both from Michigan Tech. Her research program involves using complementary methods (e.g., statistical modeling and analytics, psychological assessment) to evaluate how individual differences are important and impact behaviors at a cultural, social, and behavioral level. She has served as a project evaluator in the multiple NSF funded projects. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 S-STEM Student Reflections and IDP ProcessIntroductionStudent reflections and using individual development plans (IDPs) for mentoring have been anintegral part of an NSF S-STEM project focusing on students pursuing baccalaureate degrees inEngineering
of Engineering Education at University of Nevada, Reno. His re- search focuses on the interactions between engineering cultures, student motivation, and their learning experiences. His projects involve the study of student perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards becoming engineers, their problem solving processes, and cultural fit. His education includes a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, a M.S. in Bioengineering and Ph.D. in Engineer- ing and Science Education from Clemson University. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 S-STEM: Creating Retention and Engagement for Academically Talented
Paper ID #34016Using Motivational Theory to Implement S-STEM Activities SupportingStudent SuccessDr. Tris Utschig, Kennesaw State University Dr. Tristan T. Utschig is Director for Scholarly Teaching in the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) and is Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering at Kennesaw State University. For- merly, he was Assistant Director for CETL and the Office of Assessment at Georgia Tech, and prior to that was a tenured Associate Professor of Engineering Physics at Lewis-Clark State College. Dr. Utschig consults with faculty across the university about bringing scholarly teaching
Paper ID #33209The Endeavour S-STEM Program: A Multi-College Collaboration to In-creaseEngagement and Retention in STEMDr. Diana G. de la Rosa-Pohl, University of Houston Diana de la Rosa-Pohl is an Instructional Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Houston (UH). She has developed first-year experience programs for multiple STEM organizations and also teaches project-based hands-on courses for those programs. She currently directs the NSF-supported Endeavour S-STEM program which serves students across three UH STEM colleges. Her research interests include
Paper ID #34521The SEECRS Scholar Academy at Whatcom Community College: Three Co-hortsof S-STEM Scholarships LaterEric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College Eric Davishahl holds an MS degree in mechanical engineering and serves as associate professor and engineering program coordinator at Whatcom Community College. His teaching and research interests include developing, implementing and assessing active learning instructional strategies and auto-graded online homework. Eric has been a member of ASEE since 2001. He currently serves as awards chair for the Pacific Northwest Section and was the recipient of the 2008 Section
Paper ID #33856Lessons Learned in an S-STEM Program: How to Improve Recruitment andCohort BuildingJacqueline Gartner Ph.D., Campbell University Jacqueline Burgher Gartner is an Assistant Professor at Campbell University in the School of Engineering, which offers a broad BS in engineering with concentrations in chemical and mechanical.Dr. Michele Miller, Campbell University Dr. Michele Miller is a Professor and Associate Dean at Campbell University. Prior to joining Campbell in 2017, she was a professor of mechanical engineering at Michigan Tech. She received undergraduate and graduate degrees in mechanical engineering
Paper ID #32779Outcomes of the S-STEM Scholarship Program in Our Institution in thePast Three YearsProf. Liang Zhu, University of Maryland Baltimore County Liang Zhu received her B.S. in Engineering Thermophysics from the University of Science and Technol- ogy of China, Hefei, Anhui, China, in 1988, and Ph.D. in Engineering from the City University of New York, New York, USA, in 1995. Currently, she is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Her research fields include using nanotechnology to improve treatment outcomes of patients. She is also interested in Engineering
Paper ID #32484CS@Mines: PATH Ambassadors to High Success, A Successful S-STEMScholarship ProgramDr. Tracy Camp, Colorado School of Mines Tracy Camp is a Full Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines. She is the Founder and Director of the Toilers (, an active ad hoc networks research group. Her current research interests include the credibility of ad hoc network simulation studies and the use of wireless sensor networks in geosystems. Dr. Camp has received over 20 grants from the National Science Foundation, including a prestigious NSF CAREER
Paper ID #34598COVID-19’s Impact on on ECE Communities Served by Minority ServingInstitutionsDr. Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Kenneth Connor is an emeritus professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engi- neering (ECSE) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) where he taught courses on electromagnetics, electronics and instrumentation, plasma physics, electric power, and general engineering. His research in- volves plasma physics, electromagnetics, photonics, biomedical sensors, engineering education, diversity in the engineering workforce, and technology enhanced learning
finding agrees with other surveys. One survey bySimpson Scarborough [3] of 513 students in March 2020 found that, among college students whotook the survey, “63% say online instruction is worse than the in-person instruction they receivedat their school.” A second survey at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine [4] found thatstudents reported that “their learning has worsened since the move to e-learning, with 44% ofstudents responding ‘somewhat worsened’ and 26% answering ‘significantly worsened.”Ithaka S+R, in partnership with 21 universities across the U.S., developed a student surveyfocused on institutional communications and support, curricular needs, safety and well-being,and fall retention [5]. 15,677 students completed the survey. The
