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assessment evolutions. Based onfeedback from each assessment, the program evolves as the Center seeks to close gaps betweenthe program expectations and goals, and students’ experiences. Moreover, the Center strives tointegrate best practices per new research. Concurrently, assessment instruments are updated toreflect the updated programs elements and activities. For example, 50% or more of all theparticipants in the Cohort 2 reported large or very large gains in their laboratory safetyknowledge, openness to having their views challenged, openness to work with people withdifferent beliefs, and openness to consider and discuss new research ideas; however these itemswere added to the assessment after review of Cohort 1’s experiences (thus Table 3 does
– Very good).Analysis of program ratings revealed overall satisfaction with the REU program (M = 4.17; Mo =4). Ratings of “Good” or higher, as evidenced by mean and mode responses, were obtained forthe following REU elements: working relationship with research mentor(s) (M = 3.17; Mo = 4);working relationship with research group members (M = 3.75; Mo = 4); the amount of time spentwith research mentor(s) (M = 2.83; Mo = 4); the advice given about careers and graduate school(M = 3.45; Mo = 3); and the research experience overall (M = 3.25; Mo = 3). The REU elementof the amount of time spent doing meaningful research received a “Fair” rating overall (M =2.83; Mo = 2), suggesting an important area of improvement for the research program.Table 5
: Students’ subject preferences and discussions of gender and subjectability. Oxford Review of Education. 26(1), 35-48.2 Younger, M. & Warrington, M. (1996). Differential achievement of girls and boys at GCSE: Some observationsfrom the perspective of one school. British Journal of Sociology of Education. 17, 299-314. Downey, D. B. & Yuan, A. S. V. (2005). Sex differences in school performance during high school: Puzzlingpatterns and possible explanations. The Sociological Quarterly. 46(2), 299-321.3 Hannover, B. & Kessels, U. (2004). Self-to-prototype matching as a strategy for making academic choices. Whyhigh school students do not like math and science. Learning and Instruction. 14, 51-67.4 Peetsma, T., Hascher, T., van der Veen
. Merrill, "CEDA: A research instrument for creative engineering design assessment," Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, vol. 2, no. 3, 2008.3. C. Charyton, and J. Merrill, "Assessing general creativity and creative engineering design in first year engineering students." Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 98, no. 2, 2009.4. M. Perl, "Developing creativity and innovation in engineering and science," Inter. Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 23, no. 27, 2008.5. H. S. Fogler, S. E. LeBlanc, B. Rizzo, Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 2013.6. T. Simpson, R. Barton, and D. Celento, "Interdisciplinary by design," Mechanical Engineering, vol. 130, no. 9, 2008.7
Commission(CONICYT) through grant FI-11130067.References[1] Borrego, M., Froyd, J. E., & Hall, T. S. (2010). Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations: A Survey ofAwareness and Adoption Rates in U.S. Engineering Departments. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(3), 185–207.[2] Litzinger, T., Lattuca, L. R., Hadgraft, R., & Newstetter, W. (2011). Engineering education and the developmentof expertise. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(1), 123-150. Page 26.1166.12[3] National Academy of Engineering. (2004). The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century.Washington, DC: National Academies Press.[4] Felder
sstudents andd/or very baddperformaance of otherrs. Figure 2 shows s the peercent of stuudents who pperformed well (i.e. whoobtained >= 7 in the assessmentss) in the diffeerent program mming conccept assessm ments. The figgureillustrates why computer program mming coursses are gatew way courses with low paassing gradess: inmost con nceptual cateegories less than t 50% of students perrformed at an adequate llevel.4.2 Explo oratory Facto or AnalysisTo furtheer understandd the nature of students’ understandiing of computer program
5 19% 28%Administrators responded to a question about in which year(s) students study design.Responses are shown in Table 9, noting that respondents were free to select multiple years ifapplicable. Table 9 – In which year(s) do undergraduate students study design? Dept. Head Dean Year (N=166) (N=64) 1 36% 36% 2 51% 48% 3 71% 59% 4 72% 67% 5 or higher
. Linda Katehi, Greg Pearson, and Michael Feder, Editors. Committee on K-12 Engineering Education, National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.3. Davis, L.A. & Gibbons, R.D. (2002). Raising public awareness of engineering. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.4. Wulf, W. A. (1998, Winter). The image of engineering. Issues in Science and Technology. Retrieved from: Brophy, S., Klein, S., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. (2008). Advancing engineering education in P‐12 classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(3), 369-387. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2008.tb00985.x6. Sadler, P.M., Coyle, H.P., &
subjects that might presenta struggle. Peer and professional tutors are available through the academic achievement centerto assist with technical subjects as well as writing and math. The college caters to workingadults by offering courses after typical working hours, on weekends and online. Facultymembers teaching online curriculum have undergone training and use universal course designtechniques (S. Burgstahler, 2006 16) to cater to all learning styles.Student advising starts prior to entering the program. Students meet with a designated Collegeand Career Navigator who is the first point of contact for each student participating in thiscertificate program. The College and Career Navigator assists with the application process andremains a point
