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Conference Session
Undergraduate Student Issues II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadia M Alhasani, The Petroelum Institute
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
than institutionalized spaces, reflecting the way the young generation is ableto handle the want for advanced technology and the need for comfortable spaces. Spaces aredesigned with the young women in mind. They exhibit splashes of color, extensive art work andnon-traditional furniture. Quiet spaces are complemented with “sukoon” and “mummy’s” roomsdedicated to short naps and breast-feeding simultaneously.The third and final problem addressed by the WiSE Program is the issue of working in a male-dominated industry like the oil and gas industry especially in the Middle East. While this issueseems to be the same in most countries, it is quite different for the PI since all our students areexpected to work for the local oil and gas industry. This
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Mustafa Yasin Yenice; Valbona Bejleri
morerandom variables are cointegrated if each of the series is themselves non-stationary, and theyhave a long run equilibrium relationship among the variables [15]. The purpose of theCointegration tests is to determine whether a group of non - stationary series is cointegrated or not. We have to examine whether or not there exists a long run relationship between variables (stableand non-spurious co-integrated relationship) that based on ADF test resulted as non-stationary timeseries. [16] Engle and Granger introduced the concept of cointegration where economic variablesmight reach a long-run equilibrium that reflects a stable relationship among them. The co- 𝑦 𝑡 = µ + Δ𝑦 𝑡−1 + ⋯ + Δp 𝑦 𝑡−𝑝 + 𝜀 𝑡 ,integration equations are
2013 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Ralph Belton; Ahmet Zeytinci
duration and become a more permanent dwelling.Design Parameters:Each unit shall be fabricated to accommodate an average family of six – two adults andfour children. • Each unit shall have sleeping accommodations • Group assembly space to accommodate living and dining functions • Bathing and hygiene facilities. • Each unit shall be configured to reflect its expansion capabilities.Assumptions: • There is no central sewer and potable water system available. • Potable water will be delivered by truck in situations were there is no public water delivery system. • Toileting facilities will be environmentally friendly systems -- Dry pit, Ecolet units or Clivus Multrum system.Climate: • Haiti has a tropical climate
2013 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Fangyang Shen; Bing Qi; Hong Li; Arvid Friberg
and IT focus. For systemeffectiveness, general surveys will be open, random, pertinent and online. Open forums willgather comments which can be discussed or analyzed at any time.Idea generation and feedback should be done in a way which can enhance the project design.After gathering all the feedbacks, the design of NA curriculum adapts the technology changingand reflectively embeds into teaching.2.Active, flexible and basic online NA trainingA simple training system will reinforce the technical basics of NA. The system will cover basicTCP/IP, naming conventions, backup, theory, DNS, topologies, basic user admin, rightsmanagement and databases. This system will allow self-study that frees faculty evaluation time.Ultimately it will guide
Conference Session
Research on Learning, Performance, and Impact
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sylvanus N. Wosu, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Likert scale and analysis are used to determine API as a composite effectof academic performance. For the Likert scale to measure API, an interval scale is used. In thiscase, the data also used numbers to indicate order and relative distance between points on thescale.The project is heavily data driven, from planning and implementation to completion. This paperpresents the results of some of the surveys administered and summarized by an externalevaluator on the final day of class to assess students’ responses to different aspects of theprogram, the following assessments were made:  Weekly Reflection assessments-Student survey to weekly perceptions through the six- week duration of the program. Survey responses from students and faculty
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessing Sustainability and Life Long Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Katherine Watson, Georgia Institute of Technology; Elise M. Barrella, James Madison University; Thomas A. Wall, Georgia Institute of Technology; Caroline R. Noyes, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michael O. Rodgers, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
scoring tools that detail the expectations and requirements for anassignment32. Specifically, rubrics are advantageous when a “judgment of quality” is required tocritique a work, which is often the case for writing samples33. More generally, rubrics are usedto judge the quality of constructs (e.g. reports, presentations, etc.) made by students duringperformance tests, which require students to exhibit high-level skills to complete an authentic(i.e. real-world) challenge34. As a result, rubrics are commonly used in the classroom as bothassessment and teaching tools to enhance student learning35. For instance, an instructor mayprovide students with a rubric to guide them in completion of a task. Reflecting on the rubrichelps students assess their
Conference Session
Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simin Hall, Virginia Tech; Clifford A. Shaffer, Virginia Tech; Eric Fouh, Virginia Tech; Mai Hassan ElShehaly, Virginia Tech; Daniel Breakiron, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
lead students to reflecting on their errorsprior to resubmission because they lose points for wrong responses. This makes guessing ineffec-tive. Our proficiency exercises are modeled after the TRAKLA system5, 14 and implemented us-ing the JSAV algorithm visualization library15.3. Research MethodsWe viewed this study as the first step in assessing our overall approach. Our goal was to make asmuch progress as possible on answering a number of key questions.  Can students learn as well or better using interactive tutorials instead of traditional lecture and textbook?  Will students be accepting of a class focused on interactive tutorials rather than tradition- al lecture and textbook?  Will our client/server
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Ahn, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Brenda M. Capobianco, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Student
the answers. Students also appreciated mentors’patience and effort to explain things clearly and comprehensively. To answer students’ researchrelated questions, mentors:1. Asked undergraduates to describe the phenomena and explain what was happening. Graduate mentors then provided ways to think more critically and considerately about the problem. For example, mentors gave students the knowledge to understand the problem and allowed students to think upon and reflect about a problem rather than giving a solution.2. Asked students to investigate answers by searching through primary or secondary data sources. For example, graduate mentors pointed to the people with the expertise or to the literature to guide students to find
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogies 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Razi Nalim P.E., Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Manikanda K Rajagopal, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Robert J Helfenbein, Indiana University-IUPUI, School of Education
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
supportstructures within the IUPUI School of Engineering & Technology and about their perceptions ofhow the implementation process is going overall. Sample interview probes are: “What kinds ofsupport have been provided during the implementation process?”; “How have studentsresponded to PEL?”; and “How has PEL affected student learning?”   Document review. The research team is collecting lesson and unit plans including entry 3)documents and other PEL-related planning materials, assessment rubrics, samples of studentwork, and teacher reflections in order to understand PEL implementation processes and evaluatethe objectives. These data were analyzed using content analysis30. 4) Survey. Implementation surveys were disseminated to all
Conference Session
Case Studies in Entrepreneurship
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Raviv, Florida Atlantic University; Alex Kotlarchyk
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
precipitation values calculated by converting radar images to rainfall amount accurately reflected ground truth. If this could not be accomplished, then the project would be a non-starter. Therefore the students matched actual rain collected by rain gauges to our calculated precipitation values from the radar images. They discovered that there are not only “official” governmental weather stations (often located at airports), but also an ad hoc network of rain gauges reported on by volunteers. The students had an opportunity to travel and see the data collection process of the volunteer network first-hand (Fig. 6). They discovered that some municipal sites apply quality control measures to their data
Conference Session
Software and Web-based Learning in ECE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dileepan Joseph P.Eng., University of Alberta
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
engineering. For this part,the other instructors edited slides previously made by the senior FSO for the procedural C++course. Because this material did not touch IID or refactoring, the author’s slides (Table 2) linkto corresponding Wikipedia pages, which were deemed sufficient for in-class discussion.4. Evaluation and Reflection Page 23.624.11Over its history, the evolution of ENCMP 100 has involved many stakeholders: administrators,instructors, and students. The impact of the transition from procedural C++ (2008–10), featuringKarel the Robot, to MATLAB (2010–12), featuring IID with Gorillas, is best assessed with amixed approach. This includes
Conference Session
Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maurice F. Aburdene, Bucknell University; Marie Catherine Pizzorno, Department of Biology, Bucknell University; Alexander P Thompson, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
? How many possible triplets are there? How many amino acids are there? Whyis there a difference in these numbers? What is a start codon? What is a STOP codon? What dowe mean by gene regulation? What governs the rate of activation of genes?g) Databases. Where are the data bases located? What is the National Institute of Health? Whosupports it? What does NCBI refer to?h) Character strings described by Numerical Sequences. How do we change a string to anumerical sequence? How do we represent the DNA sequence of length N? How would werepresent the complementary DNA sequence?i) Assume we used the complex conjugate notation of a, t, g, and c. What would be the sum of aand t? Reflecting on our class work? What would be the sum of a DNA sequence?j) A
