Paper ID #6811A Reflective Writing Assignment to Engage Students in Critical ThinkingDr. Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Page 23.96.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 A Reflective Writing Assignment to Engage Students in Critical Thinking Our department has adopted the following Program Education Objectives, which we refer toas “the Five C’s”. Within three to five years after graduation our graduates will have demonstratedCompetency in the discipline of chemical engineering; our
Paper ID #6820A Team-effectiveness Inventory for Guided Reflection and FeedbackMs. Patricia Kristine Sheridan, University of Toronto Patricia Kristine Sheridan is a PhD Candidate with the Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering at the University of Toronto. She holds a BASc and MASc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto. She is a member of the teaching team and a course developer for the Praxis cornerstone design courses.Miss Lobna El Gammal , Institute For Leadership Education in Engineering at the University of Toronto Lobna El Gammal is currently completing her third year of chemical
Session 2330 Reflective Journals: An Assessment of a Vertically Integrated Design Team Project Francis S. Broadway Department of Curricular and Instructional Studies Edward A. Evans, H. Michael Cheung, Helen K. Qammar Department of Chemical Engineering Rex D. Ramsier Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering The University of Akron Akron, Ohio 44325Abstract: The use of affective/associative reflective journals and skill
instructorin the classroom. These types of misconceptions may impede student learning just as topicalmisconceptions do. In this research, we redefine the role of student and instructor, as well as howstudents can reflect on their progress in learning. They are informed of the need for their shiftingof self image from dependent passive learner in the classroom to an independent, well-spoken,reflective learner. In doing so, learning, attitude, and student retention can be improved.Overall, daily reflections provide formative feedback to the instructor and allow reflection onteaching and pedagogy. Students can self regulate, or monitor their learning. Students can reflecton their role in class see they are active participants in their learning. We report
AC 2010-1296: "BRIEF ENCOUNTER:" A REFLECTION ON WILLIAMSPROPOSALS FOR THE ENGINEERING CURRICULUMJohn Heywood, Trinity College Dublin Professorial Fellow Emeritius of Trinity COllege Dublin (Ireland. Formerly Professor of Education and Chair Department of Teacher Education.Has published over 50 papers on topics related to engineering and technological education and several books. His book "Engineering Education; Research and Development in Curriculum and Instruction" received the best reseach publication award of division i (professional) of the American Educational Research Association in 2005. previously he has been awarded a premium of the Education, Science and Technology division of the
Reflections on Fifteen Years of Service-Learning Projects in Thailand Richard Vaz Worcester Polytechnic Institute.I. IntroductionWorcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) provides international experiences for over 50% of itsengineering students, more than any other US-based university. As part of its internationalofferings, WPI has since 1989 been sending mixed teams of engineering, science, andmanagement students to Bangkok to complete 8-week interdisciplinary projects. These projectsconnect science or technology to social issues and human need, and have been sponsored by Thainonprofit organizations, government agencies
Session Number 1793 Reflections of Evaluating Web-based Courses: A Case Study Deepthi (Dee) Werapitiya, Jennifer Drez, Jerald L. Rounds University of New MexicoAbstractThis paper explores the methods and process of evaluating two web-based courses, which formpart of the Construction Advancement Institute (CAI) Certificate program for the constructionindustry. The CAI program was designed to enable practicing construction professionals to takethe core construction courses offered at the University of New Mexico through a professionaldevelopment track, rather than an academic track. A companion paper entitled TakingConstruction
Paper ID #10737Critical Thinking, Reflective Practice, and Adaptive Expertise in EngineeringNathan Hicks, University of Florida Current graduate student in materials science and engineering at the University of Florida. Spent three years teaching high school math and science before returning to graduate school for an advanced degree.Amy Elizabeth Bumbaco, University of FloridaDr. Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida Elliot P. Douglas is Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Dean’s Fellow for Engi- neering Education, and Distinguished Teaching Scholar at the University of Florida. He conducts research
Session 3613 Imbedding Assessment and Achievement of Course Learning Objectives with Periodic Reflection Franklin G. King and Shamsuddin Ilias North Carolina A&T State UniversityAbstractBy now, all engineering programs in the U.S. have a set of program outcomes (POs) that havebeen designed to meet the latest ABET requirements A critical issue related to implementing andsustaining the current ABET criteria is how to effectively use valuable faculty time to get theassessment data needed to evaluate a program and to make improvements in a program. In
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Undergraduate Engineers Engaging and Reflecting in a Professional Practice Simulation Funded by a grant from the NSF Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI)program (DUE-0919347), we have developed Nephrotex, a virtual simulation of authenticengineering practice designed to increase the persistence of engineering undergraduates inpursuit of degree attainment. In this simulation game, students take on the role of an intern in afictitious company and design new ultrafiltration membranes for kidney dialysis machines. Nephrotex supplies first-year engineering undergraduates with a more complete and accurateunderstanding of the
