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Displaying results 2491 - 2520 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudia G Cameratti-Baeza, University of Michigan; Erika A Mosyjowski, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Paper ID #42318Board 318: Instructor Experiences Integrating Facilitated Socially EngagedEngineering Content in their CoursesClaudia G Cameratti-Baeza, University of Michigan At CRLT, Claudia works with the Foundational Course Initiative (FCI) as Pedagogy & Instructional Design Consultant. In this role, she partners with departmental instructional teams and fellow FCI consultants to support the Universityˆa C™s large introductorDr. Erika A Mosyjowski, University of Michigan Erika A. Mosyjowski is the Research and Faculty Engagement Manager in the Center for Socially Engaged Design within University of Michigan College of
Conference Session
Using Computers, Software, and Writing to Improve Mathematical Understanding
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
N. Jean Hodges, Virginia Commonwealth University, Qatar
Tagged Divisions
advancing technology,is increasing the necessity for astute critical thinking skills, yet many students arrive at the universitywith these skills underdeveloped. Such higher-level thinking involves analyzing, evaluating, andcreating (the topmost three levels of thinking in Bloom‟s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain revisedby Anderson in 2001). Several researchers in the late 1990s into the 2000s have shown thatprocessing new information using these thinking skills increases students‟ information retention. Inaddition, thinking critically helps prepare students to become successful global citizens because theycan make the decisions and solve the problems of modern life more astutely, having both theknowledge retained and the thinking skills developed
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Nadia Kellam, Arizona State University; Susannah Davis, University of New Mexico
the National Science Foundation under multiplegrants in EEC 1623105, 1914578, 1915484, 1913128, and 1751369. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Forin, T.R., Sukumaran, B., Farrell, S., Jahan, K., Bruckerhoff, T.F., and Lezotte, S., Revolutionizing engineering diversity. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2018. DOI:10.18260/1-2-- 30035.2. Forin, T.R., Farrell, S., Jahan, K., Hartman, H., Sukumaran, B., Dusseau, R.A., Bauer, S.K., Bruckerhoff, T.F., Zeppilli, D., and Lezotte, S
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Subodh Bhandari, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Amar Raheja; Zekeriya Aliyazicioglu, California State Polytechnic Institute, Pomona; Fang Tang
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
problems. They have learned to design,build, simulate, perform instrumentation and system integration, and/or test the developedmethods and algorithms in a multidisciplinary environment. This has resulted in improvedreadiness for careers that require multidisciplinary knowledge and skills.AcknowledgementThe project is funded by the NSF’s EEC Program. We would also like to thank LockheedMartin and Northrop Grumman Corporations for hosting the participants and giving them a tourof their research labs and facilities. We would also like to thank Northrop GrummanCorporation and Lockheed Martin Corporation for their continued support of the UAV Lab atCal Poly Pomona and its students.References[1] Bhandari, S., Tang, F., Aliyazicioglu, Z., Raheja, A
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Cady, National Academy of Engineering; Proctor Page Reid, National Academy of Engineering
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
well as information for stakeholders to use inefforts to recruit and retain individuals traditionally underrepresented in engineering. The reportalso discusses the future of engineering education in light of these findings.This award was co-funded by the Division of Undergraduate Education in the Directorate forEducation and Human Resources and by the Division of Engineering Education and Centers inthe Directorate for Engineering. References[1] R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, J. Schmidt, B. Brenner, H. Lyons, and D. Treistman. “Relation of contextual supports and barriers to choice behavior in engineering majors: Test of alternative social cognitive models,” Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50
Conference Session
Recruitment & Retention in ET Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raju Dandu, Kansas State University at Salina; John DeLeon, Kansas State University at Salina
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
