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Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
Displaying results 151 - 180 of 646 in total
Conference Session
Capstone Design III
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Kremer, Ohio University-Athens; David Burnette, Ohio University
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Design in Engineering Education
Honesty & data,bends rules, does to uphold integrity, rules, admits mistakes, 4.56 Integrity not bring up mistakes if admits mistakes and is never changes dates / data it reflects poorly on always honest regardless him/her, exaggerates of affect on bottom line Must be pushed to get Desire to complete all Goes above and beyond work done, no drive, assigned work in a assigned tasks, quality Work Ethic does
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University; Scott Johnson, University of Illinois
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Design in Engineering Education
, strategiclearning, and achievement.1, 2, 3 Although the findings contribute positively to educationalpractices, knowledge of how those attributional beliefs, strategic learning, and achievement arerelated in ill-structured, problem solving activities is still limited. Few of those studies providein-depth information on the mental interaction between students’ personal reflections about theirknowledge states and abilities and the actual action that may take place during the problemsolving activities. Furthermore, many of the studies involve working on hypothetical problemsthat do not reflect the authentic learning contexts that students may encounter in their classroomactivities. Hypothetical problems are generally simple, and clear instructions lead to
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Widmann, California Polytechnic State University; Lynne Slivovsky, California Polytechnic State University; Brian Self, California Polytechnic State University; J. Kevin Taylor, California Polytechnic State University
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Design in Engineering Education
devices to allow greater inclusion of persons with disabilities in recreational activities.Adaptive physical activity projects are well-aligned with the goals of service learning andprovide rich open-ended design experiences for students. This paper provides a framework foraligning capstone and service learning outcomes.BackgroundService-learning occurs when “Students engage in community service activities with intentionalacademic and learning goals and opportunities for reflection that connect to their academicdiscipline” (Cress et al, 2005)1. Reflection is an integral part of learning and helps to developcritical thinking skills (Jacoby, 1996; Tsang, 2000; Tsang, 2002)2,3,4. The development of thesecritical thinking skills enables engineering
Conference Session
Understanding Student Development in Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samantha Paige Moorzitz, The College of New Jersey; Manuel Alejandro Figueroa, The College of New Jersey
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Design in Engineering Education
 recent  alumnus  who  has  a  vision  impairment.    Reflections:   After   completing   the   low   vision   simulation,   students   were   asked   to   write   a  reflection   of   their   experience   in   the   course   online   discussion   forum.   Participants   were   asked   to  post  a  response  to  the  prompt  below  and  also  post  two  replies  to  their  classmate’s posts.       “Describe  your  experience today  wearing  the  low  vision  simulation  goggles/   blindfolds.  What  did  you  learn  about  living  with  a  vision  impairment?  Did  this   activity  help  you  break  any  misconceptions  that  you  held  in  the  past?”    The   qualitative   analysis   of   their   primary
Conference Session
DEED Postcard Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Corey T Schimpf, The Concord Consoritum; Rob Sleezer, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Charles Xie
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Design in Engineering Education
visualizations of teams’ design process across several metrics.More specifically, actions were clustered into three categories: construction, optimization, andnumerical analysis. Design teams’ actions were further contextualized in terms their designtimeline and the sites they explored.Results from design team analytics have implications not only for teams’ design process, butmay be re-deployed as reflection tools for students’ or progress indicators for teachers or designmentors.In the next section the paper reviews research in learning analytics and visualization for dataanalysis. Following this, the context of the study and design challenge are outlined. Energy3D isdiscussed briefly before reviewing the data collected and participants for the study
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Eduaction - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gül Okudan, Pennsylvania State University
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Design in Engineering Education
Freewritingtechnique, students were instructed to write continuously for five to ten minutes and at the end ofthe allotted time, they were instructed to summarize what they had written so far. McGourty etal.12 point out that at present the outstanding issue is to develop rubrics and other assessmentmeasures that will allow cross-institutional evaluation of reflective portfolios and mention thatinvestigation of approaches to better score the concept maps and improve the understanding ofhow they should be used for outcome assessment is still ongoing.One other method used to measure design knowledge is the video recording of design teams,analyzing the activities performed by the students within the design teams and accordinglyevaluating them based on a
Conference Session
