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Displaying results 811 - 840 of 856 in total
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Brandon Muramatsu; Flora McMartin; Joseph Tront
), 2001. McMartin, F. “Preliminary findings from Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library Use Study Focus Groups, URL: http://www.smete/info/survey/user_study_dl.html, 1999.3 Inman, E. & L. Mayes. “Educatioanl Technology: A Survey of Faculty Use and Need,” Journal of Staff, Program, & Organization Development. 16(1), Summer, 1998.4 Tabor, L. Faculty Development for Instructional Technology: A Priority for the New Millennium,” Journal of Staff, Program, & Organization Development. 15(4), 1998.5 Chen, J. C., M. Ellis, J. Lockhart, S. Hamoush, C. Brawner, J. Tront, “Technology in Engineering Education: What do the
Conference Session
Advancing Thermal Science Education
2002 Annual Conference
Risa Robinson
techniques, project management and critical thinking skills necessary tosolve real world problems.References1. Kline, R. A., and Egle, D.M., 1995, “Creativity and the Undergraduate Laboratory Experience,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 11, Nos. 4 and 5, pp 264-268.2. Lang, J., Cruse, S., McVey, F., McMasters, J., “Industry Expectations of New Engineers: A Survey to Assist Curriculum Designers”, Journal of Engineering Education, Jan 1999, pp. 43-51.3. Sharp, J. E., “Combining Kolb Learning Styles and Writing to Learn in Engineering Classes”, Journal of Engineering Education, April 1997, pp. 93-101.4. Bidanda, B. and Billo, R. E., “On the Use of Students for Developing Engineering
Conference Session
Educational Opportunities in Engr. Abroad
2002 Annual Conference
Hugh Rogers; Ferdinand Walbaum
.) They were met and hosted in Germany by Mr. Ferdinand Walbaum of Muelheim andMr. Werner Franz (formerly of Lake Mary Siemens Telecommunications) of Krefeld.Selection criteria was developed and prioritized for U. S. student participation in the program. Itwas determined that the prime criteria should be engineering technology majors (3.0 GPA orhigher) in design or manufacturing operations with Metrology, CAD/CAM, Machining, andLogistics courses completed. The interval of training should be in the Summer of the Junior year,with provisions for additional coursework and part-time internship with Siemens-Westinghouseduring the Senior year. Students could look forward to a potential offer of full-time employmentupon graduation
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
M. P. Sharma; Matthew Hayes; Edward Anderson; Roman Taraban
to monitor student behaviors as werefine the existing materials and expand the computer resources for this thermodynamics course.References[1] Chambers, E. Studies in Higher Education,1992, 17, 141-153.[2] Thomas, J., Bol, L., Warkentin, R., Wilson, M., Strage, A., & Rohwer Jr., W. Applied CognitivePsychology,1993, 7, 499-532.[3] Taraban, R., & Hayes, M. Measuring Study Time in College. Manuscript submitted for review.[4] Cengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 4th ed.; McGraw-Hill: Boston,MA, 2001.[5] Anderson, E. E., Sharma, M. P., Taraban, R. Application of Active Learning Technique s. Manuscriptsubmitted to the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Web Systems and Web Services
2002 Annual Conference
John Ristroph
, Joseph S., Joey F. George, and Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, PrenticeHall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001. BiographyDr. John H. Ristroph is a Professor of Engineering and Technology Management and a registered professional engi-neer in Louisiana. His B.S. and M.S. are from LSU, and his Ph.D. is from VPI&SU, all in industrial engineering. Hehas been active in the information systems area as an analyst, teacher, and researcher for over thirty years. Appendix: Example Illustrating DBMS Functions Employees of a company work on ma ny projects for different clients, and it is necessaryto track the number of hours that each employee works and
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2002 Annual Conference
Yusuf Khan; Wei Sun; Mohamed Attawia; Michele Marcolongo; Frank Ko; Dhirendra Katti; Cato Laurencin
Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright Ó 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationDr. Mohamed AttawiaEducation : 1978: M.B.B.Ch., Cairo Medical School, Cairo, Egypt.Professional Experience: 1994-1998, Research Assistant Professor (Department of Orthopaedics): Allegheny University Hospital. Philadelphia PA 1998-2001, Research Associate Professor (Department of Chemical Engineering), Drexel University 2001-Present Orthobiologics, DepuyAcromed, Johnson & Johnson Company.Dr. Dhirendra S. KattiEducation: 1999, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Chemistry, Bombay University. 1993, Bachelor of Science in Technology (B.Sc. Tech.), Chemical Technology, Bombay University. 1990, Bachelor of Science
Conference Session
Course and Curriculum Innovations in ECE
2002 Annual Conference
Stephen Petersen; Richard Hughey; David Meek; Alexandra Carey
engineeringdesign of different classical bus architectures, and discuss various CPU’s and peripherals. In thelaboratory students’s design and build their own custom microprocessor projects using thepopular and versatile 68HC11, an embedded CISC (“complex instruction set computer”) CPU.This laboratory particularly needs an adroit understanding of the HC11’s software architecture,i.e. its unique assembly language. Giving students a better introduction to HC11 assemblylanguage would allow us to concentrate more on hardware system architecture and advancedsoftware programming techniques like mixed assembly and C, which has routinely been taughtin the laboratory since 1995.Based on these diverse needs, we took the unusual step of deciding to teach two
Conference Session
Web Based Laboratories and Classes
2002 Annual Conference
Richard Jerz
Educationcompleted the lab without the multimedia. I look forward to continuing my experimentation andhope that students will continue to benefit from them.Bibliography1. AppDev Training, Eden Prairie, MN, Makedon, F., and Others, “Issues and Obstacles with Multimedia Authoring,” Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 94,British Columbia, Canada, 1994.3. Logitech QuickCam Camera, Logitech, Inc., Freemont, CA, Umax 2200 Scanner, Umax Technologies, Inc., Freemont, CA, Billups, S., “Digital Moviemaking,” Michael Wiese Productions, Studio City, CA, 2001.6. Haines, R., “Digital Audio,” Coriolis, Scottsdale, AZ, 2001.7. Windows Media Play, Microsoft Corporation, http
Conference Session
Innovation in Design Education
2002 Annual Conference
William Gaughran
., 1988 The Art of Children's Drawings. 18. Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol.22, No. 1, Spring, 1988.20. Witelson, 1985, in Graham R.B. 1990, Physiological Psychology, Wadsworth21. Talley, L.H., 1973, The Use Of Three-Dimensional Visualisation: as a moderator in higher cognitive learning in College level chemistry.22. Garner S., 1992, 'The Undervalued Role of Drawing in Design', in Thistlewood D (Ed), Drawing Research and Development, Longmans, London, pp 98-109.23. Cross, A., 1986, Design Intelligence: the use of codes and language systems in design, Design Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 1986.24. McKim, R.H., 1980, Experiences in Visual Thinking, BWS Engineering, Boston25. Levy, J., 1976, Cerebral
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Graphics
2002 Annual Conference
Alain Desrochers
common purpose or the file type(s) that they use to storetheir results. This is presented in figure 1 where five groups or applications are being formed : > Group 1 – Part design (files *.CatPart) > Group 2 – Assembly design (files *.CatProduct) > Group 3 – Part analysis (files *.CatAnalysis) > Group 4 – Digital Mock-up (*.model (V4), *.CatPart, *.CatProduct, *.cgr, etc.) > Group 5 – Knowledge Advisor (*.CatPart, *.CatProduct) 1. Part design Decompose part to design into elementary features Determine
Conference Session
Balancing Personal and Professional Life
2002 Annual Conference
Penny Knoll; Lisa Bullard; Ann Saterbak
understand why someone would deliberately choose a non-tenured position unless he or she had failed in their pursuit of tenure.· The value of industrial experience. Each of these individuals had worked in industry for periods ranging from five to eleven years and brought their experience to their new jobs. Their industrial background may have been seen as an asset to the department and made them more attractive candidates than new Ph.D.’s coming straight out of graduate school. In addition, their experience may have allowed them to negotiate for a higher starting salary than a new Ph.D. graduate could command.· The importance of maintaining contacts within the engineering community. Two of the three individuals replaced
