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Displaying results 1681 - 1710 of 21114 in total
Conference Session
Improving Teaching & Learning
2004 Annual Conference
R Wqne Schneiter
presented to the students at the beginning of lecture segments. Thistypically occurs about four times during a semester. The students see the questions before the material iscovered in class and know exactly what will be expected of them as the lecture material is presented.Compared to traditional testing, the module problem allows students access to unlimited resources andample time. Both of these are needed because module problems are written to reflect actual engineeringapplications in an open-ended format. Questions may have several correct solutions, depending onassumptions made by the student and validated by their documentation and justification of thoseassumptions. The module problem questions are complex enough to require group work to
Conference Session
Trends in Energy Conversion/Conservation
2004 Annual Conference
Khaled Mansy
methods ignores the impact ofsome fundamental variables that affect the performance of daylighting systems. The variablesignored include location, orientation, different sky conditions, location of openings (windows),ground reflection, and special designs like the incorporation of external reflectors (light-shelves)that reflect light deep into interior spaces. Although there are many computer programs that mayassist in the design of daylighting systems, these programs are seldom used by building designersbecause of the significant time and effort spent to build 3D models in a digital environment.Besides, these programs require expertise that is normally hard to find and/or expensive to hire.Neither the simplified design methods nor computer
Conference Session
Student Learning and Research
2003 Annual Conference
Paul Lin; Harold Broberg
styles used by the majority of your students.For instance, are your students primarily Active or Reflective, Sensing or Intuitive,Visual or Verbal, Sequential or Global learners? If you are not familiar with thisterminology, you can test your own learning style at the North Carolina State web site2.The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI ®) purports to determine a person’s personalitytype among sixteen possibilities. This instrument has also been heavily used and reportedin the literature in relation to teaching methods for engineering students. Literature andexperience are used to formulate differences in personality types between engineeringand engineering technology students. Suggestions are made with respect to teachingmethods that should be
2001 Annual Conference
Thomas Rich; James Baish
andTechnology. Here the students have a shared living and learning experience with like-minded students. Designing People focuses less on the artifacts of design and more onthe people who do design and how society is affected by technological decisions madeduring the design process.In both courses, students learn by doing. Since design is primarily an action or process,and less so a subject for passive reflection, we frequently engage students in studio-style,creative projects. By involving students in design projects, they learn the challenges andjoys of design first hand. Our goal is to have the students appreciate that technology isnot a mysterious force over which nobody has any control, but rather can be the productof their own minds and hands. We
2001 Annual Conference
Ranil Wickramasinghe; William Timpson
Session 3213 Mid-semester feedback enhances student learning Ranil Wickramasinghe, William M. Timpson Colorado State UniversityAbstractSoliciting mid-semester student feedback encourages a more responsible attitude by thestudents as they reflect upon the course. Making use of a third party facilitator to obtain thisfeedback results in constructive suggestions by the students. Implementation of some of thesesuggestions, will often result in an improved learning environment. A junior-level fluidmechanics course was modified over a two-year period. These modifications together
1999 Annual Conference
Rosemarie M. Evans; Madison Daily; Susan L. Murray
“Feeling” Active Experimentation Reflective Observation “Doing” “Watching” Convergers Assimilators Abstract Conceptualization “Thinking” Page 4.520.3 Figure 1: Kolb Learning Styles (Kolb 1976)More recently, Felder and Silverman developed another learning styles assessment tool, namedthe Index of Learning Styles (ILS). In contrast to Kolb’s LSI which was
1999 Annual Conference
Paul Waters; Jim Greer; James P. Solti
successful in theclassroom?”. Unfortunately, “success” is (at least initially) hardly ever defined as obtaining theprescribed end-of-course objectives. Rather, the focus is on what the instructor must do (beenthusiastic, knowledgeable, interactive) to ensure that the students succeed. Clearly, suchefforts are helpful and should be encouraged. Page 4.276.3However, do such efforts ensure that the desired outcomes will be reached, or can we do more toprovide a greater opportunity for success? The proposed model provides each instructor with anopportunity to reflect (along with his/her peers) on this very question. The model itself does notprovide
1998 Annual Conference
Salim A. Elwazani
contrasting but complementaryattributes. Lecture, representing the classic classroom type of activity, generates thelighting knowledge background necessary for interacting with design exercises. Lecturesinvolve a narrative mode of delivery and employ examinations as one measure of studentattainment. Design synthesis, representing a typical laboratory type of activity, developsthe skills and abilities for producing lighting design solutions. Synthesis exhibitsprescriptive and creative modes of work and expresses its outcome in such means asdrawings and reports. Case studies emphasize analyzing and researching building lightingsystems, both in the field and in the laboratory environment. Case studies exhibitexploratory, reflective modes of work and
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maurice F. Aburdene, Bucknell University; Kundan Nepal, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
