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Displaying results 211 - 240 of 1570 in total
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Terri M. Lynch-Caris, Kettering University; Karl D. Majeske, Oakland University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
jobs become computer based, workers willspend greater amounts of time on a computer. It is important that the Industrial Engineeringcurriculum stays current on such demographic changes and update individual coursesaccordingly. This paper demonstrates how relatively simple and low cost studies can beintroduced into a traditional ergonomics class and benefit the students.References1. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2005). Computer and Internet use at work in 2003. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.2. Reuters 2008 Epstein, R., Colford, S., Epstein, E., Loye, B. Walsh, M. (2012). The effects of feedback on computer
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Student-Centered Activities and Maker Spaces in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Holly Jr., Purdue University, West Lafayette; Cole H. Joslyn, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Avneet Hira, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Chanel Beebe, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
multiple times to investigatewhether any themes were present across numerous students in the study. This transcript reviewfocused on specific questions asked during the interview, primarily students’ personal interest(s), 2career aspiration(s), experience with engineering, and understanding of engineering. Analysiswas performed by capturing consistencies in the data relevant to the framework of this paper, andthen student characteristics were considered for any plausible explanations.Findings/Discussion The first theme that became apparent following the analysis of the data is the narrowcomprehension of engineers and engineering conveyed by
Conference Session
Using a Real-Options Analysis Tutorial in Teaching Undergraduate Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John A. White Jr., University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
values. In addition, discrete compounding or continuous compounding can be used. Finally, the BSM equations or the BS option table can be used. Shown below are solutions for all combinations of the alternatives, except using the BS option table. a) T = 24, discrete compounding, with rf = (1.04)1/12 -1 = 0.003274 and F = sqrt[(0.30)2/12)] = 8.6603%. S = $55.00, X = $58.50, d1 = {ln(55/58.50) + [ln(1.003274) + (0.086603)2/2](24)}/ [0.086603sqrt(24)] = 0.25161, d2 = 0.25161 - 0.086603sqrt(24) = -0.17266, N(d1) = 0.59933, N(d2) = 0.43146, and C = 55(0.59933) - 58.50(0.43146)/(1.04)2 = $9.63 b) T = 24, continuous compounding, with rf = ln(1.04)/12 = 0.0032684 and F = sqrt[(0.30)2/12) = 8.6603%. S = $55.00, X = $58.50, d1 = {ln(55
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Learning Within Engineering Design Graphics I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raghu Pucha, Georgia Institute of Technology; Tristan T Utschig, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sunni Haag Newton, Georgia Institute of Technology; Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology; Roxanne Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology; Caroline R. Noyes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
students’ creativity ingenerating ideas within the context of design problems, an assessment more directlyfocused on the idea generation phase of the design process would be more suitable forour research. We plan to use a set of idea generation problems which have been usedsuccessfully in the past to measure outcomes related to creativity in idea generation.In future work, student ideation artifacts and projects will also be examined through thelens of the MPCA(18). Even though the metric requires raters and does not exhibit highreliability, the fact that the metric is broken down by function may allow us to better tracethe source(s) of a high or low creativity score than could be determined from a single,simple rating.A variety of research tools
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine C. Chen, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Lizabeth T Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Jane L. Lehr, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Emily E Liptow, California Polytechnic State University; Jaclyn Duerr, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Helene Finger P.E., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Jeffrey Boncan Cabanez, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
University, San Luis Obispo. He spent the last two years working for an AmeriCorps national service program, CSU STEM VISTA. Here, he implemented programming for an NSF S-STEM grant for an academic learning community of underrep- resented students in mechanical engineering and conducted outreach to K-5 students. Currently, he is one of two CSU STEM VISTA Leaders implementing hands-on learning experiences in STEM throughout the CSU system and supporting a cohort of 15 VISTAs across 11 CSU campuses. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 PEEPS: Cultivating a cohort of supportive engineering students and building a support team for institutional changeAbstractA National
Conference Session
ECE-related Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Rochester Institute of Technology; Reza Azarderakhsh, Rochester Institute of Technology; Mehdi Mirakhorli, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
