in renewable energy and sustainability[1],[8],[9].The main objectives of these developments are related to (1) promotion of awareness of theemerging technologies in renewable energy area; (2) making students cognizant of the globalchallenges regarding reducing the carbon footprint in industrial setting, climate change, andother energy related issues, (3) preparing the needed high quality workforce in renewableenergy systems who will develop new systems, devices and technologies for the industry.General Framework of the MinorAs is reflected in the figure above (Figure 1) the minor courses are mostly technical electives forour major while three of the courses from our minor are also core curriculum courses for the ETmajor. The minor can be
material.These methods greatly enlarged the learning platform of the class. Assessment of the lectureassignments was uniquely based on active participation by the students, including the learningprocess, delivery of the assigned content, and students’ ability to keep the audience engaged.Class performance through projects and homework assignments revealed that students enhancedtheir knowledge of aircraft stability and control through flight simulator experience, iterativehomework assignments, and by preparing and presenting assigned lectures. Reflections from thestudents showed that they greatly benefitted from the intuitive theoretical learning through theuse of flight simulator.Introduction In the field of engineering, development of both
engineering.This community of college and university educators has a home in the American Society forEngineering Education (ASEE). Over the past two decades, an interest group was formed withinthe Liberal Education / Engineering and Society (LEES) division, and this interest group grew tothe point of becoming a separate division. This division, originally the Technological LiteracyDivision (TED), recently changed its name to reflect its interest in and promote teaching non-engineers about engineering. Now known as the Technological and Engineering Literacy /Philosophy of Engineering (TELPhE) Division, a primary part of the division’s mission is topromote efforts to teach people who are not engineering students about engineering.Today, the TELPhE Division
participants,and started the team off in a manner that reflected this. Brainstorming happened almostimmediately, debates upon a project, and subsequently how to do the project occurred. Taskswere divvied up based on skill or preference while non vocalized goals were implied amongstthe group or self-assigned.ConclusionIn this paper, we have presented methods of observation for self-regulated learning in ahackathon environment, and discussed the overarching themes that have developed from theseobservations. These include various already known methods such as trial and error, as well asevery day actions such as googling a question. For the future, more teams should be studied tosee if the phenomenon that occurred in this team are present in other teams
critical to engineeringstudents for two reasons. First, the scope and depth of business concepts presented to engineeringstudents is inevitably narrower than it is for business students exposed to a portfolio of conceptsduring the course of a four year business degree 11. Second, the societal and cultural excitementsurrounding technical entrepreneurship has resulted in media constructions of entrepreneurs andentrepreneurship that may not accurately reflect the characteristics or experiences of the generalpopulation of “real entrepreneurs”10,12.Within this context, understanding the misconceptions students have constructed aboutentrepreneurial action and business concepts is critical to entrepreneurship education. Knowingthe specific misconceptions
any hand and lowers itto obtain control of the captions until another personraises a hand. The program continues to update thedisplay’s location if the speaker walks around on stage,as shown in Figure 4b.This form of control based on hand raising takesadvantage of social dynamics - when someone motionswith a hand, others know that person would like to speakor to add something to the conversation. It is a methodwhich reflects physical-world experiences. Figure 3: RTTD-MS - z axisLab Presentation ModeDuring a presentation-style setting where the speakers are standing or otherwise moving around on stageand giving a planned presentation, the program detects which speaker is closest to
sciences (2) majors that were started before the 2000-2001 academic year (Table 1).The environmental design degree was housed in the College of Architecture and Planning. Eightof the programs were accredited by ABET’s EAC; one was Computing Association Commission(CAC)-accredited; 12 were non-accredited.The admissions criteria for majors in the CEAS differed from those in the College of Arts andSciences. These differences were reflected in the average high school GPA of the first-year students who matriculated into various majors, which ranged from a high of 3.90 in Aerospace Engineering to a low of 3.28 in Geography (based on the fall 2008 class). Table 1. The 21 studied undergraduate degree programs
