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ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Mohammad-Reza Tofighi, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
Drexel. Since joining Penn State in 2004, has taught a variety of courses on RF and mi- crowave, electromagnetics, antennas, and communication systems to Electrical Engineering and Electri- cal Engineering Technology students. Dr. Tofighi’s main research interest for about 25 years has been on medical/biological applications of RF and microwave including wireless implants, microwave radiometry and imaging, biomedical antennas, interaction of microwave with tissues, and permittivity measurement using time and frequency domain methods. Dr. Tofighi’s main professional affiliation is with the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). For many years, he has served the IEEE MTT-S in various capacities such as
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
John Reap, Quinnipiac University
thickness). They quantifiedcharring using an automated pixel counting method adapted from work on air void detection inconcrete [9]. The control factors responsible for the specimens in Figure 1’s Row A exhibitedthe most charring and highest variation as measured by signal to noise ratio (S/N). Row Bexhibited the least.For the individual projects one student chose to investigate laser settings that minimizeengraving time. Another student explored the effects on the surface quality of parts printed withthe Stratasys F170. He measured differences in surface height to ±0.0005 in to quantify surfacequality. This student went beyond the means and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios required in TMdata analysis, conducting a one-factor ANOVA using R-Studio
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Abdullah Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Haibin Liu, Northeast Normal University
. Kuratko, G. Fisher, and D. B. Audretsch, "Unraveling the entrepreneurial mindset," Small Business Economics, vol. 57, pp. 1681-1691, 2021.[3] R. J. Pidduck, D. R. Clark, and G. Lumpkin, "Entrepreneurial mindset: Dispositional beliefs, opportunity beliefs, and entrepreneurial behavior," Journal of Small Business Management, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 45-79, 2023.[4] R. D. Ireland, M. A. Hitt, and D. G. Sirmon, "A model of strategic entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions," Journal of management, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 963-989, 2003.[5] S. E. Zappe, "Avoiding Construct Confusion: An Attribute-Focused Approach to Assessing Entrepreneurial Mindset," Advances in Engineering Education, vol
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Tracey Carbonetto, Pennsylvania State University, Allentown
that a waiver wasgranted to the ship’s owner allowing the ship to sail with an open lifeboat. The lack of adequatelifesaving equipment was identified as one of the root causes in the loss of life. Students focusedon utilizing the engineering design process to design an improved lifesaving protocol process, alifeboat equipment system appropriate for this type of ship, and finally, a policy that mandatedcapable lifesaving equipment be onboard for any voyage. Data Students learned that the dangerous listing of the ship (leaning to one side) would haveprevented the lifeboat(s) from being released and launched into the water with the davit systemutilized by the El Farro. While the open lifeboats
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Sadan Kulturel-Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Abdullah Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; David Robert Schneider; Khanjan Mehta, Lehigh University
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aframework comprising 12 attitudes and 17 behaviors that align with the 3Cs.Parallel to the entrepreneurial mindset, we can define an innovation mindset as a set of beliefsand attitudes that lead to developing the capacity to produce valuable novelty. There is also adistinction between individual innovativeness and the innovation mindset. For example, Hunteret al.’s conceptual model of innovativeness [11] includes constructs such as knowledge, skills,and abilities, while the innovation mindset emphasizes dispositions, attitudes, and propensities[12]. Couros [13] describes eight characteristics of an innovator’s mindset: empathic, problemfinders/solvers, risk takers, networked, observant, creators, resilient, and reflective.This paper investigates
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University at West Lafayette
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more sophisticated searchers.References[1] CJ Anderson, M Glassman, RB McAfee, and T Pinelli. (2001) An Investigation of factorsaffecting how engineers and scientists seek information. Journal of Engineering and TechnologyManagement. 18: 131-155.[2] C Tenopir and DW King. Chapter 5 Information Seeking and Use. Communication Patternsof Engineers. (2004) Wiley-IEEE Press. ISBN 0-471-48492-X s[3] P Pirolli and S Card. (1999) Information Foraging. Psychological Review. 106 (4): 643-675.
