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Displaying results 1951 - 1980 of 1984 in total
Conference Session
DEED Technical Session 10: Empathy and Human-centered Design
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Johanna Okerlund, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; David Wilson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Celine Latulipe, University of Manitoba
shouldbe wary of how early technical STEM courses may impact students' approaches to projects lateron and should look for opportunities to let students bring in pieces of their identity or otherinterests. For example, an RPI assignment lets students tell creative stories with alternate endingsto practice branching or Fiesler et al.'s CS1 assignment asks students to write a program to makedecisions about a list of college applicants [32, 33].Considerations for readings and HCD topics-- While the students' responses to the first HCDreading assignment were more tech-centric than HCD-aligned, their responses to later readingassignments were more balanced. This shows that shifting a perspective takes time and it isworthwhile to have multiple
Conference Session
PCEE Session 12: STEM, Technology, and Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Dare, Florida International University; Joshua Ellis, Florida International University; Mark Rouleau; Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Elizabeth Ring-Whalen
; Castellan, 1988) to analyze the means of our originalitem scores (scaled 0-3) across science content area and grade-level to determine the extent towhich these different classroom types differed in terms of the degree (or level of rigor) to which agiven item was implemented. This second analysis allowed us to expand our understanding fromthe crosstab analysis to consider the degree to which each item was present in a given context. Wealso conducted post-hoc Dunn tests (Siegel & Castellan, 1988) when item mean differences werefound to be statistically significant to identify the item level(s) in which these differences occurred. Findings and DiscussionDue to the exploratory nature of our work, the following
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division - Innovative Changes to the Typical Civil Engineering Coursework.
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Welker, Villanova University; Virginia Smith, Villanova University; Kristin Sample-Lord, Villanova University; Shweta Shrestha, Villanova University
gone from zero EOP outcomes addressed to twenty addressed andseven assessed across multiple years. The next phase will be to carefully review where the gapsare in the curriculum and determine what targeted efforts can be made to increase adoption andintegration of the framework.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by a grant from The Lemelson Foundation.References [1] M. Robinson and K. Sutterer, “Integrating sustainability into civil engineering curricula” Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Conference, Nashville, TN, USA, June 22- 25, 2003, [2] S. Burian, “Teaching sustainability and sustainable engineering practice in the civil engineering curriculum,” Proceedings of the Annual
Conference Session
ERM: Persistence and Attrition in Engineering
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joyce Main, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Amanda Griffith
., Reed, T., Imbrie, P., & Reid, K. (2014). Research-Informed Policy Change: ARetrospective on Engineering Admissions. Journal of Engineering Education, 103(2), 274-301.Jacob, B. A., Lefgren, L. (2004). Remedial education and student achievement: A regression-discontinuity analysis. Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(1), 226–244Lagerlof, J.N.M., and A. J. Seltzer. (2007). “The Effects of Remedial Mathematics on theLearning of Economics: A Natural Experiment.” Working Paper.Legewie, J. & DiPrete, T.A. (2014). The high school environment and the gender gap in scienceand engineering. Sociology of Education, 1-22.Lord, S., Ohland, M. W., Layton, R. A., & Camacho, M. M. (2019). Beyond pipeline andpathways: Ecosystem metrics. Journal of
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Schulz, Georgia Institute of Technology; Cassandra Shriver; Benjamin Seleb, Georgia Institute of Technology; Caroline Greiner, Georgia Institute of Technology; David Hu, Georgia Institute of Technology; Roxanne Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology; Margaret Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology; Nima Jadali, Georgia Institute of Technology; Anika Patka, Georgia Institute of Technology
Approach to MeetingSustainable Development Goals. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education,2022References [1] Oded Berger-Tal and Jose´ J. Lahoz-Monfort. Conservation technology: The next generation. Conservation Letters, 11(6):e12458, 2018. [2] Gerardo Ceballos, Paul R. Ehrlich, Anthony D. Barnosky, Andre´s Garc´ıa, Robert M. Pringle, and Todd M. Palmer. Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction. Science Advances, 1(5):e1400253, 2015. [3] Jenna Mueller, Mary Dotson, Jennifer Dietzel, Jenna Peters, Gabriela Asturias, Amelia Cheatham, Marlee Krieger, Baishakhi Taylor, Sherryl Broverman, and Nirmala Ramanujam. Using human-centered design to connect engineering
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division ASCE Liaison Committee - Accreditation and Curriculums - What Changes Are Occurring?
