offer attenuation less than 0.2 dB/km.The introduction of optical amplifiers and wavelength-division multiplexing in the 1990’sexpanded the capacity and reach of fiber optic telecommunication systems dramatically. For “Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Page 10.627.1 Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education”example, Lucent Technologies’ Lambda Xtreme transport system can operate at 2.56 Tb/s (2.56trillion bits per second) over a distance of 1000 km or 1.28 Tb/s over a distance of 4000
give them ample opportunities and time to participate in this provenmethod of gaining work experience in their academic education.Bibliography[1] Sovilla, S. E., “Co-op’s 90-Year Odyssey,” ASEE Prism, 1998. pp.18-23.[2] Martinez, R. (2000). Recognizing the accomplishments of the National School-to- Work Opportunities Act(on-line document,[3] Brand, B., Partee, G., Kaufmann, B., and Wills, J., “Looking forward: School to work principles and strategiesfor sustainability”, Washington: American Youth Policy Forum, 2000.[4] Hamilton, M. A. and Hamilton, S. F., “Building strong school to work systems: Illustrations of keycomponents”. Ithaca, N.Y.:Cornell Youth and Work Program, 1998.[5] Hamilton, M. A. and
the numbers.Currently the mathematics, engineering and physics faculty members do not shareexplicitly a common approach to categorizing problem types and how to solve them.This work in progress is focused on having these faculty members discuss problemsolving, decide on a common approach, and present problem solving as an integratedtopic in each of the three course sequences. This paper will describe the process ofdetermining a consistent approach to problem solving, the planning necessary forimplementation in 2005-06, and an assessment process to compare a pilot group tocontrol group(s). The ultimate goal is to make the learning process more efficient for thestudents and to aid them in seeing more connections between their
S δ L Figure 1: A simply supported beam with symmetric overhang (L - beam length, S - span between the two support points, δ - overhang length) Page 10.171.1 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationK1 is the so-called transformed fundamental root of the frequency equation and can benumerically calculated through a specific iterative procedure as detailed in [1]. Note thatthe value of K1 depends only on the
ILLUSTRATING ENGINEERING CONCEPTS WITH A HOUSEHOLD WATER FILTER G. Rajaram, D. M. Pai and R. S. Chauhan Department of Mechanical Engineering North Carolina A&T State University 1601 E Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27411AbstractFiltration and other methods of treatment of household drinking water supplies have becomecommon in order to prevent the potential health hazards that can be caused by the untreated tapwater. Filtration is been done at several stages based on the requirements from the governmentbody, using different types of water filters. The most common small scale water filters used
tensorial transformation laws derived using Figure 1. Theresulting stress transformation is: σ x C 2 S2 − 2SC σ L 2 σ y = S C 2 2SC σ T (2) τ xy SC − SC C − S τ LT 2 2 where, C = cos θ and S = sin θ. With this result, the constitutive relation in terms of laminate coordinates is2: σ x Q 11 Q 12 Q 16 ε x
Retaining Female and Minority Students with EMC2 Scholars Program S. K. Gupta, E. C. Hensel, A. Savakis, P. Tymann, D. Narayan Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NYAbstractThis paper details our highly successful scholarship and academic support program to retain andgraduate students in four academic departments: Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics,Computer Engineering and Computer Science (EMC2). The EMC2 Scholars Program issupported by a 4-year grant from the National Science Foundation’s CSEMS Program andmatching funds from the Rochester Institute of Technology. The paper describes the processesfor selection of scholars and renewal of scholarship, and includes data on
, the faculty can create effective group dynamics that, in turn, would stimulate growth.Requiring follow-up discussion among students on-line promotes communication andencourages student-to-student interaction. It is also important that the faculty responds to eachindividual student privately, preferable via email, regarding the posting(s)/discussion. It is herethat the faculty may continue to question the student with more complicated questions that wouldpromote cognitive and moral growth. It is important to note, that in order to be successful, thefaculty must reward the student, even minimally, for participating in the online discussions withthe assignment of points that will be used in the determination of the final course grade. It
have developed inour research. This approach involves seeing the big picture first, breaking it into parts(instructional units) and then putting it back together again into a new whole as developedfrom the student’s own research regarding the opportunity (See Figure 1). “ W h o le - P a rt - W h o le ” T e a c h in g W h o le P a rt W h o le D om a in -S p ecific P ro b le m P ro b le m S k ills an d K n ow led g e C o nt ext S o lu t io n
ASCE’S Body of Knowledge: Preparing for the Futurea Jeffrey S. Russell, P.E.Professor and Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering, U. of Wisconsin, Madison and Stuart G. Walesh, P.E. S. G. Walesh Consulting When we build, let it not be for present use alone. Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for. (John Ruskin, English philosopher)BackgroundToday’s world is fundamentally challenging the way
, lead an engineering project, and conduct themselves in a professional manner. By Page 10.1161.6obtaining these skills, students within the Experimental Vehicles Program will be betterequipped for future challenges. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationBibliography1. Hirsch, P., “Enriching Freshman Design through Collaboration with Professional Designers,” 2002 Proceeding ofthe ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 16-192. Foroudastan, S., “Mechanical
