based on the physical situation and the required information a. Classify nature of problem Ex: Statics, Kinetics, Kinematics, or Dynamics. b. Classify nature of motion Ex: Particle motion, Rigid body rotation, General plane motion, Equilibrium etc. c. Identify special cases & simplifying assumptions Ex: Constant acceleration, Conservative forces, Rolling contact (no slip), etc. d. Identify the primary unknown(s)2. Create the diagram(s) appropriate for your planned solution method a. Choose the system(s) whose motion/equilibrium needs to be studied in order to find efficient solution. Ex: If a contact force between two bodies is to be found, one of the bodies must be considered as a system separate
." C ou rs e O th e r 15% 27% Tran s port C ou rs e s S e n i or De s i gn C ou rs e 5% 20% In de pe n de n t S tu dy 5% En v. El e cti ve En v.P2 C ou rs e Fre s h m an -Le ve l 10% 10% C ou rs e 8
manufacturing engineering in HVAC and Steel Mill. Trisha is currently a Lecturer in the Engineering Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in Manufacturing and Mechanical System Integration at RIT.Mark Davis, Rochester Institute of TechnologyDr. Yunbo Zhang, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Yunbo Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Dr. Zhangˆa C™s research focuses on investigating computational methods for advancing design and manufacturingDr. Rui Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Rui Liu is currently an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at
undergraduates summarize thedetails of the team’s past progress and their future plans in a short write up which gets sent to theM.Eng. student(s). These informative reports help the M.Eng. students stay fully aware ofdetailed progress. The M.Eng. students then pass along the information along with theirconsiderations for timeline and resources to the project sponsors. Faculty are copied on theseregular communications, and students are given credit for completing and sending these reportson time. The undergraduate teams meet with a course instructor every two weeks for a 30-minutecheck-in meeting, which serves to monitor team progress and help students stay on track as thesemester progresses.M.Eng. Roles Throughout the course, M.Eng. students
within science, technology, engineeringand mathematics (STEM). For HBCUs, their success in graduating Black students in STEM washighlighted along with the missed opportunity of advancing their efforts to assist the U. S. goalof staying competitive within the STEM workforce (National Academies of Sciences,Engineering, and Medicine, 2019). For example, scholars found that HBCUs, while onlyaccounting for 3% of all post-secondary institutions in the United States, graduated 17% of allBlack students (Gasman & Nguyen, 2016). Additionally, as of 2019, 14.5% of Black graduateswere from HBCUs even though they made up less than 1% of all ABET-accredited programs(ABET, 2019; Deen, 2019; Fletcher et al., 2023). For Black women, a group representing
, invisible challenges they faceduring promotion and tenure at their respective colleges of engineering. This paper is more thanjust information-sharing, it is a raw, complex look into the stifling that happens to academicmothers of color who are devalued and exploited for their motherhood, their service, empathy,and productivity outputs in systems of higher education that was never made for them.References[1] S. Amsler and S. C. Motta, "The marketised university and the politics of motherhood," Gender and education, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 82-99, 2019, doi: 10.1080/09540253.2017.1296116.[2] M. Baker, "Gendered families, academic work and the 'motherhood penalty'," Women's studies journal, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 11-24, 2012.[3] M
advising dynamics of education while highlighting the critical rolesadvisors play in constructing the academic life and future of the international student [5]. Thishas caused a dramatic change in the composition of Ph.D. enrollments in the U.S.The importance of cultural understanding in advising international students cannot be overstated,and several studies have highlighted this fact. For instance, Vakkai et al.'s research has shownthat international students' cultural backgrounds and values cannot be ignored, and havingadvisors who are more attuned to these aspects can significantly impact an individual's academicsuccess [6]. Similarly, Liu et al.'s study highlights the need for increased attention and guidancetowards international students
feelings offailure, and redirect their energies to a positive outcome (even if it involves a change in direction).Mentors whether minoritized or otherwise must recognize, acknowledge and attempt to mitigate racialstress endured by minoritized mentees. This study can inform STEM departments how to effectivelyguide and encourage minoritized students, which can help increase their persistence and completion. ReferencesAchat, H., Kawachi, I., Levine, S., Berkey, C., Coakley, E., & Colditz, G. (1998). Social networks, stress and health-related quality of life. Quality of life research, 7, 735-750.Blake‐Beard, S., Bayne, M. L., Crosby, F. J., & Muller, C. B. (2011). Matching by race and gender in
Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)program can stimulate engineering identity development among students, particularly thoseunder financial constraints [15]. The role of academic institutions in this process has also beendemonstrated in the literature by highlighting the potential of STEM enrichment programs insteering students toward graduate programs in science [16]. The literature underscores that theseprograms are not merely avenues for academic support but can significantly influence studentperformance, degree completion, and even graduate enrollment. Laanan et al. focused on thedimension of “transfer student capital” and presented a nuanced viewpoint on the experiences ofstudents transitioning from
strategies must be based in thecontext of these strategies, a one-size-fits-all approach would decontextualize the curriculum andwork against successful incorporation of social impacts into technical courses. Concurrentdevelopment of curriculum and accreditation assessment assignments will decrease overhead forcourse design and improve quality. This may be done during initial course design or at any stageof revision or improvement. Limitations to this work include a small sample size of facultyparticipants and continued program rollout.References[1] E. O. McGee, Black, Brown, bruised: How racialized Stem education stifles innovation.Harvard Education Press, 2020.[2] Y.-J. Chang, T.-Y. Wang, S.-F. Chen, and R.-H. Liao, “Student Engineers as Agents
are found to affect construction productivity on construction projects, Adapted from [6] Poor labor supervision Poor construction methodology Delay in payments Unsafe working conditions Poor work environment Inspection delays Lowly skilled labor Lack of rest time(s) during the workday, fatigue Bad weather conditions Excessive overtime Low employee satisfaction Unclear technical specifications Design errors and changes during Delay in responding to “requests for construction information” Reworks
modules were designed to equip engineeringstudents with the essential skills needed to work effectively in an international professionalenvironment.Summaries of each participants’ internship setting and roles in the companies are providedbelow: 1) Participant S1 participated in an internship at a company specializing in creating virtual models of city plans and works with game engines and computer software. The participant’s tasks included conducting research on transportation software and solar panel simulation software, as well as taking photographs of building facades for the company's computer model update. 2) Participant S2’s internship was at a consulting firm focusing on civil and structural projects. The
Economics Research 7, no. 5, pp. 144-150, 2018.[8] G. F. Sassenrath, P. Heilman, E. Luschei, G. L. Bennett, G. Fitzgerald, P. Klesius, W. Tracy, J. R. Williford and P. V. Zimba, "Technology, complexity, and change in agricultural production systems," Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, pp. 285- 295, 2008.[9] S. L. Wang, R. A. Hoppe, T. Hertz and S. Xu, "USDA-ERS #302: Farm labor, human capital, and agricultural productivity in the United States," 2022.[10] G. L. Baldwin, V. Booth Womack, S. E. LaRose, C. S. Stwalley and R. M. Stwalley III, "Using broad spectrum technological projects to introduce diverse student populations to Biological & Agricultural Engineering (BAE): a work in progress," in
., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 369–386, Oct. 2005, doi: 10.1080/09540250500145072.[3] N. A. Fouad et al., “Barriers and Supports for Continuing in Mathematics and Science: Gender and Educational Level Differences,” J. Vocat. Behav., vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 361–373, Dec. 2010, doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2010.06.004.[4] A. Tzovara et al., “Embracing diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting: Insights 19 from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping,” NeuroImage, vol. 229, p. 117742, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117742.[5] J. Misra, J. H. Lundquist, E. Holmes, and S. Agiomavritis, “The Ivory Ceiling of Service Work,” Academe, vol. 97
discussion ofwhat it takes to make sense of nanoscale phenomena. This discussion could lead touncovering what Wiggins and McTighe 2 called the “enduring understanding” of acontent area together with potential effective pedagogical approaches. This model couldultimately lead to integrating the enduring understandings needed to make sense ofnanoscale phenomena with effective pedagogical methods. We hope that this modelmight become a framework for the design of nanoscale science and engineering curricula.AcknowledgmentsWe thank the seven researchers who volunteered their precious time to be interviewed forthis study. References: 1 M. C. Roco, W. S. Bainbridge, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2005, 7, 1--13.2 G. Wiggins, J. McTighe