Design Cognition III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leema Kuhn Berland, University of Texas, Austin; David T. Allen, University of Texas, Austin; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin; Cheryl Farmer, UTeachEngineering; Lisa Guerra, NASA Headquarters
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Design in Engineering Education
utilized throughout theyearlong course. In keeping with the National Research Council’s13synthesis of theresearch on K-12 engineering education research, we chose to focus on STEM-design Page 25.884.4challenges. This decision reflects our commitment both to apply relevant math andscience concepts and to enable students to engage in core engineering practices.By organizing units around STEM-design challenges, we are indicating that allchallenges will require students to design a product and purposefully apply relevant mathand science concepts. The outcome of this design work can vary according to theengineering domain being emphasized in each unit. For
Conference Session
Design Tools and Methodology I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Guerra, NASA; David T. Allen, University of Texas, Austin; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin; Cheryl Farmer, UTeachEngineering
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Design in Engineering Education
specificfeedback on the Figure 1 engineering design process, the UTeachEngineering teamdecided to rethink the communication of this critical engineering practice.Figure 1 — Original Engineering Design Process Used for In-Service Teacher Page 25.118.4Professional Development.MethodologyRather than edit the existing engineering design process graphic or start with a cleansheet, the UTeachEngineering team initiated a benchmarking exercise. A selection ofeleven unique cross-disciplinary representations was selected to reflect the engineeringdesign process in professional, post-secondary and K-12 settings. Each representationconsisted of the specific steps in the process
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharad Vimal Oberoi, Carnegie Mellon University; Susan Finger, National Science Foundation
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Design in Engineering Education
the project progressed. He deduced from these findings that theexpansion was because student teams were exploring (brainstorming) a variety of design optionsin the research literature. The contraction, on the other hand, happened as the teams refined the Page 25.1369.6structure of the artifact and the approaches needed to formalize them, and started using sharedvocabulary. According to his study, if the number of distinct noun phrases used by teamscontracts as the project progresses, it reflects that the project is being executed successfully.ApproachThe project archive of discussion posts and attachments of the class were converted to text
Conference Session
Design Cognition II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vimal Kumar Viswanathan, Texas A&M University; Nicole Elise Esposito; Julie S. Linsey, Texas A&M University
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Design in Engineering Education
engineering curriculum. They Page 25.1372.2argue for the “reflect-in-action” plan where students build their designs and understand the flawsin them, themselves7, 8. However, there are no clear guidelines available regarding the use ofphysical models and their cognitive implications in engineering education.This study addresses the cognitive effects of the use of various kinds of examples and physicalmodels on engineering students who design a stunt vehicle as a part of their class project. Thestudents are divided into three groups and given three different kinds of examples: a good one, apoor one and a poor one with warnings about its negative
Conference Session
Design Tools & Methodology II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University; Wade H. Goodridge, Utah State University; Harry B. Santoso, Utah State University
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Design in Engineering Education
strategies, monitoring and fix-upstrategies, and criteria). From the analysis, the findings suggest that the level of understanding ofthe task was clearly reflected in students‟ plans with particular emphasis on getting a goodoverview of the design task at the early stage of the project. Students were found to be lacking inthe areas of planning the methods used and anticipating the time required to solve the design taskat the early stage of the project. Overall, students excelled in monitoring and regulating thedesign process and task management, although lower scores were found on several activities,such as seeking alternative approaches to investigating the problem, design solution, timeplanning, and the effective use of resources and materials
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Capstone Design Practices
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Elliot Gaines, University of South Florida; Olukemi Akintewe, University of South Florida; Schinnel Kylan Small, University of South Florida; Terreonn Henry
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Design in Engineering Education
easy as possible. • Learning and teaching II, acquiring, compiling, and gathering knowledge: In this section of the individual learning career, the student actually applies the abstract knowledge and gathers his or her own experiences. In order to limit the action and reflection possibilities, the learner interacts within a somewhat restricted, artificial environment, which is reduced in complexity and easy to control by the teacher. To provide feedback, the learning environment is designed to include relevant devices where students can deposit their interim products and teachers can inspect them. The emphasis in this model lies on the learning process of the student. Teachers try to help the
Conference Session
Best In DEED