Conference Session
Issues in Computer Education
2002 Annual Conference
Helene Kershner; Debra Burhans; Deborah Walters; Carl Alphonce; Barbara Sherman
that the size of the testingfacility may be much smaller than the size of the class. On the other hand, if it is difficult todevelop a large number of good questions, then large numbers of students may need to take anon-line test simultaneously. This requires a very large on-campus laboratory that can be madeavailable for testing when needed. A particularly successful example of the use of a largelaboratory using on-line course materials with on-line testing is the Math Emporium at VirginiaTechnical University2.Our experience points to differences in the ease of creating large question banks for on-linetesting. There are many numerical types of problems that can be infinitely varied by s implychanging the numbers. Rather than specific
Conference Session
Assessment & Quality Assurance in engr edu
2002 Annual Conference
Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor
, Prentice Hall 3. Thomas, K. 1996. How To Keep ISO 9000, Kogan Page Limited. 4. Schlickman, J.J. 1998. Quality Management System Design, Lancaster Press Inc. 5. Rao, S.S., Ragunathan ,T .S and Solis, L.E. 1997. Does ISO 9000 have an effect on quality? An Page 7.962.8 international empirical study. Total Quality Management. 8 (6): 335 -346 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for E ngineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2002, American Society for Engineering Education 6. Calingo, L.M.R., Leong, Y.M., Chia, M.P. and Mohamed, H. 1995. Achieving total quality
Conference Session
Computed Simulation and Animation
2002 Annual Conference
Tony Wong; Pascal Bigras
/easy5/12 Karnopp, D. C., Margolis, D. L., Rosenberg, R.C. (1990) System Dynamics: A unified Approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York.15 Dijk, J. D. (1994), On the role of bond graph causality in modelling mechatronic systems. PhD dissertation, University of Twente, CIP-Gegevens.16 Khalil, H. K. (1992), Nonlinear Systems, Macmillan, New York.17 Giordan, A., de Vecchi, G. (1987), Les origines du savoir; des conceptions des apprenants aux concepts scientifiques. Delachaux & Niestlé S. A., Paris.18 Sommerville, I. (2001), Software
Conference Session
Laptop/Handheld Computing in Education
2002 Annual Conference
Tim Baron; Matt Batcha; John Estell; Adam Love
your subscribed channels. By copying the URL for your new channel and presenting it as alink on a subscription page on your main web site, visitors can add your channel to theirhandheld content with just a click of the mouse. As an example, the following URL wasgenerated for the handheld version of the ONU ECCS web site: Page 7.378.6 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Poster
2002 Annual Conference
Deepti Suri
] “Identifying and Measuring Quality in a Software Requirements Specification”, Alan Davis, Scott Overmayer et. al., Software Requirements Engineering, Second Edition, IEEE Computer Society, pp 194 – 205.[4] Software Engineering: Principles and Practice, Hans Van Vliet, Second Edition, John Wiley 2000.[5] Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design, Donald Gause and Gerald Weinberg, Dorset House Publishing 1989.[6] Software Requirements, Karl E. Weigers, Microsoft Press 1999.[7] Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, Sixth Edition, Addison Wesley 1984.[8] Requirements Engineering: A Roadmap, B. A. Nuseibeh and S. M. Easterbrook, In A. C. W. Finkelstein (ed) "The Future of Software Engineering". (Companion volume to the proceedings of the
Conference Session
ET Interdisciplinary Education
2002 Annual Conference
Biswajit Ray
-specific educational objectives.The shortcomings of using standardized end of semester assessments can be overcome by using aseries of multiple short assessments during a semester, in which assessments are designedspecifically for the course and the student body. This assessment-improvement feedback processflowchart is shown in Figure 1. This process substantially reduces the assessment -improvement-verification turn-around time, making it easier to determine the effectiveness of teaching orcurriculum changes on the learning experience. It also addresse s the problem of varying classdynamics since changes in course curriculum or the teaching style directly benefit those studentsparticipating in the assessment. The proposed assessment methodology
