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Displaying results 3361 - 3390 of 21114 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University; Joseph Brobst, Old Dominion University; Elizabeth Litzler, University of Washington; Andrew Klein, Western Washington University; Sura Alqudah, Western Washington University
their responses to math-related survey items changed betweenpre and post survey administrations. Of particular interest were responses to a math-identityrelated item, “I see myself as a math person.” Along with this, transcripts from focus groupinterviews were reviewed for quotes from these same students related to their math experiences,skill development, sense of math identity, and efficacy. Most students’ responses to the mathidentity survey item either remained the same or changed only slightly however, students’ focusgroup reflections on their math experiences were wide-ranging. The results of this study provideinitial evidence that the summer bridge program is a positive experience for students, but themath placement exam is a barrier to
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 7: Partnerships Making It Real! II
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Faiza Zafar, Rice University; Roger Ramirez, Rice University; Christina Anlynette Alston, Rice University; Carolyn Nichol, Rice University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
due to the COVID-19 pandemic),approximately 30 students from three middle schools participated. Some students attended boththe academic year activities and the summer academy. In contrast, others took part in one or theother. Although demographic information of the students was not collected, 100% of studentparticipants were from underrepresented minority groups, and 100% qualified for free/reducedlunch.Data Collection Qualitative data was collected from the participants and facilitators to understand theprogram's impact on students. 40 students completed reflections via Google Forms at the end ofthe Summer Academy. At the same time, two facilitators participated in semi-structuredinterviews. Using a grounded theory approach, we
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Technical Session 5: Collections & Spaces
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katelyn Vo, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; A.J. Evans, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Shreenithi Madan, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Zachary Riggins del Rosario, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
was high (95.3%), it was not perfect. We were unable to obtainthree books. Of these, two were different editions of Moran et al., which we substituted using the6th edition. The final unobtained book was a textbook on combustion by Turns (ISBN:9781260477696). Given the small fraction of the corpus that this single book represents, thisomission does not seriously threaten the external validity of our findings.While reserve lists reflect an important aspect of curricula, textbooks are only an approximationof the curriculum as-taught and as-intended. Textbooks are often only partly aligned with theteaching goals of a particular class; in some cases, there is no textbook that reflects the content ofa course. Given this approximate alignment, our
Conference Session
Technical Session M4C
2022 First-Year Engineering Experience
Clodagh Reid, Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest; Sheryl A. Sorby, University of Cincinnati; Gibin Raju, University of Cincinnati; Niall Seery, Technological University of the Shannon
Tagged Topics
engineeringeducation.ConclusionThe workshop will conclude with a summation of the ACJ system, the key factors to beconsidered when setting up an ACJ assessment session and an overview of the mainadvantages and disadvantages identified through the preceding discussion.AcknowledgementThis work was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF#2020785). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] RM Compare, “An altogether different approach to assessment,” 2020. (accessed Jul. 01, 2022).[2] A. Pollitt, “The method of Adaptive Comparative Judgement,” Assess. Educ. Princ
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Susie Huggins, West Virginia University; Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University
-solving approaches. This approach values each person’s experiences, including those fromhistorically underrepresented populations in engineering and computer science [2].One intervention, adapted from Finelli and Kendall-Brown [3], uses observation and role-play todemonstrate how to approach biases within peer group settings, behave inclusively, and createinclusive and productive environments within their field [2]. Students in a first year “EngineeringProblem Solving 1” course at a large, R1 institution in the mid-Atlantic region were required toattend an Interactive Theatre Sketch and answer several reflection questions about the contentand their own related experiences.Before COVID, the sketch was performed live in an auditorium and students
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matilda Ho, University of Texas at Dallas; Maria Fernanda Valdez; Casey Hatfield; Jieun Kim; Taylor Carlile Beach
Tagged Divisions
real-worldexamples ultimately used in the tool are reflective of the engineering concentrations of the capstoneteam. The biomedical track used an example of controlling the glucose level within a human body;and the mechanical track used an example of controlling car speed. Figure 1. Screen capture of the track selection page 4The material covered is identical between the two tracks, and students can also easily flip betweentracks for maximum flexibility and to understand the same topics with different examples.There were many other areas of flexibility that the capstone team wanted to ensure. The curriculumitself was divided into 6 main modules based on the most prominent
Conference Session
Faculty Development Lightning Talk Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Angelica Burbano, Universidad Icesi; Ana Judith Ledesma, Universidad Icesi; Dayana Alexandra Ordoñez
