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Displaying results 6301 - 6330 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
FPD 3: Research on First-year Programs and Students, Part I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Derek T. Reamon, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
servicelearning pedagogy has significant positive effects on students’ academic performance (GPA,writing skills, critical thinking skills), leadership skills, and increased commitment to continuedcivic participation7. 68% of students engaged in the Engineering Projects in Community Service(EPICS) projects from Purdue University reported that participation in service learningpositively impacted their determination to continue in engineering8.The premise is that engineering design can function as a motivator for learning foundationalskills that are necessary precursors to higher level engineering skills9. Therefore, the use ofdevelopmentally-appropriate engineering curricula that builds on current cognitive researchbecomes an attractive instructional
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
main point of these standards is that the evaluation of students’ performance will based on samples of work in three categories of students: those in the upper 75 percentile, those in the 50 – 75 percentile and those below the 50 percentile populations. Thus the assessment results compiled are based on course performances and grades, exams, projects, presentations of students, and writings as required in some courses. Furthermore, each course specifically addresses the learning outcomes and relation between the course and the Program outcomes, the methods used for the evaluation of students’ performance and the relevance of the course materials to the Program outcomes following the standards
Conference Session
Structure and Form in Architectural Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Powell Draper, Manhattan College; Edward Segal, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger; Robert Sicurelli, Princeton University
Tagged Divisions
Perform a parts count and determine the After completing this task the student will be cost for materials able to write simple formulas in Microsoft Excel.5 Construct a physical model that is not only After completing this task the student will be for display, but also for teaching and able to describe the process of building a learning physical model and the reasons underlying decisions.The tasks listed in Table 1 form the steps in the student’s design process.Design ProcessTask 1: Complete introductory tutorials for three dimensional computer-aided design (CAD)Creating
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Lowery, West Virginia University; Steve Kane, West Virginia University; Vicki Kane, West Virginia University; Robin Hensel, West Virginia University; Gary Ganser, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
asexperimentally (the part done in and for the engineering class). The students, working in smallgroups, must create a solution as well as write a technical report and present the problem andtheir solution to the class.Approximately 130 students participated in these joint math-engineering projects. Theirperformance, primarily in calculus, was measured and compared to historical performance dataas well as to calculus classes without the joint projects. Preliminary data suggests that theseprojects result in improved grades in calculus. Additionally, the student enthusiasm for thesehands on projects has increased as well.* Acknowledgement and Disclaimer:This material is based upon work supported by the NASA WV Space Grant Consortium, NASA Training Grant
Conference Session
Computational Tools and Simulation II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Stanley, Kettering University; Timothy Cameron, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
of control in the advancement of the software package.6) The cost and time of development is relatively low because all images may be Page 15.1348.2 duplicated directly from the textbook.7) Although web based interactive animation software has been developed in the recent past by creating Java Applets or by writing computer programs in Adobe Flash ActionScript.8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, no comprehensive and interactive web-based animation software for educators has been developed on a mass scale (probably due to cost16,17,18).A new feature has been added to the animation software; the user can now performparametric studies of chosen
Conference Session
e-Learning Course Development and Instruction
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marie-Pierre Huguet, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Tom Haley, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Yaron Danon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
completed experiment when later trying to write a lab report based on their fuzzyrecollections of the experimental details. Instructors can also direct students to use theseinteraction tools to facilitate peer review and/or assessment of the measureable products.Blended formatThe course material was designed to be delivered both locally and to remote classes. In this Page 15.638.7project, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute collaborated with the United States Military Academy atWest Point (USMA), which recently received ABET accreditation for their nuclear engineeringprogram. The USMA does not have local access to a critical facility or a linear
Conference Session
