, universityadministrators and faculty, industry partners, government officials, and other subject matterexperts. This diverse, expert audience gave the participants practice in communicating researchand receiving feedback from decision makers, which are important skills for future careers inSTEM and beyond.6 Evaluation ApproachTwo approaches were used to evaluate the program. First, participants were surveyed at thebeginning and end of the program. These pre- and post-surveys were identical, collecting bothscaled scores and open-ended responses. Second, anonymous qualitative reflections werecollected weekly from the participants to gauge specific areas of strength, challenge, andimprovement.6.1 Pre- and Post-surveysA questionnaire was developed to
act as a barrier to social justice.Natalie Wint is a White engineering academic. During this three-year period, she has begunto question who and what engineering is for, as well as who benefits from (or suffers the costof) engineering decisions. In part, her interests are born out of the frustrations experiencedwhen faced with a lack of support and recognition for work that was considered to falloutside of the engineering discipline. She is thus interested in the way in which the locationof disciplinary boundaries, norms and cultures act to exclude certain groups of people.Natalie is committed to social justice and her research and teaching have coalesced aroundthemes of critical reflection and critical thinking. She is aware of the ways in
engineering. One way that decision-making isemphasized in K8 classrooms is through teachers’ discourse, through their choice to emphasizecertain practices like data-based design decisions [2] or request scientific reasoning andjustifications for design decisions [3]. This framing by teachers can be taken up by students intheir decision-making discourse, leading to complex and productive decision-making.Wendell, Wright, and Paugh put forward the Reflective Decision-Making (RDM) framework in2017, drawing on a qualitative study of urban elementary school students. The authors includeevidence to support six elements of RDM: articulating multiple solutions, evaluating pros andcons, intentionally selecting a solution, retelling the performance of a
, as reflected in The Engineer of 2020: Visions for a New Century (2004); 2. the liberal education/engineering and society (LEES) community as reflected in Liberal Education in Twenty-First Century Engineering (2004); and 3. the technical communication community (as reflected in “Technical Communication Instruction in Engineering Schools: A Survey of Top-Ranked U.S. and Canadian Programs,” (Reave, 2004).Taken together, these groups and publications articulate what can reasonably be called acollective vision of the principles that should guide the design of engineering communicationprograms: • treating communication as part of engineering work rather than something that happens after the work is
limitations of individual statistics, many different quantitative metricswere used together to assemble insights into the student participation and engagement.Specifically, student engagement was determined using two combinations of metrics. First,the number of views were considered in unison with the average view duration. The lessonsthat had a higher number of views with a higher view duration were indicative of betterquality material. Higher quality camps were reflected in lessons with more steady viewership(more consistent number of views) with a slightly higher number of views expected for thefirst lesson since the directions for how to flash the program onto the board were given inthe first lesson. Next, the audience retention rate was
State University and its impact on student motivation and success.In Spring 2021, each of these two courses was gamified by making regular course assignmentsand project Main Quests, offering optional tasks as Side Quests/LogicCoin Challenges forstudents to complete in order to earn rewards in the form of tokens (Gold or Coins), and settingup an Item Shop that students could purchase various items from using their tokens to gain smallmotivational benefits. The optional tasks were designed to provide students (and their peers) withopportunities to gain a better understanding of the course material, practice applying the courseconcepts more, and reflect on their learning and mistakes from quizzes/exams. The item shopprovides the students with
prefers to hire students with hands-on and lab experience from universities andinternships [28]. Moreover, the A&D industry employs engineering graduates from multipleengineering majors. It offers a wide variety of positions due to the growth of jobs, insufficientgraduates of aerospace engineering programs, and the changes in the supply chain [28-30].The A&D industry recruits electrical, mechanical, manufacturing, and computer-relatedengineers, even more than recruiting graduates with explicit aerospace engineering degrees[30]. Therefore, organizations in the A&D industry reflect the features that manyorganizations may have across different engineering disciplines.Thus, the similarities and differences between proactive actions taken
