-timeFinally, students were queried on their experience and reflections on working within a team toadvance a grand challenge and how the construction of the team affected their experience on theproject. Relevant responses along with percentages are summarized below: 1. Do you think you learned/understood more about the project by working within such a team vs. working alone? Yes, learned/understood more by working within a team (87.5%) No (0%) Maybe (12.5%) 2. How did the multi-disciplinary (4 engineering department) construction of your team affect the research project performance? Positively (87.5%) Negatively (0%) Neutral (12.5%) 3. How did the multi-level (sophomore to senior
these participants. We will also enhanceour recruiting strategies and assess what prevents students from volunteering. We will continueto expand our data size and we will continue to collaborate with more local community partnersand student organizations within Wright College to organize volunteering opportunities. Withmore activities and larger data size, we will compare the impact of all terms on the STEMidentity and STEM efficacy of volunteers.V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience
their ongoing support of the projectand work in conducting the interviews that provided the data for this paper.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grantnumbers DUE #1834425, 1834417 and 2022412. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe NSF.References[1] E. Davishahl, T. Haskell and L. Singleton, "Engaging STEM Learners with Hands-on Models to Build Representational Competence," in 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Virtual Online, 2020.[2] L. Singleton, E. Davishahl and T. Haskell, "Getting Your Hands Dirty in Integral Calculus," in 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
fieldof SciTS, including the five domains of team science competencies [4]: 1) building genuinerelationships, 2) team communication, 3) managing team research, 4) collaborative problem-solving and creativity, and 5) leadership.Some of the key topics covered across the workshops included: a) expanding our ability toparticipate in a shared vision, b) understanding the importance of diversity and practicing usingtools for inclusive teamwork, c) enhancing our awareness of developing shared language, d)exploring and practicing collaborative writing, e) drafting team charters, and f) developingguidelines for decision making.We gathered several key takeaways from our workshop reflections: • Being mindful of the value of team members when they are
moreeffective than PSpice at analyzing circuit behavior and understanding circuit operation. Forquestion 2, 80% of students believed that Simulink/Simscape was easier to use than PSpice (60%recorded it as much easier to use.) Results for question 3 show that all students believed thatSimulink/Simscape was more easily accessible that PSpice (80% believed it was much easier toaccess.) Across all three categories, at least 80% of students indicated that Simulink/Simscapewas better or much better than PSpice in terms of effectiveness in analyzing and understandingcircuits, ease of use, and ease of access. Written student comments reflect the same sentiments;a few of the student comments are listed below. • Simscape was much more user friendly. The
localarea during the pandemic. Past reflections on the designs from year 1 and year 2 noted the largesize of each final design. As the goal was to make a hand washing station that was portable, theteam was required to modify previous designs so they could fit in the towing trailer used by theTranSCEnD team. Figure 3: TranSCEnD Cohort 3Year 4For the year 4 bridge project, TranSCEnD students were presented with the problem ofdeveloping a way for members of a remote village in Panama to pump water from the middle ofthe river that serves the village. Members of the cohort modified the design of a current seniordesign team in our Civil and Environmental Engineering Department to build a floating dockoutfitted with a pump
. Two design-build projects, one individual and one team-based, allow multiple “trips” through the process, with chances to reflect on and discuss thepresented design process. Process content is supported by skills development in spatialvisualisation, CAD and technical drawing, and basic analysis techniques.Background of staffing, space allocation, material costs, and students are described to providecontext; the course aims and methods are described; student feedback is summarized; and plansfor evaluation and further development are outlined.IntroductionIn their review of project-based learning (PBL) in engineering education literature, Chen et. al.highlight the challenge of increased time and effort required by students and teachers to
of Science has been asked to complete this for their faculty. Therefore, their responseswill only reflect the faculty from that College. The study team have deliberately not asked forgreater refinement than College/School level data so as to avoid de-anonymizing data via samplesize. This instrument was socialized with the relevant College-level staff and administrative facultyprior to finalization, as described in the next section.Figure 1: IRB-approved data acquisition instrument for assessing startup equity.Stakeholder EngagementAs described in the prior section, success of this effort relies heavily upon numerous staff membersand administrative faculty providing detailed data. To that end, the assessment instrument wassocialized amongst