Conference Session
Hands-on/Experiential Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daria A Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado Boulder; Chiang Shih, Florida A&M University/Florida State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Page 23.643.9the limited number of students interviewed, names/pseudonyms are not used whendiscussing the interviews. Instead, only the direct quotes are published to better protectthe anonymity of the students. Additionally, Senior Capstone Design project names werenot used, in an effort to protect the students interviewed.For the rated questions, a Likert-type scale was used. To determine mean ratings, anumerical value was assigned, where the low end of the scale = 1 and the high end of thescale = 5. The evaluator would read the questions to the interviewee during the phoneinterview and record the response. Table 5 reflects a portion of the rated questions.Students indicated that the FIPSE-SEAEP did meet their expectations (mean = 4.0
Conference Session
Training and Mentoring of Graduate Teaching Assistants
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel Louis Kajfez, Virginia Tech; Holly M Matusovich, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
%20Undergraduate%20Educatio n%20%28Boyer%20Report%20II%29.pdf?sequence=1 Page 23.648.1231. The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University. (1998). Reinventing undergraduate education: A blueprint for America’s research universities. New York: State University of New York. Retrieved from Muzaka, V. (2009). The niche of Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs): perceptions and reflections. Teaching in Higher Education, 14, 1-12.33. Louis, R. A. & McNair, L. D. (2011). Graduate student identity in engineering and education: The
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering & Liberal Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dominic M. Halsmer PE, Oral Roberts University; Peter Wesley Odom, Oral Roberts University; Jessica Fitzgerald, Oral Roberts University; Taylor Gipson Tryon, Oral Roberts University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
into their teaching.3Reverse engineering is simply taking an object apart and analyzing its “inner workings,” in orderto understand the secrets behind its operation. However, some researchers use a broader term,Disassemble/Analyze/Assemble (DAA), for these activities.4A study comparing the results of such activities to the more traditional laboratory approachconcludes that DAA activities have the potential to increase student motivation and promotetransfer.5 Transfer refers to the ability to apply or adapt knowledge when seeking a novelsolution to a problem. New courses are being developed that make use of reverse engineeringprojects to help students observe actual designs during “incremental concrete experiences,”allowing them to reflect on
Conference Session
Capstone and Senior Design Projects Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martin William Weiser, Eastern Washington University; Hani Serhal Saad, Eastern Washington University; N.M. Awlad HOSSAIN, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
spring of 2012. As a result of this new program, the Capstonecourse in the already existing MET program faced some drastic changes in both content andobjectives.Prior to establishing the new BS ME program, a typical Capstone class included MET andApplied Technology students and focused mainly on production. Twenty-five specimens wereoriginally required, and then we dropped the number to fifteen a few years afterwards. The typeof projects performed reflected the nature of the Applied Technology and MET programs, bothof which are primarily hands-on programs. Much emphasis was on production, quality control,and timely delivery. When possible, we considered industry projects and gave them higherpriority over school-sponsored ones. Traditionally, the
Conference Session
Software Engineering Outreach: Industry, K-12
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
W Eric Wong, University of Texas, Dallas
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
used in industry.One of the challenges to teach a capstone project course is to provide students with sufficient motivationand get them invested in the outcome. To achieve this, Horgan, Smith and Thomas in their 2005 ACEpaper5 suggested a problem domain that accurately reflects the concerns and priorities of a real industryclient. They also proposed a Real World Software Process with four different phases: (1) Phase Zero –developing a project proposal which addresses the client‟s needs and clearly identifies goals and successcriteria, (2) Phase One – requirements gathering, release planning, and the initial development, (3) PhaseN – the generic, repeatable cycle in which the functionality of the system is incrementally extended andthe
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Poster Session & Unit Operations Lab Bazaar
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur Felse, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
