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Displaying results 1651 - 1680 of 1900 in total
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Furse, University of Utah; Neil E. Cotter, University of Utah; Angela Rasmussen, University of Utah
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Electrical and Computer
errors (most frequent errors listed first)  What solution method to use and when  Inability to write valid expressions for  Supernodes currents in branches in node voltage  How to measure node voltages and method. voltage differences, and current  Missing voltage equation for supernode.  Thévenin-Norton, RTh, and why we would  Two sources instead of one on at a time in use this? Especially confusing with superposition method. dependent sources.  Sign errors.  Superposition questions (why/when/how?) Unit 3: Op amp circuits, systems, digital logic Muddiest points
Conference Session
Topics in Computing and Information Technology-II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arshia Khan, University of Minnesota, Duluth
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Computing and Information Technology
invited to this group and the student mentor monitored the difference between the group discussion between women and men. This social platform offered students who were new to programming an avenue to communicate and explore programming techniques and learn from their peers. The topics of the discussion aimed at the implementation of weekly assignments and expanded
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Self Efficacy
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tanya Dugat Wickliff, Texas A&M University; So Yoon Yoon, Texas A&M University; Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University; Noemi V. Mendoza Diaz, Texas A&M University
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First-Year Programs
Award, the Black Engineer of the Year Career Achievement Award for New Emerging Leaders and fea- tured in several publications. She has presented keynote addresses, facilitated workshops and given moti- vational presentations at numerous civic and corporate forums domestically and internationally. She is a contributing author to Tavis Smiley’s book, ”Keeping the Faith”, with her inspiring life story. Dr. Wickliff was honored to write the forward for her youngest son’s book, ”Young And Driven” which chronicles his historical journey from youngest engineer in the nation at age 19 to youngest Harvard Law graduate at 22 and more. She believes that her life’s calling and thus career quest is to be a catalyst of signicant
Conference Session
Girls in Engineering
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafic Bachnak, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College; Susan Kathryn Eskin, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College; Sara Love, Penn State Harrisburg
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Pre-College Engineering Education
happy to meet a whole group of their peers who shared   their interests and aspirations. The program has been funded for another year. There will besmall changes, but overall the program will retain the same structure and focus.Other summer programs7, 12-13 report similar enthusiasm from the participants. Those programsalso reported that student evaluations of the sessions and experiences received high marks.During the last year, several parents of students communicated that their children are nowactively planning on entering an engineering career when previously they had different plans.Data has not yet been collected to evaluate the long-term
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Quiles-Ramos, Virginia Tech; Ellen K. Foster, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Donna M Riley, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Jennifer Karlin, Minnesota State University, Mankato
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Women in Engineering
acting,working, collaborating, etc.). Individual choice then is pressured by network peers to conform totheir normative processes and practices. In academia, challenges of interdisciplinarity can beparticularly strenuous. Engineering as a discipline can be viewed as a large network, but when youexamine engineering more closely, you understand that the various subdisciplines are strongnetworks with ties (connections) to the overarching network of engineering. Sometimes crossingdisciplinary lines, even from one subdiscipline of engineering to another can be particularlydifficult – especially as institutional factors (like Tenure & Promotion) are taken intoconsideration. Needless to say, this can be particularly challenging for those
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
K. Jo Min, Iowa State University; John Jackman, Iowa State University; Michelle Zugg, Iowa State University
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Engineering Economy
The Engineering Economist, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Engineering Education, and other peer-reviewed journals. He has been serving as an ABET program evaluator for EAC and ETAC and as a reviewer for various NSF engineering education panels.Dr. John Jackman, Iowa State University John Jackman is an associate professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering at Iowa State University. His research interests include engineering problem solving, computer simulation, web-based immersive learning environments, and data acquisition and control.Michelle Zugg, Iowa State University Michelle Zugg is a Masters of Science
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David G. Alexander Ph.D., California State University - Chico
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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
the first term,students work with a customer to identify the engineering specifications and design validationtest procedures. Throughout the semester capstone teams give three formal project presentationsto peers, clients, and faculty. Presentations include a project design proposal, preliminary designreview, and final design review. The final design presentation includes a completed budget, billof material, CAD models, wiring schematics, and custom fabrication needs, among otherrequirements. The second term focuses primarily on fabrication, testing, and design validationwith the required hardware deliverable showcased during the end of the term.WorkshopsA just-in-time approach was adopted for delivering content to students in the form of