(2021) introduced the concept of person-centered approaches to the engineeringeducation community, which originated in the context of longitudinal analyses. A person-centered approach recognizes heterogeneity and attempts to identify latent groupings amongindividuals in the sample based on the relationships among variables which reflect thecharacteristics of individuals and their environment. In contrast, a variable-centered approach isfocused on prediction and relationships between variables (Laursen & Hoff, 2006). Althoughperson-centered approaches may use data-driven methods to fulfill these tasks, not all data-driven methods can be used in a person-centered fashion without more critical thought (Godwinet al., 2021). For example
internationally trained minoritized women.Our study will expand the ongoing conversation into the Canadian landscape.Theoretical PerspectivesOur study adapted Carlson and team’s [1] conceptual model of professional identity developmentwhich include: 1) Program Expectations; 2) Teaching and Supervision; 3) Research; 4)Publication; 5) Grants and Funding; 6) Service; and 7) Conferences, Networking, and ProfessionalDevelopment. We chose this model because it was suited for examining the professional identitydevelopment of doctoral programs, was extendable to include ECR and allowed specific elementsof the model to be woven into our interview questions and narratives. We choose duoethnography[18] because of its collaborative, reflective, dialogic, and
the National Science Foundation under grant EEC#1929727. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] W.C. Johnson and R.C. Jones, “Declining Interest in Engineering Studies at a Time ofIncreased Business Need.”http://www.worldexpertise.com/Declining_Interest_in_Engineering_Studies_at_a_Time_of_Increased_Business_Needs.htm (accessed Jan. 20, 2023).[2] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Civil Engineers.” https://www.bls.gov/ooh/architecture-and-engineering/civil-engineers.htm (accessed Jan. 20, 2023).[3] Data USA, “Civil Engineering”. https://datausa.io/profile/cip/civil-engineering (accessed
in a small box using an Arduino and MATLABSimulink was successfully designed and implemented, showing good servo and regulatorresponse. Multiple box dimensions and LEDs were tested. As expected, increased distancesbetween lights and photoresistor, reflective or absorbing internal surfaces, or increased box spacereduce the measured brightness level and impact the dynamics of the process. Addressing resetwindup and sampling time issues, adding filters, and using different controller types could allowadditional control exercises to implement in a control course.We look forward to using this kit in the classroom and assessing student perceptions andlearning. We also hope that the current study may help spark new ideas and provide
learning to adjust their designs and recut throughout their lab time.Figure 3. 3D SolidWorks model of the fidget spinner exampleAfter creating the 2D sketch, students are then asked to 3D model their designs to become morefamiliar with independent use of the 3D features in SolidWorks. Students are encouraged not tosimply extrude their 2D design and instead incorporate different 3D features in an iterative design.In the design below, the feature manager tree shows how instead of extruding the whole bat-shaped design, the student extruded half of the design, and mirrored it in order to reduce the needto define many measurements and relations in the base sketch and so that any designadjustments to the main sketch immediately get reflected in the
for a CNC milled 2.4 GHz patch antenna.After the antenna is created, it should be measured and then evaluated on whether it is operablewithin the desired frequency band. Fig. 6 shows the S11 parameter, or the reflection coefficient,which indicates the antenna’s resonant frequency. In general, the lower this number is, the betterthe antenna will perform at that frequency. The S11 parameter can be measured usingcommercially available tools such as a NanoVNA. While gain and directionality are alsoimportant factors in antenna design, finding hobbyist or entry-level devices to properly measurethese aspects is difficult.C. Chemical Etching Figure 7. Left, a probe-fed patch design printed on vinyl backing using a laser jet printer. Right, the
-structured interview protocol with four sections:introduction and warm-up, engineering identity, teamwork, and conclusion. When timepermitted, we asked the interviewees to reflect on the stories of the practicing engineers. Thesestories were developed from publicly-available accounts of the day-to-day experiences ofpracticing engineers. The interview protocol and other applicable parts of our study design wereapproved by our institution’s human subjects review process.Two mock interviews were performed to evaluate the clarity (or ambiguity) of the questions andthe total time required to perform the interview. It also served as an opportunity for our team tofamiliarize ourselves with the interview process. Two students volunteered for the