results in written and oral reports.The satellite communications project provides excellent applications of important concepts ofsignals: time shift, amplitude scaling, delay, echoes, and fading. We introduced students to asatellite communication system where a signal is transmitted from a ground transmitter, receivedby the satellite after some delay, and reflected back to the ground receiver. Students analyzed thesignal received by the ground station as the sum of the signal sent from the station and the signalreflected back from the satellite. This interesting project helped students to review sinusoidalsignals, phasors, power, and to understand the effect of delays, echoes and fading. In addition,the students simulated the system using
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Johnson, Central Washington University; Arthur D. Morken, Central Washington University
Tagged Divisions
development of a program related task and guide students to higher levels of learning onBlooms Taxonomy through the development of student created learning aids.One specific need was reflected in the disparate skills of our majority component of ‘transfer’students in our programs. Through informal observations the authors realized students simplydid not have familiarity with the equipment at our facility (as opposed to their previousexperiences elsewhere). In this study, the authors target one simple skill relevant to resistancewelding that could be used as an introduction to metallurgy concepts (welding band saw blades).This student project was used not only to provide students with a practical skill for theirapplications toolbox but additionally as
1998 Annual Conference
Neal F. Jackson; James L. Barrott
wouldn’t be GHWHUPLQH DQ DSSUR[LPDWH ORFDWLRQ" precise enough for a determination. But there was a way to answer the challenge: send a pulse of current down the cable, and measure the time required to see the “reflection” of the pulse come back to the source after it encountered the broken end of the cable. The concept is called Time- 3147 48(67,216 7UDQVPLVVLRQ/LQH 6XSSRVH WKH YHORFLW\ IDFWRU RI WKH
Conference Session
Women in Engineering: A Potpourri
2002 Annual Conference
Peg Boyle Single; Naomi Chesler; Borjana Mikic
providing peer-mentoring for untenured women faculty members, an Outward Bound-based Leadership Skillsand Community-Building Workshop was held in August 2001. Participants included 14untenured women faculty in engineering (including two of the organizers/authors), apsychologist (the third organizer/author), and one invited senior woman faculty member inengineering. Based on post-workshop participant reflections, significant positive impact onparticipants’ informational, psychosocial and instrumental well-being was achieved. Allattendees noted that the inclusion of a senior woman engineering faculty member greatlyenhanced the value of the workshop. The peer-mentoring network that resulted from theLeadership Skills and Community-Building Workshop is
Conference Session
To Design and Conduct Experiments
2002 Annual Conference
Joseph Owino; Ronald Goulet
the likelihood that learning objectives aremet. Toward that end, applicable classroom approaches and course characteristics wereidentified. (The authors currently use some of the following approaches and characteristics):§ Problem based learning: the classroom process that uses “real world” problems to motivate students to identify and apply concepts, principles and information 4,6§ Experiential learning: learners act and think, not just think, to integrate concrete experience, reflection, generalization (abstract conceptualizations), and experimentations 7.§ Cooperative team-based learning activities with team and individual deliverables 4,8§ Self-directed constructive learning with peer teaching and faculty coaching in the delivery of
Conference Session
Building New Communities
2005 Annual Conference
Yifat Kolikant; Bugrahan Yalvac; Ann McKenna
--learning by attempting to solve anopen-ended realistic problem--is effective. So one joint objective of each team was to find a goodchallenge problem.“…students have a difficult time understanding all the different parameters and boundaryconditions that go with each of these models [of light propagation]. So what we had was alearning problem. Students have a hard time learning which models to use and understandingeach of the models and we needed a different approach to teaching this and learning it. So whatdid we do? Well, we gave the students a design problem actually. We asked them to come upwith a method of measuring the oxygen content inside somebody’s head.” [quote from faculty 1]The LS helped by posing reflective questions such as ‘what do
Conference Session
K-12 Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Suzanne Soled; Laura Koehl; Nicholas Harth
my Interest Did this program affect your interest in engineering in any 71% 5% 18% way? Definitely Sort of Not Sure No Did this program make you feel more confident about 48% 24% 28% 0% your ability to learn math and science? In addition, students were asked two open ended questions about what they likedmost and least about the lesson and its related activities. Their comments reflected thatthey enjoyed the hands-on activities such as using the shake table and building their ownstructures. Students described the
Conference Session
Curriculum: Ideas/Concepts in Engineering Education
2005 Annual Conference
Randy Isaacson; Peter Goodmann
doing a good job of teaching, andmay unnecessarily drop the course or drop out of school. While the instructor may be partly at Page 10.1482.1 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2005, American Society for Engineering Educationfault, the student’s performance can usually be improved through better preparation andimproved metacognitive knowledge monitoring.Metacognitive knowledge monitoring is the skill of reflecting on one’s learning to judge yourlevel of mastery. Research on metacognitive knowledge monitoring has demonstrated
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Andrew Thomas Conley, Michigan Technological University; Robert O. Warrington Jr., Michigan Technological University
Tagged Topics
International Forum
