importantly, they all have the same goal: to learn howto do research. Second, at “brown-bag” lunch meetings, each REU student would present abouttheir project, progress, and difficulties. Third, they were required to write a paper step-by-stepthroughout the summer, including the literature review, conducting the experiments, performingdata analysis, and writing the conclusions. Last, they were required to (1) create a poster tosummarize their work, (2) present their findings at both a university-wide poster session and anengineering-oriented poster session, and (3) respond to their peers’ questions about their projects.In addition to working on a research project, participants would also attend workshops and fieldtrips related to imaging technology
scoring rubric of teacher/assessor observations of student performance/behavior) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews and rapid ethnography) evaluation techniques. 3. It is performance assessment, since it uses a scoring rubric based on Bloom’s taxonomy to classify student cognitive understanding based on writing assignments and closely follows the design of the project from inception.6An external evaluator assessed the impact of the project by observing lectures, labs, and toursand by interviewing key informants. Initially, the course interventions were implemented by theprimary investigator (PI). In year 4, after the three-year implementation phase, the new courseinterventions were tested by a new lecturer and
grades over the course of the semester?Final grades for the course were determined through two individual assignments (20% of thefinal grade), and five team assignments (40% of the final grade), where every team memberreceives the same grade. The remaining 40% consisted of a combination of individual- and team-based grades: reflective journal, peer evaluation, mentor evaluation, and engineering graphics.Because assignments in engineering graphics contribute 20% to the final grade, and were gradedon a pass/fail basis, we compared student performance both with and without the graphics Page 26.1740.2grades.On an overall basis, we have not found a
Technology. She received her B.S. in Engineering from Brown University, her M.S.E.E. from the University of Southern California, and her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1999. Her area of research is centered around the concept of humanized intelligence, the process of embedding human cognitive capability into the control path of autonomous systems. This work, which addresses issues of autonomous control as well as aspects of interaction with humans and the surrounding environment, has resulted in over 180 peer-reviewed pub- lications in a number of projects – from scientific rover navigation in glacier environments to assistive robots for the home. To date, her unique
(mechanics) course has been completelyrestructured. Prior to the restructuring, the course had a traditional structure, consisting of aseparate lecture (3 hours three times per week), laboratory (3 hours once a week) and recitation(1.5 hours once a week). Beginning in 2009, the traditional structure was discarded in favor of asingle, blended class meeting 2.5 hours three times per week. Moreover, the new class wasdesigned to operate as an active learning course (i.e. with very little lecture) by making use ofseveral active learning methods including peer instruction (aka think-pair-share) and interactivepeer laboratories. The implementation of the active learning methods was done in phases overseveral years and each phase was assessed using the
classmate) where the resulting learning or cognitiveengagement was not possible without another person's presence or input [1, 2]. Examples includeworking with peers to construct a deeper understanding of course material through group activityor interacting with the instructor in a way that augments understanding [1, 2].Constructive - Activities in which the cognitive load of students is heightened, and asks them to"produce outputs that contain ideas that go beyond the presented information" [1, p. 77]. Examplesinclude creating diagrams to organize course content, rephrasing the instructors lecture into thestudent’s own words, etc. [1, 2]Active - Activities in which students are only cognitively engaged at a basic level, such as note
” programs and “first yearseminars”, international first year experience conferences (see, for example, the EuropeanFirst Year Experience 2015,, centers such as the NationalResource Center for First Year Experience and Students in Transition (, andan international journal on the first year experience ( ). In SouthAfrica about a third of students drop out or fail their first year of university study4 .Some of the things first year students typically struggle with are: choosing a career direction,managing their time, mastering academic skills such as effective study methods and academicreading and writing, assessing their own understanding of their work, coping with the fastpace and