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Reynolds Brubaker, Stanford University; Vikas Rammohan Maturi, Stanford University; Barbara A. Karanian, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; David Beach, Stanford University
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Design in Engineering Education
. Companies that she has worked with renew their commitment to innovation. She also helps students an- swer these questions when she teaches some of these methods to engineering, design, business, medicine, and law students. Her courses use active storytelling and self-reflective observation as one form to help student and industry leaders traverse across the iterative stages of a project- from the early, inspirational stages to prototyping and then to delivery.Dr. Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University Sheri D. Sheppard, Ph.D., P.E., is professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Besides teaching both undergraduate and graduate design and education related classes at Stanford University, she conducts research
Conference Session
Idea Generation and Creativity in Design
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel P Brown, Northwestern University
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Design in Engineering Education
paper is based on Reflective Practice (The ReflectivePractitioner, Donald Schön), both in my approach to prototyping the workshop, and the actualparticipant’s experiences of learning through experience and reflection. I am an inventor withover 30 US Utility patents, and have been teaching the use of patent database searching, as anintegral component of design research for 8 years. Research is an early stage design heuristic andan essential part of the functional-technical process of inquiry for creative projects, especiallythose seeking inventive solutions. This paper is my reflection on seeking to create anintroductory workshop that could evolve into a program for other faculty interested in teachingthe introductory lessons of patent protocol
Conference Session
Design Pedagogy and Curriculum 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Cozzens, Utah Educational Network; Jeremy Ray Farner, Weber State University; Thomas James Paskett, Weber State University; Elias V. Perez, Utah State University Eastern; Isabella Borisova, Southern Utah University
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Design in Engineering Education
(Prepare, Teach One Another, Ponder and Prove)were used to create the course and each module of instruction.Best Practice 1: Be Present at the Course Site6Each module of the course includes a lesson reflection where students can post an evaluation ofthe lesson. A question and answer discussion board is also an important aspect of the coursewhere students can ask each other questions as well as receive responses to questions from theirinstructor. Further contact with instructors can be made with email. Page 23.431.13Students expect that their instructors will be present in an online course multiple times a week,and at best, daily. A flipped
Conference Session
Design Cognition III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David R. Wright, North Carolina State University
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Design in Engineering Education
graduate skills highlight a number of deficiencies in the preparation ofstudents for professional careers. Among the most commonly noted gaps between expectations andactual skills are • the ability to understand software systems as different than single-user programs; 6,51 • the ability to visualize different perspectives or views on a software system; 10,11 • the ability to think critically and reflectively; 31,38 • systems analysis and design skills; 6,31,51 and • problem-solving and investigative skills. 6,10,11,31 As more and more of our world becomes dependent upon computer-based systems, futuresoftware developers and designers must develop effective decision-making skills and strategies inaddition to the technical knowledge they
Conference Session
Design Across Curriculum 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University; George Toye, Stanford University; Felix Kempf, King's College London; Nada Elfiki, Stanford University
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Design in Engineering Education
Stanford University. She has been involved in several major engineering education initia- tives including the NSF-funded Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education, National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter), and the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engi- neering Education. Helen holds an undergraduate degree in communication from UCLA and a PhD in communication with a minor in psychology from Stanford University. Her current research and schol- arship focus on engineering and entrepreneurship education; the pedagogy of portfolios and reflective practice in higher education; and redesigning how learning is recorded and recognized.Prof. George Toye, Stanford University Ph.D., P.E., is
Conference Session
DEED Postcard Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Blake Hylton, Ohio Northern University; John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University; Todd France, Ohio Northern University; Louis A. DiBerardino III, Ohio Northern University
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Design in Engineering Education
already on the market. In order to have a successful crowdfunding campaign, our product needs to differentiate itself to get people to fund our project versus buying a product already on the market. FIGURE 3. EXAMPLE OF AN ANSWERED CONSTRAINT-SOURCE MODEL QUESTION.The design attributes are grouped into sections, as indicated in Table 1. Within its section, eachattribute is listed with an eliciting, reflective question. Students are asked to respond bothquantitatively and qualitatively. On the quantitative side, the CSM provides the
Conference Session