summative assessment scheme, in which some of the work could be subject tointerpretation of the ethical theory when applied to case studies, rather than assessment ofempirical facts and procedures which may be constrained to a teacher‟s implicit development,interpretation and assessment of the syllabus content.The assessment procedure was redesigned in 2008 for classes of 150 plus, comprising aformative assessment and feedback through essays, a formative feedback by the in-class case-studies and summative assessment by examining the major case studies and theirunderstanding of the course material in a final examination.IntroductionTo receive accreditation of undergraduate engineering degrees the Institute of ProfessionalEngineers of New Zealand
transition to becoming a professional in the disci-pline. The overlap in the ovals labeled knowledge-centered and reflection-centered corresponds tothe fact that the reflective activities by the student are based on the assessments of the knowledgeitems represented by the knowledge-centered components.Consider next the oval labeled “learner-centered” in Fig. 1. A key observation regarding studentlearning 2,36 made in recent research on how people learn is that “[s]tudents come to the classroomwith preconceptions –often incorrect– about how the world works, which include beliefs and priorknowledge acquired through various experiences . . . effective teaching [must] elicit the preexist-ing understanding and provide opportunities to build on, or
consists of applications and templates that will assist instructors and students to accomplishthe required tasks. The model is composed of four major elements: inputs, outputs, constraints,tools and methods.3. Model InputsThe inputs to the model include instructors, students, other human resources, facilities andequipment, and learning objectives. The class instructor(s) and the students are alsoconsidered owners of the process.One of the roles of instructors is to facilitate the students’ achievement as defined in the learningobjectives. The roles of the students include 1) to prepare for the class, 2) to participate in classactivities, 3) to perform a self-evaluation of their educational state, and 4) to provide feedback.Students have to provide
, including the signatures of allteam participants, are required as cover material for all group project submissions. Page 4.121.3 Task Task 1 Task 2 Task n Signature Person 1 C, D S S Person 2 S C S, D Person m S S, D C Roles: C–Coordinated this task; S–Supported this task; D–Documented this task Figure 1. Example of team roles matrix.Some courses (e.g., at Georgia Tech, University of Massachusetts
interest in STEM and non-STEM subjects. However,having a population of technologically literate K-5(8) teachers and teacher candidates alsooffers many unique research opportunities. [The definition of “technologically literate” herelikely entails being literate to some degree in the S, M and T&E.] Leaving the teachingeffectiveness benefits aside, a population of technologically literate K-5 teachers, and Page 15.1194.2presumably their K-5(8) students, should enable technological literacy instruments to bebetter designed and calibrated. This has broad implications. Measurements of technologicalliteracy in MST and non-MST teacher populations could
engineering university. The A&S Program provides the core courses in the first two years of engineering studies at this institute. Over the past two years, it has been designing and implementing a comprehensive set of curricular innovations in order to better prepare local engineering undergraduates for engineering studies and careers in the energy sector. Three components of this comprehensive approach will be presented in this paper, with reference to how each was conceived, designed, and implemented. Early indications of the impacts are also shared. The paper will conclude with identifications of challenges faced and recommendations for how to better enable and support continuing enhancement of the
Design Engineering at Hongik University in Korea. He received his Ph. D.and M. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University (USA), and B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University (Korea). His specialization is in the areas of noise and vibration. He has been involved with the capstone design program at Hongik University for the last five years.Dr. Ing. Manuel L¨ower, RWTH Aachen University Dr.-Ing. Manuel L¨ower is Executive Manager of the Chair and Institute for Engineering Design (ikt) at RWTH Aachen University. He received his Dr.-Ing. and Dipl.-Ing. degree in the field of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and automotive engineering at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). Since 2005 he
