cousin that's went to, uh. She, she's just been older than me and I was asking her like what was gonna be required of me in college and stuff and like, s-s-simple things like that. But then I would also ask my aunts and uncles because they have close ties to [Four-Year Institution] so I was […] already sure that I was going to [Four-Year Institution]. – CalebAnother example of this shown when Robin, a participant from a four-year institution focusgroup, is discussing her great-aunt. Robin mentions how this relative influenced her to go tocollege and encouraged her to do well in school. My great-aunt [is] amazing. Uh, she um, was a really big influence on me coming to [public university] because this is
testscores.4-10 Flipped classroom strategies often employ active learning exercises, which Felder andBrent (2009) define as, “anything course-related that all students in a class session are calledupon to do other than simply watching, listening and taking notes.”11 Active learning exerciseshave been shown to boost academic performance; Freeman et al.’s (2014) meta-analysis of 225studies on active learning in STEM courses found that performance on concept inventories,exams, and passing rates generally improved in classrooms employing active learningstrategies.12A flipped classroom strategy is not guaranteed to result in improved academic outcomes. Someflipped classroom experiments show no significant gains between a section employing a
were added to capture additional detail as to the students’ perception of their abilities. These questions included: 1. WHY do engineers need to be proficient at communicating through writing, orally, and graphically? 2. What skill(s) do you think you need to work on most and WHY?Results and DiscussionsQuantitative ResultsThe quantitative results are summarized in Table 2 for better comparison. The results of thesurvey, regardless of the type of the communication, show a meaningful positive change in thelevel of the students’ confidence in each category at the end of the semester, with the largestchange belonging to the graphical communication. In addition, we carried out a paired t-test onthe average of
, D. Kotys-Schwartz, and B. Louie, “Comparing Mentor and Mentee Perspectives in a Research-Based Undergraduate Mentoring Program,” no. November, p. 229, 2013. [3] N. Islam and A. A. Weimer, “Outcomes of the Student Mentoring and Research Training (SMART) Program,” no. 1, p. V005T07A028, 2019. [4] B. Pelleg, K. Imhoff, K. Ayers, and P. Boettcher, “Utilization of an Engineering Peer Tutoring Centre for Undergraduate Students,” 2016. [5] S. Lehr, H. Liu, S. Klinglesmith, A. Konyha, N. Robaszewska, and J. Medinilla, “Use educational data mining to predict undergraduate retention,” Proc. - IEEE 16th Int. Conf. Adv. Learn. Technol. ICALT 2016, no. 1, pp. 428–430, 2016. [6] Y. Min, G. Zhang, R. A. Long, T
categories suggests there are many areas of opportunity toengage students. The next step in this research is to expand the analysis to include additionalsemesters, include non-common questions which have similar classifications, examine non-academic factors (e.g., level of class participation) which may also impact performance, and toultimately develop intervening protocols to improve the overall performance of all students.References[1] Demel, J., “Bringing About Marked Increases In Freshman Engineering Retention,” Proceedings of the 2002FIE Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.,2002.[2] Choate, L. H., and Smith, S. L.,”Enhancing development in 1st‐year college student success courses: Aholistic approach,” The Journal of Humanistic Counseling
between the two, the process is essentially temporally based andlinear, though some redundancy is often built into the communication. Table 6 identifies the keytasks in order of completion as gleaned from the above Instructional Analysis. Table 6. Key tasks to be utilized in crafting written performance objectives for students. 1 Identify Prospective Speaker(s); 2 Contact Speaker(s) and Confirm; 3 Identify preliminary material needs and any speaker requirements; 4 Make necessary logistical arrangements; 5 Hosting the speaking event; 6 Post engagement follow-up.Based on the key tasks in Table 6, specific, measurable student performance objectives werearticulated
-term, this would improve women representation in the male-dominated engineering and technology careers.References 1. T. McKoy, M. Hammond, C. Armwood, and S. K. Hargrove, “Persistence of African American Females in Engineering: The Identity Factor,” [Online]. Available [Accessed February 3, 2019] 2. National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education “Women and STEM: Preparing for a technology-driven economy, Title IX at 45: Advancing opportunity through equality in education,” Washington, DC: National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education, 2017, [Online]. Available [Accessed June 20, 2018
theworkforce [6]. There are many explanations of individual excellence and entrepreneurialmindset [7,8, 9] and multiple studies about engineering students [10,11,12] with an emphasison a high need for achievement and potential for break-through innovation [13]. Since the late1990’s engineers and designers have been exploring moods and feelings and their connectionto better solutions [14]. And while research links entrepreneurial status to personality theory[15] and personality to leadership [16], few studies focus on the impact of emotion oninnovative success. This paper aims to begin filling that gap with a preliminary experiment toshow how students experience a story of innovation. The experiment is inspired by Radcliffe President Mattina
on the first submission, the students who took Instructor 1from the experimental group outperformed the comparison group students on all othersubmissions. Instructor 1’s students average scores increased by 1.251 points compared to theaverage scores of the students from the comparison group that only increased by 0.384 points.The students who took Instructor 2 from the experimental group received the lowest averagescore on all four submissions, but had the greatest gains across the submissions (with the averageincreasing by 1.780 points). Mathematical Model Complexity (out of 9 points) Change in Means across 4 Submissions 8.5