Design for Society and the Environment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Williams, Virginia Tech; Richard Goff, Virginia Tech; Janis Terpenny, Virginia Tech; Jenny Lo, Virginia Tech; Tamara Knott, Virginia Tech; Karen Gilbert, Virginia Tech
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Design in Engineering Education
AC 2009-1404: "REAL OUTREACH EXPERIENCES IN ENGINEERING":MERGING SERVICE LEARNING AND DESIGN IN A FIRST-YEARENGINEERING COURSEChristopher Williams, Virginia Tech Christopher Bryant Williams is an Assistant Professor at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University with a joint appointment in the Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education departments. Professor Williams is the Director of the Design, Research, and Education for Additive Manufacturing Systems (DREAMS) Laboratory. His joint appointment reflects his diverse research interests which include design, methodology, layered manufacturing, and design education.Richard Goff, Virginia Tech Richard Goff is an
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University; Steven Welch, Oklahoma State University
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Design in Engineering Education
the team failed.Each individual student also writes a detailed personal reflection on how their actionscontributed to the team’s failure. This technique has been extremely effective in minimizingresentment among students and allowing students to experience failure in a “safe” environment.An alternative scenario for failure is that one or two individuals on the team fail to complete theirportions of the project, putting the successful efforts of the remainder of the team at risk. Thekey to resolving this issue is to identify potential failure points as early as possible. The structureoutlined above allows for evaluation of individual performance since the research andprototyping phases of the project are performed by individuals and graded
Conference Session
Design Methodologies 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrea M. Ragonese, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Elizabeth Marie Starkey, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Design in Engineering Education
classrooms. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the deploymentof product dissection modules in graduate-level engineering classrooms—both in an online (non-co-located) setting and in a residential classroom setup. This concept was introduced to graduatestudents in an engineering leadership and innovation management program course that focused onproduct innovation in a corporate setting.This study aimed to understand the usefulness of virtual product dissection in online classroomsthrough the implementation of an online virtual product dissection module where studentscompleted individual reflections and written discussions. The results from this case study yieldrecommendations for the use of product dissection in non-co-located classrooms for
Conference Session
Maker Spaces in Design Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amit Shashikant Jariwala, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jenny Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology; J. Auston Ferrarer, Georgia Institute of Technology; Gabrielle E. Lonsberry, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kentez Lanier Craig, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Design in Engineering Education
provided focused and specific instruction in the safe operation of the prototyping and manufacturing tools • In-class discussions between teams to practice lecture material through role-playing as “designer” and “user”2.3 Course Assignments The course included a number of both team and individual assignments to aid students’learning, provide hands-on experience with the material covered, promote self reflection andevaluation, formulate constructive criticism of others’ work, and foster a rich and interactivelearning environment. This section describes the main course assignments in detail.2.3.1 Masterpiece Assignment To help introduce students to makerspace equipment and demonstrate the practice ofemploying different
Conference Session
Design Across Curriculum 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robert P. Loweth, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Jiangqiong Liu; Kathleen H. Sienko, University of Michigan
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Design in Engineering Education
to facilitate data analysis. We also collected additional data generatedduring the team’s pre-assessment and assessment activities. Additional pre-assessment phasedata included C-SED training module deliverables such as prior knowledge reviews, contentquizzes, application tasks, and reflections. Additional assessment phase data included a list ofinitial needs statements, recordings of nightly meetings, individual reflection journals, andindividual field notes. These additional data were used to help verify that participant interviewresponses accurately reflected participant conceptions about developing needs statements.Table 2. Examples of protocol questions pertaining to needs statement development
Conference Session
Design Cognition I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason A. Foster, University of Toronto; Patricia Kristine Sheridan, University of Toronto; Robert Irish, University of Toronto; Geoffrey Samuel Frost, University of Toronto
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Design in Engineering Education
Battle Studio 02 Studio 03 (Lambs to the Slaughter) Your entire team arrived promptly with at least one sacrificial device (that met the requirements given in class and in the lecture notes) and with a plan of attack to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. You had reflected on the previous studio and on the lectures, and had used those reflections to prepare for this studio
Conference Session