vital skill because the “engineering practice takes place in an intenselyoral culture and while formal presentations are important to practicing engineers, daily work ischaracterized more by interpersonal and small group experiences” 5.Bibliography1. Foroudastan, S., “Connecting Industry and the Community to Engineering Student’s Vehicle Projects at MiddleTennessee State University” ASEE Southeast Section Conference, 2005.2. Foroudastan, S., “Mechanical Engineering Education: Not Just about the Math" 2004 Proceeding of IMECEInternational Mechanical Engineering Congress, Anaheim, California, November 13-19.3. Vavreck, A. N., “Project Management Applied to Student Design Projects”, 2002 ASEE Annual Conference andExposition, Montreal, Quebec
collaboration.Broader or More Specific KnowledgeWith the shift from a "planned economy" to a market economy, more graduating studentengineers in China will not be guaranteed a job and assigned to a post. Chinese engineeringschools need to offer more broad based programs to produce more versatile engineers because ofthe jobs available are more varied. Faculty members trained in Russia in late 40’s and throughout 50’s are now retired and replaced by faculty trained in the western world, especially theUnited States. It seems changes in Chinese engineering schools can be done most easily bysimply copying from the best undergraduate curriculum offered in the US. However, aftercareful examination of the current practices in a few US and Chinese engineering schools
Using BME to Teach High School Fluid Dynamics Stacy S. Klein1, 2, 3,4, Robert D. Sherwood, 41 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN / 2UniversitySchool, Nashville, TN / 3Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, VanderbiltUniversity, Nashville, TN / 4Department of Teaching and Learning, Vanderbilt University,Nashville, TNAbstractIn the VaNTH ERC, high school curriculum modules based in biomedical engineering (BME)have been developed. As part of this work a module on Hemodynamics has been developedbased upon design principles growing out of cognitive science research. Accompanied by afigure and an audio file, the module begins with a grand challenge
Developing Effective K-5 Mathematics Educational Software Theodor D Richardson, Jed S Lyons University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 paper presents a software engineering pilot study on the construction and use of educationalsoftware for the K-5 classroom environment. The goal of this study is to use the softwareengineering life cycle to guide the development of mathematics skills practice software with theintent to produce (1) a reusable template for producing meaningful and effective educationalsoftware as well as (2) a retrospective analysis tool to help
Using Western Kentucky University SWE Members in the Recruitment of Middle School Girls Stacy S. Wilson, Elizabeth L. Shoenfelt Western Kentucky UniversityAbstract For the past three years, the Ogden College of Science and Engineering has hosted a Girlsin Science Day. This program is a day long event in which middle school girls are invited oncampus to participate in a variety of hands-on engineering and science activities. Typically, theclasses are taught by WKU faculty using WKU students as assistants. This past year the WKUSWE members taught two different engineering classes for the middle school students. Thispaper will describe the
of the computer engineering courses that incorporate programming. EGR474 Page 10.1265.2is a manufacturing engineering course available to computer and electrical engineering studentsas an elective. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education Table 1: Pr ogr amming Incor por ated into Engineer ing Cour ses for All DisciplinesCour se Pr ogr amming Language(s)EGR101: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
on an LCD projector or PC monitor. Composite video and stereo audio outputs arelocated on the back of the video presenter. In addition, the S-video output terminal on the backof the device allows images to be sent directly to a television or VCR. The pick-up device is a1/2” 1.5 million pixel CCD yielding effective pixels of 1360 (horizontal) x 1024 (vertical) and aframe rate of 7.5 frames per second. All circuit diagrams and problem statements were prepared on plain white paper and weregenerated using a computer or handwritten. Step-by-step solutions for all problems were thenworked under the camera on the Samsung SVP-6000. Only the instructor’s hand was visibleduring the step-by-step solution. The Samsung SVP-6000 converted the step-by
Interactive Learning Model] is an advanced learning system that provides an inward look at a learner’s internalized metalearning behaviors, an outward analysis of a learner’s actions, and a vocabulary for communicating the specific learning processes that yield externalized performance. Other measures of personality, multiple intelligences, or learning styles provide information about the learner and then leave the learner informed but unequipped to use the information. . . . [The LCI] not only provides the learner with the means to articulate who s/he is as a learner, but then provides the strategies (metawareness) for the learner to use these learning tactics with intention [18].The LCI survey is composed of 28
success seems likely to grow and spread in influence through the student population itserves. It is exciting, builds student confidence and team working skills, and prepares allstudents for cross-disciplinary work in the real world.Bibliography1. Bronet, P., Eglash, R., Gabriele, G., Hess, D., & Kagan, L. (2003). Product Design and Innovation: Evolution ofan Interdisciplinary Design Curriculum. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(1), 305-318,2. Carroll, D. R. (1997). Integrating design into the sophomore and junior level mechanics course. Journal ofEngineering Education, 86(3), 227-231.3. Lamancusa, J. S., Jorgensen, J. E., & Zayas-Castro, J. L. (1997). The Learning Factory—A new approach tointegrating design and
