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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 44 in total
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration at the Program Level
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alice Huang; Nava Bozorgmehri; Alexander Broome; Peyton Elise Carter; Hayoung Cho; Jaxen Farrell; Jane Ginley; William Kaeul Gotanda; Margaret Hynes; Charles Patrick Neill; Owen Pett; Will Purnell; Eliana Jean Razzino; Olivia Lane Remcho; Vanessa Rigoglioso; Cyrus Rosen; Ellen Ryan; Mary Katherine Serpe; William Sweeney; Avneet Hira, Boston College; Gabriella Maria Bachiochi
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
two and how that impacts how they think ofthemselves and their learning. The narratives presented in this paper were collected as part of a weeklyone-hour reflection seminar that all students in the program are required to enroll in each semester. One ofthe goals of the course is to give students the opportunity to think about the connections between theirliberal arts courses and the general liberal arts university experiences, with what they are learning in theirengineering specific courses and experiences. In an attempt to create a student-centered body ofknowledge that initiates the dissolution of the techno-social dualism prevalent in engineering education,we present here student narratives and a discussion based on these narratives to
Conference Session
Global Roles and Societal Responsibilities of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan C. Lucena, Colorado School of Mines; Mateo F. Rojas, Colorado School of Mines; Sofia Lara Schlezak, Colorado School of Mines; Emma Chapman, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
ofdepoliticization and technological or sociological determinisms, students are left in the middlewithout effective options to better understand how technology and society interact and howthis interaction could be put into practice in ways to empower the communities they want toserve [9]2.One antidote for this dichotomy is critical praxis in engineering research for communitydevelopment informed by STS. Adopting Paolo Freire’s concept of praxis in some courses in ourHumanitarian Engineering and Science (HES) program at Colorado School of Mines, we definethis type of critical praxis as the processes by which the theories, lessons, and practices of ECDare enacted, embodied, or realized through dialogue, action, and critical reflection to transformreality [11
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration at the Program Level
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth A. Reddy, Colorado School of Mines; Courtney Van Kirk; Marie Stettler Kleine, Colorado School of Mines; Emily York, James Madison University; Shannon Conley; David Tomblin, University of Maryland, College Park; Nicole Farkas Mogul, University of Maryland, College Park; Marisa Renee Brandt, Michigan State University; Kathryn Peck
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
intersection of science and/or technology in society, and the theme for our work is “what is good engineering and science.”This is an excerpt from an email that two authors of this paper, Elizabeth Reddy and MarieStettler Kleine, sent out in the summer of 2022. We were excited for the opportunity to invite ourcolleagues to join us in the project of interdisciplinary engineering education, informed byScience and Technology Studies (or STS). This project was an opportunity to stage playfulworkshops and facilitate conversations we did not often get to have, all designed to stimulateinterdisciplinary reflections on what we do and why we do it. We were informed by theories of“trading zones” from STS and theories of the classroom drawn from
Conference Session
Global Roles and Societal Responsibilities of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eunjeong Ma, Pohang University of Science and Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
silenced and highlighted inthe process of shaping hybrid pedagogies and engineering by reflecting on and assessing thenature of “hybridity,” “innovation,” and “design” in engineering education. Introduction During the late 2000s, the South Korean government identified the need to prioritizescience and technology policy in the university sector, specifically in the area of informationand communication technologies, with the aim of developing global leaders. A concerningissue of a "crisis in science and engineering fields" was identified, whereby many youngstudents were disinclined to pursue science and technology careers. In response, thegovernment initiated an effort to attract talented young
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Fernandez, UMass Amherst; Sarah Aileen Brownell, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Ankita Kumar; Bailey Bond-Trittipo, Florida International University; Zoii Arrianna Henry; Corin L. Bowen, California State University, Los Angeles
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
does engineering? Who is engineering done for? Asengineering is increasingly associated with cutting edge technology and innovative advances incomplex and/or large scale systems, these are questions that merit reflection. These trends tend todisproportionately benefit those in wealthy sectors of society. Simultaneously, those with theleast economic wealth are often negatively impacted. But, engineering doesn’t have to continuealong this path. It is instructive to reflect on the fact that engineering encompasses technologiesand designs that have served much of the human population for ages. Engineering to meet basichuman needs, such as working with the natural world toward sustainable food gatheringpractices, building homes and infrastructure
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration at the Course Level
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Romkey, University of Toronto
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
towards real-world applications through a varietyof mechanisms. Instructors demonstrated moderate support for STSE, with a strong orientationtowards problem solving and design, but shared concerns, in particular about exploring issues ofsocial justice and fairness and the possibility of imposing bias on students. This is reflective ofwork in engineering education that highlights the apolitical nature of engineering and itsresonance in undergraduate engineering programs. Finally, a reframing of STSE is offered toacknowledge the role of problem solving rather than issue exploration in engineering, whilehighlighting the need to further consider the context of engineering activities, aligned with recentwork on sociotechnical thinking and social
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Thinking: Who, Why, and How?
