et al.’s discussion of naming, setting thecontext, and reflecting to better fit the age of our participants and their instructional context.MethodsThis study explores if evidence exists to show that K-2 students can engage in meaningfulproblem scoping while participating in introductory problem scoping activities from a STEM+Cintegration curricula.ParticipantsUsing purposeful sampling, data from six different classrooms out of 17 were selected to beanalyzed. These six classrooms (two kindergarten, two first grade, and two second grade) wereidentified based on how well the educator followed the curriculum and the amount of interactions(students to teacher and student to student) captured. All of the teachers participated in a
No solution or Simple Detailed solution solution(s) to the problem very vague solution solutionResponsibility Describes who is responsible for or To For With should be involved in the solution, (Government (The (Farmer or with reference to the With / For / To needs to fix the designers community framework problem) know best) member involvement in
with professional development and not knowing how to support thegraduate students in their pursuits. This study’s comprehensive examination of an activeadvisor’s experience with supporting graduate student development proves to be informative anduseful in determining potential next steps in the formative development of a program aimed atgraduate student professional development.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1545211.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
Institute of Technology. In 2012, he completed his PhD at the University of Rochester. He now focuses his efforts to further the areas of computer architecture, digital systems, cybersecurity, and computer engineering education.Dr. Joan Giblin, Wentworth Institute of TechnologyDr. Mehmet Ergezer, Wentworth Institute of Technology Mehmet Ergezer (S’06) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH, USA, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He received the D.Eng. degree in artificial intelligence from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA, in May 2014. From 2003 to 2005, following his
formalized as part of communitybenefit packages agreed to by advocates of proposed telescopes and representatives from thelocal community [1]. Opposition to the observatories has existed since the 1960’s when thegovernor and legislature, enthusiastic about development, set aside land for construction.Protests, demonstrations and litigation challenging previous and proposed construction of newtelescopes in Hawai‘i have focused on environmental protection and the sites selected as beingsacred to natives. For example, controversy over choosing Maunakea for the site location of anew Thirty Meter Telescope emphasizes that this is considered the most sacred mountain of theNative Hawai‘ian religion and culture. Yet a local workforce is also highly desired
discuss here some of the benefits and challenges challenges of associated with the adoption of this technology (in a broader electric vehicle transportation context, not only related to [university]’s adoption transportation system) Quiz after Question 2 (Day Based on our discussion, please answer the following two Day 1 1) – Personal questions: a) What did you learn from today's activity? opinion about b) How did our discussion and activity change your personal electric vehicles opinion about electric vehicles? Quiz after Question 3 (Day How does the electric vehicles adoption change the Day 1 1) – Electric community's well-being? Are
social responsibility and moral decision-making,specifically in terms of engineering pedagogy.Keywords: social responsibility, embedded teams, human-centered design (HCD), engineeringeducationIntroductionSince Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was first introduced in the 1950’s to expandorganizational bottom-lines from profit and legal considerations to issues of social impact, CSRhas grown into a global force for linking corporations with the areas in which members live andwork. Extant research has explored CSR on a broader organizational level, without necessarilyconsidering how social responsibility manifests on the team level. Thus, we contend that feelingsand understandings of responsibility experienced by students working on design
development of a host of professional, interpersonal, andpersonal skills [8]. While these programs were developed independently of Rottmann et al.’s2015 work, there is a convergence between the explicit and implicit models of leadership thatemerge from these four programs, Rottmann et al.’s model, and other recent models ofengineering leadership, as discussed further below.The four programs that serve as case studies here have curricula that were developed, inengineering leadership and more broadly, from a similar starting point: careful consideration ofthe skills and abilities required of 21st-century engineering graduates in response to calls forengineering education reform from professional engineering bodies over the preceding decade.For example