-depletion is far more than privileges need to be defined over time and space, not traditional systems. just by the user.Figure 3. Traditional vs. IWMDs security (comparison for teaching and research integration).Identifying the modularity of different cryptographic algorithms: These include algorithmssuch as SHA3 and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The sub-step includes applyingfault diagnosis and tolerance techniques specified for IWMDs.Fig. 4 shows the first part of an S-box structure for the Pomaranch cipher. The structure ofPomaranch is based on linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) which allow fast implementationand produce sequences with large period if the feedback polynomial is chosen
Conference Session
CAD Within Engineering Design Graphics
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dongdong Zhang, Prairie View A&M University; Xiaobo Peng, Prairie View A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Deniz Eseryel, North Carolina State University; Uzair Nadeem, Prairie View A&M University; Atiq Islam, Prairie View A&M University; T Fulya Eyupoglu, North Carolina State University; Tianyun Yuan, Prairie View A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
their thinking. As students review each other‟s screencasts, their own thinking and metacognition will be re-evaluated from another learner‟s perspective who is not necessarily a teacher or a textbookauthor. Learning from peers is more authentic and more sustainable than learning from atextbook or from a teacher17. In addition, receiving peers‟ comments on their own screencastadds to these metacognitive items that will eventually help improve their CAD knowledge andskills. In this National Science Foundation (NSF) project, two mechanical engineering faculty andtwo learning scientists have collaborated to implement a student-centered instructional strategy,namely peer-generated screencast strategy in teaching CAD in the undergraduate
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Facilitating Student Success and Inclusion
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dong San Choi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
academic setbacks.AcknowledgementThis research was supported by the Campus Research Board at the University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign. I would also like to thank Namah Vyakarnam and Julianna Ge for their helpin transcribing and coding the interview data.References[1] Ohland, M. W., Sheppard, S. D., Lichtenstein, G., Eris, O., Chachra, D., & Layton, R. A. (2008). Persistence, engagement, and migration in engineering programs. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(3), 259–278.[2] Seymour, E., & Hewitt, N. M. (1997). Talking about leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.[3] Haag, S., Hubele, N., Garcia, A., & McBeath, K. (2007). Engineering undergraduate
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Efforts in Introductory Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suresh Kumar Jayaraman, School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74074; Jennifer Robinson Glenn, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Oklahoma State University; Karen A High, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
and use these videos as areference when preparing for their quizzes and exams. As a result, these videos were repeatedlyused every semester and students gave positive reviews as well.Table 1: Transition of the course from regular to online structure Spring  13 Fall  13 Spring  14 Fall  14 Spring  15 Summer  15 Fall  15Lecture in  class in  class in  class in  class in  class online online/in  classLab  s ession in  class in  class in  class in  class in  class online in  classHelp  s ession in  person in  person in  person in  person in  person online in  personSLAs no yes yes yes
Conference Session
Circuits & Systems Education I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole P. Pitterson, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon; Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
, “Learning and understanding key concepts of electricity,” in Connecting research in physics education with teacher education, A. Tiberghien, L. Jossem, and J. Barojas, Eds. 1998.[2] A. H. Johnstone, “Why is science difficult to learn? Things are seldom what they seem,” J. Comput. Assist. Learn., vol. 7, pp. 75–83, 1991.[3] P. Licht, “Teaching electrical energy, voltage and current: An alternative approach,” Phys. Educ., vol. 26, pp. 272–277, Sep. 1991.[4] G. Biswas, D. Schwartz, B. Bhuva, S. Brophy, T. Balac, and T. Katzlberger, “Analysis of student understanding of basic AC concepts,” 1998.[5] G. Biswas, D. L. Schwartz, B. Bhuva, J. Bransford, D. Holton, A. Verma, and J. Pfaffman, “Assessing problem
Conference Session
Student Success III: Affect and Attitudes
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan R. Senkpeil, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Edward J. Berger, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Dodou, “Predicting academic performance in engineering using high school exam scores,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1343–1351, 2011.[4] J. L. Kolbrin, B. F. Patterson, E. J. Shaw, K. D. Mattern, and S. M. Barbuti, “Validity of the SAT for predicting first-year college grade point average,” New York, 2008.[5] R. Sawyer, “Beyond correlations: Usefulness of high school GPA and test scores in making college admissions decisions,” Appl. Meas. Educ., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 89–112, 2013.[6] S. Trapmann, B. Hell, J.-O. W. Hirn, and H. Schuler, “Meta-analysis of the relationship between the big five and academic success at university,” Zeitschrift für Psychol. / J. Psychol., vol. 215, no. 2, pp. 132–151, Jan