AC 2008-1419: KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY’S ELITE SCHOLARSHIPPROGRAM:ENHANCING LIVES THROUGH TECHNOLOGY ANDENGINEERINGRaju Dandu, Kansas State University at Salina Raju S. Dandu is the program coordinator and professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Kansas State University at Salina. He teaches courses in CNC Machine Processes, Material Strength and Testing, Advanced CAD/CAM, Industrial Instrumentation and Controls, and Automated Manufacturing Systems II. He is active in offering workforce training in reliability centered maintenance, CE certification, process instrumentation and PLCs. His areas of interest are: Product risk analysis, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Energy Efficient Lighting
Conference Session
Contemporary Instrumentation Poster Session
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mustafa Guvench, University of Southern Maine; Joshua Ward, Fairchild Semiconductor; Robert N. MacKinnon, Yarmouth Water District
Tagged Divisions
analytical modeling of semiconductor devices and sensors, and electronic instrumentation and measurement.Joshua Ward, Fairchild Semiconductor Josh Ward was a senior level Electrical Engineering student at the University of Southern Maine and was working as a Thin Films Process Technician at Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation, S. Portland while working on this project. He will complete his coursework and graduate from U.S.M. with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in May 2008. Upon graduation he expects to be promoted to Process Engineer at Fairchild Semiconductor. Josh’s interests are semiconductor device fabrication, CMOS integrated circuit design and automated testing.Robert N
1996 Annual Conference
Harold L. Broberg
the time thatcan be devoted to this algebra practice. A simple method of partial fraction expansion, to check the studentswork or do the work for them, allows the students to learn more about how mathematical expressionsrepresent the circuits operation. In Matlab, the residue@,D) command provides a partial fraction expansion of a polynomial withnumerator, N, and denominator, D. For instance, consider a simple series RLC circuit with the output takenacross the capacitor. After transformation of this circuit into the Laplace domain and a few calculations,Equation [1] is found to represent the Laplace polynomial of the output of the circuit, where VO(S) is theoutput across the capacitor and VI(S) is the generalized input waveform.A common
Conference Session
ECCD Technical Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maher Shehadi, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
in the rejected heat by a shaded and unshaded condenser isdue to solar flux received by the condenser face area. Thus, to investigate the effects of a shadedcondenser on the COP of the refrigeration cycle, solar flux was skipped for the correlatingequations and compared to the normal case when solar flux is available.The improvement in the COP of the cycle was defined as:𝐼 (1)where the subscripts “s” and “u” stand for shaded and unshaded cases, respectively.To evaluate the COP of each case, equations (2) and (3) were used for shaded and unshadedCOP, respectively.𝐶𝑂𝑃 (2) ,𝐶𝑂𝑃
Conference Session
Potpourri of Engineering Mathematics
2003 Annual Conference
Josue Njock-Libii
; 0S ( x) =   .......................(1)  + 1, 0 < x < π  Nowadays, however, the availability of software that can evaluate and plot functions easily makesit very convenient to show Gibbs Phenomenon in a way that makes it accessible to all students.Indeed, Gottlieb and Shu[1], who have studied Gibbs phenomenon extensively, display an effectiveanimation of this phenomenon on their website. However, in that animation, students observe theresults of a completed process and it is difficult for the novices among them to learn from thedetails that led to the final results they see on the animation. Our experience indicates that, afterstudents have plotted partial sums on their own, such an animation becomes a
Conference Session
Lessons for New Engineering Educators
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hoda Baytiyeh, American University, Beirut; Mohamad K. Naja, The Lebanese University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
besteducational systems in the Middle East where higher education institutions constitute aprosperous source of fresh engineers for the Gulf region and it is regarded as an engineeringeducational center in the Middle East6.Theoretical frameworkThe Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) helps characterizing human behavior as intentional andrational. This model provides a social psychological framework proved to be useful in explainingseveral types of behavior7,8. It suggests that someone‟s Behavioral Intention (BI) depends onAttitude (A) and Subjective Norm (SN). This framework will help predicting the intention forholding a doctoral degree in engineering. The Behavioral Intention (BI) defines the objective toenroll a PhD program in the future. Attitude (A
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen B. Wendell, University of Massachusetts, Boston; Christopher George Wright, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Patricia C. Paugh, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