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Mohsen Mosleh, Howard University; Preethi Chandran, Howard University; Arlene P Maclin; John Harkless; Courtney J. Robinson, Howard University; Hassan Salmani; Sonya T Smith, Howard University; Gloria Washington, Howard University; Hessam Yazdani, University of Missouri
Tagged Topics
Professionalization Workshop (SPW)– theme and example quote(s) Writing a resume and/or research statement • I learned the format for a research resume. • The fact that we had our personal statements and resumes checked gave me more confidence while applying for different things. • Being able to have a research statement ready for future opportunities.” • …that I learned how to build a stronger resume. • …the ability to receive training that was very helpful in guiding our preparation for different career paths be it be from our written assignments like the resume… Learning about professional conduct, ethics, or environment in the field • It gave me examples of …how to professionally conduct myself in a field that
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Ashwin Satyanarayana, New York City College of Technology
). Data Analytics in Educational Management System.International Journal of Computer Applications, 975, 8887.[2] Nghe, N. T., Janecek, P., & Haddawy, P. (2007, October). A comparative analysis oftechniques for predicting academic performance. In 2007 37th annual frontiers in educationconference-global engineering: knowledge without borders, opportunities without passports (pp.T2G-7). IEEE.[3] Hamsa, H., Indiradevi, S., & Kizhakkethottam, J. J. (2016). Student academic performanceprediction model using decision tree and fuzzy genetic algorithm. Procedia Technology, 25,326-332.[4] Lepenioti, K., Bousdekis, A., Apostolou, D., & Mentzas, G. (2020). Prescriptive analytics:Literature review and research challenges. International Journal of
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Jennifer Shaffer Brown, Clemson University; Emma Katherine Buell, Clemson University; Stephanie Cutler, Pennsylvania State University; Karen A High, Clemson University
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department as well as the Envi- ronmental Engineering and Earth Sciences department. Prior ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 WIP: Leveraging Elements of the Researcher Development Framework Embedded in Entrepreneurial Attributes to Improve Graduate Student Professional Development Jennifer S. Brown1, Emma Buell1, Karen High1, and Stephanie Cutler2 Clemson University1, The Pennsylvania State University2Introduction and Motivation Traditionally, faculty members in STEM fields encounter silo-ed approaches toprofessional development, and this trend extends to their graduate students (future
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Zhiqing Lu; Herschel Pangborn; Katie Fitzsimons
remotely: the arduino student kit.” [Online]. Available: [3] Arduino, “Eduvision s3, ep.03: Crack our morse code!” 2021. [Online]. Available: [4] Z. Lu and K. Fitzsimons, 2022. [Online]. Available: [5] R. T. Shankar, J. Lapaix, C. P. Weinthal, D. Ploger, M. Augustin, and S. Aguerrevere, “Precision low-cost robotics for math education (work in progress),” in 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2015, pp. 26–1242. [6] J. Yao, L. Limberis, and S. Warren, “Using portable electronics experiment kits for electronics courses in a general engineering program,” in 2011 ASEE
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Bradley J. Sottile, The Pennsylvania State University
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that Kung et al.’s (2022) paper actually listed ChatGPT as a co-author. On the other hand, Thorp (2023) has declared that ChatGPT cannot be considered anauthor since research is an intrinsically human endeavor. Thorp (2023) similarly specified thattext generated by artificial intelligence has been restricted from appearing in Science journals. Inany case, the text of the proposed question group follows: A major writing assignment is coming up for an engineering student’s capstone design course during a very busy part of the semester. There are a few major sections of the paper that require mostly formulaic responses. A student in the course decides to use ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, to write those
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Billal Tamer Gomaa, Penn State University
Tagged Topics
(accessed Feb. 26, 2023). [2] S. Patel and L. Tutchenko, “The refractive index of the human cornea: A review,” Cont Lens Anterior Eye, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 575–580, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.clae.2019.04.018. [3] SmugMug, “A beginner’s guide to pinhole photography.,” Medium, Oct. 28, 2020. (accessed Feb. 26, 2023). [4] S. D’Souza, S. Annavajjhala, P. Thakur, R. Mullick, S. Tejal, and N. Shetty, “Study of tear film optics and its impact on quality of vision,” Indian J Ophthalmol, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 2899–2902, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_2629_20. [5] R. Machiele, M. J. Lopez, and C. N. Czyz, “Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye Lacrimal