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sami Alshurafa; Laura Wieserman, University of Pittsburgh; Hanan Alhayek; Khaled Hussein
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hui Shen, Ohio Northern University; Joshua Gargac, Ohio Northern University
Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, KY, Paper No. AC 2010-925 7ASEE 2022 Paper, Minneapolis, MN, June 22, 2022 (Submission 22; April 10, 2022)[4] C. Carroll, S. A. Sell, and M. B. Sabick, “Introduction to Entrepreneurial-minded Learningfor Faculty of Foundational STEM Courses Using the KEEN Framework”, 2019 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, Louisville, KY, Paper #18279[5] this appendix, the tasks of each module are briefly introduced and student video samples areused to illustrate how each module works in the following sections.Module 1 Tasks: Atomic structure of engineering
Conference Session
Joint Session: Entrepreneurially-Minded Learning in the Classroom
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Melissa Gibbons
an Innovating Curriculum with an EntrepreneurialMindset workshop organized by KEEN. The feedback and support provided by workshop facilitatorsAndy Gerhart, Glenn Gaudette, and Brad Dennis, and the ongoing coaching of Heather Dillon wasinstrumental to this work. The current version of this project was developed with funding from anEngineering Unleashed Fellowship from KEEN.References[1] Hart Research Association, “Falling short? College learning and career success,” 2015.[2] R. M. Felder and R. Brent, Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide. Jossey- Bass, 2016.[3] R. Marra, D. Jonassen, B. Palmer, and S. Luft, “Why Problem-Based Learning Works: Theoretical Foundations.,” J. Excell. Coll. Teach., 2014.[4] M. Besterfield-Sacre
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 9: Decision Making, Problem-Based Projects, Role-Play, and a Nontraditional Project Theme
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashish Hingle, George Mason University; Aditya Johri, George Mason University; Cory Brozina, Youngstown State University - Rayen School of Engineering
of information. He is often preoccupied with issues of surveillance and newlimits on privacy due to technology.References[1] C. E. Harris Jr., M. Davis, M. S. Pritchard, and M. J. Rabins, “Engineering Ethics: What? Why? How? And When?,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 93–96, 1996, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.1996.tb00216.x.[2] B. Newberry, “The dilemma of ethics in engineering education,” SCI ENG ETHICS, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 343–351, Jun. 2004, doi: 10.1007/s11948-004-0030-8.[3] C. Fiesler, N. Garrett, and N. Beard, “What Do We Teach When We Teach Tech Ethics?: A Syllabi Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Portland OR USA, Feb. 2020, pp. 289–295. doi
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division Technical Session 5: Remote, Hands-On Laboratories
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Ragland, University of Georgia; Beshoy Morkos, University of Georgia; Andrew Jackson, University of Georgia; Nathaniel Hunsu, University of Georgia; Fred Beyette; Dominik May
Oct. 23, 2021).[6] D. A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2013.[7] M. Thüring and S. Mahlke, “Usability, aesthetics and emotions in human–technology interaction,” International Journal of Psychology, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 253–264, Aug. 2007, doi: 10.1080/00207590701396674.[8] T. de Jong, M. C. Linn, and Z. C. Zacharia, “Physical and Virtual Laboratories in Science and Engineering Education,” Science, vol. 340, no. 6130, pp. 305–308, Apr. 2013, doi: 10.1126/science.1230579.[9] D. May, “Cross Reality Spaces in Engineering Education – Online Laboratories for Supporting International Student Collaboration in Merging Realities,” International Journal of Online and
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 1: Looking at Study Abroad through an enhanced lens
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Meredith Blumthal; Luis Rodriguez; James Stubbins, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Brian Woodard, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Gretchen Forman, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Molly Goldstein, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Hannah Dougherty, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Ernest-John Ignacio, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Dawn Owens, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
