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do but can communicate that to those outside the department. Using individuals who specialize in communication...that is a plus.” Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science FoundationREvolutionizing Engineering and Computer Science Departments Participatory Action Research Grant Nos. 1540042 and 1540072CREATING STRATEGIC
East Carolina University, and Co-Director of ECU’s pan-institutional STEAM Education Research Cluster. His research focuses on the teaching and learning of earth and environmental science content, environmental education, and STEM instruction. He is a former high school earth science teacher who has served as PI, Co-PI, or Evaluator on NOAA, NSF, NIH, US Department of Education, IMLS, state, and foundation funded projects. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Using an Immersive Classroom Simulated Environment for Math and Science Discourse Development in Pre-service TeachersAn interdisciplinary team of researchers from East Carolina University (ECU)’s College
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perceive this as a valuable activity.References[1] C. Gunn, “The value of scavenger hunts in the life of a freshman,” in Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Paper AC 2008-2912, Pittsburgh, PA: American Society for Engineering Education, June 2008.[2] S. Gray, E. Lindsay and J. Walraven, “ORIENTHUNT: The development of a scavenger hunt to meet the needs of a first year engineering orientation,” in Proceedings of the 22nd AAEE Conference, Dec 5-7 2011, Fremantle, WA: Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 2011, pp. 543-549.[3] E. Lindsay, S. Gray, and N. Lloyd, “Students’ Responses to a Scavenger Hunt for First Year Engineering Orientation,” World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF
lbm ,lb 4 ft , 45 , and 0 . Accordingly, mb 50/32.174 1.554 (lbf s 2 )/ft .Constraints and RelationsAs a direct result of the geometric constraints on the bar motion, simple vector relationships andtwo successive time-differentiations yield rG 12 (rA rB ) aG 12 (a A a B ) (16)Other kinematic constraints for the two-dimensional motion of the falling/sliding bar include a A aA i aG ax i a y j , (17) a B aB [(cos ) i (sin ) j] α kWhen selected relations from Eqs
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shield features CAN V2.0B up to1Mb/s. It uses the Microchip MCP2515 CAN controller and the MCP 2551 transceiver. Astandard 9-way sub-D, used with an OBD-II cable, enables the CAN connection. The shield hasa micro-SD card holder, a serial LCD connector, and a connector for an EM506 GPS module. Ithas a high speed SPI Interface of 10MHz On the shield, there is a reset button, joystick menunavigation control, and two LED indicators. Power can be supplied to Arduino by the sub-D viaa resettable fuse and reverse polarity protection [4].2.4 Triple-Axis Accelerometer BreakoutThe triple-axis accelerometer as shown in Figure 5 is used to determine acceleration forces inlongitude, latitude, and vertical directions within the FSAE car. The accelerometer has
from existing research [21, 31-33], and we tried to align the STEM activities toSTEM careers when possible. A second set of items to assess students’ career interests drewfrom Holland’s work on six personality types and the career activities associated with them:realistic (R), investigative (I), artistic (A), social (S), enterprising (E), and conventional (C) [34].We adapted items from the O*NET Interest Profiler [35-36] that assesses career/vocationalinterests based on these RIASEC types. We sought to reduce the number of items by havingstudents pick the O*NET-derived activity they most preferred within a set that included anoption from each RIASEC category rather than rating all items. We presented five sets of 6activities each, and then a
beliefs and behavior through experience- taking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(1), pp.1-19.[6] R. A. of Engineering, “Creating cultures where all engineers thrive- A unique study of inclusion across the UK engineering,” 2017.[7] Todd, A., Galinsky, A. and Bodenhausen, G. (2012). Perspective Taking Undermines Stereotype Maintenance Processes: Evidence from Social Memory, Behavior Explanation, and Information Solicitation. Social Cognition, 30(1), pp.94-108.[8] Gutierrez, B., Kaatz, A., Chu, S., Ramirez, D., Samson-Samuel, C. and Carnes, M. (2014). “Fair Play”: A Videogame Designed to Address Implicit Race Bias Through Active Perspective Taking. Games for Health Journal, 3(6), pp.371
contactless inlet and exit valves forindividual rotating combustion chambers that periodically charge and discharge as they rotate pastthe inlet and exit ports. The device is designed in such a way that combustion is initiated shortlyafter both ends of the channel(s) are closed, generating a constant volume combustion where themixture pressure and temperature are elevated significantly. Meanwhile, centrifugal force on theflow facilitates the flushing and loading processes. The high-pressure hot gases exiting thechannels are directed to two-dimensional nozzle guide vanes mounted at the rotor exhaust ports.The nozzle guide vanes accelerate and deliver the burned gases to a two-dimensional cross-flowradial turbine with impulse-type blading mounted on
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Department of Education through the Minority Science andEngineering Improvement Program (MSEIP, Award No. P120A150014); and the NationalScience Foundation (NSF #1752255).Bibliography1. Olson S, Riordan DG: Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Report to the President. Executive Office of the President 2012.2. Gregerman SR, Lerner JS, von Hippel W, Jonides J, Nagda BA: Undergraduate student-faculty research partnerships affect student retention. The Review of Higher Education 1998, 22:55-72.3. Graham MJ, Frederick J, Byars-Winston A, Hunter A-B, Handelsman J: Increasing persistence of college students in STEM. Science