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 7
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter McDonald, Virginia Tech; Daniel S. Brogan, Virginia Tech; Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech; Gopalkrishna H. Joshi, KLE Technological University; Ashok S. Shettar, KLE Technological University
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), funded under the US-Brazil Higher Education Program of the U.S. Department of Education, at VT. He has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.Prof. Gopalkrishna H. Joshi, KLE Technological University Dr.Gopalkrishna H Joshi has his PhD in Computer Science & Engineering. He is currently working as a Professor of Computer Science & Engineering and is also leading Engineering Education initiatives in KLE TECH as Director of Centre for Engineering Education Research. He research areas of interest include Data Engineering and Engineering Education.Prof. Ashok S. Shettar, KLE Technological University Dr. Ashok S. Shettar is Vice-Chancellor of KLE Technological University, Hubli India. He
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aimee Cloutier, Texas Tech University; Jerry Dwyer, George Washington University; Sonya E. Sherrod, Texas Tech University
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them to teach mathematics for conceptual understanding. She currently coaches graduate students in the College of Education at Texas Tech University in their dissertation research and writing. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Exploration of Hands-on/Minds-on Learning in an Active STEM Outreach ProgramAbstractThe importance of encouraging interest in science, technology, engineering, andmathematics (STEM) in students from underrepresented groups is well recognized.Summer outreach programs are a common means of accomplishing this goal, butbalancing program content between information and entertainment can be a challengingissue. Typically, programs include hands-on
Conference Session
Out-of-school-time Engineering: Implications for Underrepresented Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Clinkscales Verdell, Mississippi State University; Jason M. Keith, Mississippi State University; James Warnock, Mississippi State University; Vemitra White Alexander, Mississippi State University
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Minorities in Engineering
corporatesponsor and was heavily tied to real industry needs. By working with corporate mentors studentsbecame better acclimated to the engineering profession through the use of engineering acumen,and problem solving techniques. This opportunity allowed students meaningful early exposure tothe engineering discipline and helped to shape their understanding of the field. This engagementprovided a basis for future skills needed for project based learning such as capstone coursework[7].Among the major University partners for the Summer Bridge Program are the Math and ChemistryDepartments, the Learning Center, University Library, Career Services and the Writing Center.Each of these provide unique services that benefit the program. For instance, the Math
Conference Session
Measuring the Impact of Community Engagement on Students
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Siniawski, Loyola Marymount University; Sandra G. Luca, Loyola Marymount University; Jeremy S. Pal, Loyola Marymount University; Jose A. Saez, Loyola Marymount University
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Community Engagement Division
toBarrington and Duffy (2010), general benefits to students include increases in subject mattercomprehension, GPA, retention, critical thinking skills, tolerance for diversity, writing skills, andcitizenship6. Specific gains in both professional and technical skills have been reported. Forexample, in a recent study by Carberry et al. (2013), engineering students on average identifiedthat 45% of what they have learned about technical skills and 62% of what they have learnedabout professional skills was gained through their engineering service experience7. Femalestudents credited service experiences as their source of both professional and technical skillssignificantly higher than male students, which was consistent across academic years7.Furthermore
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David A. Rogers P.E., North Dakota State University; Orlando R. Baiocchi, University of Washington, Tacoma; Paulo F Ribeiro, UNIFEI
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Engineering Ethics
are good examples). And the most important part of the course, and akey component of the grading, is a research paper where students choose their own themes. In thatpaper, for example on nuclear energy, students need to address the history of that technology, itsimpact on society, the future perspectives, and the ethical implications of that technology.Important parts of this research paper are peer-review before the final version of the paper is turnedin and presentation to the class at the end of the course.Below, is a list of topics chosen in the 2013-2014 academic year by students in the Global Honorsprogram: 1. Everyday Services, Complex International Politics 2. The Future of Printing: 3D Bioprinting 3. Genetically
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 4: The Best of the All: FPD Best Papers
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Genevieve Hoffart, University of Calgary; Nicole Lynn Larson, University of Calgary; Tom O'Neill, University of Calgary; Matthew James Walter McLarnon, University of Western Ontario; Marjan Eggermont, University of Calgary; Bob Brennan, University of Calgary; Bill Rosehart, University of Calgary
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First-Year Programs
peer evaluations, and leading teamwork training sessions. She is currently conducting research on team learning processes in engineering student project teams. Additionally, she has co-developed a framework for measuring and in- terpreting an array of team dynamics. An online assessment tool has been created based on this framework which allows teams to diagnose and improve the ”health” of their team. She is passionate about her area of research and plans to continue conducting research on factors that contribute to effective teamwork.Dr. Tom O’Neill, University of Calgary Tom is a Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology and leading expert in the areas of team dy- namics, virtual teams, conflict management
Conference Session