., Walters, R., Fernández-Frey, M., Ramírez, M.,Rosado Casanova, B., Heemstra, J., Marshall, A.-M., & Rodríguez, L. F. (2022). Compound[ing]Disasters in Puerto Rico: Pathways for Virtual Transdisciplinary Collaboration to EnhanceCommunity Resilience, manuscript in review Global Environmental ChangeWarnick, G., et al. 2008. Globalization: A new frontier for capstone courses. Proceedings of the2008 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Pittsburg, PA: ASEE.McKim CA. The Value of Mixed Methods Research: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of MixedMethods Research. 2017;11(2):202-222. doi:10.1177/1558689815607096Paschal, C. B., & Crist, I. S., & Rowe, C. J. (2017, June), Strategies for Successfully IncreasingEngineering Study Abroad
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 3
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Iezzi, University of Michigan; Paul Chao, University of Michigan; Kyle Bushick, University of Michigan; Joshua Cooper, University of Michigan; Tathya Shinde, University of Michigan; Timothy Chambers, University of Michigan; Duncan Greeley, University of Michigan
through food and cooking,” Matter, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 2578–2581, 2021, doi:[4] E. A. Nevenglosky, C. Cale, and S. P. Aguilar, “Barriers to Effective Curriculum Implementation,” Res. High. Educ. J., vol. 36, p. 31, Jan. 2019.[5] National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, Design, Selection, and Implementation of Instructional Materials for the Next Generation Science Standards: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2018. doi: 10.17226/25001.Appendix A – Pre-COVID Materials OutreachPre-COVID Materials OutreachFor “off-campus” outreach, we worked with local teachers to understand the topics they werecovering and how our efforts could complement
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 6: Admissions, Transfer Pathways, and Major Selection
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcela Cárdenas, Universidad Andres Bello; Maria Elena Truyol, Universidad Andres Bello
-07052016000400017.[10] F. Kri, F. Gil, M. González, & C. Lamatta, “Ranking de Notas como predictor de éxito en la educación superior. Caso de estudio USACH,” Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Tech Memo. Consejo Nacional de Educación CNED, dec. 2013.[11] D. Contreras, S. Gallegos, & F. Meneses, “Determinantes de desempeño universitario: ¿importa la habilidad relativa?”, Cal Edu, n.o 30, p. 18, apr. 2009, doi: 10.31619/caledu.n30.172.[12] F. Gil, R. Paredes & I. Sánchez, “El ranking de las notas: inclusión con excelencia”, Centro de políticas públicas de la UC, vol. 8, nº 60, pp. 1-19, may. 2013.[13] C. Pérez, L. Ortiz & P. Parra, “Prueba de Selección Universitaria, rendimiento en
Conference Session
Student Division Technical 4: Student Experience & Competencies
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Vaughn, Texas Tech University; Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University; Sheima Khatib, Texas Tech University
and J. A. Dantzler, “Mathematical problem solving forengineering students,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering EducationAnnual Conference & Exposition, 2005.[3] J. A. Livingston, “Metacognition: An Overview,” ERIC Institute of Education Sciences,2003. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Feb. 5, 2022].[4] S. J. Grigg and L. C. Benson, “A coding scheme for analyzing problem-solving processes offirst-year engineering students,” European Journal of Engineering Educations, vol. 39-6, pp.617-635, Mar. 2014.[5] F. Anseel, F. Lievens and E. Schollaert. “Reflection as a strategy to enhance taskperformance after feedback,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol.110-1, pp. 23-35
Conference Session
PCEE Session 3: Robotics and Design Competitions
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Deters, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach; Jeffrey Coppola; Ralph Coppola
overview,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 902, pp. 437–447, 2014.[4] R. W. Deters, B. Terwilliger, S. Kleinke, R. K. Coppola, and J. Coppola, “Ten years of the real world design challenge,” in AIAA SciTech Forum, 2018, AIAA Paper 2018-0050.