ofthe study director and management immediately.(4) Periodically submit to management and the study director written status reports on each study, noting anyproblems and the corrective actions taken.(5) Determine that no deviations from approved protocols or standard operating procedures were made withoutproper authorization and documentation.(6) Review the final study report to assure that such report accurately describes the methods and standard operatingprocedures, and that the reported results accurately reflect the raw data of the nonclinical laboratory study.(7) Prepare and sign a statement to be included with the final study report which shall specify the dates inspectionswere made and findings reported to management and to the study
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering (ME) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randall D. Manteufel, University of Texas, San Antonio; Amir Karimi, University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
. Students thenengage in a set of reflective questions that ask them to explain their initial predictions andobservations. The goal is to have students explain the conceptual foundation for their predictionand when necessary use observations to modify or improve the foundational framework toimprove understanding and future predictions for similar situations. Inquiry-based activities areeffective at improving conceptual learning when activities have (i) unambiguous predictionswritten by the student, (ii) an action consisting of an experiment or simulation, and (iii) writtensummary or reconciliation (if needed) conducted by the student. Brief and repeatableexperiments are preferred since there is a perception that computer simulations can be “tricked
Conference Session
Communication and Engineering Careers: Motivating Our Students
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tristan T. Utschig, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeffrey S. Bryan; Judith Shaul Norback, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
using two stages to refine our scoring system. In eachstage, individuals first provide comments on the individual skills in the scoring system. Then wesummarize the feedback from all the individuals and ask the individuals to reflect upon thesummary to see if their opinions have changed. At the end of the feedback for each of the twostages, we synthesize the overall responses and use the results to modify the scoring system. Wehave completed the first stage and are now in the second stage shown below.Delphi Method Stage 1 (this study) 1. Part one: conduct small focus groups and surveys to collect information and comments from our stakeholders 2. Part two: distribute summary to each of the stakeholders for reactions 3. Use part one
Conference Session
Problem- and project-based learning in environmental engineering
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lupita D Montoya, University of Colorado, Boulder; Robyn Sandekian, University of Colorado Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
academic achievement and persistence,3,4,5 as hasintroducing the concept of engineering as a “servant of society.”6Within engineering education, the typical method of implementing service to society is throughservice-learning, which is defined as “a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningfulcommunity service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civicresponsibility, and strengthen communities.”7 Service-learning in an international context,especially within developing communities, can be used to engage students who may not be asinterested in design projects that do not have a socially-useful purpose. Fulfilling community-based design needs contextualizes engineering education to make it relevant to
Conference Session
Trends in Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leticia Anaya, University of North Texas
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David H Hoe, University of Texas, Tyler
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
articles. Part of this could be that theyhave more experience now with reading a journal article, but additional factors include the use ofa more introductory-type article and the students were given instructions on what areas to focuson in their readings this time. This is reflected in one student’s written comments in the survey,“I like the more focused nature when looking at this journal article this week. 4-6 pages isoptimum for general reading.” The students generally agree with the third statement on thesurvey, indicating the value they are seeing in learning nanotechnology concepts.During week nine, an extensive in-class exercise involved studying the tradeoffs found in variouslow-power architectures. The students were asked to read a
Conference Session
Computing in the classroom
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan R. Goyings, Civil & Mechanical Engineering Department at The United States Military Academy; James Ledlie Klosky, United States Military Academy, West Point; Bobby G Crawford, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
. 4. Based on the focus group results, student‟s actual use of and preference for the electronic textbooks was considerably greater than their perceived preference. No students really wanted or used a hard copy book when the electronic book was available. Student‟s stated dislike of electronic texts may be a reflection of long-observed student resistance to reading engineering textbooks and thus be totally unrelated to the platform or format of the reading assignments. Further study would be required to answer this complex question. 5. Recommending certain tools to the students, especially an application similar to iAnnotate, may help to jump-start the student‟s note-taking and e-text adoption process if
