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Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Meiqin Li, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Mathematics Division (MATH)
distribute one week to teach a simpleintroduction. The detailed topics about GVS usually are taught for math majors in a secondor an advanced version of a linear algebra course. Considering our audience are engineeringstudents, it is evident that numerical applications are preferred. The discoveries from thementioned peer institutes also validated such revision. Secondly, we add numerical compo-nents, which are not included in PTC . There are four parts for the newly added numericalcomponent: MATLAB live script for instructors to teach, MATLAB practice problems ingroup worksheet during each class meeting, coding basic concepts in MATLAB Grader, andMATLAB application projects in MATLAB Grader. By writing MATLAB programs, stu-dents have to imagine the
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nimmi Arunachalam, Florida International University; Mark A. Weiss, Florida International University; Jason Liu, Florida International University; Alina Melissa Perez, Florida International University; Giri Narasimhan, Florida International University; Stephanie Jill Lunn, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT)
-ended questions about the Guild usingthematic analysis. The findings demonstrated that the participants perceived the workshop asvaluable and enabled them to see how computing can be a medium to solve problems of humaninterest as well as a tool of self-expression. In particular, participants reported that the empatheticassistance given by the peer mentors made the learning process smoother, thus making itinspiring, engaging, and less intimidating. Going forward, more experiments and fine-tuning areneeded to continue to scale and improve the Guild. However, we hope the description of ourworkshop and findings from our investigation encourage other researchers and educators toconsider similar approaches to engage women and non-binary students in
Conference Session
Self-Advocacy, Sense of Belonging, Measuring Authentic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Construction Management Education Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmen Maria Lilley, The University of Illinois, Chicago
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
first workshop by Lindsay Marshall was focused onhelping PhD students overcome barriers to writing their dissertation, which is a source of anxietyfor PhD students and was a topic requested by members of the program. Students learned aboutmethods to organize their writing and overcome writing blocks. Resources for PhD graduatestudents to support their thesis writing were also shared with the group. The second workshopwas on time management for the busy student offered by the UIC Wellness Center. Finally, therewas a seminar on leadership by Dr. Jarrad Hampton-Marcell on science and being competitive inSTEM. We had a seminar on how to prepare for the postdoctoral search and maximizing theexperience as part of supporting their professional
Conference Session
Session 6 - Track 1: Intersectionality: Professional identity formation and the success of women of color in higher education STEM disciplines
2023 Collaborative Network for Computing and Engineering Diversity (CoNECD)
Saundra Johnson Austin, University of South Florida; Michelle Bradham-Cousar, Florida International University; Kemesha Gabbidon, University of South Florida
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
consider, which was the ArchivalPublication Authors, a National Science Foundation sponsored workshop hosted by theAmerican Association for Engineering Education. 2“The aim of the APA1 is to facilitate growth in manuscript writing skills and anunderstanding of the review process, leading to the development and refinement of newmanuscripts that are intended to be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.The APA will include instructor-led sessions and panels and interactive breakout sessionswith writing teams and mentors. Specifically, the workshop was designed to:1.Use ASEE journal solicitations to contextualize content;2.Challenge teams to draft
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 2: Program Design
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Qudsia Tahmina, The Ohio State University at Marion
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
required to develop conceptual and technical design reviews. Weekly activities include discussion posts on technical and communication topics related to the design project. Peer evaluations are conducted via Purdue’s CATME Peer-Evaluation tool three times during a semester and serve as a measure of teamwork. Technical writing is considered a critical piece of project documentation. Project deliverables such as oral presentations, design reviews, peer evaluations, and prototype testing are used to assess student learning objectives.III. Challenges in Teaching and Learning at the regional campusHigher Education institutions especially land grant institutions have relied upon the traditionalstudent population admitted to the central campus. With the
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division (CONST) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raissa Seichi Marchiori, University of Alabama; Siyuan Song, The University of Alabama; Sepehr Khorshid, University of Alabama
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