Conference Session
Balancing Personal and Professional Life
2002 Annual Conference
Rebecca Blust
aspirationsand goals, financial goals, childcare, family support systems, work environment and a women’spersonal attitude and commitment to achieve the goal of balancing work and family. It can bedone, but these networks must be in place.IV. Working Women/Mothers in the Fields of Science and TechnologyAccording to U.S. News & World Report, Women now make up a strong 48% of collegegraduates who majored in science or engineering. Unfortunately, the percentage of womenpursuing a doctoral degree is only 33%. Percentages are even lower in physical sciences, 23%,and in engineering, percentages drop to 12% as opposed to the 40% of women who earnedM.D.’s last year. 11Why are the numbers so low in the science and engineering fields in colleges and
Conference Session
ET Industrial Collaborations
2002 Annual Conference
Maher Murad; Andrew Rose
3 4 5 Much Lower Average Much Higher3.13 Would you recommend this employer to someone else? Why or why not?3.14 Would you recommend this summer job/internship to someone else? Why or why not?3.15 Additional Comments4. If you have done a co-op or formal internship, please comment on the differences between your co-op or internship experiences and your other summer employment experiences.References1. Anwar, S., Winsor, F., “Internship Development for a New Baccalaureate Degree Program: Student Preparation, Sponsor Development, and Internship Follow-Up,” Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference, 1999.2
Conference Session
Innovative Courses for ChE Students
2002 Annual Conference
Colin Grant; Brian Dickson
Copyright © 2002, American Society of Engineering Education”8. Brown, J. S. and Duguid, P. (1991) `Organisational learning and communities of practice: towards a unified view of working, learning and organisation', Organisation Science, Vol. 2, No. 1.9. Peters T. and Waterman R. In Search of Excellence Harper Row New York10. Garvin D. Building a Learning Organisation Harvard Business Review July 199311. Spender, J. C. 1996 `Making knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm', Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 1712. Kogut, B. and Zander, U. 1996 `What do firms do? Co-ordination, identity and learning', Organisation Science, Vol. 7
Conference Session
Course Assessment in ET
2002 Annual Conference
Laura Lucas; Daphene Koch
; Donlevy, T. (2000) What’s up in factories?: Introducing teachers and students to the dynamic world ofmodern manufacturing. International Journal of Instructional Media 27(1). 21-4.6. Cox-Peterson, A.M. & Melber, L.M. (2001) Using technology to prepare and extend field trips. The ClearingHouse75 (1). 18 – 20.7. Cooper G. & Cooper G. (2001) New Virtual Field Trips. Englewood, CO. Libraries Unlimited.8. Stevenson, S. (2001). Discover and create your own field trips. Multimedia Schools (8) 4. 40 –5.DAPHENE CYR, Assistant Professor in Construction Technology in the Purdue School of Engineering & Technologyat IUPUI. B.S. of Building Construction Management, M.S. of Technology with an emphasis on Construction andCurriculum Development and
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2002 Annual Conference
Abhilasha Tibrewal; Tarek Sobh
Conference Session
The Computer, the Web, and the ChE
2002 Annual Conference
William Baratuci; Angela Linse
Technology in the Introductory Chemical Engineering Course, ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings 2000.4 - Regan, M., Sheppard, S. (1996). Interactive Multimedia Courseware and the Hands-on Learning Experience: An Assessment Study, Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 85, no. 2, pp.123-131.5 – Williamson, C., Bernhard, J., Chamberlin, K. (2000). Perspectives on an Internet-based Synchronous Learning Experience, Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 89, no. 1, pp.53-61.6 - Crynes, B., Lai, Y., Chung, W. (19??). Chemical Engineering Fundamentals – Better Learning Through Computer-Based Delivery, ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings 19??.7 - Dutton, J., Dutton, M., Perry, J. (2001). Do Online Students perform as Well as Lecture Students
Conference Session
Issues of Concern to New Faculty
2002 Annual Conference
Craig Quadrato
