Domain/Topic Grade/StrandFramework Figure(s) Significance to 'Power Power to Grades Code Text of The Standard
thisterm?”The majo ority of TAs (64%) who reported usiing active le arning indiccated that theey were onlyy“somewh hat successfuul” implemennting these strategies s in their class, 12% reporteed being “verrysuccessfuul,” while 17 7% reported being “unsu uccessful” annd 7% weree “very unsucccessful” (Fiigure2). For thhis question, only 14 TA As provided further explaanation. Sinnce the majoority of thecommentts were from m “somewhatt successful”” and “very ssuccessful” T TAs, these ccommentscentered around TAss receiving positive p studeent feedbackk (N=11), annd recognizinng students bbeingable to
technology schemes. o Second, describe the theory and physics considered when simulating each functional unit of your device. This should be included just after the description of each unit. § State the physics (i.e. creeping flow) and give the equation. Define terms and explain why relevant to the functionality of your device. § Describe the boundary conditions – equations are preferable. Justify and explain the assumptions. § Describe the parameters varied. For example, flow rates from 1 to 10 um/s were simulated. o Include a table/other to succinctly and clearly organize your simulation conditions &
e A merican S outheast A sian 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 F emale M ale F emale M ale Gender Panel variable: Race/EthnicityFigure 4a. Average student response to the question about interest in each engineering discipline, by gender andrace. Page 23.1102.16 F emale M ale A frican A merican C aucasian
evaluate the benefits in education and industry settings.References1. ABET. 2013 - 2014 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs. Baltimore, MD: ABET, 2012.2. Allen, Kathleen. Launching New Ventures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2009.3. Altshuller, G. 40 Principles (Extended Edition): TRIZ keys to technical innovation. Worcester, MA: Technical Innovation Center, Inc., 2005.4. Altshuller, G. Creativity as an exact science: The theory of the solution of inventive problems. Luxembourg: Gorden and Breach Science Publishers Inc., 1995.5. Andrew, James P., Joe Manget, David Michael, and Hadi Zablit. “Innovation 2010, A Return to Prominence.” Boston Consulting Group, April 2010.6. Atman, Cynthia J., Robin S. Adams
-29. Summary of advantages and disadvantages of using boards are outlined intable 3. Page 23.619.5 Table 3- Pros and Cons of Chalk and Whiteboards Advantage s of Chalk and White Boards Disadvantages of Chalk and white BoardsAbility to follow the progression of materials as Figures and Graphs have to be hand-written andthey are being presented to learn may not be as efficient as digital counterpartsEngaging students in the process of note taking and Time being wasted over presentation and muchavoiding distractions and boredom suggested in fewer
card-related functions o void SetupSD() o int GetFilename() o void WriteEvent() o void Reboot() M04_Servo.pde: for control of a servo motor o void SetupServo() o void PointNorth() o int ControlServo(float heading) o void ServoRotate(Servo *s, float angle) o inline float MicrosecondsToAngle(float micro) o inline float CheckAngle(float angle) M05_eCompass.pde: for electronic compass-related functions o void SetupECompass() o float GetHeading() o void CalibrateCompass() M06_HASPSerial.pde: for serial communication-related functions o void ReadHASPSerial() o void
Section 2 Total n=68 n=49 n=117Compared to other courses, this course helped me Avg 3.74 3.83 3.78explore course material in more meaningful waysbecause of its structure and the technologies used. St Dev. 0.94 0.91 0.92Compared to my experiences in other courses, in Avg 4.32 4.43 4.37this course I received more frequent feedback fromthe instructor(s) and peers, and/or had moreopportunities to critique my own work. St Dev. 0.53 0.54 0.53Compared to other courses, this course used Avg 4.55 4.65 4.59technology to allow more face-to-face
’ confidence in this topic. As the graduate students were only required tocomplete an assignment on capacity fade mechanisms, they should be placed in small groupswith undergraduate students to discuss the information that they gathered from a thoroughreview of technical publications. This would build the confidence of the graduate students andwould also provide additional exposure of the topics to the undergraduate students.References 1. Carley, S., Lawrence, S., Brown, A., Nourafshan, A., Benami, E. Energy-based economic development. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011, 15, 282-295. 2. Liao, Y.G. Establishment of an integrated learning environment for advanced energy storage systems: Supporting the sustainable energy
’’). 1987. Our Common Future. Oxford University Press, Oxford.16. Elkington, J., 1997. Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business, Capstone. Oxford.17. Sterling, S. 2004. Higher education, sustainability, and the role of systemic learning, in P. Corcoran and A. Wals (eds.), Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability Curriculum, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.18. Ferrer-Balas, D., Adachi, J., Banas, S., Davidson, C.I., Hoshikoshi, A., Mishra, A., Motodoa, Y., Onga, M., Ostwald, M. 2008. An international comparative analysis of sustainability transformation across seven universities, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 9(3), 295-316.19. Zhang, Q., Vanasupa, L