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division
Advance Trainingfor Research and Teaching Activities”. In it, Chuchalin establishes the following classificationof competencies for engineering professors : technical, pedagogical, social, psychological,ethical, didactic, evaluative, organizational, communicative and reflective competenciesAdditionally, we have utilized the investigative work of Ramón Bragós Bardía, which proposessix actions to promote the development of generic competencies in engineering with referenceto framework standards 9 and 10 of CDIO, including: relevant experience in the industry, designof courses that develop these competencies, experience exchange activities with the industry,and mentoring by professors with extensive professional experience. Methods The method used
Conference Session
Best in DEED
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrew Olewnik, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
%), and their own capabilities (11%). Students frequently describedsolution requirements as constraints (38%) though in many instances these might be moreappropriately framed as objectives that do not necessarily constrain the solution. Thedevelopment of engineering requirements represents an important transition point in problemframing that moves the problem from a qualitative representation (e.g. needs statements,operating principles) to a quantitative one (i.e. metrics and values that reflect performanceobjectives and constraints). Students who overall lack of experience with ill-structured problems,and design problems specifically, have limited experience with this qualitative to quantitativetransition that is common in practice. Another
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Srinjita Bhaduri, University of Colorado Boulder; L. Lee Biddy, University of Colorado Boulder; Melissa Rummel, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; Jeffrey B. Bush, University of Colorado; Jennifer Jacobs, University of Colorado Boulder; Mimi Recker, Utah State University; John Daniel Ristvey Jr., University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; Alexandra Gendreau Chakarov, University of Colorado Boulder; Tamara Sumner Sumner, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
- andpost-STEM interviews with a member of the research team. Of these 16 students, four alsoparticipated in the mentoring experience. The interviews (conducted remotely) focused onstudents' career interests, understanding of what STEM entails, and reflection about the 3Dprinting unit. Students (n=214) completed a STEM Interest survey consisting of four sets ofquestions, each set focusing on one element of STEM. Students took this survey twice, once atthe start of the quarter (pre) and once at the end of the quarter (post). The survey was takenverbatim from Kier et al. (2013) [7] with eight additional negatively worded questions to checkfor response consistency. Additionally, following each mentoring session, students (n=16),mentors (n=12), and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elise Barrella P.E., DfX Consulting LLC; Mary Katherine Watson, The Citadel; Robin Dawn Anderson, James Madison University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
differences among individuals and groups6. Protects human health and physical safety of users and society7. Promotes human well-being and enhances quality of life for usersand society8. Evaluates economic impacts of environmental design criterion9. Evaluates economic impacts of a social design criterion10. Considers affordability for users and/or demonstrates costcompetitiveness or cost reduction for client/sponsor11. Evaluates economic costs and benefits to inform decisions12. Final design impacted by trade-offs among environmental, social,and economic criteria and reflects balance of dimensions13. Uses and/or creates innovation(s) in its specific field to achievesustainability14. Worked with experts from other disciplines (i.e., outsideengineering
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emily Bongiovanni, Colorado School of Mines; Brianna B. Buljung, Colorado School of Mines; Alexander Luis Odicino, Colorado School of Mines; Allyce Horan, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
OERdevelopment and ownership of the Champions course by the Mines Library aligns with thisdemonstrated role of academic libraries.Much of the published literature on OER adoption in higher education acknowledges the need forprofessional development opportunities for faculty. 8,9,10,5 These studies are largely focused onfaculty perceptions of OER based on large scale OER programs or efforts. In their study ofOregon community colleges, Lantrip and Ray found, “the adoption process should providetraining for faculty on pedagogical best practices and technology associated with the OER inaddition to time to reflect on how to incorporate these into their adoption process.” 11 Many ofthese studies do not go into much detail regarding the creation and assessment
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kenechukwu Churchill Mbanisi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Purvi Shah, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Gbetonmasse B. Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Dhvani Gangadia, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Michael A. Gennert, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Walter Towner, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Torbjorn S. Bergstrom, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
Consumer Affairs, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Marketing Education Review.Dr. Gbetonmasse B. Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Gbetonmasse Somasse is a faculty member in the Department of Social Science and Policy Studies at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute where he also directs the Cape Town Project Center. He holds a Ph.D. in economics and a Master in statistics. His research interests are in applied econometrics, development economics, program evaluation, and higher education. In higher education, he is interested in student motivation, experiential learning, and critical reflection to promote active and more intentional learning. Previously, Somasse was a