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session: Pedogogy and Training
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Srikanth Gururajan, Saint Louis University; Samantha Carlowicz; Justin Fantroy, Saint Louis University; haochen rong, Saint Louis University; Claire Schuessler, Saint Louis University
choice, and three of those six must be in a non-engineering department.This means an aerospace engineering student has only 2-3 courses in which they can specializein an area of their interest, assuming a course in the area of interest to the student is offered in thesemester(s) they take their electives.It is worth noting that the maximum number of credits a student can take without “overloading”is 18, so the maximum number of courses a student could take is about 48, allowing potential formore specialized coursework. Further, some students come into the institution with credits thatcan be applied to some required classes or electives, resulting in more potential for specializedcoursework. It may be worth quantifying in future research how many
2005 GSW
Ross Kastor; Robert Askew; Richard Bannerot; Paul Ruchhoeft; Elena Poltavtchenko; Colley Hodges; Chad Wilson; Cari-Sue Wilmot
Technical Communications in a Introductory Design Course through Interventions from the University’s Writing Center,” submitted to the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition of the ASEE, June 12-15, 2005, Portland, OR.5. See especially The Archaeology of Knowledge. New York: Harper and Row, 1976; Madness And Civilization: A History Of Insanity In The Age Of Reason. London, Routledge, 2001; and Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage, 1995.6. Faigley, Lester. The Brief Penguin Handbook. New York: Longman, 2002.7. Ferguson, Eugene S. Engineering and the Mind’s Eye. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1992.8. Finkelstein, Leo. Pocket Book of Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2005.9
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods (ERM) Division Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Resch, University of Florida; Patriel Stapleton, University of Florida; Benjamin Rheault, University of Florida; Amy Wu, University of Florida; Christina Gardner-McCune, University of Florida
, NY, USA. https: //, 2006, 38–45.[13] D. L. Reinholz, “Developing mathematical practices through reflection cycles,”Mathematics Education Research Journal vol 28, no 3 2016, 441–451.[14] M Meneske, S. Anwar, and Z.G. Akdemir, “How Do Different Reflection Prompts AffectEngineering Students’ Academic Performance and Engagement?” in The Journal ofExperimental Education vol 1 no 19, 2020.[15] Ng Sook Han, Ho Ket Li, Lee Choy Sin, and Keng Pei Sin, “The evaluation of students’written reflection on the learning of general chemistry lab experiment,” in MOJES: MalaysianOnline Journal of Educational Sciences vol 2 no 4, 2014, pp 45–52.[16] R. B. Kline, Becoming a behavioral science researcher: A guide to
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division: Approaches to Ethics Education (Part 3, Nature and Environment)
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marilyn Dyrud, Oregon Institute of Technology
and an enhancedlearning environment.Problem DefinitionOne of the first steps in introducing a case study is clearly defining the problem and its context,followed by determining a goal for the analysis, identifying key facts and relevant data, andproposing viable solutions [51]. As the literature indicates, incorporating case studies is a form ofactive learning that engages the students via narrative, which “put[s] [students] squarely in theshoes of real people wrestling with real dilemmas” [52]. Cases also allow students to exercise themoral imagination, which is the ability to view a situation from a variety of perspectives anddiscover new “mental models” for decision making [53].In the complex case of Everest pollution, students will need
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 14: Introductory Programming Assessment, Plagiarism, Motivation, Engagement, and Textbooks
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Alford, University of Michigan; Heather Rypkema, University of Michigan; Ryien Hosseini, University of Michigan; Megan Beemer, University of Michigan; Harsh Jhaveri, University of Michigan
, incentive programs, and cost effectiveness: A lack of equity and excellence for black students in texas, new york, and florida. Journal of Negro Education, 84(2):139–153, Spring 2015. [5] Drew S. Jacoby-Senghor, Stacey Sinclair, and J. Nicole Shelton. A lesson in bias: The relationship between implicit racial bias and performance in pedagogical contexts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 63: 50–55, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2015.10.010. [6] Ilja Cornelisz, Martijn Meeter, and Chris van Klaveren. Educational equity and teacher discretion effects in high stake exams. Economics of Education Review, 73:101908, 2019. ISSN 0272-7757. doi: URL
Conference Session
ERM: ERM Medley Session!