Conference Session
Research on Design Learning
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark W. Steiner, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Junichi Kanai, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
engineering education where significant opportunities existfor improving the preparedness of our students for capstone and ultimately for professionalpractice.Keywords: engineering education, capstone, culminating experience, ABET, continuousimprovement1. BackgroundIn the late 1980’s and early 1990’s industry leaders started to recognize that with globalizationand advances in computer technology, the world was getting more interconnected, complex andquicker. To compete in a rapidly changing world they needed a new breed of engineeringstudents, who could literally hit the ground running upon graduation. In addition to excellenttechnical knowledge and skills they also needed graduating engineering students with abilities toproductively work on
Conference Session
Active Learning and Undergraduate Research in ET
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University; Sudhir Kaul, Western Carolina University; Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University; Paul M. Yanik, Western Carolina University; April Tallant, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
abroad experience. Given the 24 required credit hours,if a student comes in as a freshman, s/he can finish 3 Honors credit hours per semester (requiredto maintain Honors College good standing) and graduate in 4 years (or 8 semesters) with anHonors diploma. However, if a student transfers in at practically the sophomore level, s/he has todouble up on his/her Honors course or Honors contract in two semesters, which can bechallenging and time-consuming. Practically, it is not recommended for juniors or seniors toconsider Honors College, if they are not already in the Honors College.Although the 24 Honors credit hours can be earned through either Honors courses or Honorscontracts, the engineering and technology students have little to no capacity
2016 Public Policy Colloquium
David Kleidermacher
assurance standards and policy is the largest cause of the Crisis of Confidence in cybersecurity today • How are we doing? 2015 healthcare year in review… and those pesky infusion pumps • What is „security assurance‟? • Story of snake oil • Story of the world‟s only software security certification above EAL 6 • Story of the world‟s current EAL 0 software security certifications • “You can’t sell security” - Schneier • “We can’t raise the cybersecurity bar if we don’t know how to measure its height” - me BlackBerry 3 3Assurance• Solution
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session: Works in Progress
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tameshia Ballard Baldwin, North Carolina State University; Angelitha Daniel, North Carolina State University; Braska Williams Jr, North Carolina State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
project. Finally, MEP mentors participatedin several planned social events with MSEN participants in order to help build relationships amongmentors and MSEN students. The project culminated in a poster session where participantsshowcased their design projects to an audience of K-12 administrators, corporate partners, facultyand parents.Preliminary ResultsThe Student Attitudes toward STEM (S-STEM) for Middle and High School (6-12)20 uses a 5-pointLikert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree and5=strongly agree) to evaluate students’ confidence and attitudes toward math, science, engineeringand technology and 21st century learning. It was administered in a pre/post format. To get a betterunderstanding of
Conference Session
Capstone and Design Projects
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Honghong Liu; Gene Yeau-Jian Liao, Wayne State University; Chih-Ping Yeh, Wayne State University; Jimmy Ching-ming Chen, Wayne State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. The minimumparking space length can be obtained from the solution of θ, which is Lmin = 104 cm. Lpmin thenhas to be 94cm. From the result that S+ Lp = 138 cm, and choosing Lp =100 cm > 94 cm, one canobtain S = 38 cm. The rear sensor should read a distance around dr = 30 cm at the turning point P.To avoid accident, the parking space length is set as L = 110 cm > 104 cm and is then used in thecriteria for parking space finding in Eq. (1). 9 Figure 7. The picture of the modified RC toy car.The toy car does stops after finding a proper parking space and start backing up to park.However the parked positions are not at the theoretical location and are also not identical
Conference Session
Latest Trends and Implementations in Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Avneet Hira, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
). at 4. Morozov, E. Making it. The New Yorker (2014). at 5. Foster, T. Welcome to the maker-industrial revolution. Popular Science (2015). at 6. Chachra, D. Why I am not a maker. The Atlantic (2015). at 7. Moldofsky, K. The maker mom. (2015). at 8. Hatch, M. The maker manifesto. McGraw Hill Education (2014). at 9. Martinez, S. & Stager, G. Invent to learn: Making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom. (Constructing modern knowledge press, 2013).10. Make. Maker Pro. (2014).11. Makerspace North. Makerspace north. (2014). at 12. The British Council. Maker library network. at 13. Chaihuo Maker Space. Shenzhen Maker Faire. (2015). at 14. Seeed. First open hardware gathering in
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Research to Practice: K-12 Engineering Resources: Best Practices in Curriculum Design (Part 1)