development, and engineering education. Through these research topics, Raissa has been publishing papers for peer-reviewed journal and conference pro- ceedings. Also, she is part of Dr. Siyuan Song’s research lab, the Safety Automation and Visualization Environment (SAVE) Laboratory, which integrates technologies and education themes to improve build- ing performance and safety engineering.Dr. Siyuan Song, The University of Alabama Dr. Siyuan Song is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental engineering at the University of Alabama. Her research interests include Occupational Safety and Health, Training and Workforce Development, Engineering Education, Building Information Modeling
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Masta, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Janelle Grant, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Cara Margherio, University of Washington; Darryl Dickerson, Florida International University; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
students.BackgroundIt is well established that teaching undergraduate students, particularly engineering students, howto work in teams is important [7], [8], difficult [9], and worth doing because students canimprove [10]. Teamwork assessment tools like CATME (a web-based peer evaluation tool foundat can help instructors identify teaming problems amongst students [11], [12].Challenges remain, however, for instructors of large courses who want to address such problemsin getting enough of the right kind of information to effectively intervene to help studentsimprove their teamwork skills, and then knowing how best to coach teams exhibiting evidence ofdysfunction.Researchers have established the outsized burden that minoritized teammates carry
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen L. Webber, University of Georgia; Amy Stich, University of Georgia; Matthew Grandstaff, University of Georgia; Collin Case, University of Georgia
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
gains in career competencies by gender, race/ethnicity, and financial aid status.Analyses revealed no significant differences by financial aid status (student receiving need-basedaid = yes/no), and only one item showed significant difference by race/ethnicity. On the itemlearning how to write better, Asian students reported higher value than all others (ANOVAF=4.018, p=.018). Analyses by gender revealed three items with statistically significantdifferences. As shown in Table III, women reported that their WREAs helped them withdeveloping their skills as a leader, learning how to write better, and learning how to work withpeople from diverse backgrounds more than their male peers. Table III
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Deters, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide; Brent Terwilliger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide; Emily Faulconer, University of Florida; Kelly A George, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
from Northcentral University (2012), as well as a Master’s of Aeronautical Science (2005) and B.S. in Aerospace Studies (2000) from ERAU. He has more than 10 years of experience in defense contracting, supporting several federal-level customers, including the U.S. Postal Service for automated sortation tech- nologies and the U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy on a wide variety of simulation and training programs. As a tenured faculty member at ERAU, Dr. Terwilliger has authored more than 25 peer-reviewed pub- lications, presented research findings at international venues, and provided unmanned systems expertise across a variety of televised, print, and digital media. He currently serves as a board member of the Asso
Conference Session
Learning through Instrumentation: Experiences and Applications
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyril B. Okhio, Kennesaw State University; Theodore Orrin Grosch, Kennesaw State University; Austin B. Asgill P.E., Kennesaw State University
Tagged Divisions
Instrumentation Division (INST)
network.Experimental ResultsThe wired BMS system was tested with a 12-cell pack. MATLAB was used to connect to theParent BMS Module and preform various read and write operations. The BMS was initialized topreform voltage measurements on each individual cell and the voltage of the block. Testing wasperformed on all four packs simultaneously. All voltages were confirmed by multi-meter. Balancingwas tested and confirmed working with the packs. The Wireless BMS uses a parent childarchitecture. First a request for cell information is made from the parent to the child pack. Theparent now waits for a response. The child communicates with the BMS chip and relays the datarequests back to the parent. This keeps wireless activity at a minimum since the children only
14th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference
Kathleen A Harper, Case Western Reserve University
expanding the inventory ofavailable electrical components and changing the intended client of the device.In the future, we will more formally assess the success of each design experience using thefollowing criteria: 1) percentage of teams that complete successful prototypes, 2) number ofstudents in each team contributing to work (as measured by peer review), 3) student satisfaction(self-reported), and 4) quality of student feedback to other teams. We will also perform aqualitative analysis of the responses to reflective questions teams will answer about the designexperience as part of the lab write-ups.