; and practiced technical writing and communicationexercises. In a class project, students worked in teams of three to four to apply Leadership inEnergy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) principles forevaluation of proposed Community Development Plans or Redevelopment Projects. The projectassignment required teams to: a. Develop a proposal, b. Perform analysis, interpret findings, and provide recommendations, and c. Summarize study and results in a final report and PowerPoint presentation.Each team conducted an assessment of the principles and resulting LEED-ND scores that wouldbe achieved for the community area plan assigned to them. The selected sites included: CahabaHeights Community Plan, Calara
populated by their peers and taught by lecturers from within the faculty. Theadministration and content of the course straddles the Humanities and engineering, and as suchprovides a unique space in which to study the intersection of science and the arts and theperceived positive impact of a liberal arts education for engineers, including increased culturalawareness, greater flexibility in inter and cross-disciplinary collaboration, improvedcommunication skills, and comfort with learning outside the discipline [1-6]. To extend thisfurther, the comparatively homogenous engineering population of Representing Science on Stageand the immersion of its students in a liberal arts classroom that by necessity demands theiractive participation, affords
), Team activity tracking (tool) Systems and (2) environmental monitoring Information exchange indicator (tool) monitoring (tracking the team’s environmental Stakeholder/customer feedback (tool) conditions) Project plan (artifact) Assisting team members to perform their Discussion boards (tool) tasks. Assistance may occur by (1) Mid project peer evaluation (artifact) Team
Holliday (2007), in a qualitative approach, data are gathered from various sources and evaluatedin a hierarchy to provide new concepts.18 In addition, the nature of this type of research isexploratory and open-ended.19 In the review of ASEE papers it was found that the range ofreferences used in literature review papers was between 30 to 40 papers.20,21 Therefore, more than30 peer-reviewed research papers published after the year 2000 were extracted from fourdatabases: Web of Science, Scopus, Engineering Village, and ASCE Library. The key words usedin search engines include: leadership development in civil engineering, leadership in civilengineering, leadership in construction education, leadership and civil engineering curriculum. Wenarrowed the
our worksheets were well received andpositive correlation (p=0.05) between how much a others did not accomplish our goals. Thestudent participated in class and his or her final project greatest difficulty was in writing questions Page 26.1555.9grade. P-values were determined using a linearregression t-test. that were challenging and would push the students, but also not so hard that studentsfelt incapable and frustrated. We identified a few common
lower percentage (64%) of students found it comfortable touse the mobile device and application to document use of correct units during the solutionprocess. Participants were expected to use a stylus to write the solution process on the digitalwhiteboard made available through the Explain Everything application. This study did not askfollow up questions to the participants on why they found documentation of units particularlydifficult.Creation of graphs and the labeling of axis and curves were also areas of difficulty, since only58% of the participants expressed that they were comfortable in doing it. It appears thatcreating/importing a graph or labeling its component parts from within the Explain Everythingapplication, was not an easy task for
and have strong existing ties to the land-grant universitythrough programs funded by Federal and private agencies. Each Alliance institution identifiednew initiatives for this project to complement those already in place, providing synergy towardthe overall project goal. These initiatives include focused and enhanced recruiting; developmentof detailed transfer guides; training for admissions personnel and academic advisors; studentenhancement programs such as student research opportunities, internships, math immersion, andalternative spring break; a focus on career counseling; formal and peer tutoring; andimplementation of improved student tracking. A particular focus of the KS-LSAMP isrecruitment and retention of military veterans in STEM
Independent Study Presentations Solve equilibrium problems and Peer Review based on friction forcesLectureClass was held two times per week for 110 minutes each period. Lectures, in general,covered about 20 minutes of class and were planned with a minimalistic approach,focusing on the essential points. The remainder of class period was designed for in-classactivities, including problem-solving as well as hands-on lab experiments.In-Class ActivityIn-class activities were based on active-learning strategy, in which students worked on aproblem posed by the instructor –at times individually and other times in pairs or ingroups, before participating in a class-wide discussion. The motivation of