eye ailments, checking blood pressure and heart rythyms, administring first aid, and offering medical advice. 2,3The teams of students visiting since 2008 have noted the hospitality of the Ghanaian people andtheir willingness to accept them into their homes and villages. Many students reflected on themutual respect that they shared with those they encountered; as the 2014 team described theirexperience, they said “we also owe a lot of our success and happiness to our new friends we metalong the way in Ghana… [They] helped transform Ghana [for us] from a place to do someprojects into a second home.” 4 This team undoubtedly experienced the importance ofinterpersonal relationships and their strength in accomplishing the teams
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Ronald J Hugo, University of Calgary; Bob Brennan P.Eng., University of Calgary; Jian Zhang; Xiaodong Niu, Shantou University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, International Forum
. Integrated class experience refers to an at-home effort that includes activities that range from education in the language, customs, history, and government of the country in question. (Downey et al.2)This paper describes the evolution of an international collaboration between the University ofCalgary (UCalgary) in Alberta, Canada and Shantou University (STU) in Guangdong Province,China. The collaboration is best described as a hybrid between International enrolment,International project, and International field trip. The paper begins with a history of theprogram. Next is a description of how Transformative Reflection was used to help the programevolve. This section is followed by how the program and workspaces have evolved from year
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session II - Curriculum Development
2013 ASEE International Forum
Claudia María Zea Restrepo P.E., Universidad EAFIT; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Juan Guillermo Lalinde-Pulido, Universidad EAFIT; Alberto Rodriguez P.E., Universidad EAFIT; Natalia Andrea Bueno Pizarro, Universidad EAFIT
Tagged Topics
Curriculum Development
permanentlysupport research and innovation processes. One of the proposed spaces is Thematic Cafes (CafésTemáticos), which is a methodology for knowledge management through knowledgedissemination, collaborative work and socialization experiences. In this way, both spaces notonly enabled permanent collaborative work, but also promoted constant reflection, update andmonitoring of the different educational research, and management of permanent renewal of thecurriculum.Our proposal was also coupled with curricular, educational, methodological and assessmentstrategies, allowing not only to transform classroom practices and academic programs, but alsothe processes of curriculum management, teaching, research and management of an institution.These strategies
Conference Session
Mechatronics in the Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yunfeng Wang, College of New Jersey; Christopher Ault, College of New Jersey; Teresa Marrin Nakra, College of New Jersey; Andrea Salgian, College of New Jersey; Meredith K. Stone, Independent Evaluator
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
authors). Throughout the semester we worked with an independentevaluator to develop and administer student surveys and interviews. Students were asked to keepa reflection journal. The detailed information on course model and implementation are describedin our paper published in the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition11. A few highlightson course structure and enrollments are listed as follows:Course ObjectivesEnrolled students have different backgrounds, concentrations and goals. We establishedindividual course objectives for each major based on their disciplinary background, as well ascommon course objectives for all students.AssignmentsThere are graded individual homework assignments and graded teamwork assignments. Thegraded individual
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia A. Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
model ofmanuscript submission and peer-review in the conduct of scientific inquiry.1 The pedagogicalframework draws from the “writing across the curriculum” (WAC) movement’s premise thatverbal and visual composition are an analog for thinking and that communication assignmentscan be used to mediate student learning in complex problem-solving situations.21.1 CPR Components that Enable Learning -- Four structured workspaces perform in tandemto create a rich series of activities that reflect modern pedagogical strategies for usingcommunication in the learning process. Table A summarizes these stages in a typical CPRsession. Table A: Four Structured Workspaces of CPR SEGMENT ACTIVITY
Conference Session
Undergraduate Recruitment
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra Woods, Colorado State University; Kathleen Baumgardner, Colorado State University; Lahoma Jayne Howard, Colorado State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
Persistence 90.2% 86.7% 66.9% 69.1%6-Year Graduation Rate 75.7% 67.7% 47.1% 42.6%The COE’s recruitment program was developed to more appropriately reflect the attitudes andgoals of a more diverse student body. It was designed to increase options for personalizedcommunications with prospective students by adding social media, student ambassadors, andproviding increased access to faculty, staff, and current students. Print- and web-based mediawere completely revised to reflect a broader range of student perspectives. We created a newliving/learning community for engineering students and we created
Conference Session
Mechanical Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather E Dillon, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
formulated with several objectives: • Encourage students to reflect on thermodynamic concepts and link them to more concrete applications. • Enable students to communicate thermodynamic concepts using media or methods they felt comfortable with. • Connect more directly with students in a large lecture environment. • Foster a collaborative learning environment in the classrooms as students engaged with other student projects.The specific project described was also intended to address needed pedagogical elements in theclass. Felder et al. has identified several types of learning styles including visual, verbal, sensing,intuitive, global, sequential, and more.10 Felder recommends that engineering instructors focus noton specific