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University; Carmen Cheng; Steven Rotolo, Northeastern University
. Further testing could determine if a more rigid padmaterial would better transmit vibrations to the sensors, or if a different form-factor of PZT sensoris required. Regardless of the drawbacks of, or potential improvements that might be made to thePAL, it demonstrates the utility of using piezoelectric sensors to create an agility ladder thatinteracts with its users.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank our professor and advisor, as well as the staff of the First Year EngineeringLearning and Innovation Center at our University for their support during this project. We wouldalso extend our thanks to Operation & Technology Manager Nicholas Cunningham, whosetechnical guidance was invaluable to the fabrication of this project.ReferencesAli, S. M
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Buket D Barkana, University of Bridgeport; Ioana A. Badara, University of Bridgeport; Navarun Gupta, University of Bridgeport; Junling Hu, University of Bridgeport; Ausit Mahmood, University of Bridgeport
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of IEEE Women in Engineering, NSF INCLUDES National Network, and Sigma Xi.Dr. Ioana A. Badara, University of BridgeportDr. Navarun Gupta, University of Bridgeport Dr. Navarun Gupta is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Bridgeport. He also serves as the Department Chair there. Dr. Gupta received his Ph.D. from Florida International University in Miami. He has two masterˆa C™s degrees aˆ C”Dr. Junling Hu, University of BridgeportDr. Ausit Mahmood, University of Bridgeport ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Self-evaluation of the Introduction to Scientific Research Course Designed based on the Affinity Research
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Heather Lai, State University of New York at New Paltz; Graham Werner, State University of New York at New Paltz
Stand T ECP Systems Pendulum Test Stand P Student Project Variable Speed Single-Plane Balancer B Student Project Mechanical Wave Generator W Vibration and Waves Kit Vibration Absorber A Faculty Ball Bearing Shock Stand S Faculty Vibration Isolation I FacultyImages of the equipment are included on the following page.Images of Equipment (a) Rectilinear Test Stand (b) Torsional
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Sean Knecht, Penn State University
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Engineering Programs, 2022 – 2023,” retrieved from, 13 March 2023.Mosher, G., “Enhancing team-based senior capstone projects: opportunities and challenges,”Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference, ASEE-NWMSC2014-A1,(2014).Mostafapour, M., Hurst, A., “An exploratory study of teamwork processes and perceived teameffectiveness in engineering capstone design teams,” Int. J. Eng. Ed. 36:1(B), 436, (2020).Paretti, M., Layton, R., Laguette, S., Speegle, G., “Managing and mentoring capstone designteams: considerations and practices for faculty,” Int. J. Eng. Ed. 27(6):1192, (2011).Appendix: Table
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Heather Lai, State University of New York at New Paltz; Anne C Balant, State University of New York at New Paltz
Conference, Washington, District of Columbia. 10.18260/1-2— 62752. Walther, J., & Miller, S. E., & Kellam, N. N. (2012, June), Exploring the Role of Empathy in Engineering Communication through a Transdisciplinary Dialogue Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--213793. Wang, L.M., Beamer, B., Moore, K.J., and Krain, C., Case study - Lesson plan for noise control engineering concepts for use in ABET accredited engineering programs. Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2021, Aug. 1-5, 2021. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 2023 ASEE Zone 1 ConferenceAppendixStudent Learning OutcomesStudent Learning Outcomes
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Martin Nieto-Perez, Pennsylvania State University
visit possible and staffing the tour; V. Sbovodafrom CTU-Prague for facilitating remote access to the GOLEM tokamak: T. Vouse and S.Woodruff from SciVista Inc. for allowing the use of their VR models and platform.References.[1] R. F. Post. “Controlled Fusion Research - An Application of the Physics of High Temperature Plasmas”. Rev Mod Phys 28, pp. 338-362 (1956).[2] P. Galison and B. Bernstein. “In Any Light: Scientists and the Decision to Build the Superbomb, 1952-1954”. Hist Stud Nat Sci 19, n. 2, pp. 267-347 (1989).[3] C. Warrik. “Fusion turns to engineering”. Ingenia 52, pp. 39 - 43 (2012).[4] W. Choi, A. Cho, H.-K. Chung, H.-S. Tho. “An exploratory study on application of big science business ecosystem for K-DEMO project”. Fus
