Paper ID #31746Importance of Active Learning in an Undergraduate Course in ConstructionSchedulingDr. Yewande S Abraham, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET) Yewande Abraham Ph.D., LEED AP O+M, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engi- neering Technology Environmental Management and Safety at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Civil Engineering from Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom and completed her Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. She teaches courses in construction management at RIT
Paper ID #33297Direct Assessment of Student Learning OutcomesDr. Yilmaz Hatipkarasulu, University of Texas at San AntonioDr. Guntulu S. Hatipkarasulu, Texas State University American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 DIRECT ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMESINTRODUCTIONAssessment of learning outcomes for academic programs is an essential part of quality controland quality assurance. In the last three decades, the learning outcome assessment subject hasbeen discussed on various platforms and became an essential part of the higher education system.A 2009 survey of higher education
Paper ID #32439Assessing the Effectiveness of Active-learning Approaches in AdvancingStudent Understanding of Construction Scheduling in a Virtual EnvironmentDr. Yewande S. Abraham, Rochester Institute of Technology Yewande Abraham Ph.D., LEED AP O+M, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engi- neering Technology Environmental Management and Safety at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Civil Engineering from Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom and completed her Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. She
Texas A&M University in 2007 where she participated in a study abroad semester at the Universita della Svizzera italiana, Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Switzerland following 23 years of industry experience in architecture and construction. Dr. Spencer’s research interests include: Professional & International Education: architecture and con- struction; Experiential Education: study abroad, internships; Virtual Design, Construction, and Operations (VDCO); and Education in online and virtual environmentsDr. Guntulu S. Hatipkarasulu, Texas State UniversityDr. Krishna Prasad Kisi, Texas State University Krishna P. Kisi, holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, MS in Construction
retention in engineering and engineering technology education. Contact: talley@txstate.eduMs. Snigdha Rangineni, Texas State UniversityDr. Guntulu S. Hatipkarasulu, Texas State UniversityDr. Bobbi J. Spencer, Texas State University B.J. Spencer, Ph.D. Dr. Spencer is an Assistant of Professor of Practice and the Construction Science and Management (CSM) Program Coordinator in the Department of Engineering Technology at Texas State University where she focuses on the architectural courses, VDCO, and is the internship coordinator. In 2017, she obtained her Ph.D. in Education from Texas State University with the emphasis on professional education. A registered Architect in the State of Texas, she received a Master of
processes, and cultural fit. His education includes a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, a M.S. in Bioengineering and Ph.D. in Engineer- ing and Science Education from Clemson University.Dr. Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez, Colorado State University Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Construction Management at Colorado State University. He is committed to advancing research and teaching in the sustainability of infrastructure projects. He believes that educating the next generation of professionals will play a pivotal role in making sustainability a standard practice.Mr. Nelson S. Pearson, University of Nevada, Reno Nelson Pearson is an Ph.D. student at the
California. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Expectations for Future Health and Safety Professionals from Current Professionals in ConstructionAbstractThe Health & Safety (H&S) environment in the construction industry is dynamic, and mustevolve alongside all other construction operations taking place, whether that is theintroduction of new technology, new methods of communication, supervision, or reporting.Safety professionals currently serving in the construction industry have a front and centerview of this evolving world, and have advice, as well as expectations, for the newergenerations of construction industry professionals who
among construction industrystudents to a) evaluate their experience of natural disasters, b) examine the source of knowledgeof resilience on natural disasters, c) measure knowledge of post-disaster evacuation, and d)evaluate disaster preparation from university education. The study found that the population of thestudent body existed that had not experienced a natural disaster and were unaware of its impactseither on a personal or familial basis. Further, the majority of the responding students felt that theirmajor(s) and universities did not prepare them in terms of handling natural disasters and extremeweather events. Finally, a correlation was found between the location students live and a desire forknowledge about extreme weather events at
learning with projectmanagement modules [4]. This research investigates the use of VR as an educational accessorywith the use of a VR headset (the Oculus Rift S), added with conventional classroom guidancefrom an educator. It also introduces undergraduate Construction Management (CM) students at alarge four-year university in Midwestern USA to the world of simulated VR and simultaneouslyassesses both their attitude to this hybrid learning and their academic performance and knowledgeperception regarding MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) systems in the course material.The tentative findings focus on whether the students are positively impacted by this new hybridmethod of knowledge transfer, which has realms of possibilities in this new era
]. 5Although internships provide numerous benefits to the students, some students might gain less valuefrom their internships compare to others. Diambra et al.’s [33] study show that new information, newpeople, new environment, and new tasks may cause stress to the interns. Woo et al. [34] classified all theinterns’ tensions into three categories a) inexperienced interns versus experienced employees b)enjoyment of the current position but not finding the position appealing for a future permanent job c) toomuch guidance or observations during the internship. Karji et al. [11] study show that the most challengingparts of an internship for construction management students were a) communication with otheremployees b) language barrier for international
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