Innovation Program is voluntaryand projects are not explicitly coupled to the coursework of engineering students. The Beta Program has seen successes and challenges. We have adjusted to improveoutreach and streamline the application process. We are currently reflecting on how bestto continue. In a companion paper9, we examine the Beta Program using thecomponential model of creativity and innovation10. In this paper, we focus on theprogram implementation and student participation, and we speculate on how to adapt theBeta Program to the evolving environment in our college.The Beta Program ProcessThe primary activity for the Innovation Council is the selection of projects to receivefunding and other support. The sequence of events for project
the design process is critical for design projects that haveaspirations for social change.9 Basically, process documentation enables a team to reflect,analyze, and improve the ongoing project. “Documentation … supports the process itself … andlooks at the change of the process through the eyes of those involved in it”.9 Thus, without gooddocumentation, the design process and project sustainability could be compromised.The focus of this paper outlines a recently implemented project documentation strategyassociated with the GEO course and implementation trip to help strengthen project sustainability.The documentation strategy focuses mainly on the sustainability pillar of social inclusion andimplements several of the nine principles by
goals, focusing on fundamentals, reflection, strategies for success, and thriving oncampus. This course helps students be successful not only at Baylor but in life as well.After the freshman year, the opportunities on campus are not as structured. Students are still ableto participate in any number of co-curricular organizations such as Habitat for Humanity or theuniversity program, Steppin’ Out, which promotes student involvement in community service andseeks to provide opportunities for experiential learning, civic leadership, and social responsibility.On campus, Baylor University has service sororities and fraternities which require service of itsmembers. The Baylor University community puts in thousands of hours volunteer service eachyear
their overall course performance. [3]For STEM students, particularly female students, self-efficacy – defined as a student’s belief inhis or her own ability to achieve academic success – is one of the greatest predictors of successin academic coursework. Female students, in general, rate themselves with lower self-efficacy inengineering coursework, even when they are, in actuality, achieving the same or better gradesthan their male counterparts. [7] According to previous research, there are a variety of factorsthat influence student self-efficacy and academic self-confidence, including perceived lecturerdistance and intimidation. [8] Greater perceived faculty distance reflects a colder, detached, andmore impersonal teaching style, which affects
was largely positive with respect to the newmethods, as compared to more traditional lectures. Even if the design attitude impact of the pedagogiesremains to be proven, with positive student reception and a general positive reflection on the part ofparticipating faculty members, this is a very encouraging result.References[1] Abeysekera, L., & Dawson, P. (2016). Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped classroom : definition, rationale and a call for research. Higher Education Research & Development, 34(1), 1–14.[2] Bishop, J. L., & Verleger, M. A. (2013). The Flipped Classroom : A Survey of the Research The Flipped Classrom : A Survey of the Research. In 120th ASEE
studied using the implementation in a variety ofengineering schools.Acknowledgements: Support for this work is provided by the National Science Foundation Award No. DUE 1504692 and1504696. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References:[1] Crawley, E.F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D.R., and Edström, K., "Historical accounts of engineering education", Rethinking engineering education: Springer, 2014, pp. 231-255.[2] Froyd, J.E., Wankat, P.C., and Smith, K.A.," Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education", Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 100, No. Special
. Undergraduate research 4. Other service related tasks through student societies and organizationsCourse work and internship experiences are directly connected to class assessment on student’sknowledge and practice of ethics and professionalism. Undergraduate research and other servicesare used as indirect evaluation tools that do not reflect in the transcripts, but are measured andsummarized with a student’s research publications and presentations, and service activities.Course workWhile across the ENE curriculum, some E&P concepts such as consequences of plagiarism,attendance, punctuality, adhering to the deadlines and individual responsibilities in groupactivities are incorporated in all courses, two courses are exclusively designed and
Description portion of the report shall be continuously numbered. • Color diagrams, graphics, plots, and photographs may be included that reflect the unique features of the project. Each is to be identified with an appropriate descriptive caption. Graphics/photos included within the project description will count toward the 20-page limit. 7. Supporting Documentation – If needed, provide drawings, calculations, tables, vendor submittals, detailed cost estimates, and other voluminous documents, as appendices. 8. References/Acknowledgements – All references and resources used for this project shall be cited.Teams shall develop their materials such that their complete analysis and design solution maybe understood