reflection designed to achieve desired learning outcomes.”[1] With such adefinition of SL in view, it is not difficult to see how DE is one way that engineering education atmany levels might be called service-learning if the activities in which students or professionals areengaged have some educational emphasis.We recently conducted a surface level examination of service-learning for an engineering seniordesign class involving the design of a neighborhood for those seeking to leave a life ofhomelessness[2]. That study, while useful, left unanswered questions which became the genesisof the current study concerning not just service but compassion in engineering. Compassion is oftdefined as the awareness of the suffering or distress of others combined
engineering education. • They enable each PST to experience the same discussion that focuses on the same engineering challenge with the same students, albeit using their own approach. • The complexity of the discussion experience is reduced in multiple ways including in that the students do not misbehave (e.g., receive texts, talk back). • PSTs interact with student avatars who can see them and respond to them in real time. • They enable PSTs to Zoom into the SETE session and complete the discussion within 7 to 25 minutes, depending on the particular SETE. • PSTs receive a video record of their discussion on which they can reflect; a transcript can be generated for further reflection.Each of the three SETEs
CollaborationAuthors’ Note: This work was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation(1926139). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.2 Abstract This study examines the way participants of knowledge-intensive, interdisciplinary,project-based work in academic settings described the kinds of expertise that were valued bytheir groups. We found tensions in these descriptions, which suggest that an understanding of thekinds and value of expertise in these settings may benefit from broadening. We found that theselabs served as spaces for members to
, Social Sciences, and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. Whileeach paper focused primarily on the experiences of undergraduate military students, five articlesalso studied populations that contained non-military affiliated participants [29], or participantswhose family members had served in the military [11].We found that the literature on U.S. military students is largely consistent in both participantdemographics (able-bodied White male) and research methods (qualitative), with importantdistinctions in theoretical frameworks. These findings likely reflect the predominance of a singleresearch study within this body of literature.Participant DemographicsRace, Ethnicity, Gender, AbilityAll studies except six (16/22
underlying concepts inSTEM and CS. Below, the standards and specific learning outcomes are listed: 1. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture (a) Include unique perspectives of others and reflect on one’s own perspectives when designing and developing computational products (b) Address the needs of diverse end users during the design and process to produce artifacts with broad accessibility and usability (c) Employ self- and peer-advocacy to address bias in interactions, product design, and development 2. Collaborating Around Computing (a) Cultivate working relationships with individuals possessing diverse perspectives, skills, and personalities (b) Create team norms, expectations
socially distant times. This paper discusses the details of this program’s offering in the summer of 2020 and 2021,which sought to 1) solve the issue of accessibility and feasibility of a hands-on STEM programduring the pandemic and 2) study the self-reflective attitudinal shift in school courses, STEMpreparedness, and college career choices. While the students’ attitude can be hard to quantify andinterpret, through the post-camp survey, we seek to answer the question of their preparedness andproficiency in engineering design, electronics circuit, and computer programming in the context ofrobot design. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, we present a summary of the STEMimperative and its relation to educational robotics
], describes design problems as being typically ill-structured, complex, dynamic, context dependent, and domain specific. In addition to describingdifferences in problem variations and representations, Jonassen [5] describes the “individualdifferences” that a problem-solver brings to bear on a problem. These include knowledge –domain-specific knowledge, structural knowledge (how different knowledge domains integratetogether), procedural knowledge (know-how), and conceptual knowledge – as well as othercognitive skills/traits like general problem-solving strategies, cognitive controls (likemetacognition, and reflection-in-action [6]), self-confidence, motivation, and personalepistemology. Design problems therefore present an opportunity for meaningful
signals show thebasic level of skin conductance in the human body whereas phasic signals show the changes inskin conductance due to external stimuli like noises, sound, and lighting [38]. The phasic signalalso reflects changes in emotional intensity like high arousal [38].In literature, a few studies have used biometric data to analyze the programmers’ emotions. Girardiet al., used EEG, EDA, BVP, and HR to identify emotions experienced by the developers and theevents that trigger those emotions [39]. They found that although developers experience a widerange of emotions during programming tasks, emotions related to negative valence and higharousal were most common. These emotions were triggered by unexpected code behavior, missingdocumentation