science fields, only 15-20% eventually obtaintenure track faculty positions [20], while others find employment in non-tenure track positions oremployer sectors outside of academia [11], [19]. Using data from Taiwan, Lin and Chiu [10]found that postdoc training is associated with higher likelihood of maintaining an academicresearch career for engineering PhDs. Using data from Frances, Hanchane and Recotillet [9]found postdoc experience to be correlated with likelihood of a research career in science, but notin engineering fields. Andalib et al.’s [11] analysis of the NSF SDR data shows that compared toother STEM fields, engineering postdocs are particularly likely to leave the postdoc role beforeobtaining a tenure track position, and instead
faculty. Theseare being addressed as on-going and future work.References[1] H. M. Vo, C. Zhu, and N. A. Diep, "The effect of blended learning on student performance at course-level in higher education: A meta-analysis," Studies in Educational Evaluation, vol. 53, pp. 17-28, June 2017.[2] C. D. Dziuban, J. L. Hartman, and P. D. Moskal, "Blended learning," Educause, Centre for Applied Research Bulletin. Vol. 2004, Issue 7, July 2004.[3] C. Dziuban, C. R. Graham, P. D. Moskal, A. Norberg, and N. Sicilia, "Blended learning: the new normal and emerging technologies," International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, vol. 15, no. 3, December 2018.[4] R. F. DeMara, N. Khoshavi, S. Pyle, J. Edison, R
similar to doodling is that of “sketchnoting”, wherein notes are either presented ortaken using a combination of drawings and words. Proponents [7], [8] of sketchnoting supportthe idea that the learning benefits of sketching and drawing are tied to the need for a person totranslate ideas from one format (words) to another (pictures).Perhaps the most comprehensive resource related to the above, and this current paper, is thebook, The Doodle Revolution by S, Brown [9], which discusses the concept of the “Infodoodle”.An Infodoodle is a simple drawing that is created with the purpose of capturing and conveyinginformation. Brown explains not only how to create effective doodles, but also ties their use toimprovements in organization, engagement
Barriers," Journal of Educators Online, vol. Jul, no. v15 n2, Jul 2018.[3] R. J. Amirault, "Distance Learning in the 21st Century University: Key Issues for leaders and faculty," Quarterly Review of Distance Education, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 253-265, 2012.[4] S. Hsiung, J. Ritz, R. Jones and J. Eiland, "Design and Evaluation of a Microcontroller Training System for Hands-on Distance and Campus-Based Classes," Journal of Industrial Technology, vol. 26, no. 4, 2010.[5] M. Tutunea, R. Rus and V. Toader, "Traditional Education vs. E-learning in the vision of Romanian business students," International Journal of Education and Information technologies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 46-55, 2009.[6] S. Hsiung and W. Deal, "Distance Learning Teaching Hands
.[2] M. Bartley, I. Schoon, R. Mitchell, and D. Blane, "Resilience as an asset for healthy development," in Health Assets in a Global Context: Springer, 2010, pp. 101-115.[3] A. J. Martin and H. W. Marsh, "Academic resilience and its psychological and educational correlates: A construct validity approach," Psychology in the Schools, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 267-281, 2006.[4] C. S. Clauss-Ehlers and C. R. Wibrowski, "Building educational resilience and social support: The effects of the Educational Opportunity Fund program among first- and second-generation college students," Journal of College Student Development, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 574-584, 2007.[5] P. R. J. I. j. o. e. r. Pintrich, "The role of
differently to improve the accuracy of the data collection.ReferencesCummings, J. J., & Bailenson, J. N. (2016). How Immersive Is Enough? A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Immersive Technology on User Presence. Media Psychology, 19(2), 272–309., S., Carruth, D. W., Sween, R., Strawderman, L., & Garrison, T. M. (2017). Efficacy of virtual reality in pedestrian safety research. Applied Ergonomics, 65., S., Strawderman, L. J., & Carruth, D. W. (2018). Investigating pedestrian suggestions for external features on fully autonomous vehicles: A virtual reality experiment. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic
composition. The comprehensive revieweffort has gained traction and the first author has been asked to lead a university taskforce, onwhich the co-author has agreed to participate, to create a written comprehensive review ingraduate admissions plan for the university. Our goal is to create a plan that is adjustable basedon the needs and desired outcomes of each program.References[1] D. J. Ernst, E. Collins, A. Burger, and K. Stassun. (1/29/2018). Fisk-Vanderbilt Master's-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program. Available:[2] C. Miller and K. Stassun, "A test that fails," Nature, vol. 510, pp. 303-304, 6/12/2014 2014.[3] K. G. Stassun, S. Sturm, K. Holley-Bockelmann, A. Burger, D. J. Ernst, and D. Webb
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science education in the K-12 system,” Science and Children, 46(9),8-9, 2009.[2] T. Kolbe, and S. Jorgenson. “Meeting Instructional Standards for Middle-Level Science:Which Teachers Are Most Prepared?,” The Elementary School Journal, 2018; 118 (4): 549 DOI:10.1086/697540.[3] T. Ivey, N. Colton, J. Thomas, and J. Utley. “Integrated Engineering in ElementaryEducation: Tackling Challenges to Rural Teacher Training,” in Proceedings of the ASEE 123rdAnnual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016, Paper ID# 15860.[4] Department of Education. “Secondary Teaching Education Undergraduate Requirements,”Department of Education at University of Michigan. University of Michigan, 2019,
Classroom Interaction, 46(1), 37-48.[3] Bellinger, David B; DeCaro, Marci S. (2015). Mindfulness, anxiety, and high-stakes mathematicsperformance in the laboratory and classroom. Consciousness and Cognition, v. 37 pp. 123–132.