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rajani Muraleedharan, Saginaw Valley State University; Marie Cassar, Saginaw Valley State University
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
afterschool Xplore STEM camp. Due to the increased number ofconfirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Michigan, large gatherings are restricted andparticipants (students, staff, and volunteers) from different schools are unable to meet at a singlelocation. Hence, the afterschool enrichment program includes two schools, who will be virtuallyattending the sessions via zoom. The teacher from each school will facilitate interactions duringthe online sessions conducted by the program director from the university. All Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB) approved paperwork is shared with the schools, and the consenting students willcomplete an online pre-intervention, post-intervention survey and submit a 500-words self-reflection essay about their camp
Conference Session
Research Methods and Studies on Engineering Education Research
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
D. Matthew Boyer, Clemson University; Luke A. Duncan, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
formative analysis.As a work in progress,, we are seeking feedback from researchers who have experience withlarge-scale, multi-year implementations, especially in the context of making revisions to researchdesign. We chose design-based methods to construct our tools and plan our implementation,having selected them for their applicability in situations where plans may need to be revisedbased on formative iterations of reflection [1]. Now that we find ourselves with the need to makechanges, we are uncertain how to effectively integrate new research questions, collect andanalyze data, and communicate findings in ways that: (1) maintain consistent attention toestablished throughlines while; (2) integrating adaptations to the original research design
Conference Session
Working Together: Approaches to Inclusivity and Interdisciplinarity
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tawfik Elshehabi, University of Wyoming
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Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
90% of my students (N=87) strongly agreedthat sharing my teaching philosophy is critical. Additionally, underrepresented students wereempowered and archived more than half the “A”s in my courses. In conclusion, since equal is notalways fair, instructors must make their expectations exceptionally clear to ensure that anystudent can succeed and earn an “A.” I believe it is time for educators to polish their teachingphilosophy, create appealing visual models, and share them with their students.IntroductionDeveloping a Teaching Philosophy Statement (TPS) is central in any academic career [1]. TPSdeclares the educator’s approach to teaching and learning. Creating a teaching philosophyengages educators in metacognitive reflection on what they
Conference Session
What Are Crucial Barriers and Opportunities to Bring Our Whole Selves to Engineering Education? Moving Watermelons Together
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado Boulder; Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Ann D. Christy P.E., The Ohio State University; Marybeth Lima P.E., Louisiana State University and A&M College; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Julia D. Thompson, University of San Francisco
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
everyone, even though everything in the society pressures you into sameness – it is a handicap in the end. A handicap to live without knowing the struggle of difference – in all of its pain, its fear, its celebration, its compassion [2].”AbstractThis is an archival record of a proposed panel discussion for the 2021 ASEE Annual Conferenceand Exposition. It reflects a year-long conversation between the six co-authors. Panel attendeeswill be invited to join and expand upon that conversation. Further analyses and integration areplanned after the conference when we will have the benefit of other panel attendees’ commentsand their own narratives.Under ideal circumstances, engineering cultures in academia and industry bring out the best
Conference Session
Tech Tools and Tips
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kweku Tekyi Brown P.E., The Citadel; Mary Katherine Watson, The Citadel; Elise Barrella P.E., Wake Forest University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
’ experiences with the project-based pedagogy and open-source QGISsoftware through the lens of CLT. In the Geomatics course, students’ QGIS project was a majorcomponent of their third regular-semester exam. Using the rigorously-developed NASA TaskLoad Index (TLX), students reflected on perceived workload (an indicator of cognitive load)experienced in their face-to-face engineering courses (through midterms), their emergency onlineengineering courses (midterms through finals), and their third exam. Based on our data, weexplore the following questions: (1) How did cognitive load related to the project compare tostudents’ face-to-face and online classes? (2) How did test/exam performance compare toprevious years? We seek to provide insights for improving
Conference Session
Ethics Integration in Engineering Design
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brooke Odle, Hope College; Greg Bassett, Hope College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
semester.This lesson plan, executed with a collaborative teaching approach, was piloted in Fall 2020,when only one section of the course was taught (17 students enrolled in the course). Aftercompleting the MATLAB portion of the course, one week (two 80 minute class sessions) wasdedicated to discussing ethics in computing and introducing the culminating project. Studentsused the remainder of the semester to work on the project outside of class, with one additionalclass session during the last week of classes scheduled as free time to work on the project.Dedicating a week to ethics in between teaching the two languages was intentional, providingstudents with an opportunity to reflect on the basic computing concepts they learned in the firsthalf and apply
