between the lines” tointerpret indirect meanings embedded in the sign. Signifieds, for example, can include sarcasm,irony, absurdity, double entendre, or other implied meanings. These meanings can only beunderstood through the reader’s awareness both of the social context and of the fact that thesignifiers are not intended to stand alone.Signs are only interpretable with knowledge of social context; cartoons therefore require viewersto understand the norms and debates in the
size does not make modern cruise ships impregnable. The Guardian. Retrieved from not-impregnable-size8. Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports, Marine Causalities Investigative Body. (2013, May). Report on the safety technical investigation. Retrieved from Concordia_-_Full_Investigation_Report.pdf9. Carnival Corporation. (2015). Mission & history. Retrieved from c=200767 &p=irol-history10. Gabel, S. (n.d.). What is included in a Carnival cruise? USA Today. Retrieved from http://traveltips.usatoday. com/included-carnival-cruise-107048.html11. Dake
by a user with a web browser • Safe operational constraints in the event of network errorsSpecifications for the mobile telepresence robot’s design are based on the desire to make a robotsufficiently large to interact with humans, sufficiently small enough to navigate normally-sizedhallways, and that had a platform substantially sturdy and robust. The robot needed to be capableof driving forward at approximately 4.0 ft/s. The robot will also be expected to be able to turn in-place at 60 degrees per second and halt motion if impending collision is detected by the onboardsensors. This should allow for the robot to navigate through doorways and around corners whilestill being able to avoid a collision with both fixed and moving objects.IV
, theauthors will attempt to provide some insight on what worked, as well as what could useimprovement, through contrast of the three projects.Individual Team Member and Group Composition DynamicsProject 1Not surprisingly, Project 1’s team membership might be described as a ‘Dream Team.’Motivated Ph.D. students, with a combination of strong technical expertise, as well aspast, hands-on experience building and flying R/C aircraft, and buttressed by aparticipatory faculty member, created a tested solution that maximized both reliabilityand validity. What do these terms imply? In Martin’s book on Design Thinking, TheDesign of Business, [12] he develops an argument of the difficulty in creating solutionsthat are both reliable – function as intended; and
Through Humanistic And Global Perspectives. Paper presented at 1999 Annual Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina. Parkhurst, R., & Moskal, B., & Lucena, J., & Bigley, T., & Downey, G., & Ruff, S. (2006, June), A Comparative Analysis Of Online And In Class Versions Of Engineering Cultures Paper presented at 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. Jesiek, B. K., & Chang, Y., & Shen, Y., & Lin, J. J., & Hirleman, D., & Groll, E. A. (2011, June), International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE) 2010 China: Developing Globally Competent Engineering Researchers Paper presented at 2011 Annual
good.Instructors appear most satisfied with the ability of students to write for intended audience(s),provide appropriate data representations, and adhere to appropriate document formats, and leastsatisfied with their ability to develop coherent and grammatically correct writing. Table 9. In general, what is your perception of undergraduate students' writing skills in each of the following areas? Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent MeanStatement (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)Appropriateness for 4 22 18 7 2 2.64intended audience(s)Appropriate data 4
. Content problematizing in this casewas unsuccessful in involving students in grappling with and reflecting on key issues of domainknowledge. It encouraged uninspired rote learning and failed to help student to construct aknowledge base to support problem solving, leading to substantial mismatches between teachingand learning objectives. Table III. Group Discussion Discourse s for Case ILine Verbal Discourse (Group FL, N=20) Content StyleNo. Code Code1 P2: Cut this into half? Add two? P SO2 P1" Yeah---Since this has different
Sustainability Education, 8.3. Gotch, C. M., Langfitt, Q., French, B. F., and Haselbach, L. (2015). “Determining Reliability Scores from an Energy Literacy Rubric.” Proceedings of 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA.4. Asif, M., and Muneer, T. (2007). “Energy supply, its demand and security issues for developed and emerging economies.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(7), 1388–1413.5. Turcotte, A., Moore, M. C., and Winter, J. (2012). Energy Literacy in Canada. School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.6. US Department of Energy (DOE). (2011). “Strategic Plan.” DOE/CF-0067.7. DeWaters, J. E., and Powers, S. E. (2011). “Energy literacy of secondary students in New York State (USA): A
developed based on the grant objectives and specificactivities. Additionally, all practicing teacher participants completed Horizon, Inc.’s LocalSystemic Change (LSC) survey during the first week of the program and in December of 2015.32The LSC teacher questionnaire tracks systemic change in teachers’ attitudes and perceptionsregarding their mathematics and/or science content preparedness, pedagogical preparedness,classroom practices, and principal support for math and science teaching. For the cohort,changes in the attitudes towards teaching were significantly higher at the 0.01 level. Mathteacher participants completed the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy and Belief Instrument orMTEBI.33 Science teacher participants completed the Science Teaching