-basedserver managed by Bentley. However, university IT departments often have existing experiencewith virtualization servers, and could potentially be called upon to host applications that are to beused for instructional purposes.The technical specifications of the remote server hosting the software (Intel Xeon @ 2.45 GHzwith 7.5 GB main memory running 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter), coupled withthe requirements of the program(s) being virtualized and the virtualization software used, canlimit the number of simultaneous users that can be accommodated via remote connection from asingle server. In the case of the single server that was utilized to host virtualization for thiscourse (which was not designed for many simultaneous users, but
E-slide-anot Chat 50.0% E-reader Non ICT Students Twitter Sims 0.0% ICT Students Wikipedia Video Google e-mail O Unis Facebook Online Reading Blogs C S D S Anim Figure 4 ICT Elements used when StudyingAs expected, Backup is an
. b) Investigate open loop and closed loop control of position with the Taskbot. c) Investigate the effect of the Proportional Gain on the position of the Taskbot. d) Create graphs in Excel and use them to analyze and interpret experimental data. 3. Rotational a) Understand rotational speed expressed in units of rpm and Speeds, Gear Sets, radians/s, linear speed in units of m/s, and the connection between the Speed and Torque two speeds. Ratios b) Understand Gear Ratios
develop proper conceptual understanding. Ourengineering students seemed motivated by the experiments, and a great deal of good discussioncould be heard as we walked around the room. In future work, we hope to ascertain exactlywhen students seem to understand the concepts, and the exact components necessary to make aneffective inquiry-based learning activity for dynamics.Acknowledgements: Support for this work was funded by the National Science Foundation,NSF 1044282, Using Inquiry-Based Activities to Repair Student Misconceptions in EngineeringDynamics. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation
for the Job," 2012[3] Eddings, S. L., Orchard, M. T., "Using MATLAB and C in an image processing lab course," Image Processing, 1994.Proceedings, ICIP-94., IEEE International Conference .[4] Frontoni, E., Mancini, A., Caponetti, F., Zingaretti, P., "A framework for simulations and tests of mobile robotics tasks",Control and Automation, 2006. MED '06, The 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.[5] Nelson, M.L., Rice, D., "Introduction To Algorithms And Problem Solving", Proceedings 2000 Frontiers in EducationConference, Oct. 2001, Kansas City, MO.[6] Raymond, D.R., Welch, D.J., "Integrating Information Technology And Programming In A Freshmen ComputerScience Course
. Additional questions were asked to probe their understanding, such aswhy a solid post is not used, why it is (apparently) sufficient to study stress at the base of thepole an nowhere else, and which load(s) is (are) most influential in driving the design (including,in particular, whether the weight of the post itself is significant in this sense). Figure 5 shows anannotated image of the spreadsheet that student can use for Module 3. Page 23.866.6 wind x wind y wt sign Param x1 z1 b2 h1 h2 Wx2 Fy1
Engineering all from the University of S˜ao Paulo. His biography has been published in ”Who’s Who in the World,” ”Who’s Who in America,” ”Who’s Who in Science and Engineering,” ”Five Thousand Personalities of the World,” ”Dictionary of International Biography,” ”Men of Achievement,” and various other similar publications. Although born in S˜ao Paulo, he received the title of ”Santos Citizen” from City of Santos and he was also the first American professor to receive the title of ”International Engineering Educator” of IGIP. He has received several international medals, including two by appointment of Queen Elizabeth II of England. He has received numerous honors due to his services to Scientific Commonwealth and Tech
)2. Performance Criteria, (last accessed January 2013)3. Mosborg, S., Adams, R., Kim, R., Atman, C.J., Turns, J., & Cardella, M. (2005). Conceptions of the engineering design process: An expert study of advanced practicing professionals. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR.4. Oehlberg, L. and Agogino, A. (2011) Undergraduate Conceptions of the Engineering Design Process: Assessing the Impact of a Human-Centered Design Course, ASEE 2011, June 26 - 29, 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada5. SurveyMonkey, (last accessed January 2013)6. S. J. Kirstukas and N. Al-Masoud (2012) Assessment and
structure, assuming ideal op-amps, andto then provide values for , , , and so that the resultant bandpass filter had a centerfrequency of 2.5 kHz and a 3 dB bandwidth of 1.5 kHz.The transfer function resulting from analysis, either by loop/nodal equations or op-ampconfiguration sub-system transfer functions - in terms of the component values - is given below. 1 s RG C H s (1
, M. G. (2006). Building School-Community Partnerships: Collaboration for Student Success. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.[8] Schuman, A. W. (2006). Introduction: The Pedagogy of Engagement. In Hardin, M.C, Eribes, C., Poster, C. (Volume Eds.), Zeisel, W.(Series Ed.). From the Studio to the Streets: Service-Learning in Planning and Archtiecture. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.[9] Rios, M. (2006). Where Do We Go from Here? An Evaluative Framework for Community-Based Design. In Hardin, M.C, Eribes, C., Poster, C. (Volume Eds.), Zeisel, W.(Series Ed.). From the Studio to the Streets: Service-Learning in Planning and Archtiecture. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.[10] Gaber, S., Bennett, D. (2006). Institutional