energy through sustainable means.The curriculum is also intended to question who is doing engineering, where engineering is done,and whose knowledge is valued. Primarily, the ultimate goal of future research is to use theseframeworks and reconceptualization of engineering to work together with communities and formlong-term relationships to validate and recognize indigenous knowledge in engineering spaces.AcknowledgementsThis work would not have been possible without the financial contributions of the University ofSan Diego International Center and the Mbyá-Guaraní community. Gracias por contribuir a esteproyecto con todos sus conocimientos.References[1] M. Bonomo, R. C. Angrizani, E. Apolinaire, and F. S. Noelli, "A model for the Guaraní
to allowsystem-wide use, i.e., instructors in other domains can browse and search for the content, andthen import into a course, but more granular distribution rights can be set, as needed, e.g.,restricted to specific domain(s), and/or specific course(s).The LON-CAPA Academic Consortium Board maintains the authoritative list of nodes anddomains that belong to the network [8]. All nodes in the network retrieve this authoritative listdaily and update locally cached information about network membership. Both forward andreverse DNS mapping is required for the hostname and IP address of each LON-CAPA node,and a static IP address needs to have been assigned. LON-CAPA requires that standard web ports80 and 443 are open, and in addition, a dedicated
., “Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment Modules for Probing Gold Nanoparticle Interfacial Phenomena,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 92, no. 11, pp. 1924– 1927, Nov. 2015.[3] I. E. Pavel et al., “Estimating the Analytical and Surface Enhancement Factors in Surface- Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS): A Novel Physical Chemistry and Nanotechnology Laboratory Experiment,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 286–290, Jan. 2012.[4] K. M. Metz, S. E. Sanders, A. K. Miller, and K. R. French, “Uptake and Impact of Silver Nanoparticles on Brassica rapa : An Environmental Nanoscience Laboratory Sequence for a Nonmajors Course,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 264–268, Feb. 2014.[5] G. C. Weaver and K. Norrod, “Surface Enhanced Raman
ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2008, pp. xxi, 232 p.[7] S. L. Gassman, M. A. Maher, B. Timmerman, and C. E. Pierce, "Pedagogical Techniques to Promote Development of Graduate Engineering Students as Disciplinary Writers," (in English), 2013 ASEE Annual Conference, 2013.[8] A. Lee and R. Murray, "Supervising writing: Helping postgraduate students develop as researchers," (in English), Innovations in Education and Teaching International, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 558-570, Sep 3 2015.[9] S. L. Gassman, M. A. Maher, and B. E. Timmerman, "Supporting Students' Disciplinary Writing in Engineering Education," (in English), International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1270-1280
incapable of learning or discerningfact from fiction without the assistance of an intellectually superior individual to teach them ordumb-down the material through parables or simplified rules. Patrick Quin describes Aquinas’Super de Trin.2.4 “that theological truth is best transmitted to the faithful in parabolic form… itmight, he thinks, confuse the uneducated who would misunderstand it and be ridiculed byunbelievers who detest it anyway” [10]. Aquinas states: “…it is said in Luke 8:10, ‘To you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but to the rest in parables.’ Therefore one ought by obscurity in speech conceal the sacred truths from the multitude” (Pars 1 q. 2 a. 4 s. c. 3). “…the words of a teacher ought
for Literacy (CCSS-L)—The NGSS includes CCSS-M and CCSS-L aligned with various PEs as evidenced in the connection boxes. 9. Carefully construct a storyline — The constructed storyline can begin from students’ prior ideas and evolve into sophisticated ideas of how student understanding, especially, the DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs, may develop over time. 10. Ask the following question, “How do the lesson(s) help students move towards an understanding of the PEs?’’ — After completing the lesson development process, it is important to review the developed lesson plan and reconfirm that it can build students’ knowledge and comprehension of the PEs. Here, it is vital to unpack the development of lesson level PEs
outcome. Table 1 lists the learning outcomes for which a statistically significantimprovement ( α = 0.05 ) was observed.Table 1: Competencies for which students reported statistically significant increase inpercentage of “often” or “always” after having taken the Grand Challenges course. Category Learning OutcomeTeamwork ● Respond to conflicts in a helpful way ● Listen and consider different points of view and perspectivesEthics ● Identify a potential position on an issue and consider the ethical implication(s)Writing ● Revise a written piece to make improvements ● Integrate evidence from and cite or document sources ● Organize and synthesize information from sources to
.) - Cancellations - What is the best way to notify each other in case a meeting needs to be postponed? Will you use MentorCity messages to notify each other of changes? What is the length of notice required if unable to keep a meeting appointment? (Mentorship Program requirement: Mentee is responsible for logging the cancellation in the MentorCity system.) - (A) Agendas - How will the mentee share an agenda prior to each meeting? The professionally- formatted agenda can include updates, specific discussion topic(s), action items and setting the next meeting date. (B) Minutes - How will the mentee document and share minutes from each meeting? These professionally-formatted meeting minutes can include highlights
of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Design, Build, Fly (DBF)team competitions.For example, the US Air Force Academy (USAFA) possessed hands-on student satellite androcketry programs beginning in the mid-1990’s (one author was a founding member of theseefforts). The satellite program has been a robust multidisciplinary effort, involving cadets from theastronautical engineering major, as well as those from mechanical engineering, electricalengineering, computer engineering, space physics, and management majors. These satelliteprograms could span 1-2 academic years, with cadet teams of roughly 20-40 participating for upto 2 years (junior and senior years). Cadets receive formal course credit and participate in all phasesof the systems