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hui Ma, University of Virginia
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Mathematics Division (MATH)
classAbstract: A redesigned engineering math sequence was implemented from fall 2016 to spring2020, and the study focused on data collected during fall 2018 and spring 2019 from a singleclass with a sample size of 25. The results of the study suggest that the redesigned sequencepositively impacted students' material mastery, communication, collaboration, andmetacognition. Although the sample size was small, and the results were not statisticallysignificant, it was found that students' view of math and perception of their preparedness mayplay a role in their participation and how they interact with the material, with peers, and with theinstructor and TAs.Keywords: engineering math, Calculus, active learning, redesignIntroductionCore curriculum for
Conference Session
Classroom Skills
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Timothy Aaron Wood P.E., The Citadel; Dan D Nale PE; Stephanie Laughton, The Citadel
Tagged Topics
Professional Engineering Education Papers
activities, and abbreviated social media arguments. However, upon graduation engineersneed to be able to interact and synthesize non-interactive sources like codes and design guides.Innovative practicing engineers are critical thinkers, actively synthesizing knowledge,constructively developing new solutions, and interactively engaging with various stakeholders.Engineering students will require coaching and teaching to develop their understanding the way © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023innovative engineers of all generations have: through reading, note-taking, problems solving,peer-interaction, and mentoring4. Engineering educators have a role in training students to usethese methods. Yet, many students are
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan L. Solnosky, P.E., Pennsylvania State University; Moses Ling, P.E., Pennsylvania State University
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Architectural Engineering Division (ARCHE)
and compound sentence structure. Conveying ideas in simple sentences is an art form that student should be encouraged to learn. • Student report usually rely on text only. This habit may have been created by the tools given to them, the smart phones and handheld devices. Given these text-only tools, students are less likely to choose a table or a graph, which can tell a better story. When graphics are done, they tend not to be professional in nature; rather they are the simple images with limited quality (e.g. like poorly take pictures that are fuzzy or shadows and backgrounds showed on non-scanned images). • Student reports need detailed peer review for grammar and structure. Team writing often
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division 2 - Engagement in Practice Lightning Round: Equitable Engagement and Transformative Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ezequiel Aleman, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Ethan Paul Ruchotzke; Michael Brown, Iowa State University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division (COMMENG)
describingproblems experienced by youth, e.g. “If I could change one thing about school, it would be…”, “I wish thepeople around me would…”, “I wish teachers knew…”, etc. These two activities provided youth withopportunities to think not only about the game mechanics they will be designing but also about the story ofthe game and how they want players to feel. The second stage, problem-framing, involved youth thinking together as a group about thechallenges they observe among their peers. Participants were asked to write down on a collaborative boardideas about challenges youth face at home, at school, at work, but also challenges they envision for theirfuture or for future generations. Once each team had brainstormed a list of issues, they would
Conference Session
Disciplinary Engineering Education Research – Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beth (Ann Elizabeth) Wittig, City University of New York, City College of New York, Department of Civil Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
talk about their responsibilities as college-level learners (e.g., know what is expected,do the work, manage time, present work clearly, write effectively, create productive groups, andcommunicate professionally). A “lack of social integration” is addressed by providing weeklyopportunities to connect with their peers (e.g., partnered in class activities, peer tutoring), withfaculty (e.g., office hours, one-on-one advisement sessions), and with major resources (e.g.,study rooms, major events like mixers, college events like career fairs).The content delivery is designed to be engaging and student-centered. Experiential learningapproaches such as active learning, project-based learning, and service learning are the norm inthe intervention, as is
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Holistic Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joan Z. Carter, Inver Hills Community College
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
pathway offers a lower-cost, quality education, allowing students of allmath levels access to an engineering degree with courses that transfer to a four-year institution.These students gained the skills necessary to be successful and were able to earn an engineeringdegree with little debt. Relationships with peers and authority figures were crucial to thestudents’ successful journey.Through collaboration, students learn more and gain a deeper understanding of the material.Students need multiple sources of encouragement, recognition, and successes to persist towardan engineering degree. Seeing themselves in a role model is beneficial. Engineering lifestyle,comfort, money, and making a positive difference were factors in choosing an
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division (SWED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Milkowki, Seattle University
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Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division (SWED)