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Miel, Tufts University; Jessica Swenson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Aaron Johnson, University of Michigan
engineering judgment and to identify ways to supportstudents to make and refine assumptions. Although this study suggests that an open-endedmodeling problem can support teams of students to engage in making assumptions, additionalstudies are needed to understand the ways group dynamics and class norms interact withstudents’ engagement in making assumptions.References[1] J. Gainsburg, “The mathematical disposition of structural engineers,” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 477-506, 2007.[2] C. Dym, Principles of Mathematical Modeling, 2nd Ed. Burlington, MA, USA: Elsevier, 2004.[3] S. G. Vick, Degrees of Belief: Subjective Probability and Engineering Judgment. Reston, VA, USA: ASCE Publications, 2002.[4] H
Conference Session
LEES 7: Experiments in Experiential and Project-Based Learning
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna Burchfield, University of South Florida; Olukemi Akintewe, University of South Florida; Jamie Chilton, University of South Florida
theserelationships.AcknowledgmentThe authors would like to thank the USF College of Engineering Academic Initiative Fund for supportingthe Foundations Lab study, and we thank all the students who participated in the lectures and took thetime to complete the survey and self-reflection assignment.ReferencesAutor, D.H. Why are there still so many jobs? The history and future of workplace automation.Journal of Economic Perspectives 2015, 29, 3–30., Jacqui. (2018, April 19). The U.S. Is Facing a Critical Skills Shortage, Reskilling Can Be a Partof the Solution. LinkedIn.
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division - Mechanics Applied and the Best in Five... Get Ready!
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J Carroll, Saint Louis University; John Aidoo, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Alec Derks, Saint Louis University; Matthew Lovell, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Kyle Kershaw, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
column based on the testing system was 6 ftat SLU and 4 ft at Rose-Hulman. Furthermore, the capacity of the hydraulic ram used for thecompressive tests is 50 kips. The column was designed to buckle about its weak axis at differentloads depending on effective length to illustrate elastic and/or inelastic buckling. The resultingsection was a W3x2.54 GR 60 “junior I-beam” (3 in. deep I-beam) acquired from Gerdau that istypically used for cross beams of box truck floors. The I-beam has slightly tapered flangessimilar to an S-shape compared to a wide-flange beam typically used as a column, but can still beused effectively to accomplish the objectives of the module. The first step in the design process was to create the column buckling curves
Conference Session
EMD Technical Session 1: Captstone, Ethics, and Statistical Methods
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Jaurez, National University; Ben Radhakrishnan, National University; Nelson Altamirano, National University
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division: Perspectives on Engineering Ethics Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Beever, University of Central Florida; Laurie Pinkert, University of Central Florida; Steven Kuebler
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session: Pedagogy and Curriculum
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Hatfield, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Haley Nelson; Brian Holst; Michael Radotich; Tad Nelson, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Conference Session
Thinking Outside the STEM Box: Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division Technical Session 1
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Roxanne Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology; Chalece Delacoudray, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sunni Newton, Georgia Institute of Technology; Justina Jackson; Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology; Stephen Garrett, Georgia Institute of Technology; Hilah Barbot, Amazon Web Services; Jason Freeman; Joycelyn Wilson, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sabrina Grossman
Conference Session
Assessment in Mechanics Courses
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Sevier, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Vincent Prantil, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Conference Session
ERM: Conceptualizations of Engineering and Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Romkey, University of Toronto; Kimia Moozeh, University of Toronto; Nikita Dawe, University of Toronto; Rubaina Khan, University of Toronto
Conference Session
Curricular Developments in Electrical and Computer Engineering
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei-Jer Han, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
to trigger and monitor logic outputs. Also, its elapsed simulation time is controlled by the user.Figure 10. A datapath with 8 registers, 1 decoder and 2 multiplexers but excluding an ALU At the bottom of the datapath as not shown in figure 10, a function unit which consists of an arithmetic unit and a logic unit (ALU), as well as a shift unit is usually connected at the bottom of figure 10. An input named FS (Function Select) is used to choose which operation to act on the data from the registers that are released by the multiplexers. Full adders and 2’s complement conversions are usually used to build the arithmetic unit. Additional multiplexers inside the function unit are used to form addends and logic shift