Leadership and Strategic Planning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Fry, Baylor University; Gregory Leman, Baylor University; William Jordan, Baylor University; Brian Garner, Baylor University; Brian Thomas, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
team effort tothe extent that assistance is needed. Two awards were made in 2009 and 2010.The opportunity to apply for this $5,000 summer stipend is available to ECS faculty membersonly. Proposals must focus initially on those ECS courses that are required in one of the ABET-accredited degree plans.Applicants are required to write a 1- to 2-page narrative that provides the following information: 1. Description of the courses they are currently teaching, as well as their ideas for how to integrate entrepreneurship within the course or courses they plan to target. 2. Identify the learning enhancements that they will aim to accomplish through this effort, and the numbers of students who will benefit. 3. Description of the
Conference Session
International Forum Poster Session & Welcome Reception: Sponsored by Quanser and Cypress Semiconductors
2012 ASEE International Forum
Christina Kay White, University of Texas, Austin; Joules Webb, Transformation 2013 Texas STEM Center
Tagged Topics
ASEE International Forum
knowledge and skills derived from standards  Focuses on helping students acquire deep understanding of the ‗big idea‘ or ‗foundational skill‘ critical to their future learning  Students integrate knowledge and skills from two or more of the STEM subject areas, at least one of which must be the ‗T‘ or ‗E‘ in STEM Connections to Non-STEM Disciplines  Connects STEM knowledge and skills with non-STEM disciplines  Includes instructional support for quality performance in non-STEM Discipline (ex: Teaching/assessing quality technical writing) Page 17.27.8
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Nicolas Couto Giffoni dos Santos, SIUC Leadership Development Program; Bruce DeRuntz, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Rhonda K Kowalchuk, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Tagged Topics
Diversity, International Forum
3 4 In order to develop leadership skills, technical skills and other essential soft skills requestedby industry, the program requires that the students attend a team building week during the summer,go to weekly workouts, develop and join leadership workshops, read leadership books, write bookreports, practice giving presentations, participate in a summer internship, take extra classesimportant to an engineering curriculum and maintain a 3.0 GPA. The results of all those activitiesare recorded and analyzed using a powerful tool called the Hoshin Kanri X-Matrix for strategicplanning to evaluate the success of the program and to teach
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andy S. Zhang, New York City College of Technology; Iem Heng, New York City College of Technology; Sidi Berri, New York City College of Technology; Farrukh Zia, New York City College of Technology
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
of product designprocesses and provide them with much needed hands-on experience.A hands-on cognitive apprenticeship-type training approach will be used to effectively deliverthe training material. In conventional schooling, the “practice” of problem solving, readingcomprehension and writing is not at all obvious and the thinking processes are often invisible toboth students and teachers. It is very difficult to understand the logic of programming; howeverpeople in general understand better when they see a program that makes a motor turn and asensor to react. This cognitive apprenticeship training makes the process of thinking visible21-22.Six courses in the three programs will be modified: MECH 2335 – Advanced Dynamics andKinematics, MECH
Conference Session
Outreach Projects: Promoting Energy Efficiency and Education in General
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
:  We expanded on the instructors’ self-evaluation such that more direct assessment of students’ learning outcomes is obtained. A set of standards for instructor’s self- evaluation will be prepared by the faculty and the Board of Advisors and will be implemented with the annual assessment cycle. The main point of these standards is that the evaluation of students’ performance will based on samples of work in three categories of students: those in the upper 75 percentile, those in the 50 – 75 percentile and those below the 50 percentile populations. Thus the assessment results compiled are based on course performances and grades, exams, projects, presentations of students, and writings as required
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation of K-12 Engineering Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tao Hong, Purdue University; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy, K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
of work 0.499. My motivation for teaching science is to promote an enjoyment of learning 0.5210. I believe DET should be integrated into the K-12 curriculum 0.5311. I am interested in learning more about DET though workshops 0.6812. I am interested in learning more about DET through college courses 0.3413. In a science curriculum, it is important to include the use of engineering in developing 0.48 new technologies14. I am interested to learning more about DET through peer training 0.5415. My motivation for teaching science is to help students develop an
Conference Session
Developing Systems Engineering Curriculum, Part I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Guerra, NASA Headquarters; Wallace T. Fowler, University of Texas, Austin; Martin James Brennan, University of Texas, Austin, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