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Division Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amadin Osagiede, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Benjamin Ahn, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
areas and organized to provide students with understanding andexperience applying engineering leadership principles, practices, and tools in a multiculturalcontext. Students are required to complete seven credit hours of core courses and nine credithours consisting of one experiential course and other elective courses of their choosing (SeeAppendix A).Core classes (Student Leadership Development, Planning for Leadership Development,Portfolio: Experiential Engineering Leadership and Reflection on Engineering Leadership)within the minor will be offered in-house and allow students to work closely with faculty andstaff, in the College of Engineering, in the development of engineering leadership portfolios(discussed in details below) and reflections
Conference Session
Institutional Perspectives and Boundary Work
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna M Riley, Smith College; Victoria Henry, Smith College; Lucia C Leighton, Smith College
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
researcher-practitioner divide is essential to progress. Page 23.1367.22 Approach2.1 Overall Study DesignOur overall study design was a multiple methods approach consisting of (1) a mostly closed-ended survey of thermodynamics instructors at ABET-accredited engineering programs in theUS; (2) open-ended surveys/reflections of practitioner collaborator-consultants, recruited fromamong survey participants to implement engineering education innovations in theirthermodynamics courses; (3) open-ended surveys/reflections of student participants in courseswhere engineering education innovations were implemented; and (4) qualitative analysis ofstudent work in
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martell Bell, The University of Iowa; Rachel Vitali, The University of Iowa; Jae-eun Russell
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED)
science calculations and design considerations. We hypothesize that theprocess of reflection and iteration inherent to hackathon competitions will strengthen theparticipant groups’ perceived EJ skills. Finally, engineering leadership (EL) skills relate to theleadership style(s) used by individuals to lead groups of engineers to achieve a common goal. Aneffective leader exercises influence at interpersonal, team, and organizational levels, whilesimultaneously building strong relationships. We hypothesize that in the absence of a well-structured project, the need to delegate tasks among team members and develop solutionsquickly will increase the perceived EL abilities of participant groups.To frame this study, we will use the Buck Institute of
2024 South East Section Meeting
Raghu Pucha, Georgia Institute of Technology; Shivani Kundalia, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
activities in freshman engineering design course. Pre-activity surveys and post-activity reflection instruments are currently being developed and willbe presented for the assessment of students’ appreciation for diversity, improved intrinsicmotivation and quality of performance.KeywordsDiverse Teams, Engineering Design, Culture-inspired design activities, intrinsic motivationFreshman students’ well-beingThe first year of college constitutes a time of substantial transition for incoming students. As aresult, a great deal of attention has been paid to improving college students' first-yearexperience(Bowman 2010). Research on the well-being of diverse college students has focusedlargely on adjustment processes that are specific to the college
Nathan K. Mitchell; Aburi Anil Kumar
conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gatheredfrom, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guideto belief and action.8 Questions relating to engineering’s impact on social, political, cultural, andeconomic systems are not often addressed in standard engineering curricula. This paperdemonstrates how various pedagogies in the liberal arts like the “global thinking” routinesdeveloped by Boix Mansilla could be adapted for engineering and science education and couldaddress these deficiencies.7 Liberal Arts are Needed in STEMThere are numerous articles in the popular and academic press that highlight Big Tech’s desire toemploy individuals
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Holistic Program Topics
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Venktesh Pandey, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Maranda McBride, North Carolina A&T State University (CoE); Hyoshin Park
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
and Professional Field Trips Development Leadership team of campus org Objective: Create a Case competitions stackable-units digital Complete LinkedIn and badge program Handshake profiles Research Read and reflect on transportation careers & certifications
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Spencer Szczesny, Pennsylvania State University; Alyssa Salazar; Ann Cameron Casasanta
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
disparities in educational opportunities) [3], [8], [10]–[14], [16], [17], [19],[23]. Following this lecture, the students further engaged with the material outside of class byviewing the movie “Picture a Scientist” and listening to a recording of an episode from ThisAmerican Life entitled “The Problem We All Live With.” These multimedia resources werechosen since they reinforced the topics discussed in the in-class lectures through emotivepersonal examples and provided supporting data on gender and racial barriers in education andscience. The students additionally processed the information presented in the lecture as well asthe multimedia material by submitting a reflection on the content as a course assignment.Approximately midway through the