SetupAs briefly mentioned above, a major contribution to the success of the setup is a simple webserver whose IP address lies outside of the allowed IP scope for attacking. The web serverprovides a scoring engine to students and teachers. Students that are able to compromisevulnerable machines can submit flags obtained for points on this engine. This naturally creates aleaderboard where teachers can gauge the progress of students. Students are provided withfeedback on their progress and a means of comparison with peers. To facilitate this, the CSRLteam used a free scoreboard engine that was previously used as a hacking CTF (Capture TheFlag) scoreboard.This web server can also be used by students to submit write-ups of their solutions that
. The written report was evaluated using the WrittenCommunication VALUE rubric, which was developed by faculty experts sponsored by theAssociation of American Colleges and Universities. This VALUE rubric evaluates a writtenreport based upon five categories – context of and purpose for writing, content development,genre and disciplinary conventions, sources and evidence, and the control of syntax andmechanics5. The video infomercial was evaluated using the Elevator Pitch Evaluation Rubric,created by faculty at Rowan University for a sophomore-level design course. This rubricconsiders content, organization, style, delivery, and the overall presentation6. Both the writtenand oral assignments were double coded to ensure the quality of the
programming, technical presentations and technical writing are taught in lec- ture and in online modules.This first year course has made significant use of the CNC laboratory to perform both short andlong projects. With approximately 160 students in the course in the Fall 2014 semester and 51students in the 2015 spring semester, this represents a relatively high student volume for hands-on manufacturing activities. Laboratories are run through the week with 18-19 students per sec-tion. The goal of the course is to maintain a relatively low-cost, project-intensive experiencewhile covering the appropriate content. Three categories of projects are performed during a se-mester, with approximately 10-15 CNC machining hours per student group
ElectricalEngineering, and six in Mechanical Engineering. All of these students should certify within theirmajor in the next year and have joined their peers as successful students in engineering.In this paper, we present an in-depth view of the program as well as evaluation results from thefirst two years of the program. We also showcase best practices and lessons learned in supportingat-risk students in engineering.STARS ProgramRecruitment and SelectionSTARS enrolls approximately 32 students from low socio-economic backgrounds each year ateach university. To qualify for the program, a student must be Pell Grant-eligible, graduate froma Washington high school with thirty percent or more of the students receiving free- or reduced-priced lunches, and express
Standards (NGSS)foregrounds the importance of collaboration in science and engineering practices by integratingcommunication as a fundamental criterion at all levels of K-12 education: “Engineers need to beable to express their ideas, orally and in writing, with the use of tables, graphs, drawings, ormodels and by engaging in extended discussions with peers.” 13 Such communication practicesare necessary for generating design solutions and for planning and carrying out collaborativeinvestigations.Previous studies indicate that young learners encounter communication challenges related totask, relational, and identity issues when collaborating on engineering design projects.14, 15 Otherresearch has identified effective scaffolding to support middle
. Page 26.293.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Bringing Technology to the First Year Design Experience through the use of Electronic Design NotebooksIntroductionIncluding a coordinated curriculum that provides an atmosphere of collaboration and supportfrom peers with first-year engineering students has been shown to increase graduation rates andthe overall positive experience for students.1,2 Our freshman Introduction to Engineering designcourse strives to accomplish this in part by providing a collaborative real-world engineeringdesign experience that pushes students to work well together to accomplish a design goal. Manyof these first year engineering students take
the Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE). He has held leadership positions including Vice-Dean of the Gradu- ate College at Drexel University, Vice-Chair of the IEEE Philadelphia Section, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering at Drexel University. His research focuses on the area of nanophotonics. He has served as PI or Co-PI on 53 funded grants with over $33M in sponsored re- search or foundation funding, and publication of >110 peer-reviewed articles. These metrics include both technical research and educational research/programs. He was selected as the 2015 Delaware Valley Engineer of the Year, and is also the recipient of a NASA New