. Figure 1: An overview of the development process for the FBD app.Phase 1: Design and Prototype (complete)The goal of this phase was to design an app that scaffolds the learning process associated withdrawing FBDs. This was accomplished by segmenting typical problems into small tasks withwhich students typically struggle and associating each task with a “mini game” in the app. Minigames were designed to be inclusive and feature feminized gameplay in order to appeal to thewidest possible audience.In this phase, participatory design was used because it allows all stakeholders to be part of thedesign process so that the final product reflects the entire community’s values [21]. There is astrong tradition of participatory design in interactive media
that I ran into while conducting thisproject is that the students believed the project was too much work for the amount of time theywere given, which was two weeks. After giving the project and reflecting on the results, I do notthink that the project was too much work, I believe the students were overwhelmed since it wasvastly different then the textbook particle kinematic problems they had been working on.In Mini-Project 2 the students found it interesting how dynamics principles can be used to designparts. In-class they have been learning about how to use kinematics to analyze the motion ofobjects but have not had the opportunity to look at it from the perspective of designing themotion of the object. While conducting this project I told
Antennas and Radio Channel Measurements Inside a Battery Emulator”, examines theantenna design considerations necessary for the use of wireless transmission inside a battery pack[17]. Three different types of antennae were tested for different frequency ranges. Double helix100 MHz - 600 MHz Planar helix 800 MHz - 1200 MHz Planar Inverted-F-Antenna (PIFA) 2200MHz - 2600 MHz. A simulated battery pack enclosure was constructed. The antennas were tested,and results analyzed. Some of the results from the study included low frequency fidelity, and highfrequency viability with special design consideration to overcome notching and reflection. The paper “Implementation of a wireless battery management system (WBMS)”introduces a strategy to implement
more of the things that were positiveand do them even better.Future directions include implementation of the improvements above; development of newmodules focusing on interfacing other devices (such as robots); and development of modulesfocused on industrial applications of automated systems—such as manufacturing systems—tohelp learners see the big picture of how systems are integrated.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Improving UndergraduateSTEM Education (IUSE) Program (award no. 2044449). Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography[1] Giffi
similar approach in the future. However, they all recommended starting with a simpler case first to understand the learning method, then moving forward to a more advanced tutorial as the one offered to them.• The final stage is to introduce this intervention in the classroom for all students who are taking the Kinetics and Reactor Design. A structured assessment needs to be established to assess the students' learning experience. At the moment, the intention for the structured assessment is to provide the same questionnaire (in the form of reflection questions) to two different classes. The first class will be implementing Jupyter notebook as a tool in the assignments and course project along with in-class tutorials on how
used to construct the small column,providing a small set of flooding and absorption results that confirm its performance. A list ofparts and some representative figures are included in the appendix. Although the data presentedin this paper are limited, we are confident that they reflect the viability of the system. In thespring semester of 2023, the column was used in the teaching lab and the data set was expandedfor better validation.The Absorption ColumnThe existing large-scale packed column is made of glass, spans two floors, and has an ID of 3”and a packing height of 100”. The main body of the small-scale column consists of a 2” Schedule40, transparent PVC pipe, with an ID of 2” and a packing height of approximately 16.5”. Bothcolumns are
assess the perceivedimpact of participating in such centers. The in-progress validation process has providedinsightful reflections on multiple items regarding the way the items were written, theirappropriateness, and their alignment with participants' experiences. This work improvesconsistency in how ERCs evaluate the effectiveness of their education and diversityprogramming.Next steps will involve further distribution of the instrument and increasing its use amonginterested centers to further the validity evaluation of the instrument. It is expected that thisinstrument will facilitate greater cooperation between ERCs and other large, STEM researchcenters. Our future work will continue to gather validity evidence for the use of this instrumentin
unattainable in most departments due to the limited space and cost. Vibration can bedemonstrated using computer simulation such as in [4][5]. Computer simulation is easy toimplement at low cost, but there is a limit on providing intuitive and direct understanding betterthan physical vibration systems. Moreover, simulation results cannot reflect the uncertainty anddisturbance that physical systems always include. In [6], a combination of simulation, animation,and experimentation is suggested to help students understand the theory of vibration. In [7] and[8], authors suggested that students can learn vibrations through projects. Some educationaldevices for vibration classes are also available in the market as shown Fig. 1. A downside ofthese apparatus