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin J. Laugelli, University of Virginia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
particular, thearchetypal figure of Victor Frankenstein offers students a model of a negative “possible self” thatcautions against rogue engineering practices. The paper analyzes themes from Shelley’s novel asthey were used in courses in science, technology, and society (STS) to foster ethical reflection onthe perils of practicing irresponsible, presumptuous, unaccountable, and biased techno-science.IntroductionMary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein is widely regarded as a foundational work of early sciencefiction that cautions against misguided and unethical science and engineering. As such, the novelshould be poised to help engineering undergraduates cultivate moral imagination and acommitment to socially responsible techno-science. Along this line, a
Conference Session
Stories, Communication, and Convergence in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ariana Turner, Georgia Institute of Technology; Hye Yeon Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joseph M LeDoux, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
includes three clusters of competencies: intellectual openness, workethic and conscientiousness, and positive core self-evaluation. These clusters includecompetencies, such as flexibility, initiative, appreciation for diversity, and metacognition (theability to reflect on one’s own learning and adjust accordingly).• The Interpersonal Domain includes two clusters of competencies: teamwork and collaborationand leadership. These clusters include competencies, such as communication, collaboration,responsibility, and conflict resolution. While research has shown a host of positive outcomes (i.e., educational attainment, careeradvancement, and physical health) as a result of successful development in The CognitiveDomain, far less research has
Conference Session
Minoritization Processes and Equity in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stacey Sexton; Amanda Menier, SageFox Consulting Group; Rebecca Zarch, SageFox Consulting Group
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
Jamboard 3:00 Policy, Research, Practice RoomsDAY 3:00 – Facilitated conversation: Building on the Breakouts, Stacey Large-group Chat/ONE 3:30 Sexton Shareout Jamboard 3:30 – Break 3:45 3:45 – Doing equity work in a politically charged environment: Facilitated Chat 4:45 Dynamics between the personal and systemic Discussion 4:45 – Closing Reflections: Applying the policy landscape to Closing
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration at the Course Level
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corey T Schimpf, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Jessica E S Swenson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Courtney Burris
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
HurricaneKatrina and (3) the student selected research project on an engineered system that negativelyimpacted their local community. For each case, we discuss the learning goals of the givenactivity, how the activity was enacted for the class, and finally draw connections between theactivity and the theories of power it emphasized. After presenting the details of each case weshare our reflections on each of them as instructors. Our reflections explore what went well witheach activity, what challenges it had, and what we might change for future implementations.Study ContextThe three cases reported here all happened in a year-long senior capstone course for a multipledisciplinary engineering degree at a Mid Atlantic University with a large engineering
Conference Session
Global Roles and Societal Responsibilities of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
YiXiang Shawn Sun, National Taiwan University; Sharon Tsai-hsuan Ku, University of Virginia; Jongmin Lee, University of Science and Technology; Sean Michael Ferguson, CSUCI
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
, theUnited States passed the Innovation and Competition Act, which increased funding forSTEM education. In other words, the development of engineering education is closely relatedto national expansion, industrial structure, and global political changes, and may become akey power field and colonial tool. Although Taiwan and South Korea play important roles inthe global high-tech industry chain and geopolitics, their comprehensive thinking onengineering education is far from enough. As STS scholars and engineering educators in EastAsia, we have a moral obligation to assume these responsibilities, and to examine thehistorical facts behind the impact of technology on geopolitics and society, in order to furtheranalyze and reflect on what engineering
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Thinking: Who, Why, and How?