while providing feedbackThirty two out of sixty two responses stated that students turn in their source code print-out forthe graders to read and assess. Almost an equal number of responses mention the use of anelectronic submission system. About 65% of graders write their comments on a paper printoutand primarily use plain text with occasional arrows, circles and lines to point out source codeissues. One person stated that s/he provides “hand written” comments, typing them would bepreferred but it is not done “simply as a time factor issue.” From those that provide commentselectronically, one “include[s] a link to a Web document that contains the instructor's solution atthe relevant line in the instructor's solution source code.” Comments are
, are intended to pass affectively attunedcommunication on to students – the same kinds of messages that occur in normal person-to-person discourse. We will test whether ALASKA will provide a significantly higher“interactional bandwidth” or density of affect-rich messages than can take place in aconventional classroom. The teacher station will include a “response palette” that includes arepertoire of facially- and voice- nuanced responses s/he has available for agent inheritance orpass-through transmission to the student. In the ALASKA shared-workspace environment, theteacher can overview the thumbnails of everyone in the class simultaneously, collecting enoughinformation to judge fairly accurately what group of students was starting on track
, respectively[5].The traditional and probably most common method of introducing aspects of green engineeringhas been through a senior and graduate level elective course on environmental engineering, withan emphasis on process treatment. Courses were developed that focus on methods to minimizeor prevent waste streams from existing chemical plants in the 1990’s. The educationalprogression mirrors the progression in industry. In industry initial efforts were applied to wastetreatment whereas current efforts are aimed at reducing the total volume of effluent treated aswell as the nature of the chemicals treated. Currently, many of the environmental and pollutionprevention courses have been replaced by courses in green engineering, environmentallyconscious
15 16 17 Spring Classes First Day of Class A Begin Project Selection Project Team s Identified N 20 21 22 23 24 Client Visits Client Visits
conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the Foundation. REFERENCES[1] J. R. Anderson, L. M. Reder and H. A. Simon, “Situated learning and education,” Educational Researcher, vol.25, no.4, pp.5–11, May 1996.[2] J. Corbet, A. Rubini, G. Kroah-Hartman, Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition. O’Reilly Media, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 2005.[3] F. Jiang and S. Mao, “Integration of Software-Defined Radios into undergraduate communications system courses for minority students,” in Proc. The 2014 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Macon, GA, Mar./Apr. 2014.[4] R. W. Heath, Jr., Digital Wireless
, dissemination, and institutionalization of a college level initiative Springer; 2008.4. Prince M. Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education. 2004;93(3):223-231.5. Seymour E, Hewitt NM. Talking about leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press; 1997.6. Tobias S. They’re not dumb, they’re different: Stalking the second tier. Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation; 1990. Page 24.1120.107. Smith K, Sheppard S, Johnson D, Johnson R. Pedagogies of engagement: Classroom-based practices. Journal of Engineering Education. 2005;94(1):87-101.8
Conference. San Antonio, TX. June 10-13, 2012.2. Hein, G., A. Kemppainen, S. Amato-Henderson, J. Keith, and M. Roberts. “Who Creates and Develops First- Year Engineering Design Activities?” Proceedings of the 2012 ASEE Conference. Louisville, KY. June 20-23, 2010.3. Kemppainen, A., N. Jeason, and G. Hein. “Modifying a Pumping System in a First-Year Engineering Design Project” Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE EDGD 65th Mid-year Conference. Houghton, MI. October 3-6, 2010.4. “Engineering Pathway” Accessed December 18, 2012.5. “MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching” Accessed December 18, 2012.6
tool answered the same setof questions regarding that particular tool. The language used in the questions is informal to tryto convey the experience of the student or faculty rather than a formal engineering evaluation ofthe tool. The questions are the following: Make and Model What were your original debugging requirements? What big piece of lab equipment it substitutes? How did you find about it? How have been using it? (look above in introduction) Price? Is it worth it? Would you recommend it to other students? Would you recommend it as a substitute/complement for (a) particular lab piece(s) of equipment? Cool things about it? Any other features not available at university's available