twice per week basis. Thecourse modules developed for the SSED course are Introduction, Teamwork, Project Life Cycle,Scope and Concept of Operations, System Architecture, System Hierarchy and Work BreakdownStructure, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Requirements–Basics, Requirements–Writing,Requirements-Configuration and CM, Functional Analysis, System Synthesis, Design,Interfaces, Margins, Technical Performance Measures, Cost, Risk, Technology, Trade Studies,Reliability, Verification, Technical Reviews, Schedule, Management, and Ethics. All modulesare available to the students on the course website and remain available to them in the capstonedesign course.Space Systems Laboratory (SSL) The SSL is a one semester-credit-hour laboratory course
Conference Session
Best of the NEE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Swartz P.E., University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. R.C. Wilson, J.G. Gaff, E.R. Dienst, L. Wood, and J.L. Barry, College Professors and Their Impact upon Students. New York: Wiley, 1975. 4. R.M. Felder, D.R. Woods, J.E. Stice, and A. Rugarcia, “The Future of Engineering Education: Teaching Methods That Work.” Chemical Engineering Education 34(1), 26-39 (2000). 5. R.M. Felder and L.K. Silverman, “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education.” Engineering Education, 78(7), 674-681 (1988). 6. N.E. Gronlund, How to Write and Use Instructional Objectives, 6th Ed. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2000. 7. J.M. Haile, “Toward Technical Understanding.” (i) “Part 1. Brain Structure and Function.” Chem. Engr. Education, 31(3), 152
Conference Session
Project-based and Cooperative Learning in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Adams, University of Kentucky; Jens Hannemann, University of Kentucky; Lawrence Holloway, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
assemble their speakers and AM receivers. The only restrictionwas that they could not use components of an existing speaker or receiver (and eachgroup was given a diode). The student projects within this module were graded via peerevaluations. Each group received a peer evaluation of its speaker and receivercombination, with the each evaluation scoring both the functional quality and thecreativity of each artifact.Embedded computingThe second module introduced students to embedded computing using the Arduino15(UNO) microcontroller. Within this module, students were given a brief introduction tothe general area of embedded computing, followed by several well-defined tasks toperform using the Arudiuno controller. These introductory tasks were
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuan Liao, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
data types, control flow statements, fileoperations, and modules are covered 10. Common Python programming interfaces used to callPSS/E functions are elucidated. Using Python programming to automate power system studies(load case, modify case, impose disturbances, run simulations, clear disturbances, runsimulations, write results to a file, etc.) is illustrated. PSS/E provides a comprehensive set ofprogramming interfaces between Python environment and PSS/E functions. Selected sets ofessential functions for case preparation, power flow, fault analysis, stability analysis, and resultsretrieval are covered, such as psspy.fnsl, fdns, natono, case, seqd, scmu, scinit, scdone, abusreal,busdat, scbus2, scbrn2, etc 3. The PSS/E Application Program
Conference Session
K-12 Teachers: PD, Implementation, and Beyond
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Dringenberg, Purdue University; Ruth E. H. Wertz, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Johannes Strobel, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
) Engineering content a) Students identified the role of clients/users b) Students identified criteria/constraints c) Students modeled their solution(s) prior to creating their final prototype d) Students identified connections between engineering and society e) Students utilized peer and teacher feedback to make decisions about redesign f) students utilized data acquired through testing when making decision about redesign3) Gender differences a) Were girls more, equally, or less actively engaged (answer for each stage of the engineering design process) b
Conference Session
Innovations in Promoting Technological Literacy I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Simona Dana Dimitriu, Pat Neff Middle School - Northside Independent School District (NISD); Thomas Gadsden Jr., Our Lady of the Lake University
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
AM to Noon. (See Course Outline)STUDENT PRESENTATIONSEach student must choose two subjects from different chapters from the book “How Things Work” and present them in a PowerPoint format to the class at the appropriate time. The presentations will be graded for content and style by the professor and peers on anonymous ballots. The eligible subjects must be selected from the following chapters: 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. In case there are not enough subjects, the second presentation may be presented by teams of two students.SHOEBOX SCIENCE PROJECTSEach student is required to develop one shoebox science project based on a specific TEK Physics problem from their particular grade level. The shoebox projects will be presented
Conference Session