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Grubbs, Baltimore County Public Schools; Greg J. Strimel, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
ontological framework. Lastly, upon examination of the cognitive processes K-12 students’ employ duringdesigning, few coding schemes actually are informed by educational philosophies, learningtheory, and STEM educational reform. Nor, do they indicate how students can be better equippedto learn and develop their cognition while designing. As researchers and educators moveforward, examining decision making strategies as well as normative models may provideadditional relevance to Design Cognition in terms of how students are performing in relation toeducational philosophies, learning theory, and STEM Educational reform. ReferencesAdams, R. S., Turn, J., & Atman, C. Y. (2003). Educating effective
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Ruzycki, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
rubrics and exemplars, and an assessment tool is being developed to provide tuningfeedback in order to refine the laboratories in future years.References:1. Bartolo, L. (2008), The Future of Materials Science and Materials EngineeringEducation, Workshop on Materials Science and Materials Engineering Education, NSF,September 2008.2. Olson, G. B. (2000). Designing a new material world. Science, 288(5468), 993-998.3. Feisel, L. D., & Rosa, A. J. (2005). The role of the laboratory in undergraduate engineeringeducation. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 121-130.4. Feisel, L.D., and Peterson, G.D.,(2002). The Challenge of the Laboratory in EngineeringEducation,” Journal of Engineering Education, 91(4), 2002, pp. 367–3685. Edward, N. S
Conference Session
Assessment II: Learning Gains and Conceptual Understanding
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin James Call, Utah State University; Wade H Goodridge, Utah State University; Thayne L Sweeten Ph.D., Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
forengineering students. Not only would this improve the normality of the data and decrease theneed for additional analytical processes that will reduce the statistical power, but it would alsoallow for improved understanding of student learning and improved assessment of curriculumimpact on student abilities.Funding and AcknowledgementsBenjamin Call is funded by Utah State University’s Presidential Doctoral Research Fellowship.We would like to thank all of the students who participated in the study.References1. Halpern, D. F., & Collaer, M. L. (2005). The Cambridge Handbook of Visuospatial Thinking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.2. Sorby, S., Casey, B., Veurink, N., & Dulaney, A. (2013). The role of spatial training in
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Learning and Engagement
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carli Denyse Flynn, Syracuse University; Cliff I. Davidson, Syracuse University; Sharon Dotger, Syracuse University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
identified by the RACI. Inquiry-based learning activities were designedusing variation theory4 to challenge students’ conceptual understanding of rate and accumulationprocesses across multiple contexts. Activities include the use of toy bricks to construct rate andaccumulation graphs. These activities will be tested in a required sophomore civil andenvironmental engineering course. The success of these activities will be measured usingformative assessments and pre-post course RACI scores. An observation protocol will also beused to assess students’ responses to the class activities5.References1. Flynn, C.D., Davidson, C.I., Dotger, S., 2014. Engineering Student Misconceptions about Rate and Accumulation Processes, in: ASEE 2014 Zone I
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 7
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry J. Shuman, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh; Scott Duplicate Streiner, University of Pittsburgh; Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
programs best provide students from diverse backgrounds with a variety ofinternational experiences to maximize their global preparedness? These are questions we haveset about to answer as part of a large, multi-university study5.Specifically, in this NSF funded study of the effectiveness of various forms of internationalexperiences, we have used a nationally recognized and normed instrument to survey both firstyear and senior engineering students initially at four partner institutions, and more recently at anadditional dozen engineering programs throughout the U. S. In doing this, questions arose thatwe needed to address if we were going to better understand the impact of the various forms ofinternational educational experiences available to
Conference Session
Best of DEED
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Menold, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Kathryn W. Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University; Timothy W. Simpson, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Emily A. Waterman, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
ofmultiple ideas through low-fidelity prototyping allows practitioners to reframe failure as anopportunity for learning, supports a sense of forward progress, and strengthens beliefs aboutcreative ability”25. Our work adds to this growing body of literature by exploring what aspects ofprototyping student engineers are aware of as they engage in the design process, specificallyduring prototyping activities.    2.2 Prototyping Literature    In this work, we use Christie et al.’s definition of a prototype as “an initial instantiation of aconcept as part of the product development process”37. Prototyping represents a large sunk costfor most companies that is overcome through the launch of a successful product; however,estimates indicate that 40-50% of
