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University. I am the PI on a multi- institutional track 3 S-STEM grant designed to support low-income students in eastern NC at East Carolina University and 3 partnering community colleges. My disciplinary scholarship focuses on sensor networks for improvement of health. My educational scholarship focuses on curricular innovations and support to improve student outcomes. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by www.slayte.comLessons Learned from a Portfolio of Community-Engaged Capstone Projects Related to Engineering EconomicsAbstractThis paper examines a portfolio of community-engaged capstone projects with teams ofinterdisciplinary
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study skills and/orstudents struggling to adapt the correct learning technique(s) best associated for a certain topic. Masteringthe content in ordered sequence is particularly critical as students in AE are a non-controlled enrollmentstatus, that is, students with lower than 3.0 GPA may enter the major. Anecdotal evidence indicates thatstudents at lower GPA levels have greater difficulties with these challenging courses. In many instances,the difficulties can be attributed to underdeveloped learning skills and their cognitive processing abilities.Failure to successfully complete these courses unwittingly results in setbacks, such as, on-time entrance tomajor and academic progress in subsequence major courses for a significant number of
Paper ID #37442Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Next Generation DesktopLearning Modules for Chemical and Mechanical EngineeringEducationAminul Islam Khan (Mr.) Aminul Islam Khan Received his B.S. and M. S. from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology where he also served as a Lecturer and Assistant Professor. Currently, Khan is a Ph.D. candidate at Washington State University. He has been involved in multidisciplinary research including hands-on learning for STEM education, transport modeling in micro/nanoscale devices, and various inverse techniques including Bayesian inference, Monte Carlo
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the above specifications. Hopefully, a stream of projects cancontinue to be generated. AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0336591. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. References1. Caso, R., Clark, C., Froyd, J.E., Inam, A., Kenimer, A.L., Morgan, J.R., and Rinehart, J., “A Systemic Change Model in Engineering Education and Its Relevance for Women,” Proceedings, 2002 American Society of Engineering Education Conference and
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project has proven that designing, creating, and printing 3D molds using the TinkerCAD softwareand 3D printers is feasible. The new push system design will eliminate the granule removal issue seenin Prototype 2. The future goal is to scale up the current Prototype 3 design to produce more tabletswith a single mold. By creating the ideal prototype, the creation of tablets made from non-syntheticexcipients will be achieved and potentially allow tailoring of a new and effective drug formulations. References 1. Byrn, S., Futran, M., Thomas, H., Jayjock, E., Maron, N., Meyer, R.F., Myerson, A.S., Thien, M.P., and Trout, B.L. (2015). Achieving continuous manufacturing for final dosage formation
for all pins is identified, the pins can beconfigured as output pins by writing the word value to the GPIO_OUTPUT_EN memory address asshown in the sample code in Figure 2 (Lines 1-3).All of the obtained word values for all of the pins we used are defined in our source code filememorymap.inc as shown in Figure 3. This configuration file is also used to store the base address foraccessing the pins (GPIO_CTRL_ADDRESS), and the offsets used for enabling output(GPIO_OUPTUT_EN) and changing pin state (GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL) which are found in FE310-G002 manual5. This configuration file is included in all of our .S assembly files. 1 li t0, GPIO_CTRL_ADDRESS # Store into t0 GPIO BASE address 2 li t1, GPIO_PINS
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. MethodologyThis project is divided into two main sections, hardware and software. The hardwarediscussion will detail the microcontroller, the development environment and allrequirements necessary to recreate a working model. The software section will brieflyillustrate the Keil C IDE and JavaKit applications as well as the firmware written for themicrocontroller.HardwareThe DS80C400 is a microcontroller with onboard network support. In addition, themicrocontroller has seven bidirectional parallel ports, four counters/timers and threeserial ports with onboard UARTs (3). The instruction execution speed has beendramatically increased with a maximum input clock speed of 75 MHz and the original8051’s 12 clocks-per-instruction cycle has been reduced to four