components): Teamwork: 3 or 4 person teams Unique drawings: Modified assignment per team Sketching skills: Individually complete dimensioned multiview drawings Making skills: Using another team’s drawings, individually manufacture piece(s) from wood with basic shop tools; assemble using press fit, paint Evaluation skills: Interpret / critique drawings during build; critically evaluate 3D print 3D design skills: Model, print accessories, evaluate prints, redesign CAD models Implementation: This assignment takes place over a number of assignments – a timeline is provided to the right, with approximate timing for in- and out-of-class activities. The instructor provides instruction and supplies. Students work
significantly develop or improve students’ intercultural skills,flexibility and adaptability, self-awareness, curiosity, and confidence.14 Moreover, study abroadimproves interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills to some degree.18The Institute of International Education, Gaining an Employment Edge: The Impact of StudyAbroad on 21st Century Skills and Career Perspectives, found that, “study abroad has an overallpositive impact on the development of a wide range of 21st century skills, expands careerpossibilities, and has a long-term impact on career progression and promotion.”14 This studysurveyed over 4,500 alumni of U. S. colleges and universities that took part in some form ofstudy abroad between the years 1999 and 2017, 70% of the
least half of the responding companies was Proceedings of the 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2019 American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 525included in the table. Table 2 shows the top 10 areas that are considered as critical for degreedposition(s). Figure 3. Survey response: How likely would you be to pursue the CPM DegreeIn the tables, TR stands for total number of responses. Columns marked 3 in table 1 and 4 intable 2 reported numbers of company who check the fields, where 3 stands for Required forManagerial (or higher) Positions that Require a Degree and 4 for
entrepreneurship it is widely accepted Education, 86: 75–91. doi:10.1002/j.2168-that mentoring plays an important role in the success of a 9830.1997.tb0027product or a business. It may seem obvious, but some [6] Gilbuena, D. M., Sherrett, B. U., Gummer, E. S.,students completely avoid contact with faculty outside class Champagne, A. B. and Koretsky, M. D. (2015),time, not attending office hours and just keeping to Feedback on Professional Skills as Enculturationthemselves. Something as simple as asking for help can into Communities of Practice. J. Eng. Educ., 104:make a great difference in the academic life of a student. 7–34. doi:10.1002/jee.20061
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in a STEM outreach program, it stands to reason that STEM outreach programs canbe helpful in strengthening grit in younger female students as grit is best when developed at ayounger age [18].AcknowledgmentsOpinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Thismaterial is based upon work that was partly funded by the National Science Foundation undergrant number IIA1301726.References[1] Kuenzi, J. J. (2008). Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education: Background, federal policy, and legislative action. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.[2] National Academy of
inception to completion. .The studentsdemonstrated an enhanced understanding of the alternative route for green energy with reneweddesign emphasis on Digital Parasitic applications that employs Thermoelectric GeneratorPeltier instead of traditional analog mechanization. We have collected no data to quantify if thisapproach will be satisfactory with all our capstone senior project students, since the newbatch of students have just started taking their senior project capstone course sequence.References[1] Callan, S. J., & Thomas, J. M., Environmental Economics and Management, Cengage Learning, 2012.[2] Mazidi, M. A., Causey, D., Mazidi, J. G., HCS12 Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems, using assembly and C with code warrior, Pearson
the enrolledstudents were reported. Based on this initial development and implementation, the courseprofessors plan to make improvements and advance the deliveries of the course in the nearfuture.References[1] S. Brand, “Six Industries Benefiting from Additive Manufacturing,” California’sManufacturing Network Blog, August 21, 2018,, accessed on April 5, 2019.[2] S. Sedghi, and E. Hall, “3D printing will have a bigger economic impact than the internet,technology specialist says.” ABC News the World Today, April 1, 2015,, accessed on April 5, 2019.[3] C. L.Ventola
a female because she talks andinteracts and spends time with a male.” Therefore, when the female reputation gets affected bythe workplace, this also affect her chances of getting married in the future as Mohammed said“when it comes to marriage, when we ask about the girl, we don’t prefer to marry a girl that hasbeen studying or working in a mixed gender environment.” His response implies a fear of havinghis daughters or wife being judged in a bad way because of their learning or workingenvironment.A similar belief was observed by my interviewee Sara when applying for employment at a localcompany. As she stated, I applied to [a local company]’s scholarship program and was called for an interview. For my interview, I made