and presentations,with the possibility of incorporating peer evaluations in the future. The course's inclusivity,accessibility, and ability to support diverse learners were evaluated by analyzing the courseevaluations. Figure 2 presents the course evaluation responses from students. Course completionrates and enrollment trends will be examined once enough students have participated. Figure 2: Course evaluation responses of the studentsConclusionAt the time of writing, the number of students surveyed was limited, and observations are noteduntil more data is collected from a larger sample size.1) The course's ability to motivate students and foster interest in robotics programming wasevident.2) The real-life examples presented during the
Conference Session
Reviewing Emergent Topics and Theory in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yi Cao, Virginia Tech; Qin Zhu, Virginia Tech; Jennifer M. Case, Virginia Tech
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
, interviews, self-reflection, and peer assessment [22] are common and valuable approaches to assessingindividuals' teamwork performance. Critical Team Behaviors Form (CTBF) measures teamworkskills in tactical decision-making teams, in which the critical skill dimensions and behaviorsmust be identified and presented in reports. Multiple raters strive for consistency in theirjudgments on assessment reports (David Kraus). Furthermore, the format for the measurementmethodology must be readily understandable and usable [20]. Teamwork assessment tools usedin engineering education have also been studied in the existing literature, for example, self-reflections [23], peer assessment [24], e-portfolio [25], online assessment tools [26].3.2 Methodological
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cherie D. Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University; Bryanne Peterson; Sreyoshi Bhaduri, ThatStatsGirl; Cassandra J. McCall, Utah State University; Desen Sevi Özkan, Tufts University
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
lab activities in this course, students were tasked with a visual depiction to showdifferent types of bias. The details of this activity and resultant student visual depictions will bediscussed in this section. The lab for this week consisted of a 75 minute course block with areading and question prompts assigned for after the lab period. In the lab, the first activity forstudents was to discuss and define the word bias with their peers. At this point in the semester,students have not encountered a formal statistical definition of bias in data. In the next step,students were tasked to read a comic inspired by Dr. Joy Buolamwini’s work on gender shades(Buolamwini & Gebru, 2018). This comic was drawn by Vreni Stollberger and published in
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 3: Let's Get Thinking on Design
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Povinelli, Syracuse University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
. This approach encourages motivation through emotionallearning and emphasizes collaborative, integrative, and constructive learning. The approachintegrates placed-based learning with journaling and sketching to foster observation, curiosity,imagination, and creativity while also employing rigorous homework practices that involvecritical reading and reflective, analytical, and critical writing. The approach of providing studentswith cumulative and integrated transdisciplinary learning content, equips them with thenecessary knowledge and heuristic abilities to work effectively in HDT teams, even before theyembark on their design projects.Pedological MethodologyLearning methodologies in Holistic Engineering (HE) draw on numerous established
2023 Rocky Mountain Section Conference
Abolfazl Amin; Israd Jaafar; Abdennour Seibi; Sean Tolman P.E.; Matthew Ballard
appropriate concepts to project planning, idea generation, prototyping, modeling and conveying information both in written and oral formats 7. Use effective team processes, communication, and conflict resolution skills 8. Design a product that meets a set of constraints ME Capstone II By the end of this course students will: 1. Apply the steps in product realization process to a specific project 2. Function in a team environment to make a project plan and complete the project 3. Write an engineering project report 4. Use effective team processes, communication, and conflict resolution skills 5. Design a product that meets a set of constraintsFigure 3: ME Capstone Learning Outcomes in accordance with ABET
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Quezada-Espinoza, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile; Marcela Silva, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile; Carolina Alvarado, California State University, Chico
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
are reported on threefocus groups held with ten women, all students, former students, and teaching professionals froma Construction Engineering degree program at a private Chilean university. This methodologypresents results regarding participant perception of their sense of belonging, their positive andnegative experiences in an environment related to construction, whether in the campus or workcontext, and their proposed solutions for enhancing this sense of belonging within the sector.Despite differences in participants' life stages, they all believe that self-confidence, recognitionfrom peers and leaders, social interactions, and knowledge and skills are critical factors thatimprove their sense of belonging.Keywords: focus groups; sense of
Conference Session
Energy Conversion, Conservation and Nuclear Engineering Division (ECCNE) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University; Dylan Brady Wolter, Northeastern University ; Julia Ariano; Gabriella Marie Green
Tagged Divisions
Conservation and Nuclear Engineering Division (ECCNE), Energy Conversion
, such as the final project,were vital to our learning as engineering students. Specifically, the way our professor taught thecourse was rated either on par or higher than the department and university mean in theeffectiveness of instruction. Along with the 5-point scale, students were also able to leaveanonymous feedback about their opinions of the course. A response from one of our peers sumsup our views on the course by saying, “If you devote the time and energy to [our professor’s]class[,] it is extremely rewarding as you will come out with coding experience, 3D modeling, aswell as tangible products and technical writing.”The course also helped us with our time management skills. One of our peers said, “He [ourprofessor] has a strong focus