engineering design, in preparation for a society that increasinglydemands technological literacy of its citizens.AcknowledgementsThis study was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DRL-1316762. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesAhmed, S., Wallace, K. M., & Blessing, L. (2003). Understanding the Differences Between How Novice and Experienced Designers Approach Design Tasks, Research in Engineering Design, 14 (2003) pp 1-11.Atman, C.J., R.S. Adams, S. Mosborg, M.E. Cardella, J. Turns, and J. Saleem (2007). “Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Instructional Practices
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rohini N. Abhyankar, Penn State University, State College; Sarah E. Zappe, Penn State University; Stephanie Cutler, Penn State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
, DC, pp. 1– 77, 2012.[5] National Research Council, “Promising Practices in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education: Summary of Two Workshops,” The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2011. Accessed on 13 June 2016 from[6] T. A. Litzinger and L. R. Lattuca, “Translating Research into Widespread Practice in Engineering Education,” in A. Johri and B. Olds. (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 375–392, 2014.[7] S. Zappe, K. Hochstedt, E. Kisenwether, & A. Shartrand, “Teaching to innovate: Beliefs and perceptions of instructors who teach
Conference Session
Computers in Education 4 - Online and Distributed Learning I
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhou Zhang, New York City College of Technology; Yizhe Chang; Sven Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology
Paper ID #37539Application of Internet of Things in Online Robotics ClassZhou Zhang (Dr.)Yizhe Chang Yizhe Chang is an assistant professor in mechanical engineering.Andy Zhang (Professor) © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Conference: June 26 – 29, 2020 Zhang, Z., Chang, Y., Esche, S. K, Zhang, A., Application of Internet of Things in Online Robotics Class
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (ELOS) Technical Session 1: Laboratories in Mechanics, Thermofluids, Embedded Systems, and Controls
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Luis Guilherme de Souza Munhoz; Wânderson de Oliveira Assis, Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia; Rogério Cassares Pires; Alessandra Dutra Coelho; Fernando de Almeida Martins; Marcello Nitz
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS)
time;connection, enabling them to conduct experiments even ifthey don’t have access to a physical laboratory. • web server, responsible for making system information available (signals from sensors, equipment images, WebLab's have been implemented in several institutions etc.) at interface accessible by the user remotely;since the 90's, presenting solutions for remote operationgenerally using commercially available software or dedicatednetworks [1]-[6]. At the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, several • user interface
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Technical Session 5: Exploring and Re-Examining Ideas in Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alanna Epstein, University of Michigan; Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Purdue University at West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
37 17.45% 55 21.15% Prefer not to answer 27 12.74% 29 11.15% I identify as a person with a disability 23 10.85% 11 4.23% Group(s) not listed above: 21 9.91% 7 2.69% I identify as LGBTQ+ 7 3.30% 8 3.08% Total sample n 212 260Note: Reference sample for check all that apply is the preceding multiple choice question(gender)Group(s) not listed above: Hub Regional Pre-Survey Hub Local Pre-Survey -Black -Jewish -Veteran
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Catherine E. Douglas, University of California, Los Angeles; Scott Brandenberg, University of California, Los Angeles; Anabella Gonzalez
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the 1st generation, low income, urban and rural highschool student populations. As evidenced by their SAT Math achievement scores and high GPA’swhich prompted their admission, these students are smart. However, they received their STEMeducation in low performing urban and rural high schools and were raised in highly challengedunder-resourced neighborhoods. Research shows that these talented students succumb to theintensity of the 1st and 2nd year university math/science courses. The S-STEM BEATS projectbuilds upon prior NSF S-STEM and STEP projects lessons and practices which proved S-STEMscholars will thrive best when embedded and engaged in an academic innovation ecosystem whichallows students to benefit from the support talents and
Conference Session
What's New in Dynamics?