courses for Pass/Fail (PS/FL) without the course impactingtheir overall GPA. Credit was received for passing a PS or P course; however, a traditional Fresulted in 0 grade points which lowered the student’s GPA. For graduate students, a passing gradeis considered an A or B, and for undergraduate students an A, B, or C grade. As shown in Table3, no graduate student received an FL grade. Pass (P) and Satisfactory (S) grades are primarilyreserved for thesis and dissertation courses. Graduate students performed slightly better during theCOVID pandemic months.For undergraduate students, the percentage of students who passed each semester was relativelyconsistent; see Table 4. Perhaps due to uncertainty with the fully remote learning environment,many
inquiry, 2nd ed., N. K. Denzin and Y. S. Lincoln, Eds. 2003, pp. 249–291.[8] J. W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2003.[9] D. L. Morgan, “Paradigms lost and pragmatism regained: Methodological implications of combining qualitative and quantitative methods,” J. Mix. Methods Res., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 48–76, 2007.[10] P. Shannon-Baker, “‘But I wanted to appear happy’: How using arts-informed and mixed methods approaches complicate qualitatively driven research on culture shock,” Int. J. Qual. Methods, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 34–52, 2015.[11] C. McCall and C. Edwards, “New Perspectives for Implementing Grounded Theory,” Stud. Eng. Educ., vol
Paper ID #32798Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(S-STEM) Engineering Scholars Program at a Two-Year College: Prelimi-naryInterventions and OutcomesDr. Elizabeth A. Adams, Fresno City College Dr. Elizabeth Adams teaches full time as an Engineering Faculty member at Fresno City College in Fresno, California. She a civil engineer with a background in infrastructure design and management, and project management. Her consulting experience spanned eight years and included extensive work with the US military in Japan, Korea, and Hawaii. In 2008 Elizabeth shifted the focus of her career to education
Paper ID #33405The Path from Community College to Engineering Bachelor’s Degree ThroughPartnerships and NSF S-STEM Funded ScholarshipsDr. A. Fort Gwinn, Lipscomb University Dr Fort Gwinn is associate dean of the Raymond B Jones College of Engineering at Lipscomb University and also teaches Mechanical Engineering courses in machine design, vibrations, and finite element anal- ysis. Prior to coming to Lipscomb University in 1999, he spent 22 years in the automotive and aerospace testing industry where he gained valuable insights in engineering design and analysis.Dr. Todd Gary Todd Gary is the external evaluation for Lipscomb
Paper ID #34271Mentoring and Advising Students in an S-STEM Project: Strengths Trainingfrom a Social Justice Perspective in Engineering & Computer Science asContext – Initial ImplementationDr. Jane L. Lehr, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Jane Lehr is a Professor in Ethnic Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies and Director of the Office of Student Research at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. She is affiliated faculty in Computer Science and Software Engineering and Science, Technology and Society. She is also the Faculty Director of the California State University (CSU
Paper ID #33301Positive Impact of an S-STEM Scholarship Program on Computer ScienceStudents’ Academic Performance and Retention RateDr. Zhijiang Dong, Middle Tennessee State University Dr. Zhijiang Dong is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Middle Tennessee State University. His research areas are in the fields of formal methods, system verification and validation, and computer science education. He received his BS in Mathematics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology at China, and his PhD in Computer Science from Florida International University.Dr. Joshua Lee Phillips, Middle Tennessee State
Paper ID #32530Institutional Racism in Scholarship Renewal (Research)Dr. Alan S. Hoback, University of Detroit Mercy Alan S. Hoback is Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Detroit Mercy. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan. Dr. Hoback received his Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Hastings College, Nebraska in 1987. He earned his B.S., M.S and Sc.D. from Washington University in 1989, 1991, and 1993, respectively. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Institutional Racism
Paper ID #35295Peace Engineering: A Partnered Approach to Engineering EducationProf. Mira S Olson, Drexel University Dr. Mira Olson is an Associate Professor in the Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering De- partment at Drexel University. She holds a B.S in Mechanical Engineering and B.A. in Environmental Sciences and Engineering from Rice University, and an M.E. and Ph.D. in Civil (Environmental) Engi- neering from the University of Virginia. The broad focus of her research is on protecting source water quality, with current interests in transboundary water management, coastal sustainability and community
Paper ID #32306Cracks in the Foundation: Issues with Diversity and the Hiring Processin Computing FieldsStephanie J. Lunn, Florida International University Stephanie Lunn is presently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU). Her research interests span the fields of Computing and Engineer- ing Education, Human Computer Interaction, Data Science, and Machine Learning. Previously, Stephanie received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Neuroscience from the University of Miami, in addition to B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from FIU.Dr. Monique S
Paper ID #33495Designing for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Systems EngineeringEducationCourtney C. Rogers, University of Virginia Courtney Rogers is a PhD student in the Department of Engineering Systems and Environment at the University of Virginia. Her research focuses on applying human factors engineering to complex public health issues. She received her undergraduate degree in global public health and Masters of Public Health from the University of Virginia and completed the Public Health Associate Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Dr. Rupa S. Valdez, University of Virginia Dr. Rupa
science by ex- ploring social constructivist pedagogies and their effects on women at the intersection of race and gender. She is passionate about improving diversity and equity in computer science by conducting research that promotes inclusive learning environments. Her goal is to complete her Ph.D. and become a computer science professor to continue serving the computer science education community through mentorship, research, and teaching.Dr. Monique S. Ross, Florida International University Monique Ross, Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences and STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University, designs research focused on broadening par- ticipation in computer