grading in the semester prior to the implementation of training versusthat of the semesters that used training. In the future, this data will be used to further modifygrading and training procedures, and data will continue to be collected and analyzed.References[1] ABET, “Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2017 - 2018,” 2016.[2] G. W. Clough, “The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century,” Washington, DC, USA, 2004.[3] P. E. Dickson, T. Dragon, and A. Lee, “Using undergraduate teaching assistants in small classes,” Proc. 2017 ACM SIGCSE Tech. Symp. Comput. Sci. Educ., pp. 165–170, 2017.[4] S. Ashton and R. S. Davies, “Using scaffolded rubrics to improve peer assessment in a MOOC writing
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engineeringeducation compelled them to rely on quantitative standards for accreditation. Although ABET’sEngineering Criteria 2000 (EC 2000) reforms during the mid-1990s specifically worked to moveaccreditation beyond quantitative standards, namely the old “bean counting” approach, the actualimplementation of EC 2000’s “a-k” learning outcomes at some institutions still wind up in theend affirming Seron and Silbey’s findings: the new learning outcomes were often interpreted as alist of requirements to be met, rather than the starting point for a set of institutionally-specificcriteria that would require greater use of professional judgment on the part of both programevaluators and the faculty from programs undergoing evaluation (ABET 2016; also Pool 2016).This
, Senay Purzer, Anastasia Rynearson, Cetin Biller,Kayla Carter, Jessica Rush Leeker and Terri Sanger. References[1] C. M. Cunningham, “Engineering is elementary: An engineering and technology curriculum for children,” Eng. Educ., 2007.[2] H. A. Diefes-Dux, M. Hjalmarson, T. Miller, and R. Lesh, “Model eliciting activities for engineering education,” in Models and modeling in engineering education: Designing experiences for all students, J. S. Zawojewski, H. Diefes-Dux, and K. Bowman, Eds. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2008, pp. 17–36.[3] Ş. Purzer, M. H. Goldstein, R. S. Adams, C. Xie, and S. Nourian, “An exploratory study of informed engineering design behaviors
13 13 18 11 4.5 A 2. Natural sciences 3 36 5 4.5A 3. Humanities 2 77 1 S -- 4. Social sciences 2 69 2 I -- 5. Material science 8 15 12 -- 6. Mechanics 14 12 11 13 -- 7. Experiments 3 41 3 S 3.7 8. Problem
aimed at improvingthe engagement, retention, and graduation of students underrepresented in engineering. Thesecomponents include: “intrusive” academic advising and support services, intensive first-yearacademic curriculum, community-building (including pre-matriculation summer programs),career awareness and vision, faculty mentorship, NSF S-STEM scholarships, and second-yearsupport.This work in progress paper describes the implementation of the Redshirt program2 at each of thesix Redshirt in Engineering Consortium institutions, providing a variety of models for how an1 For brevity, we will use the acronyms listed in this table in place of the full names of theinstitutions throughout the paper.extra preparatory year or other intensive academic
:// credits-count. [Accessed: 06-Feb-2018].[9] J. Sonnenberg-Klein, R. T. Abler, and E. J. Coyle, “Correlation between Academic Credit- use Policies and Student Persistence in Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Courses,” presented at the Manuscript submitted for publication, 2018.[10] S. H. Russell, M. P. Hancock, and J. McCullough, “Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences,” Science, vol. 316, no. 5824, pp. 548–549, 2007.[11] S. A. Webb, “The Importance of Undergraduate Research,” Science | AAAS, 06-Jul-2007. [Online]. Available: undergraduate-research. [Accessed: 27-Dec-2017].[12] J. C. Norcross, “Getting involved in research as an undergraduate
, piloting,and implementing new course content, we have been able to identify the strategies employed andthe challenges we have faced. As we continue to navigate this ongoing process, we areconsidering the lessons we have learned and continue building upon our strategies forimprovement. It is our hope that we can encourage further discussion regarding strategies forincorporating diversity and inclusion into curriculum, as well as programs and practices, invarious engineering contexts. 15 ReferencesBurgstahler, S. (2009). Universal design of instruction (UDI): Definition, principles, guidelines, and