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Division Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kirsten S. Hochstedt, Penn State University ; Andrew Michael Erdman, Pennsylvania State University; Richard John Schuhmann, Gordon–MIT Engineering Leadership Program
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
and facilitator vs. “the sage onthe stage”), and the class is accompanied by a laboratory where students actively apply andpractice the material they learn in class. Anecdotally, student-written assessment comments tothe instructor at the end of the semester often reflected that students felt they had worked harderper credit in the leadership principles class than in their other classes, but that this extra effortwas worth it. Electively taking and working harder in a non-required class requires intrinsicmotivation. Given the rich literature on the power of intrinsic motivation17, 18 and its effect on Page 23.851.14passion, interest, and
Conference Session
Training and Support for NEEs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vishwas Narayan Bedekar, University of Arkansas; John DUPE Lee, University of Arkansas; Douglas E. Spearot, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
was useful for self-reflection and to gauge progressive improvement during thesemester. In addition to lecturing over the four week section of the class Mr. Lee was alsoresponsible for designing the exam to test the students’ knowledge of key concepts.Lastly, Prof. Spearot set a terrific example of how to interact with students. For students, it isessential that their professor be available for consultation during the semester. In addition to thestandard office hours, Prof. Spearot was available via email, with prompt response. Additionally,a number of drill and tutor times were provided to the students. Mr. Lee interacted with thestudents during the weekly drill session and was involved in discussions about make-up tests andlate homework
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Ieta, State University of New York at Oswego; Rachid Manseur, Oswego State University College; Thomas E. Doyle, McMaster University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
undergraduates are thrilled by the projects and their freedom to innovate and perform research. They usually perform outstanding work, presented at local and international conferences. Their attitude is also reflected in their evaluations of teachers. We are hopeful that our experience will provide useful ideas, particularly to new faculty. 1. INTRODUCTIONUndergraduate students go through a steep learning curve during their studies. They are likely toreach high theoretical knowledge and may expect everything to be clearly spelled out forinvestigation. A recent IBM study1 based on face-to-face conversations with more than 1,500chief executive officers worldwide concludes that creativity is the most important factor forfuture
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Adam Kirn, Clemson University; Beshoy Morkos, Florida Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Monthly Email Advisor. 2008;6(8):2–3.22. Nickerson RS. The teaching and thinking of problem solving. In: Sternberg RJ, editor. Thinking and Problem Solving. 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 1994. page 409– 49.23. Wankat P. Reflective Analysis of Student Learning in a Sophomore Engineering Course. Journal of Engineering Education. 1999;88(2):195–203.24. Jonassen DH. Toward a Design Theory of Problem Solving.pdf. Educational Technology Research & Development. 2000;48(4):63–85.25. Bowman D, Benson L. MuseInk : Seeing and Hearing a Freshman Engineering Student Ink and Think. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. Louisville, KY: American Society
Conference Session
Capstone Design
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Schmaltz, Western Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
rubric for Criterion 3 (c) is shown in Tables 5 above. The samerubric is used for all years of student evaluation, allowing the comparison of varied levels ofprofessional competence as students progress through the curriculum. The expected Total Scoreindicated at the bottom of either rubric table changes, reflecting the increasing expectation forstudent performance as they move through the elements of the integrated ProfessionalComponent.For each sample of student work, faculty members independently assign scores of 0 – 3 (absentto proficient) for each attribute component in the rubric. The sum of these scores for all attributecomponents becomes the total score. Freshmen and sophomores are expected to attain a noviceto intermediate level, while
Conference Session
Methods, Techniques, and New Programs in Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Niaz Latif, Purdue University, Calumet ; Joy L Colwell, Purdue University, Calumet (Tech)
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
Cyberstates8 report, Indiana’s high tech employment data afew years later in 2008 reflected that Indiana was the 23rd ranked cyberstate, with 73,700 hightech workers, and the state ranked 45th in high-tech private sector workers (30 out of every 1,000workers). On several indicators of high-tech employment, Indiana ranked no higher than 20th(payroll average wages for high tech workers, and number of high-tech establishments). Andaccording to the 2000 census data, only 5.5% of adults 25 or older in Lake County have attaineda graduate or professional degree.9 Page 23.375.4For Economic Growth Region 1in Indiana, the percentage of the population over age 25