percent). Also, Sustainable Design and ConstructionManagement are defined as knowledge areas in CEBOK3 and in accreditation, but those areasare considered specialty areas in practice with separate consulting firms providing these services. Coursework Importance Comparison Very Important: Graduates should complete a full course in thi s subject Important: Subject should be covered in the curricul um Structural Analy sis I - Practitioner Structural Analy sis I - Educator Structural Analy sis II - Practitioner Structural Analy sis II - Educator Structural Analy sis III
Economics, 2020. 226: p. 107617.2. Das, S., Kleinke, D.K., and Pistrui, D. Reimagining engineering education: Does Industry 4.0 need Education 4.0? in Proceedings of ASEE Virtual Annual Conference 2020.3. Illanes, P., et al., Retraining and reskilling workers in the age of automation. McKinsey Global Institute, 2018.4. Manyika, J., et al., What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages. McKinsey Global Institute, 2017.5. Gehrke, L., et al., A discussion of qualifications and skills in the factory of the future: A German and American perspective. VDI/ASME Industry, 2015. 4: p. 1-28.6. Huda, M., et al., Understanding modern learning environment (MLE) in big data era. International Journal of
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, they maybegin to behave differently which might influence their response. Another difficulty was that thedistribution of sample sizes, which were often enormous, did not match up equally across allpopulations, such as 179 men and 41 women. In addition, there is attrition in the sample/attritionbias - participants drop out of the study and those who remain may differ from the original samplesize. Paper ID:33References:[1] A. Kossiakoff, W. N. Sweet, S. J. Seymour, and S. M. Biemer, Systems engineeringprinciples and practice, vol. 83. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.[2] Childs, P. (2012). Management skills for professionals - are they required? A case study on
thecapstone, students work on an interdisciplinary team based on their research interests. Teams areformed with students from at least two disciplines. In spring 2021, we had three teams, and eachteam was comprised of five or six M.S. and/or Ph.D. students.The course format, team teaching strategies, and grading structures encouraged an interdisciplinaryapproach to investigating their research question(s). Students attended faculty-guided lecturesdesigned to provide training in communication, team collaboration, research, and final researchproduct preparation. Course grades were project-based and included individual assignments andteam assignments. Student teams were charged with writing an interdisciplinary conference orjournal article. Teams
proposing a student survey or interview aspart of a comparative case study and will build on the framework established in this paper. Thediscursive response and comments from students will provide some insight into the post-pandemic teaching and learning approaches. There have been several studies investigating thecapability of connecting hardware to a cloud environment to offer an alternative for universitiesrequiring remote access to the hardware. The author hopes to study those platforms to provideadditional support to offer remote laboratories.References[1] Yanik, P. M., & Yan, Y., & Kaul, S., & Ferguson, C. W. (2016, June), Sources of Anxietyamong Engineering Students: Assessment and Mitigation Paper presented at 2016 ASEE
engineering (Order No. 3513078). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1024564252). Retrieved from[14] Geisinger, B. N., & Raman, D. R. (2013). Why they leave: Understanding student attrition from engineering majors. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Publications, 607. Retrieved from[15] Atwood, S. A., & Pretz, J. E. (2016). Creativity as a factor in persistence and academic achievement of engineering undergraduates. Journal of Engineering Education, 105(4), 540-559. doi:10.1002/jee.20130[16] Dasgupta, N., Scircle, M
deliverymode and made suggestions to enable the expansion of remote ETW’s in the future.References[1] Estes, A.C, Welch, R.W., Ressler, S.J., Dennis, N., Considine, C.L., Nilsson, T., O’Neill, R.J., Lenox,T.A. (2010), Ten Years of ExCEEd: making a difference in the profession, The International Journal ofEngineering Education, 26(1), 141-154.[2] Estes, A. C., Ressler, S. J., Saviz, C. M., Barry, B. E., Considine, C. L., Coward, D. Dennis, N. D.,Hamilton, S. R., Hurwitz, D. S., Kunberger, T., Lenox, T. A., Nilsson, T. L., Nolen, L., O'Brien, J. J.,O'Neill, R. J., Saftner, D. A., Salyards, K.,Welch, R. W. (2018, June), Celebrating 20 Years of theExCEEd Teaching Workshop Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt LakeCity