Conference Session
Engineering Physics Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kanti Prasad, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
1+|𝑇 | 1+0.88356VSWR = 1−|𝑇𝐿| = 1−0.88356 = 16.176 𝐿Example: 2.2Design a broadband amplifier making use of negative feedback and calculate the S-Parameters for the equivalent circuit of the amplifier given below:Using again the Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, the Admittance matrix 𝑦11 𝑦12[𝑦 ] can be derived as, 21 𝑦22 1 1 𝑖 𝑅2 −𝑅2 𝑣1[ 1] = [ 1 ] [𝑣2 ] 𝑖2 𝑔𝑚 −𝑅 1 1+𝑔𝑚 2 𝑅2From the y matrix, the S-matrix can be derived as 1 𝑔𝑚 𝑍0S11= S22 = 𝐷[1- 𝑅 ] 2 (1+𝑔𝑚 𝑅1 ) 1 −2𝑔 𝑍
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carrie A. Francis, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Rachel L Lenhart, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Jason R. Franz, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University; Jarred Kaiser, Boston University; Joseph Towles PhD, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tagged Divisions
. Our goal is to build an online repository of well-tested, education standards-compliant biomechanics activities that are both educational and inspirational to a diverse groupof middle grade students.Bibliography 1. Brophy S, S Klein, M Portsmore, C Rogers. Advancing Engineering Education in P-12 Classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education 97(3): 369-387, 2008. 2. Douglas J, E Iversen, C Kalyandurg. Engineering in the K-12 Classroom: An Analysis of Current Practices and Guidelines for the Furture. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education., 2004. 3. Pearson G and T Young (Ed.). Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Skills Development
2016 ASEE International Forum
Mahmoud Abdulwahed, Qatar University
Tagged Topics
International Forum
skills on three main levels; Importance currently, and in the future.Communications, teamwork, management and practical experience were indeed on the verytop competencies industry required in engineering graduates. Skills temporal gaps haveshown higher tendency to value the importance of skills and competencies to Qatar`s Future.Respondent from all stakeholders expected changes in the demand of competencies set ofengineering graduates in Qatar in the future by 2030. The engineering education system willneed to provide integrated engineering education curriculum that responds to current needsand future evolutions. As for the current needs, more emphasize on practical experience andprofessional skills such as communications and teamwork seems
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Ashwin Satyanarayana; Mariusz Nuckowski
classifier models can also be used.In our future work, we would like to explore other data mining techniques such as clustering to identifygroups of students who have similar academic performance.7. References: 1. J. Han and M. Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques,” Morgan Kaufmann, 2000. 2. Alaa el-Halees, “Mining students data to analyze e-Learning behavior: A Case Study”, 2009. 3. U . K. Pandey, and S. Pal, “Data Mining: A prediction of performer or underperformer using classification”, (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol. 2(2), pp.686-690, ISSN:0975-9646, 2011. 4. S. T. Hijazi, and R. S. M. M. Naqvi, “Factors affecting student‟s performance: A Case of Private
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Robotics in Pre-K-12 Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas Alexander Bascou, University of Pittsburgh; Muhsin Menekse, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University; Armando A. Rodriguez, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
mentoring of students, especially women and underrepresented minority students, and her research in the areas of recruitment and retention. A SWE Fellow and ASEE Fellow, she is a frequent speaker on career opportunities and diversity in engineering. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016Highlights of Over a Decade of University/Community College PartnershipsAbstractIn 2002, an NSF sponsored (# 0123146) S-STEM academic scholarship program for upperdivision engineering and computer science (designated as ENGR) students materialized atArizona State University with about half of the students being transfer students. This directedattention to the need for more support for potential and actual transfer ENGR
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies: Electrical and Control Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dustyn Roberts P.E., University of Delaware; Andrew Peter Borowski, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Support Hands-on Learning in the Teaching of Control and Systems Theory,” Engineering Education, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 62–73, Jul. 2014.[5] P. S. Shiakolas and D. Piyabongkarn, “Development of a real-time digital control system with a hardware-in- the-loop magnetic levitation device for reinforcement of controls education,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 79–87, Feb. 2003.[6] R. M. Reck and R. S. Sreenivas, “Developing a new affordable DC motor laboratory kit for an existing undergraduate controls course,” in American Control Conference (ACC), 2015, 2015, pp. 2801–2806.[7] S. S. Nudehi, P. E. Johnson, and G. S. Duncan, “A control systems laboratory for undergraduate mechanical engineering