Conference Session
Continuing Professional Development Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mitchell L. Springer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kathryne Newton, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
-majority’ of America (or the ‘majority-minority’) wherethe non-Hispanic White population becomes the minority overall for the first time in U.S.history. Figure 1 depicts this transition. Figure 1. Changing U.S. Demographics 2016 – 2060 (000)As with any country, the youth of the U.S. reflect the bench strength of the nation. Thesemembers backfill for the aging and are the primary workers for sustaining age-related socialprograms. They are the strength of the working class and hold the keys to our innovation. Thisgroup must be sufficiently educated and capable of sustaining a country.In the year 2020 (Figure 2), less than one-half of the children under 18 years of age wereCaucasian (thus, a minority). This crossover comes with a
Conference Session
Community-Engaged Engineering Education Challenges and Opportunities in Light of COVID-19 Paper Presentations 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bob Schaffer, Mission College
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division, Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Core Curriculum cultivates social justice, civic life, perspective, andcivic engagement. It involves community-based learning with a social justice emphasis. Studentsare required to (i) engage in 16 hours of community-based learning experiences and (ii) performcritical reflection and evaluation of their experiences. A primary goal of the ELSJ requirement is“to foster a disciplined sensibility toward power and privilege, an understanding of the causes ofhuman suffering, and a sense of personal and civic responsibility for cultural change.”The specific learning objectives of an ELSJ class are as follows:• Recognize the benefits of life-long responsible citizenship and civic engagement in personal and professional activities (Civic Life
ASEE 2021 Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
Matilda Ho, University of Texas at Dallas; Casey Hatfield; Jieun Kim
Tagged Topics
areas that thecapstone team and their peers had faced when taking the control systems course; namelyabstractness and continuity. As mentioned before, the architecture of the education tool features anoverarching real-world example of a system the student user is hoping to control. The real-worldexamples ultimately used in the tool are reflective of the engineering concentrations of the capstoneteam. The biomedical track used an example of controlling the glucose level within a human body;and the mechanical track used an example of controlling car speed. Figure 1. Screen capture of the track selection page Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Leen-Kiat Soh, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Gwen Nugent, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Wendy Smith, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Guy Trainin, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; John T. Sutton, ResultED LLC; Kent Steen, Lincoln Public Schools
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
, two are administered in the first year for a cohort: (1) an introductionto computer science course where teachers learn fundamental CS topics and programming in ahigh-level programming language (e.g., Python), and engage in problem solving and practicecomputational thinking, and (2) a course in pedagogy for teachers to learn how to teach K-8 CS,including lesson designs, use of instructional resources such as dot-and-dash robots, andassessments. Then, the following academic year after the summer, the PD program holds a seriesof workshops on five separate Saturdays to support teacher implementation of their lessonmodules during the academic year, reflect and improve on their lessons, reinforce on CSconcepts and pedagogy techniques, review and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: RED 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Uzoma M. Monye, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Tobin N. Walton, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Stephen B. Knisley PhD, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
At the culmination of the 5-week program, a focus group and exit survey were used togather descriptive and interpretive information on the students’ feelings of self-efficacy,valuation of engineering knowledge and skills, and engineering identities. The exit surveycontained items developed by Walton and Liles [15] and Walton et al. [3] to measureEngineering Values, Self-efficacy, and Identity. The Engineering Values Scale (EVS), contains8 items arranged on a 7 point Likert scale. The items assess both general and specific aspects ofthe field of engineering with higher scores reflecting greater valuation. The Engineering Self-Efficacy Scale (ESES), contains 14 items arranged on a 7 point Likert scale. The items assess ageneral form of self
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 19
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Foad Hamidi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Adena Moulton, Digital Harbor Foundation; Shawn Grimes; Stephanie Grimes; Andrew Coy, Digital Harbor Foundation
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
used to assess program impact atscale. We studied results from a series of surveys using two deployment modes with 94 youthwho participated in programs at an afterschool maker learning center. We found thatretrospective surveys that ask youth to reflect on shifts in their attitudes after completing aprogram are more effective than the same surveys deployed twice, pre- and post- a program.These results confirm input from youth interviews in which they expressed dislike of repeatingthe same surveys before and after a program and difficulty with answering self-assessmentquestions without a point of reference.1. IntroductionAfterschool maker programs provide opportunities for engaging youth in hands-on projects thatrequire creative problem solving