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiang Zhou; Paul Corder, Lamar University; Kendrick Aung, Lamar University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
find the numerical solution directly from the aboveequation and initial conditions. Matlab code using Symbolic Toolbox and the response plot areshown in Figure 2. % Solve the ode and assign the solution to variable 'x' x = dsolve('D2x + 2*Dx + 5*x = 3','Dx(0) = 0','x(0) = 0','t') % Plot the response from 0 to 5 seconds ezplot(x, [0,7]) % Assign labels to axes and a title to the plot xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Response by dsolve') % Plot gridlines grid on % Define axis axis([0 7 0 0.8]); Figure 2 - Matlab code using Symbolic Toolbox and response plotingTwo approaches are introduced to the students to find the solution of an ODE in Simulink. Thefirst one is based on
Conference Session
Innovations in Mechanical Engineering Education Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Miller, Saint Cloud State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
daemon,# identified by the full daemon path listed below. Paste (Ctrl_v) the saved TEST-Code on this I/O Panel,# click Load and then Super-Calculate to recover the solution. You can email a solution in this manner.############################################################################################## Daemon Path: Test>Daemons>Systems>Open>SteadyState>Specific>RefrigCycle>PC-Model; Version: v-8.0bj04##--------------------Start of TEST-Codes----------------------------------------------------------------------------- States { State-1: H2O; Given: { p1= 12.5 MPa; T1= 550 deg-C; Vel1= 0.0 m/s; z1= 0.0 m; mdot1= 24.0 kg/s; }\ State-2: H2O; Given: { p2= 20.0 kPa; s2= "s1
Conference Session
Innovations in the CHE Laboratory
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne Minerick, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
equilibrate between temperature readings.Analysis:The heat diffusion equation for one dimensional, steady state conduction with constantthermal conductivity is as follows: 1 3 1T 5 1 2T 7k 8 = 0 2 2 = 0 1x 4 1 x 6 1xThe general solution is as follows.T(x) = C1 x + C2Boundary conditions are determined from the student’s experiment. The followingexample uses data for a polycarbonate block 1 cm thick. Polycarbonate was chosenbecause its glass transition temperature is about 150oC and therefore it won’t soften ormelt on the mug warmer surface.T(0) = Tw,s 1 T(0) = 122 o C and T(L) = Tp,s 1 T(0.01m) = 88.8 o CThe particular solution is in symbolic and numeric form: T 1TT(x) = p,s w,s x + Tw,s
Conference Session
Use of Technology in Teaching Mathematics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur Snider, University of South Florida; Sami Kadamani, Hillsborough Community College
Tagged Divisions
( x, 0 ) = 0, ( x, Y ) = f y =Y ( x, t ) ∂y ∂yWith Fint erior ( x, y; s ) and Fy =Y ( x; s ) denoting the Laplace transforms of f int erior ( x, y, t ) and f y =Y ( x, t ) , respectively, USFKAD expresses the Laplace-transformed solution asΨ = Ψ1 + Ψ 2Ψ1 = ∑ κ sin κ x x cosh κ x2 + sy A ( s; κ x ) x Page 11.188.7 π 2π 3πwith κx = , , ,... X X X 2A ( s; κ x ) = ∫ 0X dx sin κ x x M
Conference Session
Design in BME
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University; Annmarie Mullen, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
bringing the entrepreneurial mindset to engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 The rise of rapid prototyping in a biomedical engineering design sequenceIntroductionPrototyping has always played an important role in the design process as way to determineconceptual viability and iterate upon an idea. Over the last decade, the decreasing costs,improved accuracy, and wide-spread availability of rapid prototyping (RP) technology haslowered the barriers to early-stage prototyping. At universities, the result has been the rise ofmaker’s spaces, skill-based pop-up classes and rapid design challenges. In this paper, we explorethe history of rapid prototyping throughout the 1990’s and 2000
Conference Session
Course Tools and Practices
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Snyder, Valencia College; Elizabeth A. Cudney, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
, which was verified with this data. Stage 3: In this stage, the orthogonal arrays (OA) and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios are calculated and used to determine the most useful set of predictive variables. Larger S/N ratios are preferred and indicate a possible useful predictive variable. 3 Stage 4: The variables that were identified as significant due to a positive S/N are used to develop a forecasting model. Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Raw Data Completers Range Factor N Mean Median
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade - Experiences Designing Courses and Communities
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aileen Tapia, University of Texas, El Paso; Jose Martinez, University of Texas, El Paso; Peter Golding P.E., University of Texas, El Paso