? What specific topics or information do you hope will be covered as part of the professional development activities during this summer research experience?The focus of the post-experience survey was to assess academic and developmental outcomesassociated with program participation, as well as students’ experiences. Many of the questionsfrom the pre-experience survey were repeated in the post-experience survey, which alloweddirect comparison of individual answers across the 10-week program. The post-survey alsoincluded a set of open ended questions: What part(s) of the summer program did you find most valuable or helpful? What part(s) of the summer program did you find least valuable or helpful? Please share any
. Frederick, A. Byars-Winston, A.-B. Hunter and J. Handelsman, "Increasing the Persistence of College Students in STEM," Science, vol. 341, pp. 1455-1456, 27 September 2013.[4] J. G. Cromley, T. Perez, and A. Kaplan, "Undergraduate STEM Achievement and Retention: Cognitive, Motivational, and Institutional Factors and Solutions," Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, pp. 1-8, 2015.[5] L. Espinosa, "Pipelines and Pathways: Women of Color in Undergraduate STEM Majors and the College Experiences that Contribute to Persistence," Harvard Educational Review, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 209-241, 2011.[6] E. Seymour, A.-B. Hunter, S. Laursen and T. DeAntoni, "Establishing the Benefits of Research Experiences for Undergraduates in
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in the Classroom. 3rd Edition, New York, Routledge.5. Leasure, A. R., Davis, L., & Thievon, S. L. (2000). “Comparison of Student Outcomes and Preferences in a Traditional vs. World Wide Web-based Baccalaureate Nursing Research Course.” Journal of Nursing Education, 39: 149-154.6. Cole, R. A. (2000). Issues in Web-Based-Pedagogy: A Critical Primer. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.7. Barab, S. A., Hay, K. E., Barnett, M., & Squire, K. (2001). “Constructing Virtual Worlds: Tracing the Historical Development of Learner Practices.” Cognition and Instruction, 19 (1), pp. 47-94.8. Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). “Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning.” Educational Researcher, 18 (1), pp
clinical immersion. To further guide students through the design process, team-basedactivities related to workshop topic(s), readings, and case studies were assigned for individualteam discussions.Program Deliverables and Surveys: By the conclusion of the CIP, teams were expected to generate a single, succinct problemstatement based on their primary research in a clinical environment. Moreover, new to thisprogram year, students were taught the basics of concept exploration and were expected to applythis knowledge to their identified problem. Three deliverables were generated by the programparticipants: individual blog entries, a written team report, and team presentation. The individualpublic blog aimed to document each student’s experience
”,“crossing the chasm”, “technological S curve”, and so forth. Figure 9. Word-cloud of peer interactions within study groups Figure 10. Distance between keywords of peer discussionsLessons Learned about Peer InstructionAt the conclusion of the course, multiple course participants were interviewed to solicit theirfeedback on the P2P platform. Some interesting lessons were learned in terms of how theplatform was used in practice.Generally speaking, student feedback was mostly positive. According to students, it was“fairly straightforward” to learn to use the platform, especially since a detailed user guidehad been provided. It was helpful to view the feedback of other students, which oftentimestriggered a student to
features that would promote more meaningful engagement in the app, show the importance of high quality design and implementation of technology tools for learning and research. References [1] S. Sorby, N. Veurink, and S. Streiner, “Does spatial skills instruction improve STEM outcomes? The answer is ‘yes,’” Learning and Individual Differences , vol. 67, pp. 209–222, 2018. [2] M. Berkowitz and E. Stern, “Which cognitive abilities make the difference? Predicting academic achievements in advanced STEM studies,” Journal of Intelligence , vol. 6, no. 4, p. 48, 2018. [3] S. Sorby, B. Casey, N. Veurink, and A. Dulaney, “The role of
Paper ID #25004High Risk, (with Hope for) High Reward: Lessons Learned from Planningand Hosting an UnconferenceAdam Stark Masters, Virginia Tech Adam S. Masters is a doctoral student and Graduate Research Assistant at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. They received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Delaware and are currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Adam’s research interests include access, equity and social justice in engineering.Dr. Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech Lisa D. McNair is a Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she also
, dissemination of the resultsof this work is expected to provide a model for institutional implementation of evidence-basedpractices at colleges or universities of similar size and/or student body demographics as AAMU,a land-granted minority serving university.AcknowledgmentThis study has been supported by the S-STEM program of National Science Foundation (NSF)and MSEIP program of Department of Education (DOEd). The authors greatly appreciate thesupport and encouragement from the NSF and DOEd program officers and university colleagues.References 1. Chang, M. J., Cerna, O., Han, J., & Sáenz, V. The contradictory roles of institutional status in retaining underrepresented minorities in biomedical and behavioral science majors. The Review of
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thechanging design. Finally, they note that providing students with contextual information beyond medicalneeds supported innovation. This suggests that teaching students to be socially aware of their role andwork as engineers beyond technical efficacy is important in developing their empathic design ability.Thus, Kong et al.’s [12] work provides specific instructional activities designed to teach students how toactively incorporate empathic tendencies into their design process.Eliciting Empathy Through Personal ReflectionWhile the instructional methods previously discussed are embedded in elements of traditional BMEcurriculums (design, teamwork, and ethics), Lunn et al. [13] and Morgan et al. [14] describe a standaloneBME course based on story-driven
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