. He has also served as an Adjunct Professor at Purdue, Mississippi State, and North Carolina A&T. He received his B.S. from West Point in 1966 and his Ph.D. from Purdue in 1975. He is a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute, and a senior ABET Program Evaluator. Page 25.313.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Civil Engineering Program Evaluator Reflections: The Most Recent Lessons LearnedAbstractFor the 2011-2012 ABET accreditation cycle, a number of changes
AC 2012-3668: REFLECTIONS ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OFSTUDENTS AND PROFESSORS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGDr. Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University Brian P. Self obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in engineering mechanics from Virginia Tech and his Ph.D. in bioengineering from the University of Utah. He worked in the Air Force Research Laboratories before teaching at the U.S. Air Force Academy for seven years. Self has taught in the Mechanical En- gineering Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, since 2006. During the 2011-2012 academic year, he participated in a professor exchange, teaching at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. His engineering education interests include collaborating
using the results to make changes and continuously improve theprogram. Most engineering programs have now been through two cycles of accreditation underthe new system. There have been some growing pains, adjustments, and changes to theaccreditation process since it was initially implemented.This paper is in direct response to the session proposed by the CE Division of ASEE on thereflections of ABET over the past ten years from the perspective of program directors, programevaluators and members of the ASCE Committee on Curricula and Accreditation. This paperoffers the perspectives and reflections from a full professor who has directed two differentprograms (Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering) at two different locations
Paper ID #42491Applied Ethics via Encouraging Intuitive Reflection and Deliberate DiscourseLucas J. Wiese, Purdue University Lucas Wiese is a PhD student in Computer and Information Technology at Purdue University. He studies AI ethics education and workforce development and works in the Research on Computing in Engineering and Technology Education lab (ROCkETEd) and the Governance and Responsible AI Lab (GRAIL).Dr. Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University Alejandra J. Magana, Ph.D., is the W.C. Furnas Professor in Enterprise Excellence in the Department of Computer and Information Technology and Professor of Engineering
Paper ID #41998Engineering Doctoral Students’ Expectations, Reflections, and Concerns RegardingFuture in AcademiaOmar Jose Garcia, University of Oklahoma Omar Garcia is an undergraduate Aerospace Engineering student at The University of OklahomaDr. Javeed Kittur, University of Oklahoma Dr. Kittur is an Assistant Professor in the Gallogly College of Engineering at The University of Oklahoma. He completed his Ph.D. in Engineering Education Systems and Design program from Arizona State University, 2022. He received a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a Master’s in Power Systems from India in 2011
Paper ID #43179Effectiveness of Inclusive, Reflective Teaching Practices on Problem SolvingProficiencyDr. Casey Jane Ankeny, Northwestern University Casey J. Ankeny, PhD is an Associate Professor of Instruction and Director of MS Program at Northwestern University.Prof. David P O’Neill, Northwestern University David O’Neill is an Associate Professor of Instruction and the Michael Jaharis Director of Experiential Learning for the Biomedical Engineering Department at Northwestern University. David read Engineering Science at University College, Oxford, receiving his M.Eng. and D.Phil. before undertaking a post-doc in the
Paper ID #42554Use of Sentiment Analysis to Assess Student Reflections in StaticsDr. Amie Baisley, University of Florida I am an Instructional Assistant Professor at the University of Florida teaching primarily 2nd year mechanics courses. My teaching and research interests are alternative pedagogies, mastery-based learning and assessment, student persistence in their first two years, and faculty development.Chiranjeevi Singh Marutla, University of Florida ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Use of Sentiment Analysis to Assess Student Reflections in StaticsIn a flipped
AC 2011-1047: WORK-IN-PROGRESS: COLLABORATIVE AND REFLEC-TIVE LEARNING IN ENGINEERING PROGRAMSNeelam Soundarajan, Ohio State University Dr. Soundarajan is a faculty member in the Computer Sc. & Eng. Dept. at Ohio State. His interests include topics in Software Engineering and Engineering Education. Page 22.1700.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Work-in-Progress: Collaborative and Reflective Learning in Engineering ProgramsAbstractThe importance of well developed team-working skills as well as reflective or metacognitive skillsamong engineering
theirtwo-semester capstone design course. As a follow-up, six students, each representing a differentproject team, were interviewed about their experiences in the transfer activities and theirthoughts about transfer in general. The authors independently analyzed the transfer map, writtenassignments, and interview transcriptions to identify patterns and themes related to transfer.Results from the activity deliverables and interviews suggest that the transfer activities providean effective student experience to promote reflection about transfer, document a list of students'main perceived takeaways from their capstone experiences, and, as such, offer data to capstonefaculty to improve capstone education. Next steps include implementing a modified