different categories we are interested in. Figure 2 Venn diagram of the number of programs found with the key words "first-gen", "parents', and "engineering" and their intersection.Table 2 below lists all the programs we reviewed and shows the key word/s for which the programappears. As it can be seen from both the Venn diagram and the table, we didn’t find a program in theintersection of all three; first-gen, parent, and engineering.Table 2 Programs reviewed from the Excelencia in Education's Database Key Words Program Name First-Gen Engineering Parent
, M. Raber, and L. K. Fiss, “GPA as a Product, Not a Measure,of Success,” in The Demonstrable Value of Honors Education: New Research Evidence, ed.Andrew Cognard-Black, National Collegiate Honors Council Monograph Series, pp. 115-149,2019.[8] L. A. Meadows, M. Raber, and L. K. Fiss, “Innovation and Inclusion—Applying designthinking and lean startup in the honors context,” Excellence, Innovation and Ingenuity in HonorsEducation, ed. Graeme Harper, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 79-97, 2019.[9] L. K. Fiss, J. Irwin, and Y. (S.) Tan, “S-STEM Student Reflections and IDP Process,” 2021ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition,, 2021.[10] R. Kegan, In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Harvard
-The Creative and Critical "Art" of Making Meaning, 2nd ed., vol. 12, Gewerbestrasse, Switzerland: Springer International , 2009, pp. 213–232. [4] J. Walston, “Improving Kindergartener ’s Initiative to Problem Solve Through Integrated STEM,” Thesis, Theses, Student Research, and Creative Activity: Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2019. [5] J. Margolis and A. Fisher, Unlocking the clubhouse: Women in computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. [6] M. Collain, “’You Don't Have to be a White Male Who Was Learning How to Program Since He Was Five’ Computer Use and Interest from Childhood to a Computing Degree,” Thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 2018. [7] D
Powered by TEACHING EARTH SYSTEMS BEYOND THE CLASSROOM: DEVELOPING A MIXED REALITY (XR) SANDBOX D. Tennakoon1 , A. U. Usmani1 , M. Usman2 , A. Vasileiou1 , S. Latchaev1 , M. Baljko1 , U.T. Khan1 ,M. A. Perras1 , M. Jadidi 1, ∗ 1 Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada,,,,,,,, 2 Department of Information and Computer Science, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi
the midtermgrades and final grades. Self-reported data from the survey proved insignificant. Data collectionwill continue in the coming semesters to verify midterm 1’s ability to accurately predict studentperformance and will be used as a tool to help instructors identify struggling students. Studentswho score below 70% on the midterm will be considered “at-risk” for the remainder of the studyand their performance will be compared with and without the recitation course to determine theeffectiveness of the intervention. In later semesters, supplementary data will be tracked toidentify additional student performance indicators. A similar study found that college GPA,Calculus, and Chemistry grades were found to be most significant predictors for
aim to understand the interdisciplinary design process to understand theeffectiveness of student´s contribution as interdisciplinary work.Allowing professionals and students to cross traditional boundaries to create new solutions canleave variables unexamined due to the amount of information exchanged [12]. Nevertheless, abarrier to interdisciplinarity in education fields and workspaces is lack of communication [9],leading to difficulty of exchanging ideas to develop efficient and useful solutions. Without propercommunication, the proposed traits to create new architectural spaces and engineering solutionscan be lost. Thus, developing communication between professionals and students can prevent thissituation and improve the solutions
Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration Annual Benefit Report:The fiscal year of 2019. Department of Veteran Affairs, 2019. [Online]. Available:[4] A. Barroso, A. “The changing profile of the U.S. military: Smaller in size, more diverse,more women in leadership,” Pew Research Center, 10-Sep-2019. [Online]. Available:[Accessed: 11-Apr-2022].[5] K. Schaeffer, K. “The changing face of America’s veteran population,” Pew Research Center,05-Apr-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Apr-2022].[6] J. H. Lim