Atabeyli (ChalmersUniversity of Technology). Page 10.400.12 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering EducationBIBLIOGRAPHY1. Malmqvist, J., Young, P.W., Hallström, S., Svensson, T., “Lessons Learned From Design-Build-Test-Based Project Courses”, International Design Conference - Design 2004, Dubrovnik, May 18 - 21, 2004.2. Berggren, K.F., Brodeur, D B., Crawley, E. F., Ingemarsson, I., Litant, W. T. J., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S. “CDIO: An International Initiative for Reforming Engineering Education
same audience, can provide valuableinformation to the presenter, if they are available. Surveys or “needs assessments” can also beconducted. For example, interviews or questionnaires may be used to find out what the audienceneed[s] or want[s],or what problems they may have” 23. And, finally, the web or any publicbusiness records can be searched for additional audience information 24. As you can see from thegreat variety of audience characteristics and suggested modes of collecting information aboutthem, “effective speakers spend a great deal of time analyzing their audiences”25.Several of the textbooks describe the different roles audience members may play. For example,Lay & Wahlstrom26 cover the following roles: 1
B at t PS S upp ly Ba tt 1+ Ba tt 2+ Batt1- Batt2
. These incidences may sometimes cause thestudents to reconsider their intents for graduate study. Third, moving equipment to some remotelocation(s) is time consuming and carries some degree of risk of loss and/or damage, anddeprives the school of its potential use to teach, learn, or conduct research.Ideally, hands-on, online graduate programs should allow the students to learn the requiredmaterial at their convenience; permit adequate interaction with instructor and among thestudents; conduct hands-on exercises anytime and anywhere; individualize instruction tocapitalize the varied backgrounds and experiences of working professionals; provide adequateand up-to-date equipment for relevant and uninhibited exploration and experimentation; andmuch
Mechanics ModulesFor each of the design tasks discussed in Section 4, we identified the fluid mechanics principlesneeded to complete the task, as shown in Table 1 below. These basic principles guideddevelopment of the fluid mechanics IT modules. To the extent possible, the modules areindependent of one another; where some previous knowledge is needed, the student is linked tothe appropriate section(s).Table 1. Fluid mechanics principles needed for projects in water resources engineering. Task Description Fluids Principles 1 Water demand • basic units (Q, V, gallons, liters, etc.) • hydrographs
successful distance learning. Paper presented at EdMedia 2000: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Montreal, Canada.9. Sabry, K. & Baldwin, L. (2003). Web-based learning interaction and learning styles. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(4), 443-454.10. Cennamo, K. S., Ross, J. D., & Rogers, C. S., (2002). Evolution of a web-based course: Incorporating strategies for self-regulation, Educause Quarterly, 25(1), 28-33..11. Hase, S. & Ellis, A. (2001). Problems with Online Learning are Systemic, Not Technical.” In Stephenson, J. (Ed). Teaching And Learning Online: Pedagogies for New Technologies. Kogan Page: Sterling, VA, pp. 27- 34.12. Massa, N. M
for Engineering Education” S t u d e n t fa m ilia r ity w ith fa c u lty 40 35 FY1999 N =34 FY2000 N =26 FY2001 N =28 percent of students 30 A v e ra g e 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 >4 n u m b e r o f fa c u ltyFigure 2. Student familiarity with faculty after one year in the AE LC.Increased retention. Retention
solving process itself using problem space theory and how to use data miningto help us understand both the states and the transitions in the problem space.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant EEC-0230700.Bibliography[1] Berardi-Coletta, B., Dominowski, R. L., Buyer, L. S., & Rellinger, E. R. (1995). Metacognition and problem solving: A process-oriented approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21, 205-223.[2] Bjork, R. A. (1999). Assessing our own competence: Heuristics and illusions. In D. Gopher & A. Koriat (Eds.) Attention and performance XVII, Cognitive regulation of performance: Interaction of theory and
class, thus transferring the knowledge gained and his experiences to the other students. Inthe future, we expect to see similar experiences among the undergraduate students. It isanticipated that continuing documentation and tracking of student experiences will assist in thedevelopment and expansion of the PORTAL data archiving system. Some of these plans includethe hope to archive transit system and city traffic signal data from transportation agency partnersin the Portland metropolitan region.Bibliography 1. Variaya, P. (1997) How to measure transportation system performance. 2. Turner, S. (2001) Guidelines for Developing ITS Data Archiving Systems. Report 2127-3. FHWA
for Engineering Educationthis paper describes AMIS and the software that operates and controls its major components.The paper also presents test results that clearly demonstrate the capabilities of the system.System HardwareThe prototype consists of a Sony DCR-PC1 MiniDV handycam. The Sony DCR-PC1 has thefollowing specifications: • Imaging Device: Single ¼” CCD 680k Pixels • Lens: 10x, variable 35mm – 420mm • Shutter Speed: 1/60 – 1/4000 • DV In/Out (IEEE 1394 interface) • S-Video Out • Power Consumption: 3.4 W/4.5W.Our prototype configuration, like the airborne remote sensing system at Ohio State University orthe digital camera system at the University of Calgary, required data to be recorded and post-processed