Paper ID #32258Minority Student Experiences in Engineering Graduate Programs:Socialization and Impact on Career TrajectoriesDr. Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr. Amelink is Associate Vice Provost for Learning Systems in the Office of the Provost at Virginia Tech. She is also an affiliate faculty member in the Departments of Engineering Education and Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Virginia Tech.Dr. Mayra S. Artiles , Arizona State University Mayra S. Artiles is an assistant professor in engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
engineering education, software, and hardware engineering.Dr. Racheida S. Lewis, University of Georgia Racheida S. Lewis, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia in the Engineering Ed- ucation Transformations Institute (EETI) and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She has been recognized as a Gates Millennium Scholar, GEM Associate Fellow, New Horizon Scholar, and a 2019 inductee into the Bouchet Honor Society. She completed her doctoral work at Virginia Tech where she focused on the impact matriculation structures have on self-efficacy development in electrical and computer engineering students. As well, she received a Bachelor of Science and Master of Engi- neering in Electrical
emphasized engineering education to promote persistence and success in engineering.Dr. Mehdi Khazaeli, University of the Pacific Mehdi Khazaeli is an Associate Professor in School of Engineering and Computer Science at University of the Pacific. He also serves as Director of Pacific’s Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE) Program. He teaches courses in Design and Innovation, Decision Making, Building Information Modeling and Data Analytics. He has consulted with and/or taught seminars to a variety of clients in R&D-based industries, research organizations and educational institutions.Mr. Jeremy S. Hanlon, University of the Pacific American c
focus is on education development and innovation. His Research interests include, but not limited to: Machine Learning, es- pecially Deep Learning, for Image Processing and Video Prediction, Neuromorphic Computing Systems and its applications.Dr. Ahmed Dallal, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Dallal is an assistant professor at the department of electrical and computer engineering, Unversity of Pittsburgh, since August 2017. Dr. Dallal primary focus is on education development and innovation. His research interests include biomedical signal processing, biomedical image analysis, and computer vision, as well as machine learning, networked control systems, and human-machine learning.Prof. Mohamed A. S. Zaghloul, University
. She earned her B.S.M.E. at Grove City College. She is currently researching under Dr. Catherine Berdanier in the Engineering Cognition Research Laboratory.Dr. Monique S. Ross, Florida International University Monique Ross, Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences and STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University, designs research focused on broadening par- ticipation in computer science through the exploration of: 1) race, gender, and disciplinary identity; 2) discipline-based education research (with a focus on computer science and computer engineering courses) in order to inform pedagogical practices that garner interest and retain women (specifically Black and His
, Washington State University Dr. Olusola O. Adesope is a Professor of Educational Psychology and a Boeing Distinguished Profes- sor of STEM Education at Washington State University, Pullman. His research is at the intersection of educational psychology, learning sciences, and instructional design and technology. His recent research focuses on the cognitive and pedagogical underpinnings of learning with computer-based multimedia re- sources; knowledge representation through interactive concept maps; meta-analysis of empirical research, and investigation of instructional principles and assessments in STEM. He is currently a Senior Associate Editor of the Journal of Engineering Education.Dr. Candis S. Claiborn, Washington
narrative research methods and is interested more broadly in interpretive research methods. In her research, Dr. Kellam is broadly interested in developing critical understandings of the culture of engineering education and, espe- cially, the experiences of underrepresented undergraduate engineering students and engineering educators. In addition to teaching undergraduate engineering courses and a graduate course on entrepreneurship, she also enjoys teaching qualitative research methods in engineering education in the Engineering Education Systems and Design PhD program at ASU. She is deputy editor of the Journal of Engineering Education.Dr. Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D
the connection between the two.Ada Barach, Ohio State University Ada recently graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering. Her undergraduate research was in coding education for first-year students. Ada is currently pursuing a PhD in theoretical computer science at Ohio State.Connor Jenkins, Ohio State University Connor Jenkins is currently an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Electrical and Computer En- gineering at The Ohio State University. His engineering education research interests include first-year engineering, teaching assistant programs, and technical communication education methods.Ms. Serendipity S. Gunawardena, Ohio State University Sery is an
-bethke-wendellDr. Chelsea Andrews, Tufts University Chelsea Andrews is a post-doctoral researcher at Tufts University in Engineering Education. She received a B.S. from Texas A&M University in ocean engineering, an S.M. from MIT in civil and environmental engineering, and a PhD from Tufts University in Engineering Education. Her current research includes investigating children’s engagement in engineering design through in-depth case study analysis.Dr. Tejaswini S. Dalvi, University of Massachusetts, BostonChristine M. Kelly American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Assessing elementary students’ engineering design thinking with