to 2 would be lower overall want to use different application (at least some) material costs for the system" types of [A or B]? 3. Both (Correct connection(s) 2 [see above] between activity and application) "If you have to fix every single In what situations 1. Correct observation from 2 joint...complicate[s] the actual would [A. pinned activity (at least some
responsibility and expertise of each member of the team, and the fact that Paulhad been mentoring Deepthi for years, the initial model of the tripartite mentoring relationshipwas conceived in line with Figure 1. Figure 1. Initial model of tripartite mentoring relationshipOur study is unique in that it includes a mentoring triad and the perspective of both the mentorand mentee(s). Most often, mentoring is studied from the perspective of the mentee. Researchincluding the perspective of the mentor as well the mentee is much rarer in the engineeringeducation literature (e.g., Mondisa, 2020). In offering the perspective of all three members of therelationship, we seek to contribute knowledge that could help mentors and mentees in
://[4] L. N. Fleming, K. C. Smith, D. G. Williams, and L. B. Bliss, “Engineering Identity of Black and Hispanic Undergraduates: The Impact of Minority Serving Institutions,” Atlanta, Georgia, Jun. 2013, p. 18. doi:[5] A. Godwin and W. C. Lee, “A Cross-sectional Study of Engineering Identity During Undergraduate Education,” Columbus, Ohio, Jun. 2017, p. 12. doi:[6] H. M. Matusovich, B. E. Barry, K. Meyers, and R. Louis, “A Multi-Institution Comparison of Students’ Development of an Identity as an Engineer,” Vancouver, BC, Jun. 2011, p. 18. doi:[7] S. L. Rodriguez, C. Lu, and
theirchoice in at at-home, hybrid, or in-class setting to better achieve the learning goals ofbiomechanical courses without necessitating the use of a sophisticated motion tracking system.References 1- Todd Schweisinger, Rahul S. Renu, and John R. Wagner, “Student and Faculty Perceptions of COVID-19’s Impact on Engineering Preparedness”, ASEE Southeastern Section Conference, 2021. 2- Peter M. McGinnis, “Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise”, Third Edition, Human Kinetics, 2013. 3- Duane Knudson, “Fundamentals of Biomechanics”, Second Edition, Springer Science, 2007. 4- Alexandria Michelini, Arezoo Eshraghi, and Jan Andrysek, “Two-dimensional video gait analysis: A systematic review of reliability
burden for the student, the student should have the option to decline if they are fine with an 85 the first time and want to focus on their next test” (Craugh, 2017, p. 8).There were other negative evaluations reported. Specifically, Kelley (1999) reported that studentslack the motivation to work until they achieve a high grade on assignments and the lack of feelingcomfortable with a new grading system. Some of the negative comments may be attributed tooverly complicated mastery learning implementations. For example, Bekki et al. (2012) reportednegative comments on student evaluations describing confusion and dissatisfaction with theassessment process. These comments may be connected with Bekki et al.’s (2012) complicatedmastery learning
Paper ID #36722Fast-Forward Program: PSVT:R Test Results and AnalysisLauren Fogg Lauren Fogg is a 2nd-year Ph.D. student in Engineering Education at Louisiana Tech University. She has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her research interests are diversity, gender equity, retention, project-based learning, and cognitive models of problem-solving. She is also serving as the Project Coordinator for an NSF-funded S-STEM program.Allissa Taylor Gros Allissa Gros (she/her) is a second year Computational Analysis and Modeling PhD student at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA. She has a bachelors
, 367–379. Barab, S. (2014). Design-Based Research: A Methodological Toolkit for Engineering Change. In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (2nd ed., pp. 151–170). Cambridge University Press. Boekaerts, M., Pintrich, P. R., & Zeidner, M. (2000). Handbook of Self-Regulation. Elsevier.Bruner, J. (1996). The Culture of Education. Harvard University Press.Gallardo, M., Hernández, L., & Blat, D. (2012). A review of constructivist learning methods with supporting tooling in ict higher education: Defining different types of scaffolding. The Journal of Universal Computer Science, 18(16), 2334–2360.Hilliger, I., Miranda