FPD VII: Research on First-year Programs Part II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Bazylak, University of Toronto; Susan McCahan, University of Toronto; Peter Eliot Weiss, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
to the course in 2010. He is co- author, with Robert Irish, of Engineering Communication: From Principles to Practice (Oxford Canada, 2008), and is also on the writing team for a new design/communication textbook for first-year engineering students. Page 25.507.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Effects of lecture capture on a large first year engineering courseIntroductionOur first year engineering classrooms are undergoing many obvious changes, such as increasingclass sizes, growing international student body, greater diversity in student background, and
Conference Session
Hands-on Laboratory and Design Experiences in Environmental Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandeep Sathyamoorthy, Tufts University; Linda Jarvin, Paris College of Art; Michael Hollis, U.S. Air Force Academy; John Anthony Christ, U.S. Air Force Academy; C. Andrew Ramsburg, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
well established student-centered approach which promotesapplication-based learning, enhances problem solving skills and fosters peer learning. This paperdescribes implementation of a PBL lab within a junior-level course on environmentalengineering processes. The PBL exercise was an open-ended, two-hour lab, where student teamsdesigned, built and tested a prototype water treatment system to achieve stated water qualitycriteria (UV transmittance and turbidity). Each team was given a scope of work that outlined theproblem, objectives, design criteria, available materials, constraints, effluent quality testingprotocol (using a synthetic influent) and evaluation criteria. Students were given no priorinformation about the lab, and the PBL lab was
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose del Carmen Chin Vera; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla
Tagged Divisions
States. UDLAP’s School of Engineering offers since 1970a bachelor (licenciatura) program in food engineering, with the following goal: “To educate wellinformed, critical, creative and innovative professionals that are highly skilled in food science,engineering, and technology, but above all, aware of their great social responsibility to ensure afair distribution of the benefits of globalization”. Our Food Engineering program is approvedinternationally by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and accredited by the Consejo deAcreditación de la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería (CACEI), which is the peer-accrediting agency ofABET in Mexico.Course descriptionsThe studied courses, Food Analysis and Laboratory of Food Analysis are a junior level 3
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Education in Engineering Technology
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Huiru Shih P.E., Jackson State University; Gordon W. Skelton, Jackson State University; Pao-Chiang Yuan, Jackson State University; Jessica Buck Ph.D., Jackson State University; Britney M. Williams, Jackson State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
emergency management and disaster assistance. He has authored numerous papers and presentations focusing on the use of decision support systems for risk assessment, threat analysis, and emergency management. During his tenure at JSU, Skelton has mentored more than 70 students at his research center, focusing on problem solving, software development, and GIS utiliza- tion. Skelton’s primary areas of interest are STEM education, risk assessment, decision support, and cyber security.Dr. Pao-Chiang Yuan, Jackson State University Pao-Chiang Yuan received his Ph.D in civil engineering (environmental/water resources engineering) from Oklahoma State University. Yuan serves as Peer Reviewer for state, private grant programs, and
Conference Session
International Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, Implementations, and Pedagogical Challenges in Engineering Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute, Austria; Arthur Walter Edwards, University of Colima
Tagged Divisions
related to the integration oflearning and work. 5Data from Australian and Portuguese surveys show that engineers tend to spend the majority oftheir working week (around 60%) engaged in activities which involve interaction with others(meetings, supervision, writing reports, etc.) and only around 40% is devoted to technicalengineering activity. • There are also new organizational aspects in engineering education6:On the one hand, engineering issues, either in industrial products or in engineering projects, arequickly becoming increasingly complicated and most of these issues cross disciplinary lines.On the other hand, the working environment is becoming more and more internationalized dueto the globalization of the world economy. Products are
Conference Session
Leadership, Design, and Entrepreneurship
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia M. Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Jameel Ahmed, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; James H. Hanson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Samuel N. Peffers, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Shannon M. Sexton, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, and sciencestudents at a variety of institutions. Both reviews yielded important information that contributedto the final model for the Rose-Hulman Leadership Advancement Program.Engineering educators have acknowledged the challenge of providing leadership developmentopportunities for students, given the crowded curriculum of most engineering programs and thelack of leadership expertise among engineering faculty. Cox, Cekic, and Adams, writing in a Page 25.1343.3special Leadership issue of the Journal of STEM Education, conducted a research study withengineering faculty at a Midwestern university; the purpose of the study was to