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 3: Mentorship and Communication in Engineering Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abimelec Mercado Rivera, Arizona State University; Mayra S. Artiles, Arizona State University; Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
ourinstrument was guided by the research question: What influence does the instrumental andpsychosocial support that engineering graduate students perceive from their advisor haveon their thesis self-efficacy? Using SCCT as our theoretical foundation, this work focuseson the development and validation of the Advisor Support and Self-efficacy for Thesiscompletion (ASSET) instrument with graduate students pursuing master’s and doctoraldegrees in engineering disciplines.Our resultant construct of Thesis Self-efficacy measures the confidence that a student has in theirabilities to complete specific tasks that are key to the writing of their dissertation, thesis, orapplied project report, while our Advisor Support construct measures a student’s perception
Conference Session
Mathematics and Material Science
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Rebekah L Martin, Virginia Military Institute; Charles D Newhouse P.E., Virginia Military Institute; Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute; Kacie Caple D'Alessandro, Virginia Military Institute
Tagged Topics
Professional Engineering Education Papers
and WestVirginia require students to complete three or four math courses, but those course selections canvary.KeywordsMath, College Preparation, High School Diploma, Civil Engineering, Tutoring, RetentionIntroductionCivil engineering is built upon a core set of mathematics, science, and humanities topics.Incoming students are expected to have a level of base knowledge acquired prior to matriculatinginto a civil engineering program. How they obtain this knowledge is unique to every student dueto the vast number of options to gain secondary education and prepare for college. In manycases, the depth of this knowledge varies greatly, especially in mathematics, science, and writing. © American Society for Engineering
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cecelia M. Wigal, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
not necessarily result in all students completing the required activities. Some students takeon little responsibility for the team activity and depend on their peers to complete the work.Since it is a team activity, these students benefit academically from their peers’ efforts thoughtheir new knowledge is limited. Thus, assessing the outcomes of team projects may noteffectively measure individual student learning.This study addresses one means to increase the responsibility, and thus learning, of individualteam members when completing a team-based project. It reports on an intervention the courseinstructor made to increase individual contribution to a team design project and theintervention’s result on student learning and contribution
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 6: Mentors & Teams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ingrid Paredes, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Kaz Burns; Jack Bringardner, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Rui Li, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Ameya Palav; Elena Rose Hume; Victoria Bill, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Chris Woods, NYU
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
Teaching AssistantsAbstractThis complete experience-based practice paper describes the ongoing development of diversity,equity, and inclusion (DEI) training for undergraduate engineering teaching assistants in a first-year, team project-based design course. At a large private university, undergraduate teachingassistants play a key role in first-year student success and the mentorship of their cornerstonedesign project. As the first points of reference for students, they assist with content delivery,guide students through hands-on labs and projects, and deliver regular feedback on assignments.Effective teaching assistants are leaders, thus their training as educators is essential to our first-year students’ success. To support this endeavor, peer
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 4: Mentoring Programs in Graduate Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Arnold Christian; Dayna L. Martínez, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc.; Esther Gonzalez; Andrea D. Beattie; Ashleigh Tierney; Kimberly D. Douglas, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc.
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
passion for increasing Hispanic representation in STEM. She currently lives with her husband Andr´es, their two sons David and Sebasti´an, and their minia- ture schnauzer Lucca in Winter Garden, Florida.Esther Gonzalez Esther Gonz´alez, MPA, MBA, ABD is a PhD Candidate at University of Southern California’s Price School of Public Policy with subject matter expertise in organization behavior and diversity management. Her research is multidisciplinary and applies methods and fields in public policy and management. She is a published author in several peer reviewed journals with media mentions in Forbes. Previously, she served as Director on the Research and Innovation team at the Society of Hispanic Professional
Conference Session
Engineering and Engineering Technology Transfer and the Two-Year College Student Part 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Henry Griffith, San Antonio College; Heena Rathore, Texas State University
Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
been the winner of a number of prestigious awards including IEEE Achievements Award, Young Engineer Award, Global Engineering Impact Award and Graphical System Design Achievement Award. She has published more than 30 papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences in her field and is the sole author of Map- ping Biological Systems to Network Systems (Springer). She was also featured on TedX, Qatar held by TedXAlDafnaEd in Qatar and her work is covered in professional and major trade publications, major media, such as Microwave Journal, Everything RF, Financial Express, Science Reporter, the Times of India, and India Today. She has been invited as a panelist, TPC member and has been a chair for multiple sessions