mentoring better support faculty whose identities tend to lead to isolation in STEM;identities include BIPOC faculty [8, 9], women [10], LGBTQ [11-14], and otherunderrepresented individuals. We briefly review the compelling reasons for peermentoring groups and then describe our adaptation of these to a cross-institutional format. Group mentoring approaches can be advantageous for the mentee(s) and cansimultaneously be efficient. A single mentor is unlikely able to provide a wide range ofneeds, experiences, and perspectives for a mentee. The strengths and weaknesses of onementor may complement the weaknesses and strengths of another mentor [15]. Inaddition, available mentors with the ability to dedicate time on a regular basis can be
F M Scaling exponent for module M with system level modifier F P, P0 Actual and Baseline Premium cost feature P Influence exponent for premium feature P References:[1] H. P. Loh, J. Lyons and C. W. White, "Process Equipment Cost Estimation," NETL, Morgantown, WV, 2002.[2] CHP Partnership, "Catalog of CHP Technologies: Section 3. Combustion Turbines," US EPA, Washington, 2005.[3] J. D. Chase, "Plant Costs vs. Capacity: A New Way To Use Exponents," Chemical Engineering, pp. 113-118, 6 April 1970.[4] M. S. Peters and K. D. Timmerhaus, Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1968. Appendix: Example Subprogram for Cost CalculationProcedure
currentresources within the Legislative Branch regarding science and technology developments that areavailable to Members of Congress and their staff, who rarely have a Science and Technology(S&T) background: “Members of Congress typically do not come from professionalbackgrounds in science and technology. Based on a Congressional Research Service (CRS)review of the membership of the 116th Congress, 17 of the 535 Members had a professionalbackground in a field related to science and technology policy (this does not include physiciansand other medical professionals). These professional backgrounds included 11 engineers, 4venture capitalists, 1 physicist, and 1 chemist. The rest rely on expert advisers such as personaland committee staff and on
students,” 2016.[11] J. Håkansson and H. Montgomery, “Empathy as an interpersonal phenomenon,” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 267–284, 2003.[12] A. Main, E. A. Walle, C. Kho, and J. Halpern, “The interpersonal functions of empathy: A relational perspective,” Emotion Review, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 358–366, 2017.[13] E. A. Segal, “Social Empathy: A Model Built on Empathy, Contextual Understanding, and Social Responsibility That Promotes Social Justice,” Journal of Social Service Research, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 266–277, Apr. 2011, doi: 10.1080/01488376.2011.564040.[14] J. Walther, S. E. Miller, and N. W. Sochacka, “A model of empathy in engineering as a core skill, practice orientation, and
active in engineering education and doing research on metal Additive Manufacturing. • PhD in Physics from Linköping University, Sweden, 1993, • Postdoc at Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal mid 90’s • Excellence in Teaching Scholarship for teaching at Mercer University, Georgia 2004 • Development of educational resources and training academics in using Software for materials-related applications from the office in Cambridge UK since 2013Boel Maria Ekergard (Ass. Prof) © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by Material selection in Electric Vehicle Engineering ProgramsAbstractNo one could have missed the transition towards
, faculty, and non-faculty instructors—are paramount for enacting programmatic change without disrupting student performance. Whileit is still in its early days, the process of piloting the NEET program and its outcomes, includingthe engagement of key stakeholders, is providing glimpses of how we can go about creating ageneralized process for envisioning, designing, and implementing educational innovation in well-established institutions and cultures.References[1] S. Sarma and A. Bagiati, “Current innovations in STEM education and equity needs for the future”, Paper commissioned by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and presented at the Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education Symposium, Nov 13