with each class, I’m not sure I could say Ilooked forward to the students’ final evaluations. But since I planned, prepared, performed eachclass and received interim feedback from my students, peers and senior instructors, I feel Isignificantly improved my skills as an instructor in a short amount of time. And, perhaps moreimportantly, I have implemented a personal teaching model that will continue to help methroughout my career.Bibliography1. Lowman, Joseph. Mastering the Techniques of Teaching (2 nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass 1995. Page 7.1005.112. Oreovicz, Frank S. and Phillip C Wankat. Teaching Engineering (reprinted by ASCE
Conference Session
Projects to promote eng.; teamwork,K-12
2002 Annual Conference
Anant Kukreti
in Figures 6(a) and 6(b) are actually idealized as aspring-mass system model shown in Figure 6(c) for mathematical analysis. In all the threemodels shown in Figure 6, the mass M has one degree-of-freedom and can vibrate horizontally.The stiffness K represents the stiffness of the column(s), which can be experimentally ortheoretically determined from the following formula: K = 12EI/L3, if the top end of the columndoes not rotate, and 3EI/L3, if the top end of the column does rotate. In these formulae E =modulus of elasticity of the column material, I = moment of inertia of the column cross-section,and L = clear height of the column. If perfect similitude rules can be developed for scaling boththe geometric dimensions and material properties
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Washington Braga
, M. G., "In search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms",ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, Virginia, 1993[5] Braga, W. "Online Heat Transfer Course," available at http://venus.rdc.puc, inportuguese, 2000[6] Bloom, B.S., "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Class ification of Educational Goals, Handbook I:Cognitive Domain," David McKay Company, New York, 1956[7] Zahorian, S.A., Lakdawala, V.K., González, O.R., Starsman S. & Leathrum Jr, J.F., "Question Model forIntelligent Questioning Systems in Engineering Educ ation", Proceedings of 2001 Frontiers in EducationConference, FIE 2001, Reno, Nevada, 2001[8] Shulze, K,. Shelby, R., Treacy, D., &
Conference Session
Outreach: Future Women in Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Donna Whiting; Marion Usselman
America’s schools shortchange girls. New York: Page 7.586.12 Charles Scribners’s Sons. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ã 2002, American Society for Engineering Education3 Through NSF grant HRD#97-11046—SummerScape: Gender Equitable Science for Students and Teachers4 Through NSF grant HRD#94-53106—InGEAR: Integrating Gender Equity and Reform5 Crawford, S. H. (1996). Beyond dolls and guns: 101 ways to help children avoid gender bias. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.6 Sandler, B.R. and Hoffman, E. (1992) Teaching faculty members to
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Graphics
2002 Annual Conference
David Forsman; Kathryn Holliday-Darr; Michael Lobaugh
Institute Handbook. Pacific Crest Inc. Corvallis, Oregon. Page 7.943.13 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2002, American Society for Education Education 6. Johnson, S. (1988). “Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work & in Your Life”. Penguin Putnam Inc, New York, New York.DAVID R. FORSMANDavid R. Forsman is an Instructor of Engineering at Penn State Erie. He received his B.S. in EngineeringTechnology from the Pennsylvania State University and his M.E. in Manufacturing
Conference Session
Engrng Edu;An International Perspective
2002 Annual Conference
Hamid Khan
Conference Session
Educational Trends in Engineering
2002 Annual Conference
Steven Mickelson
. (2000). Retention of freshman agricultural engineering students through an experiential lab course. Proceedings of the 2000 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, Session 2608.9. McMillan, J. H. & Schumacher., S. (1997). Research in education. New York: Longman10. Morgan, D. L. (1997). Focus groups as qualitative research. (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: SAGEPATRICIA C. HARMSPatricia C. Harms is Director for the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning withTechnology at the Texas Tech University School of Pharmacy. She recently completed her doctoraldissertation which explores the effects of linked courses on engineering students’ developing written andvisual literacy. Dr