year general chemistry course. SIincludes group and one-on-one peer tutoring as well as instructor and teaching assistant officehours. Previous research has shown that participation in SI correlates with higher course grades,more confidence in course material, greater material retention, higher overall GPA, and greaterstudent retention and graduation rates. [1] Engaging students in SI, however, has been a persistentchallenge. For example, a previous study found only 40% of students enrolled in historicallydifficult classes (including general chemistry) took advantage of the SI provided. This studyfound participants in SI were more likely to have a final course grade of B or better and lesslikely to withdraw from the class. [2]Last year we
timely feedback. 4. Students make complex decision on course concepts during class that are reported in simple form.In a team-based learning course, it is recommended that large (five to seven students per team)diverse teams are formed by the instructor at the beginning of the course, and stay consistent forthe duration of the course. To motivate every student to contribute and hold them accountable forin-class teamwork, peer evaluations are used. Either a fixed percentage grade or a scale factor forteam portion of the total grade is often incorporated in the grading scheme based on the result ofpeer evaluations.In a TBL class, course materials are divided into modules. A typical module spans several classperiods. Every module follows
education faculty. Research grants bring in money, which isimportant, and as a relatively small engineering school we have not attempted to pursuelarge NSF-style education grants or attempted to participate in an engineering educationcoalition.As Richlin7 states, when a faculty member has completed a scholarly teaching process, heor she must decide whether or not to proceed with turning the findings into thescholarship of teaching. The faculty must also consider, however, whether the extra effortto write up the material, subject it to another peer review, and disseminate the resultingmanuscript would be worth the time required in terms of faculty rewards. The sad truth isthat many departments and institutions do not count pedagogical scholarship as
in the pilot study, to refine potentialresearch design improve ● -We planned our word choice in the pre-interview questions for future interviewsthe fit between reality guide and interview prompts carefully so as not to -We implemented a pass system comprised of levelsand the theory generated? restrict or influence participants’ testimonies of reading transcripts, skimming transcripts, writing ● -We utilized meta-questions (asking for structured memos, listening to recorded interviews participants’ opinions and thoughts on answering and memoing, peer debriefing over memos and the questions
include gender in engineering education research, interdisciplinarity, peer review, engineers’ epistemologies, and global engineering education. Page 26.626.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Engineering Faculty Members’ Discussing the Role of University Policy in Addressing UnderrepresentationIntroductionDespite over thirty years of research and outreach to recruit and retain female engineeringstudents, women remain significantly underrepresented in engineering.1 While a large amount ofliterature has been generated on gender inequalities in faculty careers, no
presentations and technical writing are excellent methods to lay theground work for future interactions with their industry peers. However, they cannot replace theactual experience students gain when writing technical reports, participating in design reviewsand daily interaction with other professionals that the co-op experience provides.This improved communication has allowed the capstone sequence at Grand Valley StateUniversity to take on challenging projects. Projects centered on product development, testingand automation have all benefited from the improved skill set that a student gains during co-op.The instances where the students have a capstone project sponsored by their co-op employerallows a much smoother flow of communication. Teams with
deepeningliteracy engagement and comprehension. The goal is for educators to be enabled to integrateengineering using an area of strength, which typically tends to be literacy.Participants will learn ways to integrate engineering design and literacy, using books as thespringboard. We will also touch on how to integrate writing as a part of the design process andas a consolidation of student learning. They will learn to identify texts that lend themselves toNE and the myriad ways they can be used. Participants will read excerpts from grade-level textsin order to identify the problems, the needs of the character-clients, scope the constraints, engagein conceptual planning and then design and build prototypes that address the identified problems.We will have
treated communication “only as information Page 26.1493.2transfer” when what was required was a comprehensive development of social interactionskills. He thought that this could be achieved if students were given the opportunity to teachin their courses because “education, like engineering practice, relies on special kinds ofsocial interactions reflecting the specialized knowledge that defines the context”. He arguedthat students should be trained to teach because they also learn when they have to explain to“others using such methods as cooperative learning and peer instruction”.Trevelyan’s position is supported by a review of research on learning-by