Evaluation: Technology and Tools for K-12 Engineering Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeff Gregorio, Drexel University; David S Rosen, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Brandon Gregory Morton, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Alyssa M Batula, Drexel University; Michael Caro; Jeffrey Scott, Drexel University; Youngmoo Kim, Drexel University; Kara Martine Lindstrom, Drexel University, ExCITe Center
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
thestudents to explore an area they find interesting in greater depth than the time constraints of theactivities allow. This gives students the opportunity to experiment and come up with ideas of theirown to implement. Utilizing information, skills, and engineering vocabulary acquired in theactivities, each student interactively designs a final project which is presented and demonstratedfor their peers, parents, and instructors. A point of emphasis is for students to explicitly discusskey decisions and incremental developments throughout the week with regard to the iterativeengineering design process: planning, analysis and design, testing, and evaluation.Projects fall under one of four main categories, and within each group, students are encouraged
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computing and Information Technology Programs I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Pickard, East Carolina University; Annie Y. Patrick, East Carolina University; Dustin Stocks
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Computing & Information Technology
Page 26.1292.2university.IPv4 exhaustionThe last remaining public IPv4 addresses were allocated by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA) to the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) on February 3rd, 2011. Four of thefive RIRs have depleted their IPv4 address pools and are currently operating under final IPv4address depletion policies. At the time of writing, only the African Network Information Center(AFRINIC) has IPv4 address space remaining for general allocation and assignment. IPv4 is nowa legacy protocol and all future Internet growth will occur over IPv6.If an organization, such as a university, desires to maintain competitiveness, interoperability, andgrowth, that institution must become proactive in adopting IPv6. However
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary J. Meixell, Quinnipiac University; Nebil Buyurgan, Quinnipiac University; Corey Kiassat, Quinnipiac University
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Industrial Engineering
no previous programpractice exists. In practice, colleges often look to their accrediting bodies, such as ABET forengineering programs, for guidance on curriculum, which requires external input fromemployers. Engineering programs ask their advisory board or council for input, and also rely ontheir internal panel of faculty experts, as well as exploring practice at peer university programs.Methodology-wise, industrial engineering faculty have used system theory[1], domain analysis[2]and structural models[3] as an aid in curriculum development. Likewise, methods from the qualitymanagement and product development domain, specifically the House of Quality (HOQ) andQuality Function Deployment (QFD), have also been deployed in this particular
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 4B: Assessing Student Motivation and Student Success
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander E. Dillon, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Jonathan D. Stolk, Southern Methodist University; Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Michael D. Gross, Wake Forest University
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First-Year Programs
pedagogical and curricular practices at the intersection with the issues of gender and diversity. Dr. Zastavker is currently working with Dr. Stolk on an NSF-supported project to understand students’ motivational attitudes in a variety of educational environments with the goal of improving learning opportunities for students and equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to create such opportunities. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from sci- ence to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and
Conference Session
Curriculum and New Course Development in ET
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mihaela Radu, State University of New York - Farmingdale; Mircea Alexandru Dabacan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
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Engineering Technology
-learning. She has over sixty publications in peer reviewed conference and journals and she was member, PI or CO-PI of several multidisciplinary research grants, sponsored by the European Union, NSF and industry. She is member of IEEE society and Chair of Women In Engi- neering (WIE) Affinity Group for the IEEE Long Island section. She is the Public Seminar Coordinator for Renewable Energy and Sustainability Center at Farmingdale State CollegeDr. Mircea Alexandru Dabacan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Mircea Alexandru Dabacan received the M. Eng. degree in electronics and telecommunications engineer- ing from the Polytechnic Institute of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 1984, and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the
Conference Session
Laboratory Courses and Programming in the Aerospace Curriculum
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mary E. Johnson Ph.D., Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Tracy L. Yother, Purdue University - Purdue Polytechnic Lafayette
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groups of students work together on a technically focusedvideo. The video transfer the learning they have gained in the course in both the lecture and thelaboratory, and translate that into a short video they create on their tablet computers supplied bythe academic department. All equipment in the laboratory space is available for their use tocreate the video. Example topics of videos are: manifold gauge operation, propeller nick repair,and carburetor icing. The students present their video to their peers during a classroom period.The students are assessed by both the course instructor and other faculty that are not part of thecourse. The assessment of the project is a rubric that includes the major sections of introduction,video content
Conference Session
Faculty Development Medley!