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
) executive Board Positions are:President, MAES Vice President, SHPE Vice President, Vice-President of Internal Affairs, Vice-President of External Affairs - Corporate, Vice-President of External Affairs - Jr. Chapters,Treasurer, Historian and Webmaster. The Vice-President of External Affairs – Jr. Chaptersoversees the Jr. Chapter Representative Committee, which is composed of the different Jr.Chapter Representatives for every high school having an established Jr. Chapter. Every Jr.Chapter has their own executive board team that work with their respective chapter advisor(s). Agraphical representation of the administrative structure is shown below.As shown in the schematic (Figure 1), the Jr. Chapter Representatives report directly to the Vice
Conference Session
Uses for MATLAB in Mechancial Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Rhudy, Pennsylvania State University - Berks; Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University - Berks
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Effect of Different Masses 12 9 (m/s) 8 (m/s) 10 loop loop 8 7 v v 6
2019 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Sattar Ali; A. Bilal Ozturk; Amanuel Wondimu; Eylem Asmatulu
,and acceptance by consumers. Here, one of the engineering students, also authors of this studyreviewed microfluidics for plant cell studies to address the problems and concerns. Theundergraduate student has used these research activities for his Engineer 2020 requirements.Overall, these studies greatly benefit undergraduate engineering students for their future academicstudies at different institutions.ReferencesAgudelo, C. G., Sanati Nezhad, A., Ghanbari, M., Naghavi, M., Packirisamy, M., & Geitmann, A.(2013). T ip C hip: a modular, MEMS‐based platform for experimentation and phenotyping of tip‐growing cells. The Plant Journal, 73(6), 1057-1068.Bascom, C. S., Wu, S. Z., Nelson, K., Oakey, J., & Bezanilla, M. (2016). Long-term growth
Conference Session
Women Faculty Issues and NSF's ADVANCE program
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Schrader, Boise State University; Janet Callahan; Amy Moll, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
developed that willcontinue to fuel this growth? Science and engineering (S&E) enrollments have remainedrelatively stagnant for the past 20 years. If this trend continues, what will happen to theeconomy? The authors recognize the need to increase overall enrollments in S&E fields, and theopportunity to increase enrollments by attracting and retaining students from underrepresenteddemographic population groups. Women represent over half the nation’s population and nearlyhalf of the undergraduate enrollment, yet are dramatically underrepresented in the technical andacademic community. Increasing participation of underrepresented groups in S&E will not onlyincrease the available technical workforce, but will also interject ideas and
Conference Session
Motivating students to achieve
2003 Annual Conference
Ramesh Gaonkar
Session 3475 Teaching Lessons from Engineering Feedback Model for New Educators Dr. Ramesh Gaonkar Computer & Electrical Engineering Technology SUNY, Onondaga Community College Syracuse, New YorkAbstract:*The Shannon s communication model is often used as a presentation vehicle in a teaching andlearning environment. The model includes an input, an output, and a receiver or a transmitter.In engineering, we view this model as a open loop system. A classroom lecture by itself
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade Inside the Classroom
2003 Annual Conference
Ramesh Gaonkar
Session 3475 Teaching Lessons from Engineering Feedback Model for New Educators Dr. Ramesh Gaonkar Computer & Electrical Engineering Technology SUNY, Onondaga Community College Syracuse, New YorkAbstract:*The Shannon s communication model is often used as a presentation vehicle in a teaching andlearning environment. The model includes an input, an output, and a receiver or a transmitter.In engineering, we view this model as a open loop system. A classroom lecture by itself
Conference Session
Innovations in Solid Mechanics
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ning Fang, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
hierarchical ornetwork form, with labeled nodes (in circles or boxes) denoting concepts, and linking words orphrases specifying the relationships among concepts. Two or more concepts that are connectedby linking words or phrases form a proposition (i.e., a meaningful statement). Figure 1 showsthe structure and characteristics of concept maps 8.Since its development in 1972 by Joseph Novak and his colleagues 7, 8, who sought to follow andunderstand changes in children‟s knowledge of science, concept mapping has been adopted innearly every discipline ranging from STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics),psychology, and medicine to business, economics, accounting, history, and literature by