Design in Freshman and Sophomore Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Clifford A. Whitfield, Ohio State University; Jintana Nina Phanthanousy, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
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Design in Engineering Education
experience at a level at which they are capable with supportstructure provided by instructional staff that students may apply and reflect upon with theirteammates and classmates. The layers and learning activities that exist within a term-lengthproject-based learning environment also present adequate opportunities to address learningobjectives at many levels5. Scaffolding does not have to be comprised solely of direct instructorinteraction; in the cornerstone laboratory, scaffolding may take the form of texts, handouts,guides, diagrams, slides, notes, kitted equipment, a controlled work or laboratory environment,prepared data collection tools and equipment, prescribed, limited analysis tools and approaches,an introductory setting with instructor
Conference Session
Design Spine
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Frank, Queen's University; David S. Strong, Queen's University; Rick Sellens, Queen's University
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Design in Engineering Education
differ from experts not only by the amount ofknowledge, but in how the knowledge is organized and utilized. This development includeshelping students progress in their epistemological assumptions, described by King and Kitcheneras being three primary phases:13 ● Pre-reflective thinking: do not acknowledge or perceive that knowledge is uncertain. Do not understand that some real problems have no absolutely correct answer. ● Quasi-reflective thinking: recognize that some problems are ill structured and that some issues are problematic. Do not understand how evidence leads to conclusions - have difficulty drawing reasoned conclusions ● Reflective thinking - knowledge must be actively constructed and understood in relation to
Conference Session
Capstone Design
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Briana Lucero, Colorado School of Mines; Cameron J Turner P.E., Colorado School of Mines
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Design in Engineering Education
industrial systems.A specific Humanitarian Engineering program is hosted at Penn State (HESE).29 Their programincorporates a Social Entrepreneurship factor with the Humanitarian Engineering. They haveintentionally established their program to perform international community projects. The courses Page 24.1034.9pertinent to the design aspect of engineering education are: (a) Social Entrepreneurship, (b)Projects in Humanitarian Engineering, (c) Design for Developing Communities, (d) HESE Fieldexperience and (e) HESE Reflection and research dissemination. While these are the maincornerstones for the programs, there are options for additional minors
Conference Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Kenny Feister, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Patrice Marie Buzzanell, Purdue University, West Lafayette; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Qin Zhu, Purdue University
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Design in Engineering Education
of Design in Multidisciplinary Project TeamsDesign is a central and distinguishing activity of engineering and one of the core criteria forevaluating and accrediting engineering programs. Design has been characterized by manydifferent “design process” models1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and definitions which reflect different designapproaches and philosophies. Crismond and Adams (2012)6 draw from many sources in theirdefinition of design as “goal-directed problem-solving activity”7 that initiates change in human-made things, 8 and involves optimizing parameters9 and the balancing of trade-offs10 to meettargeted users’ needs.”11 From the situativity perspective.12 design is defined as “a social processin which individual object worlds interact, and design
Conference Session
Research on Design Learning
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia J. Atman, University of Washington; Janet McDonnell, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London; Ryan C. Campbell, University of Washington; Jim L Borgford-Parnell, University of Washington; Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington
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Design in Engineering Education
Paper ID #11935Using Design Process Timelines to Teach Design: Implementing Research Re-sultsDr. Cynthia J. Atman, University of Washington Cynthia J. Atman is the founding director of the Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching (CELT), a professor in Human Centered Design & Engineering, and the inaugural holder of the Mitchell T. & Lella Blanche Bowie Endowed Chair at the University of Washington. Dr. Atman is co-director of the newly-formed Consortium for Promoting Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE), funded by a $4.4 million grant from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. She was
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education (DEED) Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farrokh Mistree, University of Oklahoma; Dirk Ifenthaler, University of Freiburg; Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma
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Design in Engineering Education
w their suupporting leaarning objecttives; see Fiigure14. Theree were lectu ures focused on higher-leevel topics reelated to “leaarning how to t learn” aloongwith conntent-based leectures focusing on briddging fuels annd the wiredd and conneccted world off2030. Leectures on tools to help frame f and annswer the Q44S through dilemma d idenntification annd Page 23.480.4managem ment were allso included.. Finally, stuudents reflected upon theeir semester learning throougha semester learning essay