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Federica Robinson-Bryant, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide; Narcrisha Norman, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide; Yuetong Lin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide
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Faculty Development Division
, consistency of contracts and recognizes valuable contributions • Employ an open loop evaluation system that allows ongoing tracking, [12] analysis, communication and synthesis and communication of findings for continuous improvement of the faculty and the institution • Require more equitable scrutiny and evaluation among various faculty [13] groups to communicate the need for quality irrespective of faculty status •Allow time for active learning for adjunct faculty including reflection, [12] writing and self-improvement audits College Communication • Integrate the use of two way communication platforms and powerful [4] technological tools into processes to help build rapport
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
William D Lawson P.E., Ph.D., Texas Tech University; Heather R. Keister PE, Freese and Nichols
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Community Engagement Division
advertising in the event program. In this way, Professional Ethics LIVE! affordsthese local and regional firms a way to publicly showcase their commitment to professionalismand ethics, both for their employees and their professional peers and colleagues. From the outset, Professional Ethics LIVE! was framed as a relationship between TexasTech University engineering students, faculty and the local design professional community topromote and satisfy the needs of all partners. Tech TSPE student members invest sweat equitynecessary to host the event. In exchange for publicity, NIEE has provided technical content (itseducational materials) and expertise (its Deputy Director). Production costs are shared betweenTech TSPE and South Plains TSPE, with
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 3: Teamwork
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeong Hin Chin, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan; Christopher Brooks, University of Michigan
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
inequities. In addition, she is interested in technology and how specific affordances can change the ways we collaborate, learn, read, and write. Teaching engineering communication allows her to apply this work as she coaches students through collaboration, design thinking, and design communication. She is part of a team of faculty innovators who originated Tandem (, a tool designed to help facilitate equitable and inclusive teamwork environments.Christopher Brooks, University of Michigan ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Analyzing Patterns of Pre-Semester Concerns in First-Year Engineering StudentsAbstractThis complete research
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 26
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xinfeng (Kevin) Quan, Westlake University; Chaoyi Wang, Zhejiang Normal University ; Chenhui Zhang, Self-employed
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
ResultsBackground of the LHETM Model’s DevelopmentA comparative study by Bao et al. (2009) reveal that Although Chinese high school graduatesoutperformed their American peers in content knowledge, the top-performing Chinese students weresignificantly less likely to achieve the highest scores in the Lawson Classroom Test of ScientificReasoning (CTSR). This discrepancy might be attributed to findings from later research by Ding(2018), which indicated that Chinese students demonstrated less improvement in controllingvariables and hypothetical deductive reasoning throughout their middle and high school education.These observations resonate with my nine years of teaching experience in China, where studentsexcelled in exam settings but often lacked sensitivity
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie M. Smith,; Monica McGill, Institute for Advanced Engineering; Jacob Koressel; Bryan Twarek
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
, and selection 54 Complete an individual programming project 49 Debug a program 46 Be persistent in solving computing problems 45 Work collaboratively with peers on computing problems 44 Create, test, and refine computational artifacts 43 Be familiar with different branches of computer science 42 Identify computer science terminology 41 Recognize, define, and analyze computational problems 40 Table 2: Items earning at least 40 votes in asynchronous feedback.3 ResultsWe identified six major themes as
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Integration and Programmatic Reform
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lynne A Slivovsky, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Lizabeth L Thompson P.E., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Silvana McCormick, Redwood Consulting Collective; Jane L. Lehr, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
departmenttransformation. While the level of engagement during this co-creation process varied across thedepartment, the majority of faculty and staff played a significant role in writing, reviewing, andmodifying it. • We envision diversity in race, gender, sexuality, ability, class, and other social identities (in all their combinations) that transcends current institutional structures. • We envision a place in which all find community, where there are support structures that connect students with their peers, that provide mentoring between faculty and students, and promote collaborative work between faculty. • We envision a place where if one encounters an unjust or arbitrary barrier, it is the system that yields. We
Conference Session
Flanders' Fellowship: Building STEM Community Impact, Hi-Diddly-Ho!