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin David Lutz, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
experiences and ideas [24]), and other areas in which learning occur over time[25]. While there is a wide range of developmental models, I will highlight one here that offers auseful framework for charting changes in thinking and reasoning over time: Baxter Magolda’sEpistemological Reflection Model (ERM) [26].Baxter Magolda’s ERM describes cognitive development in terms of the ways individuals makesense of, evaluate, interact with, and understand knowledge. This model is derived from Perry’sintellectual development framework [27] and addresses salient dimensions of college learningenvironments. The categories, called “ways of knowing”, range from Absolute to Contextual.Absolute Knowing corresponds to an overarching belief system where knowledge is
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration at the Course Level
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nina Kamath Telang, University of Texas, Austin; Ramakrishna Sai Annaluru, University of Texas, Austin; Christine Julien, University of Texas, Austin; Pedro Enrique Santacruz, University of Texas, Austin
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
including untold stories throughout the history of computing andalgorithms, identity and intersectionality in engineering, designs from engineering that have highsocietal impact, the LGBTQ+ experience in engineering, engineering and mental health, andcultural diversity within engineering. Each module gives a brief overview of the topic, followedby an associated assignment. We made all of these modules available to the students in thecourse and told them to choose one to complete. Each student engaged with their selectedmodule in four specific ways: (1) watching a relevant video; (2) reading and annotating aprovided article; (3) responding in a written reflection to a set of specific prompts relevant to themodule; and (4) conducting an interview
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration at the Course Level
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarvnaz Lotfi, Loyola University, Maryland; Raenita A. Fenner, Loyola University, Maryland
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
prepare students to dedicate themselves todiversity that values the richness of human society as a divine gift and to pursue justice bymaking an action-oriented response to the needs of the world.[12]” Given the uniquely holisticaims of the LUM community, the practice of reflection laying at the core of the Jesuit traditioninvigorates all corners of the university to respond to nationwide calls for social, political, andeconomic justice.At present, LUM’s strategic plan places a strong emphasis on DEI through the recruitment ofstudents and faculty from underrepresented groups and the creation of more inclusive classroomsand curricula. The university’s stated diversity aims include “awareness of the structural sources,consequences, and
Conference Session
Values in Engineering: Ethics and Justice-Oriented Engineering
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kassandra Fernandez, University of Florida; Sindia M. Rivera-Jiménez, University of Florida
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
thinking and reflection on their work's impact. This study emphasizes the needfor comprehensive education and training tailored to scientists and engineers to address complexsocietal challenges effectively and responsibly in their professional roles.Keywords: social responsibility, engineering ethics, engineering formation, undergraduateresearch, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)1. IntroductionSociety is facing challenging problems that threaten both the present and future of justice, peace,sustainability, and the overall well-being of humanity. Given that the responsibility of scientistsand engineers implies a duty to address those challenges for society [1], how could research-intensive universities prioritize transformative
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kari Zacharias, University of Manitoba; Jillian Seniuk Cicek, University of Manitoba; Lydia Wilkinson, University of Toronto; Chantal Rodier; Laura M. Patterson, University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus; Renato B. Rodrigues, University of Manitoba; Ken Tallman, University of Toronto
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
annual conference. The Engineering and Humanities Special Interest Group(SIG) is one of approximately twelve SIGs operating as communities of practice within CEEA-ACÉG that bring together individuals working and researching within a particular area. TheEngineering and Humanities SIG in particular aims to create space for those who study theintersections of engineering and humanities, those who teach at these intersections, and non-engineers who bring their perspectives to engineering environments. As in most large academicorganizations, the SIG’s membership and engagement is not necessarily representative of thewider landscape of Canadian engineering education. While our SIG aims to reflect the work ofscholars, teachers and practitioners at the
Conference Session
Stories, Communication, and Convergence in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia; Rider W. Foley, California State University, Channel Islands; Andrew Li; Rebecca Jun, University of Virginia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
organize the divisionsare not exclusive. The reflect differences in emphasis rather than the existence of separateknowledge domains.1 The number of divisions vs. constituent committees and interest groups seems to fluctuate based on the context inwhich the list is generated (ASEE website vs. PEER). By some counts, there are 55 divisions. In any case, theproportion of “Engineering and. . .” divisions remains essentially the same. 2 This paper focuses on four “Engineering and. . .”divisions that explicitly connectengineering with expertise that is relevant to engineers but not typically required in engineeringeducation
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Thinking: Who, Why, and How?