of actively andskillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating informationgathered from or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication,as a guide to belief and action”.10 In this context, critical thinking targeted in this study is thestudents’ ability to gather information through various activities and connect and integrate thisinformation for use (as a guide to action) in a more complex assignment. The approach used issimilar to the one employed in Linder et. al. study in terms of assignment sequencing andbreaking up a larger assignment into smaller assignments. However, the smaller assignmentsused in this study are different in nature and type, and how they are connected
feedbackinformation from students. This type of information is interesting since the students arethe ones directly interacting with the MLM, but the instructor has to identify learninggains. Below, we provide a summary of the questions asked to the MLM groups, withthe initial conclusions drawn by the authors. It is important to stress once more that theseresults are only reflective of the groups who used the MLM in the fall semester due totime constraints.Question 1: “What was your opinion on the effectiveness of the FlipIt Physics product?”Sample Positives • “I think the success I had in this class can be attributed to how prepared I was for the lectures.” • “I really enjoyed Flipit physics it kept me organized and helped me understand.”Sample
There are multiple ways to contribute productively to a team“How many points do I get for this?” “How does this prepare me for practice?” Table 3: Discussion of traditional and revolutionary structures that support learningTraditional structures that support learning Revolutionary structures that support learningStandard course evaluations Evaluation of teaching that reflects learning and practiceBuying out of teaching Buying into teachingOne size fits all faculty evaluation and rewards Context-based individualized evaluationCounting underrepresented minorities (URMS) Developing ways to create an inclusive
school and a single definition or format that applies to all programs does not exist [1];however, a comprehensive culminating design experience is usually provided in a capstoneprogram. For Durel (1993) “a capstone course should be a synthesis, reflection and integration,and a bridge or a real-world preparatory experience that focuses on the post-graduation future”[2]. Dutson et al. (1997) [3] reviewed more than 100 papers describing capstone experiences inengineering education, presenting differences and similarities among institution and amongdifferent engineering departments. Capstone projects in civil engineering usually involvedetailed analysis and design; however, the construction of prototypes with testing and analysis isnot a common
engineering students arenovice researchers and that these skills require nurturing and guidance at this stage withopportunities for continued application.DiscussionThe Intervention sections are taught by a female professor, which since students self-select intothe courses, this is a factor that could influence, if not the successful completion by femalestudents, certainly the higher enrollment percentage of female students in the Interventionsections. The percentage of successful completion of the Intervention sections by female studentsis reflected by other underrepresented minority students in engineering as well. This isencouraging and suggests to the authors that the content variety and structure of the projects usedthis in model is one avenue
reflects the student’s attendance and performance inthe quizzes, lab assignments, industry project, and exams. Upon satisfactory completion of IE470course, students should be able to: o Understand the key performance measures of manufacturing systems. o Understand the different techniques and tools for manufacturing systems design and analysis. o Understand key techniques to improve manufacturing systems productivity and efficiency. o Be able to use process improvement methods in real manufacturing or service environments.The course includes the following topics: o Introduction to modern manufacturing o Basics of manufacturing systems o Manufacturing strategies o Demand planning and forecasting o Material
alsoprovide constructive feedback when grading to justify the score they assign. Figure 1 – Instructions for the peer grading processThe primary objective of implementing the peer grading method is to reinforce design conceptstaught in lecture and to further develop the students’ design skillset. Peer grading is implementedto expose students to various examples of design, to provide further opportunities for teamwork,and to facilitate reflective practice. The peer grading method is also utilized to motivate studentsto produce higher quality work considering their peers are evaluating them.2.3 Grade the grader procedureAfter the teams complete peer grading, the graded reports are returned to the appropriate teamsusing the