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University; TABE AKO ABANE, Purdue University
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Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
? Jury deliberation is when evidence is • What would be the burdens if the defendant examined and conscientiously negotiated wins the case? to reach a consensus on a decision. • What are the advantages and disadvantages of laws that protect solar panel owners? Students imagine multiple futures Eliciting FUTURES Reasoning through ethical depending on which side wins the case. For integrity their state legislature, students work in • What would be the impact in 5 years if the teams to write a bill that 10 years from
Conference Session
Energy Conversion, Conservation and Nuclear Engineering Division (ECCNE) Technical Session 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh
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Conservation and Nuclear Engineering Division (ECCNE), Energy Conversion
project. Communicate the proposed idea both through writing and oral presentation 3. Apply engineering design to produce an energy solution that meets specified needs with consideration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and estimate the potential impact. 4. Evaluate the potential economic value creation of the proposed solution 5. Function effectively on an international team and develop a team charter that considers leadership, collaboration, goals, planning of tasks, and meeting objectives. 6. Provide a self & peer assessment relative to overall team performance.The assessment of these learning objectives was conducted using four assignments. Theseassignments were (1) the development of a team charter, (2
Conference Session
Advancing Equity in STEM Academia: Insights and Strategies
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sylvia L. Mendez, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; Jennifer Tygret
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
doctoral education and postdoctoralappointment. A lack of resources and support can be even more acute for postdoctoral scholars ofcolor. For example, postdoctoral women of color report encountering discrimination morefrequently than their White peers (Burke et al., 2019; Jach & Gloeckner, 2020). Proudfoot andHoffer (2016) argued that a comprehensive strategy is needed to properly support, inspire, andequip postdoctoral scholars for success. Moreover, to increase the number of postdoctoralscholars of color who continue into the professoriate or other permanent positions in academia,they need policies, programs, and resources that include professional skills in writing and publicspeaking, as well as opportunities to build a community and social
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Focus on Student Success 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Abigail T. Stephan, Clemson University; Jon Harcum, Clemson University; Laurel Whisler, Bristol Community College; Elizabeth Anne Stephan, Clemson University
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First-Year Programs
management skills, effective learning strategies, and positive habits of mind.Dr. Jon Harcum, Clemson UniversityLaurel Whisler, Bristol Community College Laurel Whisler is Associate Dean of Library Learning Commons at Bristol Community College in Fall River, MA. In this role, Whisler provides strategic leadership for developing learning capabilities through the services and resources of the library and the tutoring/writing center. Previously, Whisler had served nearly ten years at Clemson University as Coordinator of Supplemental Instruction and then as Assis- tant Director and Coordinator of Course Support Programs in the Westmoreland Academic Success Pro- gram. In that capacity, she provided vision and direction for the
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Technical Session 4: Environmental Issues and the Impacts of Intersectionality
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado Boulder; JoAnn Silverstein P.E., University of Colorado Boulder
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Environmental Engineering, Women in Engineering
right to live in a healthy environment… the issues addressed center onequity, fairness, and the struggle for social justice by black communities.” [11] Justice drawsattention to “equity, recognition, and participation” [8]. Participation and interactions that valuedifferent perspectives and avoid a deficit model are key conditions for social justice [13].The term ‘environmental justice’ appeared in 80 conference papers associated with the AmericanSociety for Engineering Education (ASEE), based on a search in the ASEE PEER system [14].The majority of the EJ conference papers were associated with the Liberal Education /Engineering and Society (LEES) division (11), Engineering Ethics division (11), andEnvironmental Engineering division (7