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrice Marie Buzzanell, University of South Florida; Sean M. Eddington, Kansas State University; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
explanations and understanding of howmajority and underrepresented group members in a College of Engineering felt exclusion andinclusion and what visions they could produce from their collective sensemaking. Qualitativecausal mapping provides DT facilitators with a tool to listen for, plan, and mark passages to drawout explicit and implicit linkages that might not be conscious or intentional. In the case of the DTfacilitator in our study, he displayed strategies to encourage causal expressions such as pullingdata from past sessions and encouraging reflection, digging below the surface meanings of talkto underlying feeling (longing for inclusion, confusion with why people do not act in particularways), and expressions of curiosity). The DT session
Conference Session
Stories, Communication, and Convergence in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna G Burchfield, University of South Florida; April A. Kedrowicz, North Carolina State University, Raleigh
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
members together provideleadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meetobjectives” (ABET, 2021, p. 9), to “demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineeringmanagement principles and economic decision making and apply these [...] as a member andleader in a team [...] in multidisciplinary environments” (FEIAP, 2019, p. 27), and to “gather andinterpret relevant data and handle complexity within their field of study, to inform judgementsthat include reflection on relevant social and ethical issues” in teamwork contexts (ENAEE,2021, p. 12). The communication-based competencies outlined by ABET, ENAEE, and FEIAPabove are so important to engineering practice that 63% of employers are willing to
Conference Session
Values in Engineering: Ethics and Justice-Oriented Engineering
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert P. Dalka, University of Maryland, College Park; Chandra Anne Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park; Devyn Shafer; Brianne Gutmann, San José State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
students develop a sense of agency,deeper relationality, and inclusive leadership practices. We present how these outcomes arehighly important for effecting change both as a part of Access and in other spaces studentsoccupy.In this paper, we begin by introducing background information on both Access and put the workof the NF team in conversation with other educational change initiatives. We then describe themethods we have used in this work. Next, we present the results of our analysis and reflect onthese results in the discussion section. Finally, we use the conclusion section of this paper todiscuss implications for other practitioners and motivate future research possibilities.II. BackgroundIn this section, we first describe how Access is
Conference Session
Values in Engineering: Ethics and Justice-Oriented Engineering
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Radoff, University of Maryland College Park; Chandra Anne Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park; David Tomblin, University of Maryland, College Park; Nicole Farkas Mogul, University of Maryland, College Park; Amol Agrawal; Andrew Elby, University of Maryland, College Park
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
marginalized local knowledges. It attends to the way power is reflected in socio-technical systems and whether power sharing exists and/or power is being exerted and treated as a limited resource [36]. 2) Politics of artifacts [37] asserts that science and technology aren’t neutral. Many of the values and politics of artifacts remain invisible, by design. In order to build socially just socio-technical systems, we must reveal these values in existing artifacts and attend to what values are shaping the design of new artifacts. Otherwise knowledge production and technological development will continue to reproduce social inequalities. 3) Feminist standpoint epistemologies (e.g., [38]) help us empathetically orient “Self
Conference Session
Student Mental Health and Communities of Care
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Robert, University of Denver; Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
4Dignity and well-being: Narratives of modifying the culture of engineering education to improve mental health among underrepresented STEM studentsown individual findings and how they were interpreted to form the study’s overall findings, but they alsoreviewed and approved this conference paper. The framework also required deep ongoing self-reflectivity by the primary investigator about how her own myriad identities, including being an adjunctfaculty member, affected her perception and interpretation of the participants’ own emerging newknowledge about their experiences in engineering education (Nodelman, 2013). Arts-based research(ABR) methods (Leavy, 2017) use creative practices in social research because of their
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
Committee on Personnel Methods (Eds. C.R. Mann, D.A. Robertson, M.E. Haggerty, J. B. Johnson; American Council on Education) (1930) Federal Relations to Education (American Council on Education) (1930) Manual for Teachers of Classes of Illiterate Adults: Tentative Suggestions (with National Advisory Committee on Illiteracy; American Council on Education) (1938) Living and Learning (American Council on Education)This list of publications and the range of subjects on which Mann published present aformidable challenge to any researcher who seeks to understand Mann’s career, but theyalso reflect the breadth of perspective that equipped Mann to be a systems thinker whograsps the intricacies of what
Conference Session
Global Roles and Societal Responsibilities of Engineers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd E. Nicewonger, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Stacey Anne Fritz; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
Delta emergedseveral years after the Crooked Creek flood. The primary idea for this project was to utilize localtimber resources and set up a plant for prefabricating trusses which could then be used insurrounding communities to facilitate building and address severe housing shortages.One participant in the project whose background is in economics and is not a builder or designer,reflected on the promising outlook. So, we did the feasibility, we worked on the business plan with the [name of organization]. Everything was going forward and they [had several] groups doing the retrofit design for building in Bethel [where the integrated truss plant was to be set up]. That would become the truss plant. They were also in talks