solutions for increasing diversity.Amy’s storyAmy is the youngest of five children and the only member of her family to have graduated fromcollege. Her father was one of eight children and he completed his formal education at the end ofeighth grade in order to find a job to help support the family. This was typical of the time(1930’s), and within his community and social economic status of first generation immigrants tothe United States. Amy’s father learned a trade (welding) that enabled him to have a lifetime ofsteady employment in order for him to provide for his family. Amy remembers that her father atvarious times worked overtime, double time, second or third shift, each of which had differentincentives that increased the hourly wage for the
, thermodynamics, heattransfer or other engineering laboratory experiments.(5) A Rockwell Hardness test and/or tensile test on number of specimens should be measuredand used for statistical inference, quality control analysis, etc.(6) Two Independent Samples and Paired Sample Tests using examples,such as comparing airpressure gauges (analog and digital) to determine if they yield the same average psi readings.(7) Simple Linear Regression and an Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression collecting thedata of the travel distance of rubber bands of different widths.(8) A final group project chosen by students to demonstrate various applications of statistics inan engineering setting.References1. S. Bisgaard, “Teaching Statistics to Engineers”, The American
integrated approach to teacher professional development in stem. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 13 (2), 69.[9] Bandura, A., (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control: Macmillan.[10] Bandura, A. & Wessels, S., (1994). Self-efficacy.[11] Maddux, J.E., (1995). Self-efficacy theory. Self-efficacy, adaptation, and adjustment. Springer, 3-33.[12] Stohlmann, M., Moore, T.J. & Roehrig, G.H., (2012). Considerations for teaching integrated stem education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J- PEER), 2 (1), 4.[13] Shaughnessy, M.F., (2004). An interview with anita woolfolk: The educational psychology of teacher efficacy. Educational Psychology Review, 16 (2), 153-176.[14
. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, and N. N. Kellam, “Quality in interpretive engineering education research: Reflections on an example study,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 626–659, 2013.[2] C. E. Foor and S. E. Walden, “‘Imaginary Engineering’ or ‘Re-imagined Engineering’: Negotiating Gendered Identities in the Borderland of a College of Engineering,” NWSA J., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 41–64, 2009.[3] R. M. Marra, K. a Rodgers, D. Shen, and B. Bogue, “Leaving Engineering: A Multi-Year Single Institution Study,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 6–27, 2012.[4] J. P. Gee, “Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research in Education,” Rev. Res. Educ., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 99–125, 2000.[5] P. L. Horta, “Identity in Education
:// [Accessed: Mar. 29, 2018].[6] D. D. Burkey, M. F. Young, “Work-in-Progress: A 'Cards Against Humanity'-style card gamefor increasing engineering students' awareness of ethical issues in the profession,” in 2017 ASEEAnnual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH, USA, June 24-28, 2017, [Online]. Available: . [Accessed: Mar 29, 2018].[7] Gulotta, J., Parisi, N., Bodnar, C. A., “Leveling Up by Gamifying Freshman EngineeringClinic” in 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016,[Online]. Available at[Accessed: March 29, 2018].[8] J. R. Rest, D. Navaez, S. J. Thoma, M. J. Bebeau, “DIT-2: Devising and testing a
emotions of others”[10]. The latterhalf of this definition aligns well with the cognitive and affective dimensions of empathyin psychology literature. Crowley et al. also explicitly addressed empathy, recognizing itas a “foundational component of emotional intelligence.” Notably, while Welker andCarlson’s and Crowley et al.’s papers treat empathy respectively as a framework forengineering students’ moral and emotional development, neither one cites sources thatexplain the theoretical underpinnings of empathy. The lack of reference to academic sources on empathy lasted for a few more years,during which time a number of papers appeared in ASEE that explore the role of empathyin communication, teamwork, and design, and yet authors of these papers
PowerPoint slides that were discussed in lecture. Theslides included descriptions of common rating problems including giving everyone on the teamthe same scores across all dimensions, giving the same teammate the same scores across alldimensions, bimodal ratings (giving one teammate all 1’s and others all 5’s), etc. This lecturealso included a discussion of what information you are trying to give your teammates whenrating them and how the results of the evaluations can be interpreted in order to improve teamperformance. General comments were also made regarding what the rating patterns looked likein the class without identifying individuals or teams that used poor rating patterns. The goal wasto help students reflect on their own ratings and
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