Design for X (DfX), a concept widely used in manufacturing industriesfor product design and development. We discuss on our experience of the course, where in toenhance student understanding of DfX, additive manufacturing technology was used to analyzehow the theoretical concepts learnt by students in class were reflected upon their product designand development in real time. Keywords: Additive Manufacturing; Design for Environment; Green energy; Green Manufacturing; Concept Based LearningIntroduction To shape and influence the trends of technological emergence in United States, there is asignificant push observed in steering the current emerging workforce towards Science,Technology, Engineering and
applicationof modern modeling and simulation tools which are reasonably easy to use and could assiststudents in dealing with complex problems. An example of such a tool is theMatlab/Simulink/Simscape set of modeling and simulation tools that can model many complexphysical systems [7].The course that is discussed in this paper integrates fundamental ideas from integrativeexperiences and project based learning. The course builds on the material covered across anumber of different engineering and science courses, and extends student ability from dealingwith simple textbook problems to solving complex real world engineering problems. The courseis going through development stages and reflects a number of lessons learned that already havebeen integrated or
involving industry-like scenarios werelengthy and costly, and eventually were stopped or replaced with traditional lectures.Nonetheless, these studies and attempts had a significant contribution in underlying theimportance of practical approaches in conveying knowledge to students in heat transfer andthermodynamics courses, which traditionally are dry-lecture based. Moreover, the contributionof thermal-fluids energy systems performance in global sustainable development is substantialbut was not emphasized until recently. Therefore it may not be reflected in the already developedlearning modules for these traditional courses [1].In this paper we aim to present our efforts in re-developing our thermal-fluid related courses inDrexel University’s
% Faculty Grades of Student Work ….….. 84% Student Comment Faculty Comments The students worked through programming exercises to learn the basics of CANoe for CAN analysis and simulation.Part 2: Discussion Question Given a reasonable amount of time, do you feel comfortable in approaching a vehicle instrumentation or data acquisition problem that involves the use of CAN? Yes Yes, I believe I have a firm grasp of the fundamental concepts of CAN. Kind of difficult with the amount of time the professor was away. Given adequate time and resources (manual, examples, etc.), I feel that I could solve vehicle instrumentation problems using CAN.Summary:This paper reflects a portion of the content of a course that is meant to help
demonstrated some degree of naivet´e in thinking that the small size would automatically translate into afully accountable cohort without any social scaffolding by us. Future programming could help alleviate thisissue by adding in explicit cohort building activities such as social events at the beginning of the program.Improved tracking of attendanceWe largely view surveys as being reflective of the minimum number of attendees that are present. Duringthe 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 program years, attendance was tracked by the number of surveys completedthroughout the program. For 2016-2017 program, the introduction of the session surveys improved ourattendance record keeping. Figure 10 presents the change in attendance over the course of the
an average of 93% which is an A-. Therefore 77% of the class performed with a B+ orhigher on the project and 44% earned an A on the project. As a whole, student performance onthe group project exceeded performance on exams. As this was a newly developed courseoffered for the first time, student performance proved a positive reflection on the coursedevelopment. Course Performance 10 Quanitty of Students Earning 8 6 4 Grade 2 0 A A- B+ B B- C
changes in teaching and learning have transformed the foundationof education. Over time, the role of the teacher has evolved, from the transmitter of knowledge(traditional education) to facilitator [1]–[3]. Dewey [4] argued that people learn by doing,students should be exposed to experiential activities that promote reflection. Students are nowplaced in the center playing the main role as they are the ones who actively construct their ownknowledge through the tools that the teacher provides and social interactions [5].Active learning has been defined in different ways, Bonwell & Eison [6] provided a practicaldefinition as "any activity that involves students doing things and thinking about what they aredoing." It has been documented that
of your workshop colleagues (partners will be paired up in the workshop) • A “guided practice” document for the lesson, again revised according to collegial feedback (note that there will be some overlap between the lesson plan and the guided practice. The lesson plan is for your use; guided plan is for student’s use.) • A brief reflection about what, if anything, you plan to do for flipping a class in Fall 20XX. Note you don’t actually have to flip anything, but we hope you do! Comment on the time, energy, etc and if you are planning to flip, describe how you plan to get those resources.Lessons LearnedDuring the course of this flipped learning initiative, it was