Conference Session
Research Projects, Course Development, and Industry Issues
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Bodenhamer, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ivan G. Guardiola, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Steven Michael Corns; Cihan H. Dagli, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
deliverables outlined in Table 2. Page 25.1382.4Table 1: Systems Engineering 368 Student TasksTopic Students Tasks and DeliverablesTopic Students Tasks and DeliverablesRequirements / Technical  Extract top level requirements from statement of need and stakeholder Performance Measures interviews.  Write succinct, quality requirements that in addition to functional needs address regulatory, health & safety, and non-functional needs.  Perform requirement analysis  Manage
Conference Session
Program and Curriculum Design Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
100 80 points for leader week and Mandatory Week/ 15 for other weeks 20 points for othersCase Studies (2) 200 100 points each -Group Project 200 -Simulation Game 200Total 1000 1000Table 1: Changes in Assessment of Learning from Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 1. Assignments:In Fall 2012, the students worked on 2 qualitative assignments each worth 40points. The students had to write 2 pages-reports on a topic provided for eachassignment. In Fall 2013, a major revision was made to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Garret Nicodemus, University of Colorado, Boulder; John L. Falconer, University of Colorado Boulder; Will Medlin, University of Colorado, Boulder; Katherine Page McDanel, Dept Chemical & Biological Engineering University of Colorado Boulder; Janet L. de Grazia, University of Colorado, Boulder; James K. Ferri, Lafayette College; Christopher R. Anderson, Lafayette College; Michael Senra, Lafayette College
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
and how fast they receive information. They can pause, rewind, take notes, and replay a screencast so they manage the pace, as opposed to a classroom where instructors cannot go at a pace that is ideal for everyone.  are short and focus on one topic so they hold students’ attention. They do not feature the instructor and they do not contain extraneous material, both of which can hinder learning.  allow instructors to use class time for active learning (e.g., ConcepTests, clicker questions, peer instruction, group exercises), since information delivery is outside of the classroom.  minimize cognitive overload by presenting diagrams and verbal explanations simultaneously, which enhances learning [11
Conference Session
Energy Conservation and Conversions for Green Buildings
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
cycle. The main point of these standards is that the evaluation of students’ performance will based on samples of work in three categories of students: those in the upper 75 percentile, those in the 50 – 75 percentile and those below the 50 percentile populations. Thus the assessment results compiled are based on course performances and grades, exams, projects, presentations of students, and writings as required in some courses. Furthermore, each course specifically addresses the learning outcomes and relation between the course and the Program outcomes, the methods used for the evaluation of students’ performance and the relevance of the course materials to the Program outcomes following the
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tim Dallas P.E., Texas Tech University; Tanja Karp, Texas Tech University; Brian Steven Nutter; Yu-Chun Donald Lie, Texas Tech University; Richard O. Gale, Texas Tech University; Ron Cox; Stephen B. Bayne, Texas Tech University
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
. He has consulted for several IC design companies and an international research institute, also for one of the best business trial law firms in the world. Dr. Lie has co-founded the NoiseFigure Research Inc. with his student Dr. Lopez since 2009, focusing on state-of-the-art RF-SoC technologies and the company has won several Phase I c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Paper ID #9363 and Phase II STTR/SBIR awards and other contracts. Dr. Lie has authored/coauthored over 150 peer- reviewed technical papers and book chapters and holds six U.S. patents. Dr. Lie’s group has published
Conference Session
FPD 9: First-Year Projects
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindsay Corneal, Grand Valley State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
group. They had to also identify thetypes of engineers and non-engineers that are needed to address the challenge and explain howthe various people would need to be involved. Page 24.1314.3The second assignment was to prepare an annotated bibliography. Rather than simply asking thestudents to find a number of sources that were relevant to their topic, they were also asked toreview the sources and write a brief summary of the information presented in the sources. Thisencouraged them to consider the relevancy of the information and then to describe theinformation in their own words by preparing the summary. This assignment was due by thefourth