., 2015). Additionally, Lee, Hsu, and Chang (2019) indicated that generally male educatorsperceived increased confidence as opposed to female educators. Prior research by Bong (1999)has also indicated that women are generally less confident in terms of engineering andtechnology-related areas compared with males, and women may also underestimate their abilitiesand interest in STEM due to gender stereotypes and societal ideologies that males may be morecapable in such fields than females, which could result in females reporting lower self-efficacy(Lee et al., 2019). This is thus a reflection that there are indeed gender differences in teachers’efficacy related to engineering. This hence reflects that male teachers portrayed higher self-efficacy
,missives like “Engineers are creative problem solvers” and “Engineers design the future” areoffered as effective messaging [3]. Similarly, the Grand Challenges [4] enumerated 14 grandchallenges for engineering from clean water to personalized learning, giving a list of engineeringproblems worth solving collectively.Research MethodsThrough qualitative, semi-structured interviews that ask students to reflect on “critical incidents”[5] in their decisions to get involved in engineering and experiences along the way, we will doemergent thematic analysis of students’ responses to find patterns of commonality acrossindividual experiences. Participants are also asked to bring with them photos that depict whatthey think is cool [6, 7].ParticipantsWe
survey wasa seven-question instrument with six 5-point Likert scale questions and one open-endedqualitative question. For each of the Likert questions, the participants were asked to reflect oneach question and provide their answers describing their experience before and after thelaboratory activity. The retrospective survey method was adopted to observe the effect of a short-term activity like the laboratory exercise and help mitigate the survey burden of having to answertwo surveys in a short period. The instrument and survey data are presented in this paper. Apaired difference statistical test is performed on the quantitative survey responses, and ahistogram-generated word cloud of the qualitative responses is shown. The results show a
alsoestablishes related capabilities, required skills and expected duties for each role. Moreover, itoutlines the educational modules, named knowledge units related to each role. It can beenobserved in the NICE framework as well as in the related expected capabilities and skillsets, thatexperienced students not only would be more competitive, but would also be able to successfullyperform.Experiential learning is a learning process that combines reflection and review about theexperience; abstracting and conceptualization of the experience; and ultimately engaging inactive experimentation of what has been learned [4]. There has been multiple efforts focusing onthe development of several experiential learning elements to enrich and support
components tothe microprocessor board with four-wire connectors that came with the kit, without any need forsoldering. In keeping with the notion of a spirally bound curriculum students had to use andreinforce their knowledge of computer programming, digital logic, basic circuits, and engineeringmechanics that they acquired in courses in freshman and sophomore years to execute the Arduinorelated component of the project. For brevity only a couple of examples of Arduino projectsdeveloped by the students are provided below (Figures 2 and 3): Figure 2 : Monitoring and Alarm System with 4 Sensor Inputs, Buzzer & LED outputs, and LCD Display Figure 3 : Rudimentary Reflective Spectrophotometer using red, blue, green LED and light sensorIn
engineering faculty in particular. Our goal is to showcase possibility. Throughcollaborative storytelling, our research goal sought to illuminate the contexts that compel us torethink engineering culture and the hope that was generated in our experiences.3. Collaborative Autoethnography toward Critical InquiryEach of our own (accumulated) lived experiences can be recorded, reflected upon, made sense ofthrough analysis, and found to speak toward truths that resonate across broader social andcultural phenomena. The analysis of these experiences is not readily quantifiable, yet they can beinspected for their implications toward shared realities via qualitative methodologies.Autoethnography is a qualitative methodology that draws from a researcher’s
course or program and requiresstudents to reflect upon their learning.” Gage has developed a common language at YorkUniversity (Gage, 2018) and a toolkit for experiential education and learning in whichexternships are characterized as a work-focused experiential education strategy. CarletonUniversity has adapted and expanded the York framework and created a mapping to Kolb’stheoretical model of experiential learning. Kolb’s model posits that humans are naturally capableof learning, and that experience plays a critical role in knowledge construction and acquisition.In other words, learning occurs when someone creates knowledge through experientialtransformations (A. Y. Kolb et al., 2005; D. A. Kolb, 1984). The work at Carleton furtheremphasizes