writing,hand tool usage, 3D modelling, 3D printing, circuitry, and programming. Other course-relatedfactors were also considered with respect to impact on situational interest, such as, engineeringdesign sub-features, personal satisfaction in proficiency, and teamwork. Participants were 314first-year, undergraduate students enrolled in the makerspace course during Spring of2022. From January 2022 to April 2022, students completed a series of surveys that promptedthem to reflect on their interest regarding specific course-related experiences and activities.Situational interest surveys were administered immediately following the completion of thefeature modules identified above, whereas the maintained interest survey was administered at theend of
theirdesigns during the judgment-free "Concept Generation Phase." In the next phase of the game,"Concept Selection and Debate," they must argue with their teammates to select the best designto submit for their fictional group project. The twist of the game is that the initial bias of students–which design they would like the team to submit– as well as their personality –the method thatthey use to argue– are both determined by randomly dealt cards. This causes the students to stepoutside of their comfort zone and internally reflect on how they argue their opinions normallyversus how others might make a similar argument. In the "Grading" phase of the game, the teamreceives a score based on if they were able to receive a majority or total consensus. The
are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.ReferencesBowman, N. A., Rockenbach, A. N., Mayhew, M. J., Riggers-Piehl, T. A., & Hudson, T. D. (2017).College students’ appreciative attitudes toward atheists. Research in Higher Education, 58, 98–118.Cross, K. J. (2016). Balancing engineering and religious identities. 46th Annual Frontiers in EducationConference, FIE 2016, October 12, 2016 - October 15, 2016, 2016-November, American Society forEngineering Education (ASEE)-Educational Research Methods (ERM) Division; IEEE ComputerSociety; IEEE Education Society; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2016.7757555Godwin, A. (2016). The development of a measure of
field as well as on the procedures foradopting and adapting codes to reflect new knowledge, both of which are significant to students’professional development [3]. While much existing engineering curriculum is standard or code-driven, the certificate program trains students to appreciate the importance of standards andstandardization in a way that will promote life-long use of standards in their professional careers.An additional benefit of the current work is creation of a certificate program that will be reflectedon student transcripts. Transcripted certificates and similar mico-credentialling efforts improvestudent marketability [4-6]. Often, micro-credentialling programs are designed to be integratedinto or used as a gateway to full degree
plugin remains relevant and meets the changing needs of the users.Regularly re-evaluating the plugin will help identify areas for improvement, address anylimitations, and ensure that the plugin remains effective in supporting users' work processes andproductivity.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by Texas State University Big Ideas. Anyopinions,findings, and conclusions expressed in this material are those of the authors and donot necessarily reflect the views of the Texas State University Big Ideas.ReferencesAnneberg, Lisa, Craig Hoff, and Ece Yaprak. "Use of AutoCAD in An Electrical EngineeringCurriculum." In 1997 Annual Conference, pp. 2-461. 1997.Akasah, Zainal Abidin, and Maizam Alias. "Bridging the spatial
goals, andparticipate in reflection exercises and program activities. Monthly workshops covered professionaland academic goal-setting topics, vision boarding, scholarship, study abroad, internship, andresearch information sessions.Mentees Feedback: Mentees share their experiences about feeling safe and confident as theyjourney through the rigor of academic life.Mentoring Structure, Relationship, and Mentors Feedback: The mentors serve two roles,mentoring and tutoring their mentees. The vision boarding session was well attended; studentsbonded with their mentors and freely shared their academic and personal goals. Mentors helpstudents with course registration, advising, proofreading essays, building a project, finding jobs,researching labs, or
, provide feedback,and check-in on progress regarding their project. We asked them to respond to a simple monthly check-inform (i.e., short reflective prompts) available online in our Learning Management System.During summer 2022, thanks to funding from the grant, a Makerspace student staff was available to helpfaculty who wanted to come in during the summer months to practice using the equipment. No datacollection was conducted during that time.The second year of our study has been focused on implementation of the faculty project ideas, leveragingthe makerspace, into their courses. To check in on progress in the middle of the second year, one-on-onesemi-structured interviews were carried out by a trained graduate student research assistant in