FPGAthroughput capable of 28MS/s (when supporting both TX and RX) and a host maximumbandwidth similarly of 20MS/s (half-duplex) via the USB 3.0 interface. Hence, the hostconnection limits the maximum bandwidth to 20MHz of complex sampled I/Q data.Mid-Range SystemsMid-range systems, as with the full-featured systems, generally function as transceivers, withfairly wide sampling rates and spectral bands. However, these devices offer fewer choices interms of RF frontend configurations and host interfaces. Furthermore, mid-range systems relymore on host processing and do not offer stand-alone systems. However, these devices still offerimpressive SDR functionality and are fully compatible with the same tools as their moreexpensive counterparts at a
%), the best model for AIC, AICc, and BIC was to only include three variables in a linearmodel: Prior Semester GPA, Calculus II grade, and the Time of Day binary variable (e.g.,morning or afternoon – with morning students performing worse on Test 1). The summary ofthis information is provided in Tables 4-6. These results were consistent across all demographics(e.g., gender, race, age); however, we cannot report on whether these demographic results weresignificant for specific demographics due to sample size.In each of the Tables 4-6, the results provided include an analysis of variance (ANOVA), valuesfor the performance metrics (s, R2, Adjusted R2, AIC, AICc, and BIC), and parameter estimates.Since the resulting models were all linear, the
teacher training: A critical literature review, Journal of Turkish Science Education,vol. 2, pp.2-18.[3] Levin, T. and Wadmany, R. (2006). Teachers’ beliefs and practices in technology-basedclassrooms: A developmental view, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, vol. 39,pp.417-441.[4] Mcmahon, G., 2009. Critical thinking and ICT integration in a Western Australian secondaryschool. Educational Technology and Society, vol. 12, pp.269–281.[5] Fu, J. S. (2013). ICT in Education: A Critical Literature Review and Its Implications.International Journal of Education and Development using Information and CommunicationTechnology, 9(1), 112.[6] Lowther, D. L., Inan, F. A., Strahl, J. D. and Ross, S. M. (2008). Does technology
, we decidedto summarize and report the data using graphs and charts in order to be able to visually displaythe results of the study.Overall, the survey proved to be a successful way in which to measure and meet our projectgoals of determining the learning effectiveness of student participation in FLEAPs versus thetraditional on ground classroom.Student Feedback and Survey ResultsThe results have been categorized by the focus areas that have been previously discussed. In anattempt to display the results as clearly as possible, we first organized the results of the 26 totalsurvey questions into categories, as can be seen in Appendix 3. Special attention should be paidto questions a, b, o, r, and s, as they were designed to quantify gains in
. J., 2005, “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” Journalof Engineering Education, 94, p. 121-130.11. Steif, P., & Dollar, A. 2004, Reinventing The Teaching Of Statics, ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City,Utah12. Kaul, S., & Sitaram, P. 2013, Curriculum Design of Statics and Dynamics: An Integrated Scaffolding andHands-on Approach ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.13. Ramming, C. H., & Phillips, J. J., 2014, June, Improving Retention of Student Understanding by Use of Hands-on Experiments in Statics ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.14. Hennessey, M., 2008, Statics and Dynamics Projects Emphasizing Introductory Design and Manufacturing, inProc. ASEE Annual Conf. & Expo
on4:30pm Projects Figure 1. FREEDM M Young Scho olars program m at Arizona S State Universiity.1. Class Time The class time consists prim marily of interactive preseentations givven by the grraduate studdentmentors, with an occasional guesst lecture. The presentattions are maiinly concernned with thetopics off electrical en nergy and renewables including: elecctricity and ppower system ms, overview w ofrenewablle energy, ph hotovoltaics (PV), solar thermal, winnd
is in it’sexclusively industry orientation. The framework is also targeted only on educational aspectsof cooperation. Among the potential future improvements the case of research cooperation canbe reviewed, as well as the possibility of initiating cooperation from the university side can beadded.REFERENCESAnderson, M. S. 2001. “The complex relations between the academy and industry: Views from the literature,” Journal of Higher Education (72:2), pp. 226–246.Bruneel, J., D’Este, P., and Salter, A. 2010. “Investigating the factors that diminish the barriers to university– industry collaboration,” Research Policy (39:7), pp. 858–868.Cerych, L., and Frost-Smith, B. 1985. “Collaboration between higher education and industry: an overview
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Documentation Time, and 5 to 11 hours in TTO Time).As can be seen in Figure 2, 2015’s Group 1 and 2015’s Group 5 had relatively little clinical timewhereas 2015’s Group 2 and 2015’s Group 4 spent nearly half or equal time in the clinic ascompared to the OR. This is due to the OR-heavy areas that were shadowed by 2014’s Groups 1and 5 as compared to the clinic-heavy areas shadowed by 2015’s Groups 2 and 4. These hoursare also highly dependent on flexibility of clinician and availability of the clinical schedule forthe students- some clinician’s staff have confirmed schedules weeks in advance whereas othersmust operate on a more spontaneous schedule that does not allow the DeFINE students, who livebetween 0.5-1 hours from the clinical site, to always