different formsof involvement by the employer constituents, including course projects, senior capstoneexperiences/projects, and advisory boards. These directly address ABET‟s criteria that studentsare prepared for engineering practice through a curriculum incorporating appropriate engineeringstandards and multiple realistic constraints[2].IntroductionDemonstration that graduates of an engineering program have met the student learning outcomesa-k is required to be compliant with ABET expectations for accreditation. There are many waysthat the learning outcomes can be demonstrated, and most commonly is accomplished throughassessment of some course-related activity including homework assignments, exams,laboratories, and projects. Some of the learning
. Page 23.364.11Appendix 1 – Concept Inventory1. The chemical structure of allene is shown here: H H C C C H HWhat can we say about the relative orientations of the two pairs of H atoms? a) The pair of H atoms at one end is perpendicular to the pair at the other end b) The two pairs of H atoms lie in the same plane c) No definitive statement can be made, because the two ends can rotate independently about the axis of the molecule2. Which of the following combinations of atomic orbitals cannot form a σ molecular orbital? a) s+s b) s+p c) p+p d) None of these
iLab research and he currently designs remote and virtual experiments for remote experimentation. He is a chartered engineer, a fellow of both the Computer Association of Nigeria, and Computer Professionals of Nigeria and a member of IEEE and ASEE. He has over 75 publications in Journals and Proceedings. He also jointly has two British Patents in the past. Page 23.423.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Development of an Operational Amplifier iLab using an Android-based Mobile Platform: Work in Progress S. O. Oyediran, K. P. Ayodele, O. B
y recomm mend the Cybercamp to o yourfriends?” The resultts indicate that t 45% said “Yes” annd 18% saidd “Absolutelly” when assked if thewould reecommend the t camp too their friendds. We conssider this too be very poositive. Figure 2. Would you recom mp to your friends? mmend thee Cybercam We also asked the students s whether they would w attendd a follow-uup camp nexxt summer. The resultssare show wn in Figuree 3. Fiigure 3. Woould you atttend a folloow-up cam mp next sum
what the MC options are. Although more difficult toimplement because of the more sophisticated design and analysis of MC questions, it is possibleto give "partial credit" even for MC questions if, e.g., a MC question tests a different concept butthe answer is dependent on previous answer(s) of related MC question(s).As discussed above, MC distractors can give insight to student misconceptions in the same way Page 23.461.9that the traditional CR problems can provide the instructor information about commonmisunderstandings. The MC question approach also allows for very fast turn-around in terms ofgrading, and can be used to give feedback to the
biomedical engineering from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. She coordinates the departmental graduate program and teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in computer engineering, primarily in designing digital systems for hardware. She is the PI for Scholars in Engineering (SiE), an NSF S-STEMS scholarship for undergraduate and Master’s students. She is a member of the Morgan team that is developing online laboratory courses for undergraduate students. Her research expertise is in algorithm optimization for FPGA implementation and her research group has developed a novel biologically inspired image fusion algorithm. She has over 35 journal and conference publications combined.Mrs. LaDawn E. Partlow M
applied probability itself, butalso for the nature of problems. They should understand structuring problems and posing problems.They should be informed that there is a spectrum of problems, ranging from well-structuredproblems with definite answers and clear boundaries, such as are found in traditional textbooks (andnowhere else), and open-ended, ill-structured problems, such as are found in the engineeringworkplace. The essential and unique point is that learners s must pose, clarify, and define problems,not simply solve them.And, at the same time, learners should practice metacognitive skills such as reflecting on how theyare building these schemes. Metacognitive activities are manifold and not easy to classify. Howeverthere is widespread
activity/action done during the fieldwork session (students were required to focus on one particular/small activity/action) b) Identify Problem(s)/shortcoming(s) in the way the activity/action was done c) Suggestion(s) as to how the activity/action could be improved for the futureAnalytical ReasoningFor students of the PEEC camp, as well as those in the surveying course offered in a regularsemester at the university, the greatest challenge was the trigonometry calculations. In a regularsemester course also a huge effort had to be made by the faculty member and the teachingassistants to guide the students through such calculations. At the PEEC camp also, the graduatestudents and the faculty member made such huge effort. Without
. Page 23.120.6 Figure 1. The decision tree for classifying institutionsNote that “intro engineering” course here does not necessarily have to be a course with“Introduction to…” in its title nor does it have to be the same course for all majors. We aim todetermine if engineering students or students who are interested in engineering can get earlyexposure to the discipline via course(s) offered in college of engineering. Therefore, we countany engineering course available in the first term as an introductory engineering course. Theseintroductory courses include such diverse courses as “Introduction to Visualization and CAD,”“Introduction to Mechanical Engineering,” “Engineering Projects and Design,” and simply“Introduction to