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cherie D. Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University; Bryanne Peterson; Sreyoshi Bhaduri, ThatStatsGirl; Cassandra J. McCall, Utah State University; Desen Sevi Özkan, Tufts University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
National Science Foundation projects in the engineering education realm, researching engineering career trajectories, student motivation, and learning. Sreyoshi has been recognized as a Fellow at the Academy for Teaching Excellence at Virginia Tech (VTGrATE) and a Fellow at the Global Perspectives Program (GPP) and was inducted to the Yale Bouchet Honor Society during her time at Virginia Tech. She has also been honored as an Engaged Ad- vocate in 2022 and an Emerging Leader in Technology (New ELiTE) in 2021 by the Society of Women Engineers. Views expressed in this paper are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those of organizations she is associated with. Learn more about Sreyoshi’s impact
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Integration and Sociotechnical Thinking: The Big Picture
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth A. Reddy, Colorado School of Mines; Marie Stettler Kleine, Colorado School of Mines; Matt Parsons, Colorado School of Mines; Dean Nieusma, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
together to solveimportant societal problems.” Another interviewee reflected on the range of perspectives thatneed to be integrated, putting it this way: If we’re going to have engineers who are trying to make a positive impact on the world, and understand sociotechnical problems and the context in which they’re trying to work, they need to understand society and power and history and beauty and art and what really matters to people. All sorts of things like that. And they won’t get that with a narrow disciplinary perspective.Interviewees not only indicated that sociotechnical integration could develop students’ skillsetsand impact on the world, but also could transform their very ways of being. For example, oneinterviewee
Conference Session
Minoritization Processes and Equity in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bryce E. Hughes, Montana State University, Bozeman; Sidrah MGWatson, Montana State University, Bozeman
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
strategies as either necessary to succeed or even as desirable depending on theextent to which they have internalized dominant narratives about the irrelevance of sexual andgender identity to STEM, a reflection of the ways LGBTQ people are prone to minimize harmfulexperiences pertaining to sexual and gender identity [21]. However, each of these strategiesintroduces additional psychological and emotional burden that can interfere with the cognitiveresources needed to maintain motivation and succeed in a STEM major.The most immediate of these consequences is that LGBTQ people are much more likely toconsider leaving, and to leave, STEM than their cisgender, heterosexual counterparts [1-3]. Inaddition to this attrition, regardless of whether they leave
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Systems in Practice
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nandini Sharma, The University of Texas at Austin; Jeffrey W. Treem, University of Texas at Austin; Megan Kenny Feister, CSUCI
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
generated from lab members’ responses to questions that directly and/orindirectly reflect on their collaborative work. The interviews transcripts, in-person field notes,and field notes taken over Zoom, were consulted to ensure that the patterns and themes identifiedduring the in-person interviewing and observations repeated and recurred with force (Owen,1984) across the three labs. The researchers discussed the emergent themes and compared thethemes with their own experiences in the field along with the memos they took duringinterviews, and meeting and field observations. This data analysis was also accompanied by themanuscript writing process which informed the interpretive processing of interview andobservation data. For example, writing the
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LIBED) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Johanna Bodenhamer, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis ; Robert Weissbach, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Ruth Camille Pflueger, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College; Corinne C. Renguette, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Brandon Sorge, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis; Annwesa Dasgupta; Immanuel Edinbarough P.E., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
circle modeldemonstrated that peer-to-peer tutoring resulted in improved written communication thatdemonstrated higher-level critical thinking outcomes from students further along in theirprogram of study written communication [7]. However, the writing circle approach requires ahigh level of commitment, time, and money for the training and its continued use. Eachapproach, regardless of the academic year of the students, had a positive result, with some of theparticipating students reflecting that the process helped them to become better writers by seeingthe work of others [6] [7].Collaborative ApproachesA collaborative approach that comes from forming a collaborative relationship between STEMinstructors and writing center staff can result in
Conference Session
Stories, Communication, and Convergence in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naqaa Abbas, Texas A&M University, Qatar; Reza Tafreshi, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Patrick Linke; Mary Queen, Texas A&M University, Qatar
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
, as we each brought our own disciplinarybiases and (mis)understanding/(mis)perception of writing and thinking. These disciplinary andconceptual differences were also reflected in our assessment expectations and rubric design. 4However, despite the challenges encountered, our meetings did serve as a space in which weentered critical dialogue with one another about what writing means, what thinking entails, themulti-dimensions of engineering problems, ethical decisions in problem solving, and anawareness of student limitations as well as our own limitations. We asked each other questionssuch as: is it ethical to expect our students to find solutions in a “writing,” non-technical, non