College Prep Course materials provided in the Google Drive at any time after the two day course? Y/N – 46/54. • Reflecting on the past seven weeks of college, what should have been covered in greater depth in the College Prep Course? Free Response. 69 of 75 responded. • Are there other observations that you would like to share with the analysis team regarding the Engineering Academy College Prep Course? This can relate to content, depth, timeframe, focus, direction, venue, environment, etc. (This is a free response question at the end of the survey.) 35 of 75 responded.Likert scale questions are following, using the scale below: o Strongly Agree (1) o Somewhat Agree (2) o Undecided (3) o Somewhat
]. Additionally, engineeringidentity, an integral part of continuing in continuing onto professional engineering [28], [30], is often cultivated throughout universitydue to students interacting with other social spheres of engineers, including their peers (team members) and mentors (PMs) [28], [30].We conducted a pre and post survey for the semester-long course and conducted detailed interviews with a select group of students.Our data suggest that friendship has a positive influence on engineering identity, and that the extent to which the PMs actively directedand involved the first-year students in the progress of their projects reflected how the mentees perceived their overall effectiveness,ability, kindness, and approachability. However, the PMs did
prerequisitecoursework and (ii) integrate potentially disparate topics with applications in biomedicalengineering. The primary learning outcomes for the course reflect our desire to bring togetherinformation and analysis techniques from disparate fields and synthesize them in application tobiomedical problems: 1. Apply compartmental analysis to model mass, momentum, charge, and energy in transport biomedical systems 2. Use fundamental time- and frequency-domain circuit analysis techniques to understand the behavior of biomedical systems 3. Analyze biomedical signals using time- and frequency-domain methods 4. Use principles of computer programming to model and analyze biomedical signals and systemsThese objectives also
(public, bilingual, part of the initial learning of the topic. The grade was based on completeness, not on Hispanic-serving research correctness. Some discussion occurred in class before all students had completed the university) assignment, meaning that some students’ scores reflect their diligence in class, rather than their direct approach to the question. Whatcom Community College ConcepTests deployed primarily in two modalities throughout the course. CTs 4550, 4756, (small community college) and 4497 were three of dozens of CTs used regularly during peer instruction in class. CT 5134 was one of a series assigned for weekly homework
about AMDS principles, learners will complete a module onfixed/growth mindset, which describes what mindset is and asks the learners to reflect on theirexperiences and when they may have felt they had a growth or a fixed mindset.Beyond the goals of module development around AMDS, this grant also includes an engineeringeducation research component. Specifically, the engineering education research project aims to 2look at the relationship between different demographic and psychological characteristics of thelearner and how these are impacted by the educational context. Figure 1 displays the relationshipsthat are of interest to the overarching study. In addition, the five research questions being
-centered sequence making up the core of the BS in SE at ASU. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by www.slayte.com Software Engineering and Security: Lessons Learned Creating a New Course in Security from a Software Engineering PerspectiveAbstractSecurity is a rising concern for organizations hiring undergraduates out of college in computingdisciplines. This is reflected in the emerging prominence of cybersecurity related courses,certificates, and degree programs, and reflected in the most recent curricular standards guidelines.Perspectives on security recognize it as both a system discipline, meaning the inclusion ofhardware
]. Engineering identity –an individual’s sense ofbelonging to engineers and engineering – may be one factor that can help explain whytraditionally underserved students persist and remain in engineering graduate education.Discrimination in Engineering Graduate Education Discrimination is inequitable and differential treatment based on social identities such asgender, race, or sexual identity [8]. Discrimination is when individuals and institutions enact biasand prejudice on the individual and is rooted in systematic oppression. In engineering graduateeducation, discrimination is reflective of discipline culture, institutional policies, andinterpersonal relationships [9, 10]. This discrimination is the result of and results in disparities
. There is a gap between these collective experiences and the messaging shared withprospective students that majoring in engineering is for those that want to be “creative problem-solvers: and “design the future,” such as proffered by the National Academy of Engineering’sChanging the Conversation project [1]. The motivation for this paper and the research into thetopic came from the primary author’s desire to explore this thought process of peer engineeringstudents during their undergraduate coursework.This research explores and examines undergraduate mechanical engineering students’ curriculumat a singular university site and where creativity currently fits. Students are asked to reflect onprevious projects and educational experiences to