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Integration
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maysam Nezafati, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mel Chua, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joseph M. LeDoux, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
know)? 2. Write a story about when you, or someone you know, or someone you can imagine, were personally impacted by bias in an engineering design.Student responses were collected and graded based on whether they had been submitted or not.The intent of the reflective questions was to motivate students to examine bias by giving them anopportunity to see how it had shaped their own lives. Students had already been exposed tostorytelling as a tool for communication via other initiatives in the department, so we includedsome reminders from those projects, such as “make it sticky,” “include a few compelling detailsto make the story specific [and] real,” and “help the reader see your story, like they are watchinga movie.”Intervention phase 1
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Professional Development and Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Irene B. Mena, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
International Center for Academic Integrity [5]: honesty, trust/trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, and courage • Time to read and discuss an article on the importance of integrity • Student teams (consisting of typically 3 students) submit answers to short reflection questions about the textModule 2: Connecting Professional Integrity to Academic IntegrityThe second module was implemented on week 6 of the fall semester (there are 15 weeks in thesemester), and consisted of the following: • Introduction to the engineering code of ethics – the code of ethics provided by the National Society of Professional Engineers [6] was used • Connecting integrity in the engineering field to integrity in the school setting
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Mary Katherine Watson, The Citadel; Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Timothy Aaron Wood, The Citadel; William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel; Tara Hornor, The Citadel; Kevin C Bower P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Topics
GPA = 3.33; Calculus II GPA = 3.25). ParallelCalculus I and II sections had average GPAs of 2.17 and 2.15 with DFW rates of 35% and 38%,respectively. In focus groups, students shared that they indeed valued their mastery experiences.Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNo. 1741611: Encouraging Civil Engineering Retention through Community and Self-Efficacy Building. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Reference: [1] Bandura, A., Self-efficacy:Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 1977. 84(2): p
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Dominic Bosomtwi, University of New Mexico; Marek Osiński, University of New Mexico; Viktoriia Babicheva, University of New Mexico
, and their ability tocontrol, confine, and enhance light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. Results & DiscussionNanostructures, such as dolmens and oligomers of nanoparticles as well as several plasmonicmetasurface structures, have shown to exhibit Fano resonances in the optical domain. An example ofsuch nanostructure is the ultrathin Babinet-inverted metasurface made up of asymmetric split-ringapertures fabricated in a metal plate, which produces high-quality-factor (high-Q) Fano resonances. TheFano resonances originate from the interaction of bright modes and dark modes that give rise toasymmetric linewidth profiles in the scattering parameters, such as absorption or reflection spectra. All
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 2 Technical Session 3
2021 CoNECD
Karis Boyd-Sinkler, Virginia Tech; Cynthia Hampton, Virginia Tech; Taylor Lightner, Virginia Tech; Natali Huggins, Virginia Tech ; Cherie D. Edwards, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; David B. Knight, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
me nowadays.Nevertheless, there still must be a consideration of the types of issues that BPE volunteers must encounterto assist students, with the above participant acknowledging their own challenges. The understandingfunction that is present here exhibits the multi-layered and complex level of student support needed thatthis participant had to navigate. The above reflection of the participant and their role also extends to thebroader picture of their own marginalization in certain areas of BPE volunteerism. One participant says: ...they do push a lot more of the ones they have in their grasp because the ones that are here are passionate about that and they at times it seems like overextend us. Um, and one, uh, which I, I
Conference Session
Works in Progress in Chemical Engineering Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Carl F. Lund, University at Buffalo
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Education, 2021 Work in Progress: Wrappers vs. ExpertsIntroductionEighty-one students enrolled in a required, third-year reaction engineering course were thesubjects for this investigation. The author was the instructor for that course and had taught itmore than twenty-five times before this offering. During that span, four substantial pedagogicalchanges occurred. After those changes the effect of completing homework upon an averagestudent’s course score improved by a factor of 2.5 [1].One of those pedagogical changes incorporated homework wrappers into assigned homeworkproblems. Briefly, the homework wrappers asked the students to reflect upon their approach tosolving the problem and their execution of the solution and then