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Alexander John De Rosa, University of Delaware; Ashley Lytle, Stevens Institute of Technology; Frank T Fisher, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware
Delaware. She received her Bachelorˆa C™s of Engineering (2001) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Delaware, and her MS (2004) and PhD (2006) in Mechanical Engine ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023Measuring adaptiveness among college students and working professionalsThe concept of adaptive expertise (AE) describes individuals with both deep content knowledgeand the ability to apply this knowledge more broadly in practice. Four characteristics of adaptiveexpertise have been identified in the learning sciences literature, specifically: 1) multipleperspectives, 2) metacognition, 3) goals and beliefs, and 4) epistemology.Within the realm of education, engineering programs are
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Dimitrios Bolkas, Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre Campus
Tagged Topics
. Gouak, “Understanding the Demographics of Surveying Students in Pennsylvania and Making Plans to Increase the Awareness of the Surveying Profession.” Journal of Surveying Engineering, vol. 146, no. 2, 05020002, 2020[13] P. Arcidiacono, V. J. Hotz and S. Kang, “Modeling college major choices using elicited measures of expectations and counterfactuals”, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 166, no. 1, pp. 3-16, 2012.[14] M. Wiswall and B. Zafar, “Determinants of college major choice: Identification using an information experiment”, The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 791-824, 2015.[15] US Bureau of Labor Statistics “Architecture and Engineering Occupations”. US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023a. [Online]. Available
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Peter Mark Jansson, Bucknell University; Devin Connor Whalen, Bucknell University
Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, HI, June 24-27, 20076. S. Hazel and P.M. Jansson, “Photovoltaic System Feasibility Assessments: Engineering Clinics Transforming RenewableMarkets,” ASEE 2006 Annual Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 20067. P.M. Jansson, S. A. Mandayam and J.L Schmalzel, "Green Power Engineering: Pedagogy for the Next Generation ofElectrical Engineers," Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Annual Power Engineering Society Conference, Denver, CO, June 6-10,2004, IEEE Xplore Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ PES.2004.1372755, Vol. 1, pp. 65-708. D. Whalen and P.M. Jansson, “Renewable Energy Projects Enhance Pedagogy in Foundational ECE Course,” finalmanuscript submitted to the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Ahmet Umit Coskun, Northeastern University; Kai-Tak Wan, Northeastern University
processes to display on the diagrams can be used to turn on or turn off any process line on the diagrams. T-s diagram in Figure 3 has only process c-d line drawn based on this list. Once information about a state is entered all the other thermodynamic properties of thatstate are determined from the database in the Toolkit. Then all state properties are entered into aninternal table, which is visible to the user, for further use. A snapshot of the table from the Toolkitis provided in Figure 2a. Once the states are defined, optionally, processes between these statescan also be defined and stored in a separate table in the Toolkit (Figure 2b) for further use. Aseparate list exists in the UI (Figure 2c) to mark which process
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
R Koh, Smith College
were all senior students in a relatively small graduating class who had bonded both through intentional cohort-development efforts in [institution]’s first-year courses, and also less formally through the shared experience of leaving and coming back to campus through the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the program, students received consistent messaging about the importance and value of collaboration and teamwork. (2) The group explicitly addressed our purpose for rich dialogue and practices for communication with each other. Students worked together with the faculty member to develop the class discussion process, and were encouraged to pose questions for dialogue (instead of just answers). (3) The
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Denise Amanda Wetzel, Pennsylvania State University
, Oct. 2014, doi: (accessed Feb. 24, 2023).[4] Penn State Harrisburg, “University Libraries to observe World Standards Week with Oct. 12 event,”Penn State Harrisburg, Sep. 27, 2022. (accessed Feb. 24, 2023).[5] M. Phillips, M. Fosmire, P. McPherson, A. Edmonson, and S. Gulati, “Standards are Everywhere:Educational Resources,” Purdue University Libraries, Jun. 17, 2017. (accessed Feb. 24, 2023).