AC 2011-550: REFLECTIVE JOURNALING ON A SYSTEMS APPROACHTO VEHICLE DESIGNJanet Braun, Western Washington University Page 22.1231.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Reflective Journaling on a Systems Approach to Vehicle DesignAbstractSoft skills, such as the ability to function effectively on teams, to communicate effectively, toengage in lifelong learning, and to understand professional, ethical and social responsibilities, arerequired outcomes for ABET accredited Engineering Technology Programs. Input from industryadvisory councils and feedback from employed alumni agree that these skills are crucial
AC 2011-1521: COMPARISON OF INSTRUCTOR PERCEPTIONS ANDSTUDENT REFLECTIONS ON MODEL ELICITING ACTIVITIESNora Siewiorek, University of Pittsburgh Nora Siewiorek is a graduate student in the Administrative and Policy Studies department in the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh where she also received her MS in Information Science. Her research interests include: engineering education and educational assessment and evaluation. Her K-12 outreach activities are organizing a local science fair and a hands on workshop in nanotechnology. Her other research interests are: higher education administration, comparative and international education.Larry J. Shuman, University of Pittsburgh Larry J. Shuman is
Session 3661 Collaborative Teaching: Reflections on a Cross-Disciplinary Experience in Engineering Education Mark A. Shields University of VirginiaIntroductionMost of us know a lot more about cooperative learning than about collaborative teaching. We arealso far more sympathetic to the former than the latter. The principled virtues and practicalbenefits of having our students work together in teams seem altogether less attractive when weenvision ourselves joined in (chained to?) a common teaching enterprise. While collaborativelearning seems to offer an
Session 2513 Reflections on Outcomes Assessment and the ABET Accreditation Process Ronald L. Miller Colorado School of MinesSummaryBecause of new accreditation guidelines included in Engineering Criteria 2000 (EC 2000) many ofus in engineering education are in the midst of a transformation in the way we define a qualityeducational experience for our students. Traditionally, we have focused on measuring the qualityof educational inputs (e.g. student quality, student/faculty ratio, number of books in the library,amount of
Paper ID #7531Promoting Metacognition through Reflection Exercises in a Thermodynam-ics CourseProf. Mariajose Castellanos, University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyDr. Joshua A Enszer, University of Maryland Baltimore County Dr. Joshua Enszer is a full-time lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Maryland at Bal- timore County. He has taught core and elective courses across the curriculum, from introduction to en- gineering science and material and energy balances to process control and modeling of chemical and environmental systems. His research interests include technology and learning in various incarnations
Paper ID #7784The Reflective Engineering Advisor: A Paradigm for Learning-Centered Stu-dent AdvisingDr. Emily L. Allen, San Jose State University Dr. Emily Allen is Associate Dean of the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering at San Jose State University. Her portfolio includes undergraduate programs and accreditation, student success programs, personnel and infrastructure, and K-14 outreach. She has been on the faculty at SJSU since earning her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 1992.Mr. Francisco Castillo, College of Engineering, San Jose State University Mr. Francisco Castillo has a
in engineering andcomputer science courses. Written solutions document students’ thought processes, but theremay be other thinking and reasoning that the instructor cannot observe from a solution alone.The pedagogical technique reported in this paper is the use of video reflections of solutions toexam problems. Students created one short video explanation of their solution to a randomlyassigned exam problem for each exam. The educational objectives for the video included: 1)encourage reflection and meta-cognition about the creation and testing of a solution, 2) practiceoral communication of technical process.From 2021 to 2023, students in three different computer science courses took exams and createdvideo recordings of their solutions. The
British Columbia, where he serves as the program advisor for the Manufacturing Engineering undergraduate program. Casey’s research interests include multi-campus instruction and the development of open educational resources.Abbas Hosseini, University of British Columbia, Vancouver ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflections on Multi-campus Teaching in a New Manufacturing Engineering ProgramAbstractIn 2019, the University of British Columbia (UBC) initiated a new multi-campus manufacturingengineering program involving two campuses situated over 450 km apart. Each institution isresponsible for managing its own curriculum and specialization within manufacturing
at ATA Engineering where he worked as a structural analysis engineer for nine years. During this time, he both took and taught multiple professional courses and realized how many technically brilliant instructors struggled to convey information in a way that could be readily absorbed by the students. Now in his eighth year in academia Michael is researching how various teaching methods and study habits affect the absorption and long-term retention of class material in the hopes of best preparing students for their future as engineers. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Reflections on Integrating MATLAB Grader Across a Mechanical
Paper ID #43944Community College Support for Engineering Students: Reflective JournalingAnalysisDr. Cory Brozina, Youngstown State University Dr. Cory Brozina is an associate professor and the Director of First-Year Engineering at Youngstown State University. He completed his B.S. and M.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech, and his PhD is in Engineering Education, also from Virginia Tech. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Community college support for engineering students: Reflective journaling analysisIntroductionThis research