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Ahmad Farooq, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Kimberly Cook-Chennault, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
, pp. 1206-+, [Online]. Available: ://WOS:000245981400298 [3] M. M. Waldrop, "Education online: The virtual lab," Nature, vol. 499, no. 7458, pp. 268-270, 2013/07/01 2013. [4] T. Mgutshini, "Online or not? A comparison of students' experiences of an online and an on-campus class," (in eng), Curationis, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. E1-7, Mar 18 2013. [5] J. E. Corter, J. V. Nickerson, S. K. Esche, C. Chassapis, S. Im, and J. Ma, "Constructing reality: A study of remote, hands-on, and simulated laboratories," ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 7–es, 2007. [6] R. Estriegana, J. A. Medina-Merodio, and R. Barchino, "Student acceptance of virtual laboratory and
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Andrew ONeill, Pennsylvania State University Electrical Engineering Department; Tim Kane, Pennsylvania State University
greaterindustry integration and feedback will be included in the course.References[1] Stewart Wills. Optics & Photonics News - Wanted: Optics and Photonics Technicians. URL https: //{\ }34/february{\ }2023/features/ wanted{\ }optics{\ }and{\ }photonics{\ }technicians/?src=hptopstories.[2] Ronald R. DeLyser, Sheila S. Thompson, Jerry Edelstein, Corinne Lengsfeld, Albert J. Rosa, Paul Rullkoetter, Robert Whitman, and Margaret Whitt. Creating a Student Centered Learning Environment at the University of Denver. Journal of Engineering Education, 92(3):269–273, jul 2003. ISSN 2168-9830. doi: 10.1002/J.2168-9830.2003.TB00768.X. URL
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Isabella Huang; Qianwen Zhao, Stevens Institute of Technology; Maxine Fontaine, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Long Wang, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
Rev Sociol. 2015 Aug 1;41:331- 357. doi: 10.1146/annurev-soc-071312-145659. Epub 2015 May 4. PMID: 26778893; PMCID: PMC4712712. 3) Falloon, G., Hatzigianni, M., Bower, M. et al. Understanding K-12 STEM Education: a Framework for Developing STEM Literacy. J Sci Educ Technol 29, 369–385 (2020). 4) Meschede, T., Haque, Z., Warfield, M. E., Melchior, A., Burack, C., & Hoover, M. (2022). Transforming STEM outcomes: Results from a seven-year follow-up study of an after-school robotics program's impacts on freshman students. School Science and Mathematics, 1– 15. 5) Nugent, Gwen, Bradley S. Barker and Neal F. Grandgenett. “The impact of
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Alireza Dalili, Farmingdale State College - SUNY
leads to greatercompliance amongst patients. Figure 2: Compliance Prompting Medical Packaging: Blister pack with calendarized dosing format However, addictive drugs such as opioids have proven to be a challenge and the opioidepidemic has taken millions of lives and cost billions of dollars. As a result, the FDA has requestedparties involved in the manufacture and distribution of controlled medications to “use, repurposeor enhance existing options and develop new options to prevent/deter, detect/track, ormonitor/manage the targeted behavior(s)” [2]. The FDA has recommended parties involved in themanufacture and distribution of controlled medications look into extending or combining thefollowing technologies to accomplish their
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Joanna F. DeFranco, Penn State University; Dena Lang, Pennsylvania State University; Elizabeth Marie Starkey, Pennsylvania State University; Robin Havens Tate, The Pennsylvania State University; Sven G. Bilén P.E., Pennsylvania State University
D.Eng. student will identify a research program that is related to the field in which (s)he is either in currently or desires to be employed. The research shall develop new products, processes, or knowledge that can benefit industrial, governmental, organizational, or military entities. Appropriate research methods and statistics are covered in two required courses, which includes ENGR 820 Applied Engineering Research Methods and one 3-credit course in an approved statistics or numerical methods/analysis course (appropriate to the student’s specific research question). 3. Analyze and synthesize analytical and critical thinking within their discipline, and, where appropriate, across disciplines, building
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University; Olivia Vela Ciaravino, Northeastern University; Sage Antonio, Northeastern University
/S2772397621000307. (accessed Dec. 1, 2022) [3] “Thermoelectric Generators: Progress and Applications.” Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. (accessed Dec. 3, 2022) [4] M. Nakamura. “Relative importance of different surface region for thermal comfort in humans.” European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2406-9. (accessed Dec. 4, 2022) [5] Montecucco. “The effect of temperature mismatch on thermoelectric generators electrically connected in series and parallel.” Science Direct. (accessed Dec. 2, 2022) [6] M. S. Sulaiman. “Validation of a waste heat recovery model for a 1KW